I am combining two streams of data:
The first stream is an array of programs that are returned from an endpoint.
The second stream is from our state, which is an array of program IDs (what programs are selected).
The problem I am facing is that if the selections stream updates, it automatically re-runs the first stream causing excessive HTTP requests upon each selection change.
I only want getPrograms to run initially, to get program data. But I want the selections stream to stay open, so we can get the latest changes from the state.
What operator can i use to achieve this?
this.filteredPrograms$ = combineLatest([this.getPrograms(), this.selectedProgramIdsState$]).pipe(
map((combined) => {
const programs = combined[0];
const selections = combined[1];
return programs.map((program: ProgramSearchResultModel) => {
if (program && program.programNumber) {
program['checked'] = selections.includes(program.programNumber);
this.dashboardService.resetPagination = false;
return program;
getPrograms() returns an observable of programs[]
selectedProgramIdsState$ returns an observable of string[]
I think what you need is the withLatestFrom operator.
Assuming you have the following streams:
programs$ which emits an HTTP response
selection$ which emits every time a user click on a checkbox
Then selection$.pipe(withLatestFrom(programs$)) emits an array of the latest values emitted by each stream when selection$ emits:
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/rxjs/7.2.0/rxjs.umd.min.js" integrity="sha512-MlqMFvHwgWJ1vfts5fdC2WzxDaIXWfYuAd9Tb2lobtF61Gk+HIRDrbtxgasBSM9lZgOK9ilwK9LqFIYEV+k0IA==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
<legend>Avail. programs</legend>
<input type="checkbox" id="prog1"/> prog. 1
<input type="checkbox" id="prog2"/> prog. 2
<input type="checkbox" id="prog3"/> prog. 3
<input type="checkbox" id="prog4"/> prog. 4
<input type="checkbox" id="prog5"/> prog. 5
const {timer, of, fromEvent} = rxjs;
const {tap, switchMapTo, map, withLatestFrom, scan} = rxjs.operators;
const init$ = timer(2000);
// Simulate a delay between an HTTP request and its response.
const programs$ =
tap(() => console.log('requesting programs… ✓')),
switchMapTo(of({ prog1: 'Natural Language Processing'
, prog2: 'Machine learning'
, prog3: 'Computational geometry'
, prog4: 'Computational linguistics'
, prog5: 'Formal methods'})));
const selection$ =
fromEvent(document.querySelector('fieldset'), 'input').pipe(
map(({target: {id, checked}}) => ({id, checked})),
scan((acc, {id, checked}) => ({...acc, [id]: checked}), {}),
selection$.subscribe(([sels, programs]) => {
document.querySelector('p').textContent =
.filter(([, checked]) => checked)
.map(([id]) => programs[id])
.join(', ');
The data from workData fills <Card></Card> correctly.
The <Modal></Modal> only fills with the last entry of workData (e.g. Test4, Modal4, test text 4...)
my goal is to generate cards and respective modals (for each card) using the data from the json, in the same file.
why is the modal only being filled by the last properties in the json? how do i get it to populate with the entire array? if possible please explain why this does not work the way it is.
if it's not obvious im super new, i am, any responses would be super appreciated. ty
cards good
after clicking "Read1" bad, should say Test1, test text 1
in App.js: import { Works } from "./Works";
in Works.js: import { workData } from "./data";
also in Work.js:
export const Works = () => {
const [show, setShow] = React.useState(false);
const onClick = () => setShow(true);
return (
<div className="work-container">
<Row xs={1} md={2} lg={4} className="g-4">
{workData.map((data, key) => {
return (
<div key={key}>
<Card.Img variant="top" src={data.projectImage} />
<Card.Text>with {data.projectTeam}</Card.Text>
<Button variant="link" onClick={onClick}>
onHide={() => setShow(false)}
<Modal.Header closeButton>
<Image src={data.projectImage}></Image>
<Image src={data.modalImage}></Image>
in data.js:
export const workData = [
projectTitle: "Test1",
modalTitle: "Modal1",
modalText: "test text 1",
modalImage: "image",
readMore: "Read1",
projectImage: "image",
projectTeam: "Test1",
year: "2022",
link1: "link",
link2: "link2",
tags: [
"#tag1 ",
"#tag2 "
The data from workData fills <Card></Card> correctly.
The <Modal></Modal> only fills with the last entry of workData (e.g. Test4, Modal4, test text 4...)
my goal is to generate cards and respective modals (for each card) using the data from the json, in the same file.
why is the modal only being filled by the last properties in the json? how do i get it to populate with the entire array? if possible please explain why this does not work the way it is.
cards good
after clicking "Read1" bad, should say Test1, test text 1
You iterate over workData for Cards and Modals, but you use only one single state for everything. What you need to do, is to also create a state for every Modal. Usually you create an array with unique id as key and boolean value. I assumed projectTitle is unique:
Test1: false,
Test2: false,
Test3: false
Because you don't know the length of your data, you just iterate over the array, as you have done for Cards und Modals:
const initialShowState = Object.fromEntries(
workData.map((data) => [data.projectTitle, false])
const [show, setShow] = React.useState(initialShowState);
Then you need to create a generic callback function, which takes the id of the Card and shows the appropriate Modal. I simplified the logic and created a toggle function:
const toggleShow = (id) =>
setShow((prev) => {
return { ...prev, [id]: !prev[id] };
Finally, when you render UI and iterate over workData, you need to apply the callback function to Button onClick and Modal onHide event handlers and set the show property of Modal:
<Button variant="link" onClick={() => toggleShow(data.projectTitle)}>
onHide={() => toggleShow(data.projectTitle)}
That's it. Here is the working sandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/hungry-sunset-t865t3
Some general tips:
You don't need the outer Fragment in Works as you only have one upper most element
If you use JSX syntax in your file, your extension should be .jsx and not.js (Works.jsx)
Using index as key in the list is bad practice. Find some unique id in your data
I have a React Redux Form which has a few required fields and has its initial values set with initialValues prop
The values initialize fine, but when I try to save the form it errors saying the field is required (even though there's a value in there). If I simply CLICK into the field then save again everything works fine!
I have tried every way I can find using initialize/reset/destroy/change/blur/etc to manually touch or set the field all to no avail
form: 'formName',
touchOnChange: true,
touchOnBlur: true
useEffect(() => {
if (initialValues && initialValues.field) {
change(field, value)
blur(field, value)
}, [initialValues])
and a whole slew of different options as above
Same behavior if I try to reset and re-init the form, or call change. If I just click into the field though then the validation passes as expected.
Also tried enableReinitialize: true but that didn't change the behavior either
initialValues is set via an async call which updates redux state var, I'm guessing this is the issue at hand. I've been unable to reproduce with any of the mvp sandbox examples.
The values are getting set just fine in the fields but it's like the validators just aren't checking the field after the initialValue is set unless the user performs a mouse click in them.
How can I tell the form there's already a value in there just check, without the user manually clicking into the field
-- some new info
If I manually touch and then blur the field ... the validation fails immediately instead of waiting for submit to be pressed, so it really must think there's no value in the input until there's a mouse click there
It looks like you are in need of a form validation. The below is a example form / form validation from https://redux-form.com/6.0.1/examples/submitvalidation/.
import { SubmissionError } from 'redux-form'
const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
function submit(values) {
return sleep(1000) // simulate server latency
.then(() => {
if (![ 'john', 'paul', 'george', 'ringo' ].includes(values.username)) {
throw new SubmissionError({ username: 'User does not exist', _error: 'Login failed!' })
} else if (values.password !== 'redux-form') {
throw new SubmissionError({ password: 'Wrong password', _error: 'Login failed!' })
} else {
window.alert(`You submitted:\n\n${JSON.stringify(values, null, 2)}`)
export default submit
import React from 'react'
import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form'
import submit from './submit'
const renderField = ({ input, label, type, meta: { touched, error } }) => (
<input {...input} placeholder={label} type={type}/>
{touched && error && <span>{error}</span>}
const SubmitValidationForm = (props) => {
const { error, handleSubmit, pristine, reset, submitting } = props
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(submit)}>
<Field name="username" type="text" component={renderField} label="Username"/>
<Field name="password" type="password" component={renderField} label="Password"/>
{error && <strong>{error}</strong>}
<button type="submit" disabled={submitting}>Log In</button>
<button type="button" disabled={pristine || submitting} onClick={reset}>Clear Values</button>
export default reduxForm({
form: 'submitValidation' // a unique identifier for this form
Good luck!
Currently I have a useLazyQuery hook which is fired on a button press (part of a search form).
The hook behaves normally, and is only fired when the button is pressed. However, once I've fired it once, it's then fired every time the component re-renders (usually due to state changes).
So if I search once, then edit the search fields, the results appear immediately, and I don't have to click on the search button again.
Not the UI I want, and it causes an error if you delete the search text entirely (as it's trying to search with null as the variable), is there any way to prevent the useLazyQuery from being refetched on re-render?
This can be worked around using useQuery dependent on a 'searching' state which gets toggled on when I click on the button. However I'd rather see if I can avoid adding complexity to the component.
const AddCardSidebar = props => {
const [searching, toggleSearching] = useState(false);
const [searchParams, setSearchParams] = useState({
name: ''
const [searchResults, setSearchResults] = useState([]);
const [selectedCard, setSelectedCard] = useState();
const [searchCardsQuery, searchCardsQueryResponse] = useLazyQuery(SEARCH_CARDS, {
variables: { searchParams },
onCompleted() {
return (
{searchResults.length !== 0 &&
searchResults.map(result => {
return (
onClick={() => setSelectedCard(result.scryfall_id)}
<button type='button' onClick={() => searchCardsQuery()}>
You don't have to use async with the apollo client (you can, it works). But if you want to use useLazyQuery you just have to pass variables on the onClick and not directly on the useLazyQuery call.
With the above example, the solution would be:
function DelayedQuery() {
const [dog, setDog] = useState(null);
const [getDogPhoto] = useLazyQuery(GET_DOG_PHOTO, {
onCompleted: data => setDog(data.dog)
return (
{dog && <img src={dog.displayImage} />}
onClick={() => getDogPhoto({ variables: { breed: 'bulldog' }})}
Click me!
The react-apollo documentation doesn't mention whether useLazyQuery should continue to fire the query when variables change, however they do suggest using the useApolloClient hook when you want to manually fire a query. They have an example which matches this use case (clicking a button fires the query).
function DelayedQuery() {
const [dog, setDog] = useState(null);
const client = useApolloClient();
return (
{dog && <img src={dog.displayImage} />}
onClick={async () => {
const { data } = await client.query({
variables: { breed: 'bulldog' },
Click me!
The Apollo Client documentation isn't explicit about this, but useLazyQuery, like useQuery, fetches from the cache first. If there is no change between queries, it will not refetch using a network call. In order to make a network call each time, you can change the fetchPolicy to network-only or cache-and-network depending on your use case (documentation link to the fetchPolicy options). So with a fetchPolicy change of network-only in your example, it'd look like this:
const AddCardSidebar = props => {
const [searching, toggleSearching] = useState(false);
const [searchParams, setSearchParams] = useState({
name: ''
const [searchResults, setSearchResults] = useState([]);
const [selectedCard, setSelectedCard] = useState();
const [searchCardsQuery, searchCardsQueryResponse] =
useLazyQuery(SEARCH_CARDS, {
variables: { searchParams },
fetchPolicy: 'network-only', //<-- only makes network requests
onCompleted() {
return (
{searchResults.length !== 0 &&
searchResults.map(result => {
return (
onClick={() => setSelectedCard(result.scryfall_id)}
<button type='button' onClick={() => searchCardsQuery()}>
When using useLazyQuery, you can set nextFetchPolicy to "standby". This will prevent the query from firing again after the first fetch. For example, I'm using the hook inside of a Cart Context to fetch the cart from an E-Commerce Backend on initial load. After that, all the updates come from mutations of the cart.
In my project we are building a form with React and Redux-Form. We have a single information that is composed by the value of two inputs. But the values of each input is combined and validated together.
The first implementation try was by connecting each component with Field. It let us update the state properly but we couldn't validate all the values together with the validate prop.
The second Try was using Fieldscomponent but it does not have a validate prop. We thought in create a Pull Request for it but the API for it isn't clear yet, since what we want to validate the combination of the two values and the behavior of the Fields props (such as parse and format) is different, executing the function for each input inside Fields component separately.
I know it is possible to create a component and use Field to connect with the application state, but I didn't want to manage things as the touched prop, or the callbacks to update the state, or other things that I even have noticed, since Redux-Form has all of it done.
The fact is that I end up with an implementation but it didn't looked very elegant. I'd like you to take a look at the implementation and give your opinion, sugest other solutions and even if this solution is not implemented in Redux-Form yet we could maybe open a pull request for that.
Here is an example implementation
Simple form container
import SimpleForm from 'app/simpleForm/components/simpleForm'
import { reduxForm } from 'redux-form'
export default reduxForm({
form: 'simpleForm'
Simple form component
import React from 'react'
import { Field } from 'redux-form'
import MultiInputText from 'app/simpleForm/components/multiInputText'
const onSubmit = values => alert(JSON.stringify(values))
const validateAddress = (value) => {
if (!value) return 'Address is empty'
if (!value.street) return 'Street is empty'
if (!value.number) return 'Number is empty'
return null
const SimpleForm = ({ handleSubmit }) => {
return (
<form onSubmit={ handleSubmit(onSubmit) }>
<Field label="Home Address" name="home" component={MultiInputText} type="text" validate={validateAddress}/>
<Field label="Work Address" name="work" component={MultiInputText} type="text" validate={validateAddress}/>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
export default SimpleForm
MultiInputText component
import React from 'react'
import { Fields, FormSection } from 'redux-form'
const renderAddreessInputs = ({ street, number, error }) => (<div>
<input {...street.input} type="text" />
<input {...number.input} type="text" />
{ street.meta.touched && number.meta.touched && error && <span className="error">{error}</span> }
const MultiInputText = (props) => {
const { input: { name }, label, meta: { error }} = props
const names = [
return (<div>
<label htmlFor={name}>{label}</label>
<FormSection name={name}>
<Fields names={names} component={renderAddreessInputs} error={error}/>
export default MultiInputText
I see two options:
1) Use record-level validation.
form: 'addressForm',
validate: values => {
const errors = {}
if(!home) {
errors.home = 'Address is empty'
// etc, etc. Could reuse same code for home and work
return errors
2) Create a single input that handles a complex value.
<Field name="home" component="AddressInput"/>
const AddressInput = ({ input, meta }) =>
value={(input.value && input.value.street) || ''}
onChange={event => input.onChange({
street: event.target.value
...other inputs here...
That's total pseudocode, but I hope it gets the point across: a single input can edit a whole object structure.
Personally, I'd choose Option 1, but I prefer record-level validation over field-level validation in general. The nice thing about Option 2 is that a single AddressInput could be reused across the application. The downside is that you don't get specific field-level focus/blur/dirty/pristine state.
Hope that helps...?
I have 2 Form.Request in 2 functions that are executed on 2 different buttons clicks
here is fiddle
seems like I did not set the events in right order in my functions since they are mixing up the responses. if you hit Clear cache and than Send you still get response from clear cache and vice versa. Unless you reload the page and click again you cant get the right response for each button as it should be .
Since this is not my original form and *I can only change it with js * , i added the clear cache button with new Element. I cant figure out as to why is this happening and any help is appreciated.
this is original html:
<div id="toolbar">
<li id="adminsubmit">Send</li>
<div id="response"></div>
<form action="http://www.scoobydoo.com/cgi-bin/scoobysnack" method="post" name="editform" id="myform">
<!-- form elements go here -->
<input type="hidden" name="task" value="">
and here is js:
var AdminForm = {
start: function() {
var toolbar = $$('#toolbar ul');
var addbtn2 = new Element('li', {
'id': 'cache',
'class': 'button',
html: 'Clear Cache'
addbtn2.inject(toolbar[0], 'top');
var btn1 = $('adminsubmit').getElement('a');
var btn2 = $('cache').getElement('a');
btn1.addEvent('click', function(event) {
event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : event.returnValue = false;
btn2.addEvent('click', function(event) {
event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : event.returnValue = false;
formChange: function() {
var adminform = $('myform');
var target = $('response');
var adminsend = new Form.Request(adminform, target, {
onSend: function() {
target.set('html', 'formChange sending');
onComplete: function() {
target.set('html', 'formChange sent');
clearCache: function() {
var adminform = $('myform');
var target = $('response');
var clearingcahe = new Form.Request(adminform, target, {
onSend: function() {
target.set('html', 'clearCache sending');
onComplete: function() {
target.set('html', 'clearCache sent');
window.addEvent('domready', AdminForm.start);
The Form.Request in Mootools inherits Class.Occlude, see http://mootools.net/docs/more/Class/Class.Occlude
But the Class.Occlude will prevent that several Objects are created and applied to the same DOM Element. That is, it works like a singleton, so the first time you do new Form.Request(adminform, ...) it will return a new instance of Form.Request.
However, the second time you call new Form.Request(adminform, ...) the previous object will be returned instead.
Your fiddle actually demonstrates this very good, because the first one that is clicked of "Clear Cache" or "Send" will be the one that initiates the object. The second time it will discard your options and just return the old object.
So there are two ways to solve this:
Create the Form.Request but don't set the event handlers through the options but through
adminsend.removeEvents('complete'); adminsend.addEvent('complete', ....)
Don't forget to remove the old event handlers before applying the new! otherwise you will just apply more and more eventhandlers.
There are two "buttons" so make two forms, which would be much more semantically correct as well.