Xamarin iOS deploy to apple store with missing icons error - xamarin

The error is look like this:
missing icons error when uploading app to applestore
I fixed this kind of issues by updating the Assets.xcassets before( just reassign the icon which reported with issues).
But today it doesn't work for all kinds of workaround.
My visual studio for mac version is: 8.9.10 (build 4)
Suspect it's a visual studio bug and waiting next release to see.

Are you using ImageCropper.Forms nuget or not ? Here is a known issue : https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/6095 .
Maybe you can try to create a new ImageAsset catalog and fill the image inside AppIcons ,then reselect it in info.plist.
Refer to


Xamarin android .axml file loading error : This item doesn't support previewing

I have installed Xamarin today & when I create a project, everything goes right but when I want to open the .axml file in layout folder, visual studio crashes! nothing happens & speed of the visual studio reduces the PCs performance. the only error that I get is: This item doesn't support previewing!
What should I do? Please help... . Thanks
The xamarin android designer has a lot of problems and a lot of community discussions which can be found :
After reading all this discussion I could not understand the actual core reason of the issue and I was actually frustrated to the point where I repaired my Visual studio, now I could see the AXML file as XML when I opened it with the designer(crash stopped). But I could still not open the designer, So what I did was as I had experience with working with the android studio and I never faced this issue, I started working on Android studio for the AXML and copy-pasted that to xamarin and it worked like a charm.
Revert in case of queries

Xamarin Android Designer showing blank page

Recently I decided to try using Xamarin for developing simple Android applications.
However, I encountered a problem that the Android Designer for layouts either does not work (in latest stable VS 2017) or shows just a blank page (in latest VS 2017 Preview).
Are there any additional steps to set it up or how can I fix this?
As it happens, Xamarin Designer will not work properly (like the behavior described in my question) if you do not have the correct folder structure. I.e. the layout documents must be in the Resources/layout folder, otherwise the Designer will fail.
I already reported this to VS Community and they said that they will have a look at this issue. Hope they will fix it soon.

Visual Studio For Mac Designer Error

I have downloaded VS For Mac Preview and created a new Xamarin Forms IOS/Android Solution using the portable library. When i try and load the XAML designer though to view the startup page I get the error "Invalid XAML : default constructor not found for Xamarin.Forms.Applicaton". I have not made any changes to the project code generated by VS For Mac and the only thing I did was to build the Android project as this is required before the designer can be opened. I also had to download the latest versions of the Android SDK via the SDK Manager.
Does anyone have any idea what is wrong
Firstly, there are two preview modes, one for iOS and one for Android - if you can't see both tabs, drag the frame over a bit. I can't currently get the Android preview to work right even though it builds, but for iOS to work it looks like you simply need to update the Xamarin.Forms package. Go to the 'Project' menu and select 'Update NuGet Packages.' Then, restart Visual Studio for Mac and it should be working. It is very slow to load, however. I had to rebuild my project and select 'Update NuGet Packages' a second time before it actually showed up.
I'm still trying to figure out why Android preview does not work.

Add NuGet Packages on Xamarin Studio for Mac Not Working

I've tried searching on this issue (and I've come across many issues with people not being able to add NuGet packages), but have come across nothing that can solve my problem.
I'm using Xamarin Studio for Mac and I'm trying to add the SQLite package to my Xamarin Forms project. However, when I click to add a NuGet package (either by right-clicking on the project or from the Project tab at the top), nothing happens. No delay or anything — I click it, no lag, and I continue doing whatever else I want. Has anyone encountered this issue before? I've already tried quitting out of the app multiple times and this has not solved the problem. Thanks for any help you can provide.
In case you are still searching for an answer:
I've had the same strange problem.
This is a bug in Xamarin Studio 6.0.X (In some installation, probably depending on system configuration or something like that)
After updating to Xamarin Studio 6.1.X (alpha channel), it was working again ...
If I find the link where I've found this answer, I will post it later!

An unexpected network error occured.The app list cannot be refreshed. when selecting windows phone(universal) as solution platform

I created a Cordova (Cordova version 6.0.0) project in visual studio 2015 update 1.
I could build the project without errors by selecting Windows Phone (universal) as solution platform.
But when I try to associate to windows app store it gives an error
An unexpected network error has occurred. The applist cannot be
refreshed. Please retry by pressing Refresh button" in 'select an app
name' wizard.
When I googled, several people said that it was a bug of visual studio 2015 update 1 and suggested a workaround.
The workaround is to use create app packages option instead of Associate App with store
But in my case both options gave me the same error mentioned above.
Same time I could associate the same project to store by selecting the solution platform as Windows-ARM
Is there anything else which could have been gone wrong? Thanks in advance!
This unhelpful error message also happens if you don't have a developer account yet, which you have to do separately on the Microsoft site. Once I registered for that, Visual Studio connected just fine.
Register here.
I think the solution you found is for a different problem (that will be resolved in Update2)
Can you try the same operation with a Windows Store JS project? Which OS are you using?
If it really is a Network error, I will suggest to try again.
See my answer here. Hope it helps you. https://stackoverflow.com/a/36128899/3436376
Wanted to add the above link to my answer in comments, but unfortunately I don't have enough reputation to do so.
Just go to Project --> Store --> Create App Packages and when the wizard
window appears, select 'No' instead of Yes option. That way Visual
Studio generates your package file on the local machine and you can
upload it to Microsoft Store.
