Oracle Database installation on Ubuntu 18.04 - oracle

I am new to ubuntu and oracle, and I couldn't install oracle 18c on ubuntu! If anyone can help me with a clear solution for a newbie!! Thank you!
enter image description here

Oracle is not designed to run on Ubuntu. There are a few different branches of the Linux family tree, and ubuntu is an entireley different branch than the one oracle was designed for. You will find hacks on the interntet to get it installed, but that's all they are - hacks. And if you do get it installed there is never any assurance that everything will work as it should.
The ususal approach for running oracle on an Ubuntu machine is to install Oracle Virtual Box, using that to create a VM that runs a certified OS, like Oracle Linux. Then install your oracle db on that.
I have a few blog articles on it, here.

There is a hack with docker to use Oracle database on Ubuntu. Simply download/pull the container available at
Then run it as
docker container run -d -p 1521:1521 -e ORACLE_PASSWORD=oracle --name oracle21 gvenzl/oracle-xe
and then connect to it from Ubuntu via some SQL editor e.g., Oracle SQL developer.


Error while installing Oracle 19c on Redhat 8.1

I was trying to install Oracle 19c on my Redhat 8.1 server, but i get the following error when i launch the installation
[INS-08101] Unexpected error while executing the action at state: 'supportedOSCheck'
Is it even supported ? If no, is there any workaround i can do to launch the installation ?
Thank you
I finally found a workaround to the Installation of Oracle 19c on Redhat 8.1. Before installing, i set the following environment variable, then i launch the install.
There are currently no versions of Oracle certified for RHEL8 or OEL8. 20c will probably be the first one, later this year. As I understand it from posting on other Oracle Communities sites, it is not expected that any of the 12c family (12cR1, 12cR2, 18c, 19c) will ever be certified on RHEL8 or OEL8, but Oracle hasn't really given an official position yet.
Here's an article that claims to know how to get it to install, but I have not verified it personally. The author notes that the configuration is not supported by Oracle and should not be used for anything important - only for testing.
Met INS-08101 when I installed Oracle database 19c on Oracle Linux 8 update 2.
At runtime, we can export the variable.
$ cat /etc/os-release | grep VERSION_ID | awk -F"\"" '{print $2}'
Or we can set the variable in the CVU configuration file.
vi $ORACLE_HOME/cv/admin/cvu_config

How to download Docker CLI only for Windows 7

I'm using Windows 7 Pro and have existing shared Docker engine running on a Linux. I would like to use my workstation (with development environment) to access shared Docker engine.
Does someone know how to retrieve Docker client only for Windows 7 ? I have no admin privilege, so I can't install Docker Toolbox.
Older Clients can be found here
And here a some newer Builds by Stefan Scherer (Docker employee)
Just download docker.exe and add it to your windows path variable.
Then set your DOCKER_HOST variable to define against which Docker daemon you want to speak.
The official Downloads have finally been published:
Mac CLI binaries are available at
Windows CLI (and daemon) binaries at
Linux CLI packages are available for each distro as docker-cli (deb and rpm) packages:
Although docker provides a REST-like API, there aren't many clients for it. A quick google turned up one on github, but ymmv. Even if you did find one, you're likely to run into the same problems involved in running docker-ce locally anyway.
There are a handful of gui clients that you could run on that engine and access with a browser, but if you are specifically after a cli you're SOL with this.
If you have an ssh client (git bash, or putty, or something), and you can arrange to run a bastion container on the engine, then you could run a container to ssh into and use that as if it's your local machine. You'd still have to scp resources onto it, but you'll eventually have to solve that problem anyway. Something like:
sudo docker container run --interactive --tty -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock image
Where 'image' is a linux image with an ssh server and appropriate keys, git, and docker installed. You could mount a local volume for persistence, or you could just keep everything in git.

Unable to execute

Oracle Database Home patches installed successfully
Executing: perl /u01/db/VIS/12.1.0/nls/data/old/
Unable to execute
RW-50010: Error: - script has returned an error: 2
RW-50004: Error code received when running external process. Check log file for details.
Running Database Install Driver for VIS instance
I executed command in terminal with root account:
[root#ntcs ~]# perl /u01/db/VIS/12.1.0/nls/data/old/
Directory /u01/db/VIS/12.1.0/nls/data/9idata already exist. Overwriting...
Copying files to /u01/db/VIS/12.1.0/nls/data/9idata...
Copy finished.
Please reset environment variable ORA_NLS10 to /u01/db/VIS/12.1.0/nls/data/9idata!
Thanks advanced for helping !
After serveral day debugging. I found the reason is my oracle user error.
I installed perl into /home/oracle/perl5...then make oracle user error.
I cannot su oracle from root user.
when i install perl for oracle user then .bashrc of oracle user auto add two routine line:
eval perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib
export MANPATH=$HOME/perl5/man:$MANPATH
I just remove above two lines above then i can su oracle from root user.
When you install Oracle EBS 12.2.0 on CentOS 7.3. rapidwiz tool will su to oracle user automatically to install DB. But our oracle error cannot be su to so make error. But it show the symtom very strange so it is difficult to debug.
Now i install Oracle EBS 12.2 sucessfully !
I am very happy to share this to anyone meet this error.
I am installing EBS 12 at the moment.
Looking a bit deeper into the logs for the script, I saw that this error is caused by a missing Perl module. The Perl version that is installed with Oracle includes this library, so setting the path manually works in that case.
If you (like me) have installed Perl from YUM, install this module: perl-File-CheckTree

Build or Install pg_loader on Windows

I am running PostgreSQL 9.6 on a Windows 7 laptop that is tightly managed by corporate IT. I do not have admin privileges on this laptop, but can do "many" things, including software installation, through elevated rights granted through BeyondTrust.
I use this database to import a number of medium-sized datasets from various sources and perform some in-depth analysis and reporting. These datasets have a crazy variation of encoding and formatting which creates challenges while importing them. For one dataset, I first import it into MySQL, strip offending characters from the data, export it back out to CSV, and finally import this cleaned-up data into PostgreSQL.
As an experiment, I installed PostgreSQL 9.6 and pg_loader on my home iMac running macOS 10.12, and it is able to import all of the datasets with no problem.
Given all this as a backdrop, I have a need to use pg_loader to import various datasets. However, the website does not offer either a Windows installer or instructions for compiling it on Windows.
Can anyone point me in the direction of one of the following, with the list going from most desirable to least desirable?
Windows installer of pg_loader
Windows installer of a comparable alternative to pg_loader
Detailed instructions for compiling pg_loader on Windows
Suggestions for using Python to clean up the data prior to import (caveat: I have very little experience with Python)
You can install the Windows Subsystem for Linux, install a Linux distro, then install pgloader with apt or other package manager -
$ sudo apt install pgloader
$ pgloader --version
pgloader version "3.4.1"
compiled with SBCL 1.3.3.debian
$ cd /mnt/c/Users/bburns/Desktop
$ pgloader ....
This solution may come a little late to the original asker, but for those still searching for a windows solution. I can confirm that I was able to get pgloader working using Docker for Windows.
My environment is a local MySQL install on a Windows 10 PC. I installed Docker for Windows. I then installed PostgreSQL via docker:
docker run --name some-postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres
Finally, I ran pgloader via docker to pull the schema & data from mysql to postgres using the following:
docker run --rm --name pgloader dimitri/pgloader:latest pgloader
This created a schema called "my_db_name" on my postgres instance. The "root:root" and "postgres:mysecretpassword" are my username:password details. This is obviously a production ready environment! The other useful bit "host.docker.internal" is docker's reference to the parent host environment. Also, I ignored the SBCL warning.
I'm still processing the results. Most everything looks like it migrated successfully. I'm missing triggers (unsupported) and some foreign keys (bug?). Anyways, I hope this might be helpful to others.

XAMPP and MySQL installation on OSX

I installed XAMPP. Then I installed MySQL. It appears that MySQL may have already been bundled with XAMPP?
So I apparently installed a second MySQL. I also installed the "MySQL startup" thing that makes MySQL start everytime I start my computer.
Now I have MySQL installed in two places. I can start and run MySQL on the one I knowingly installed but the MySQL located in "xamppfiles" gives me this error:
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/var/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
I'm not sure what to do. I appear to have a mysqld daemon running and I can't kill, it seems it restarts itself. I'm not sure of the proper way to get rid of one of the installations.
I'm not really sure what the question is. MySQL is bundled in XAMPP. You are receiving that error because you are trying to start 2 instances of it. This will help you uninstall mysql if that's what you are trying to do
