BUILD FAILURE while installing DL4J - maven

I'm trying tu buld projetct with DL4J .
I did the following steps from ths website :
When I do this command mvn clean install
I get the following error :

It looks like you modified something? Sorry if I'm not quite following what you did, but that error message indicates a missing pom.xml.
The specific steps you follow are:
Clone the repository
git clone
cd in to the directory
cd deeplearning4j-examples/dl4j-examples
Run mvn clean install -DskipTests
mvn clean install -DskipTests
What I think could have happened here is you were in the root of the project. The deeplearning4j examples actually do not have a root pom.xml. We used to, but that took too long for people just getting started.
Of note here as well is another submodule in the project:
This contains the default getting started project.
The dl4j-examples contain samples for different use cases. Please pay attention to that when looking at both.
Hopefully this helps!


Can I split dependency resolution in maven into separate command?

I want to split a mvn install command into 2 separate ones - dependency resolution and build itself, like it can be done in NPM (with npm run ci and npm run webpack separately). The reason to do so is to measure how much time is spend on dependency resolution and how much on build itself.
I have tried to use mvn dependency:go-offline with mvn install -o afterwards. According to docs this is exactly what I need, however it does not work. Plugin dependencies are not downloaded (mentioned in pom file under build/plugins).
Can this goal be achieved somehow?
Indeed, it seems the dependency:go-offline standard goal is not "perfect" as some plugins may still trigger some (re)downloading during the mvn package phase.
(I had noticed this when looking at this SO question about how to optimally rely on Docker's cache.)
To fix this, you can try mvn de.qaware.maven:go-offline-maven-plugin:resolve-dependencies after installing the corresponding plugin mentioned in this SO answer by #user2813807.

Spring change location using mvn clean install

Im a bit confused about this.
Im creating a script that build my project, but I need to specify the location of the application properties while using mvn clean install.
There exists something like mvn clean install -propLocation=/some_path/

Compile ODL controller

I am trying to follow this example but I found one problem. I am trying to compile ODL controller but the files structure have changed compared to the previous versions and I don't know in what path I have to be to compile the controller.
I am following
git clone
Check that the used Yang tools version is >= 0.5.8-SNAPSHOT.
But I have 0.8.0 (downloaded today in the same link).
And then I have to do this to compile the ODL controller:
cd controller/opendaylight/distribution/opendaylight
mvn clean install
But this path doesn exist on the version I have donwloaded.
¿In what directory I have to be to run the mvn clean install?
The ping example wiki is old and outdated. That was back when everything was in the controller project except for yangtools and before ODL was converted to use karaf. So the controller/opendaylight/distribution/opendaylight directory is long gone. So if you want to create and run the ping example, you would create a karaf feature and run the karaf distro in the controller project. You can follow what is done with the toaster sample and its associated wiki which is pretty up-to-date:
just run 'mvn clean install' in the root dir (so, the "controller" dir).
also, to be safe, I'd delete your "repository" directory in your .m2
dir (usually, in ~/.m2/repository).
Finally, make sure your mvn .settings.xml file is correct. here's a
link for that.

idea doesn't build after git reset hard

Help me please.
After I had run command from console in Idea:
git reset --hard HEAD~1
I had problem with dependency in my project.
I can succesfully run next for project from console in Idea:
mvn clean install
but when I'm trying to do Build->Build Project in Idea there is the Error:(3, 1) java: package com.xxxxx.xx.xxxxx does not exist. I tried to execute maven -> reimport whole project and only this module, but it cannot help.

mvn and the make package error

OK. Here's the problem and it's driving me crazy!!!
I followed the instruction online, installed hadoop and when running the text it said snappy local library can't be loaded.
It's said I have to install snappy first and then install hadoop-snappy.
I download snappy-1.0.4 from google code and do the following:
cd ../snappy-1.0.4
sudo make install
Then it's the problem when:
mvn package -Dsnappy.prefix=/usr/local
The post online said by default the snappy should be installed in the /usr/local.
But I got the following error and no matter what I change the path, still get erro:
The goal you specified required a project to execute but there's no POM in the directory. Please verify you invoked the maven from the correct directory.
It's the wrong directory of mvn? Or improper of snappy? And it said lack of pom that should be a .xml that in no where I can find..
Please help!
Alright, so looking at that page, you are in the wrong directory.
The directory you should be in for that step is "hadoop-snappy" which you can see has a pom.xml, you can verify by looking at the github,
So after you follow these steps from the guide you showed me.
Download it(hadoop-snappy) from GitHub
Install libtool, make sure ‘libtoolize’ works
Install Maven 3 if necessary
Change your directory to hadoop-snappy and run the command you were trying before.
