Why are subfolders not being seen by the Git repository? - xcode

I have just created a local repository (using Git) for a project that will contain many subfolders (it is a pedagogical project with Lesson 1...2...3 etc..., each one with a folder within the main directory).
I connected this to the remote repository I created on GitHub.com and hoped that would have been enough to start working, pushing, committing etc... now that I have created the first Xcode project inside the main folder neither Xcode Commit function nor Terminal git commit command is seeing any change.
The symptoms I see are that the remote repository sees "Project name" folder, then "Lesson 1" folder inside it but nothing else inside "Lesson 1", where the Xcode project should be (it actually is there in the Finder).
What may have gone wrong?
What would have been the proper set of actions to create a repository in a directory that would automatically fetch every new file added to it?
Thank you so much!

Git will not automatically track new files you create in the directory tree which contains your local git repo.
When you create new files, you need to inform git that you want them tracked, with the "git add" command.
git add path-to-new-file
If you create new files and do not add them, then when you run the "git status" command the output should contain a section labeled Untracked files, like this:
Untracked files:
(use "git add ..." to include in what will be
It will show the path to the file(s) relative to the top of your git repo, including the filename(s). Pass all of that to the git add command. Then commit, just as you would for changed files.


Github how to push Xcode project without old files and folders?

I finished an Xcode project and pushed it to github from Xcode 'Source Control' Menu. Then I changed the project name CountryBook to Countries. I Built project and ran. Everything was okay. Then I coiped project folder to desktop as a backup. Then pushed project again. Everything has messed up. Some old named folders and files still exist in repo. Then I deleted every directory and file from github repository. Now, backup version of project is working. But when I try to push it to repo, old files are still exist. I deleted 'origin' from 'Remotes' and created a new repo named 'Countries'. I pushed project again but it was same. A mixed version of old files and new files. When I clone the github version of project, of course it is not runnable. What sould I do and how can I push clean version of my project? I don't want to lose project.
This is Countries repo now:
This is my working project folder with correct content:
I would fix it via command line, lets assume you start from scratch:
Step 1 - prepare the working branch:
Clone the project
Navigate to root folder of the project
Checkout the main branch ("main", "master", or whatever it is)
Create a new branch you will be working with
git clone https://github.com/yourorg/yourrepo
cd yourrepo
git checkout main # or master
git checkout -b fixprojectstructure # branch name can be anything
Step 2 - clean project locally
Delete old project, old workspace, ensure the names in Podfile and Podfile.lock are fine
Build the project and ensure it's working
Step 3 - commit your changes:
# assuming you are in the root of the project
git add .
git commit -m "Some explanation"
Step 4 - push your changes:
I usually do it the lazy way: just run git push, which will show you the proper syntax to push remotely, something like
> git push
fatal: The current branch fixprojectstructure has no upstream branch.
To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use
git push --set-upstream origin fixprojectstructure
> git push --set-upstream origin fixprojectstructure
Enumerating objects: ...
remote: Create a pull request for 'fixprojectstructure' on GitHub by visiting:
remote: https://github.com/.../pull/new/fixprojectstructure
Branch 'fixprojectstructure' set up to track remote branch 'fixprojectstructure' from 'origin'.
Step 5 - merge your changes:
Basically just do what the line above is saying:
Navigate to https://github.com/.../pull/new/fixprojectstructure
Create pull request
Merge pull request to main (or whatever the initial branch was)
Note on the side: configure the gitignore file properly for your repo as well. For starters, follow the gitignore template to create a proper gitignore file, and then change it the way you need to.
For instance:
Usually, if you use cocoapods, you do not store .workspace folder and its contents in the repo. Instead it's generated using pod install command on each machine that needs it.
It's also common to exclude Pods directory from storing in the repo, although there are pro / cons arguments both ways.

How to restore a file from another git repo

I have a project uploaded to the server and I deleted one of the project files by mistake, now the project is connected to the git and I want to restore the file that I deleted from the copy of the project on the local, what do I do?
I tried to make "git pull", but I got "Already up to date."
If you have not staged the deletion yet, simply run git restore <filename> and the file will be restored from the index.

Xcode merging issue

I am attempting to merge two branches, but I have four files with a "C" icon at the side of the file name, like the following:
No matter how I click the file, I cannot open it.
Meanwhile, the bottom right "Merge" button is inactive, and I am guessing that the cause for unable to select "Merge" is the icon beside the file name. Can anyone tell me what does that sign mean? And If resolving the problem with the "C" icon is enough to make the "Merge" button active so that I can merge two branches successfully?
After I click on the "C" file, and then click on some other files with A, there is a message says:
The source control operation failed because the file “XXX” could not be found. Make sure a valid file exists in the repository and try again.
I understand that I added some new files that the other branch does not have, so I guess this is the other cause for me not able to merge the two branches? However, I am confused that, if I were to fix the alert and the new file exists in the repository, doesn't it mean that I actually successfully "merge" the two branches, sine the old branch would then contain the new file? Could anyone provide any insight in this?
https://stackoverflow.com/a/20033446 helped me solve this. There was an untracked file causing the issue. The file was there on both tracks but somehow it wouldn't work.
What I did was the following:
Add the problematic file name to the .gitignore in both repos
Close Xcode
cd into main branch
git rm -r --cached .
open the project, change a file and commit.
Exit Xcode to do git add .
Open Xcode and commit again, push
cd into the problematic branch
git rm -r --cached .
open the project, change a file and commit.
Exit Xcode to do git add .
Open Xcode and commit again, now pull
Do a change, commit and push.
Now in your main, pull once again.
Both dirs are now on the same state. Edit your .gitignore file to add the problematic file back in, push from this dir and pull from the other dir.
Now both have the same clean state with the problem file included.

git delete all files form remote branch after updating .gitignore

I recently started working on an open source project called "TFDT : Team Foundation Dev Tools" but I made a mistake to add a std .gitignore and now I want to fix it by adding one from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/gitignore/master/VisualStudio.gitignore
I've already 10 or so commits by now and I've two branches. Is it still possible to get rid of all undesired files from GitHub's both branches that I've now ?
At the same time I also want to make sure that if someone clones my repository, they should be able to build successfully as long as my code builds on my development machine.
Compatibility : VS 2k 8, 10, 12, 13
One solution I have done is to rename the files, check them in, then rename them back to the original file name and check them in again. For example, if you want to gitignore a file called config that is already tracked, add it to .gitignore then:
git mv config config.temp
git commit -am "renaming file for gitignore"
git push origin master
git mv config.temp config
git commit -am "renaming file back to original name"
git push origin master

uploading code to github

I have created a repository named appengine-testers on github. It is a public repository. Though I easily managed to create a repository but I do not know how to store code there. Do I need to upload the code/folder ?
There are multiple options to do that, i'll just briefly tell the simple one.
git clone ssh-path-to-project
It creates .git folder in the project which is used for references.
cd project
copy the entire project code from any location and paste it in this folder.
Add all the untracked files.
git add .
git commit -am <"commit message">
git commit -a
Which automatically takes the changes.Lastly
git push
It pushed the entire code to the repository
One more simple option is do
git init
in the project folder and then change the remote url in the .git folder created inside the project folder
Once you create the repo on github, it'll give you a URL (that looks kinda like git#github.com:yourusername/appengine-testers.git) with push access. From there, you just push from your local repo to that URL.
It's probably easier if you add that URL as a remote. Typically you'd call it 'origin'.
