ByteBuddy, Modify Sleuth SpanCustomizer using javaagent bytebuddy - spring-boot

Have a question about modifying Sleuth SpanCustomizer, I want to customize the span name and add additional span tag.
My final goal is want to implement a class like the following code to achieve the span tag/name modification, Should I just use bytebuddy to apply this piece of class into the agent OR detect and intercept SpanCustomizer Class to do the modification?
Any advice would be helpful, Thank you!
-------------------- Final goal implement this class --------------------
public class TracingConfig{
#Bean(name = { HttpClientRequestParser.NAME, HttpServerRequestParser.NAME })
HttpRequestParser sleuthHttpServerRequestParser() {
return (req, context, span) -> {
HttpRequestParser.DEFAULT.parse(req, context, span);
span.tag("upstream_cluster", getUpstreamCluster(req));;
#Bean(name = { HttpClientResponseParser.NAME, HttpServerResponseParser.NAME })
HttpResponseParser sleuthHttpServerResponseParser(){
return (resp, context, span) -> {
HttpResponseParser.DEFAULT.parse(resp, context, span);
span.tag("http.status_code", Integer.toString(resp.statusCode()));;
My current implementation is as follows:
-------------------- Premain --------------------
public static void premain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation inst) throws Exception {
AgentBuilder.Transformer transformerHttp = new AgentBuilder.Transformer() {
public DynamicType.Builder<?> transform(DynamicType.Builder<?> builder, TypeDescription typeDescription, ClassLoader classLoader, JavaModule module) {
return builder
AgentBuilder agentBuilder = new AgentBuilder.Default();
agentBuilder = agentBuilder.type(ElementMatchers.hasSuperType(ElementMatchers.named("javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest"))
-------------------- My Http Advice --------------------
public class MyHttpAdvice {
public static Object intercept(#Origin Method method,
#AllArguments Object[] allArguments,
#SuperCall Callable<?> callable) throws Exception {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (Object allArgument : allArguments) {
if (allArgument instanceof SpanCustomizer) {
SpanCustomizer req = (SpanCustomizer) allArgument;
req.tag("test1", "test2");"test3");
System.out.println("intercept http request span customizer ------- " + req.toString());


How to run Quarkus programatically in Test mode

I am trying to run acceptance tests with concordion fixtures in a quarkus project. Concordion does not work with Junit5 so I am using its original #Run(ConcordionRunner.class).
I am creating a superclass to start my quarkus application before tests like that:
public abstract class AbstractFixture {
public static RunningQuarkusApplication application;
protected static RequestSpecification server;
protected AbstractFixture() {
public void setUp() {
if(application == null) {
server = new RequestSpecBuilder()
private void startApplication() {
try {
PathsCollection.Builder rootBuilder = PathsCollection.builder();
Path testClassLocation = PathTestHelper.getTestClassesLocation(getClass());
final Path appClassLocation = PathTestHelper.getAppClassLocationForTestLocation(
application = QuarkusBootstrap.builder()
} catch (BindException e) {
System.out.println("Address already in use - which is fine!");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
The code above is working but I can't change the default port 8081 to any other.
If I print the config property in my Test class like below, it prints the port correctly, but quarkus is not running on it:
public class HelloFixture extends AbstractFixture {
public String getGreeting() {
Response response = given(server).when().get("/hello");
System.out.println("Config[port]: " + application.getConfigValue("quarkus.http.port", String.class));
return response.asString();
How can I specify the configuration file or property programatically before run?
I found the answer. At first, I was referencing the wrong property "quarkus.http.port" instead of "quarkus.http.test-port".
Despite that, I found the way to override properties before run:
StartupAction action = QuarkusBootstrap.builder()
application =;
private Map<String, String> getConfigOverride() {
Map<String, String> config = new HashMap<>();
config.put("quarkus.http.test-port", "18082");
return config;

How can I get a VaadinView-#QuarkusTest up and running?

Assume you have the provided Vaadin view (1) and you want to test it with the #QuarkusTest (2) similar as depicted here (3) but not for Vaadin-on-SpringBoot but for Vaadin-on-Quarkus.
I get a NPE:
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException:
Cannot invoke "io.quarkus.arc.InjectableContext.isActive()" because
the return value of "com.vaadin.quarkus.context.UIContextWrapper.getContext()" is null
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Are Quarkus-Tests of this kind already supported by the vaadin quarkus extension?
Do I have to add a missing test-only-dependency I do not yet know of?
The View and Test had been added to the Quarkus-Vaadin-Sample-CRM provided here:
The NPE occurs with the original version setting (Vaadin=23.0.1|Quarkus=2.7.4.Final) as well as with an update (Vaadin=23.3.4|Quarkus=2.15.3.Final)
The Vaadin-Quarkus-Template does not (yet) come along with a sample #QuarkusTest.
#Route(value = "testshowcase", layout = MainLayout.class)
#PageTitle("Testing showcase")
public class TestingShowcaseView extends HorizontalLayout {
TextField textFieldInput = new TextField("Eingabe");
TextField textFieldOutput = new TextField("Ausgabe");
Button btnProcess = new Button("To Upper");
TestingShowcaseService testingShowcaseService;
public void init() {
btnProcess.addClickListener(e -> {
VerticalLayout barInput = new VerticalLayout(textFieldInput, btnProcess);
VerticalLayout barOutput = new VerticalLayout(textFieldOutput);
add(barInput, barOutput);
public class TestingShowcaseService {
public String toUpper(String whatever) {
if (whatever == null) {
return null;
} else {
return whatever.toUpperCase();
public class TestingShowcaseViewQuarkusTest {
TestingShowcaseView testingShowcaseView;
public void testServiceInteraction() {
String actualOutput;
actualOutput = testingShowcaseView.textFieldOutput.getValue();
Assertions.assertNull(actualOutput, "... was '%s'.".formatted(actualOutput));;
actualOutput = testingShowcaseView.textFieldOutput.getValue();
Assertions.assertEquals("RubbeldieKatz", actualOutput);
(3) []

spring integration publish subscribe between beans

Thanks for reading ahead of time. In my main method I have a PublishSubscribeChannel
#Bean(name = "feeSchedule")
public SubscribableChannel getMessageChannel() {
return new PublishSubscribeChannel();
In a service that does a long running process it creates a fee schedule that I inject the channel into
public class FeeScheduleCompareServiceImpl implements FeeScheduleCompareService {
MessageChannel outChannel;
public List<FeeScheduleUpdate> compareFeeSchedules(String oldStudyId) {
List<FeeScheduleUpdate> sortedResultList = longMethod(oldStudyId);
return sortedResultList;
Now this is the part I'm struggling with. I want to use completable future and get the payload of the event in the future A in another spring bean. I need future A to return the payload from the message. I think want to create a ServiceActivator to be the message end point but like I said, I need it to return the payload for future A.
public class SFCCCompareServiceImpl implements SFCCCompareService {
private SubscribableChannel outChannel;
public List<SFCCCompareDTO> compareSFCC(String state, int service){
ArrayList<SFCCCompareDTO> returnList = new ArrayList<SFCCCompareDTO>();
CompletableFuture<List<FeeScheduleUpdate>> fa = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () ->
{ //block A WHAT GOES HERE?!?!
CompletableFuture<List<StateFeeCodeClassification>> fb = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () ->
return this.stateFeeCodeClassificationRepository.findAll();
CompletableFuture<List<SFCCCompareDTO>> fc = fa.thenCombine(fb,(a,b) ->{
//block C
//get in this block when both A & B are complete
Object theList = Consumer<StateFeeCodeClassification>() {
public void accept(StateFeeCodeClassification stateFeeCodeClassification) { Consumer<FeeScheduleUpdate>() {
public void accept(FeeScheduleUpdate feeScheduleUpdate) {
returnList new SFCCCompareDTO();
return theList;
return returnList;
Was thinking there would be a service activator like:
public class UpdatesHandler implements MessageHandler{
#ServiceActivator(requiresReply = "true")
public List<FeeScheduleUpdate> getUpdates(Message m){
return (List<FeeScheduleUpdate>) m.getPayload();
Your question isn't clear, but I'll try to help you with some info.
Spring Integration doesn't provide CompletableFuture support, but it does provide an async handling and replies.
See Asynchronous Gateway for more information. And also see Asynchronous Service Activator.
outChannel.subscribe() should come with the MessageHandler callback, by the way.

Get a specific service implementation based on a parameter

In my Sling app I have data presenting documents, with pages, and content nodes. We mostly server those documents as HTML, but now I would like to have a servlet to serve these documents as PDF and PPT.
Basically, I thought about implementing the factory pattern : in my servlet, dependending on the extension of the request (pdf or ppt), I would get from a DocumentBuilderFactory, the proper DocumentBuilder implementation, either PdfDocumentBuilder or PptDocumentBuilder.
So first I had this:
public class PlanExportBuilderFactory {
public PlanExportBuilder getBuilder(String type) {
PlanExportBuilder builder = null;
switch (type) {
case "pdf":
builder = new PdfPlanExportBuilder();
logger.error("Unsupported plan export builder, type: " + type);
return builder;
In the servlet:
#Component(metatype = false)
#Property(name = "sling.servlet.resourceTypes", value = "myApp/document"),
#Property(name = "sling.servlet.extensions", value = { "ppt", "pdf" }),
#Property(name = "sling.servlet.methods", value = "GET")
public class PlanExportServlet extends SlingSafeMethodsServlet {
PlanExportBuilderFactory builderFactory;
protected void doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest request, SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
Resource resource = request.getResource();
PlanExportBuilder builder = builderFactory.getBuilder(request.getRequestPathInfo().getExtension());
But the problem is that in the builder I would like to reference other services to access Sling resources, and with this solution, they're not bound.
I looked at Services Factory with OSGi but from what I've understood, you use them to configure differently the same implementation of a service.
Then I found that you can get a specific implementation by naming it, or use a property and a filter.
So I've ended up with this:
public class PlanExportBuilderFactory {
#Reference(target = "(builderType=pdf)")
PlanExportBuilder pdfPlanExportBuilder;
public PlanExportBuilder getBuilder(String type) {
PlanExportBuilder builder = null;
switch (type) {
case "pdf":
return pdfPlanExportBuilder;
logger.error("Unsupported plan export builder, type: " + type);
return builder;
The builder defining a "builderType" property :
// AbstractPlanExportBuilder implements PlanExportBuilder interface
public class PdfPlanExportBuilder extends AbstractPlanExportBuilder {
#Property(name="builderType", value="pdf")
public PdfPlanExportBuilder() {
planDocument = new PdfPlanDocument();
I would like to know if it's a good way to retrieve my PDF builder implementation regarding OSGi good practices.
From Peter's answer I've tried to add multiple references but with Felix it doesn't seem to work:
#Reference(name = "planExportBuilder", cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_MULTIPLE, policy = ReferencePolicy.DYNAMIC)
private Map<String, PlanExportBuilder> builders = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, PlanExportBuilder>();
protected final void bindPlanExportBuilder(PlanExportBuilder b, Map<String, Object> props) {
final String type = PropertiesUtil.toString(props.get("type"), null);
if (type != null) { props.get("type"), b);
protected final void unbindPlanExportBuilder(final PlanExportBuilder b, Map<String, Object> props) {
final String type = PropertiesUtil.toString(props.get("type"), null);
if (type != null) {;
I get these errors :
#Reference(builders) : Missing method bind for reference planExportBuilder
#Reference(builders) : Something went wrong: false - true - MANDATORY_MULTIPLE
#Reference(builders) : Missing method unbind for reference planExportBuilder
The Felix documentation here says for the bind method:
The default value is the name created by appending the reference name to the string bind. The method must be declared public or protected and take single argument which is declared with the service interface type
So according to this, I understand it cannot work with Felix, as I'm trying to pass two arguments. However, I found an example here that seems to match what you've suggested but I cannot make it work:
Just had to move the reference above the class to make it work:
name = "planExportBuilder",
referenceInterface = PlanExportBuilder.class,
policy = ReferencePolicy.DYNAMIC,
cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.OPTIONAL_MULTIPLE)
public class PlanExportServlet extends SlingSafeMethodsServlet {
Factories are evil :-) Main reason is of course the yucky class loading hacks that are usually used but also because they tend to have global knowledge. In general, you want to be able to add a bundle with a new DocumentBuilder and then that type should become available.
A more OSGi oriented solution is therefore to use service properties. This could look like:
#Component( property=HTTP_WHITEBOARD_FILTER_REGEX+"=/as")
public class DocumentServlet {
final Map<String,DocBuilder> builders = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public void doGet( HttpServletRequest rq, HttpServletResponse rsp )
throws IOException, ServletException {
InputStream in = getInputStream( rq.getPathInfo() );
if ( in == null )
String type = toType( rq.getPathInfo(), rq.getParameter("type") );
DocBuilder docbuilder = builders.get( type );
if ( docbuilder == null)
docbuilder.convert( type, in, rsp.getOutputStream() );
#Reference( cardinality=MULTIPLE, policy=DYNAMIC )
void addDocBuilder( DocBuilder db, Map<String,Object> props ) {
docbuilders.put(props.get("type"), db );
void removeDocBuilder(Map<String,Object> props ) {
A DocBuilder could look like:
#Component( property = "type=ppt-pdf" )
public class PowerPointToPdf implements DocBuilder {

Template variables with ControllerLinkBuilder

I want my response to include this:
That's easy enough to achieve:
add(new Link("http://localhost/api/keyMaps{/keyMapId}", "keyMaps"));
But, of course, I'd rather use the ControllerLinkBuilder, like this:
The problem is that by the time the variable "{keyMapId}" reaches the UriTemplate constructor, it's been included in an encoded URL:
So UriTemplate's constructor doesn't recognise it as containing a variable.
How can I persuade ControllerLinkBuilder that I want to use template variables?
It looks to me like the current state of Spring-HATEOAS doesn't allow this via the ControllerLinkBuilder (I'd very much like to be proven wrong), so I have implemented this myself using the following classes for templating query parameters:
public class TemplatedLinkBuilder {
private static final TemplatedLinkBuilderFactory FACTORY = new TemplatedLinkBuilderFactory();
public static final String ENCODED_LEFT_BRACE = "%7B";
public static final String ENCODED_RIGHT_BRACE = "%7D";
private UriComponentsBuilder uriComponentsBuilder;
TemplatedLinkBuilder(UriComponentsBuilder builder) {
uriComponentsBuilder = builder;
public static TemplatedLinkBuilder linkTo(Object invocationValue) {
return FACTORY.linkTo(invocationValue);
public static <T> T methodOn(Class<T> controller, Object... parameters) {
return DummyInvocationUtils.methodOn(controller, parameters);
public Link withRel(String rel) {
return new Link(replaceTemplateMarkers(, rel);
public Link withSelfRel() {
return withRel(Link.REL_SELF);
private String replaceTemplateMarkers(String encodedUri) {
return encodedUri.replaceAll(ENCODED_LEFT_BRACE, "{").replaceAll(ENCODED_RIGHT_BRACE, "}");
public class TemplatedLinkBuilderFactory {
private final ControllerLinkBuilderFactory controllerLinkBuilderFactory;
public TemplatedLinkBuilderFactory() {
this.controllerLinkBuilderFactory = new ControllerLinkBuilderFactory();
public TemplatedLinkBuilder linkTo(Object invocationValue) {
ControllerLinkBuilder controllerLinkBuilder = controllerLinkBuilderFactory.linkTo(invocationValue);
UriComponentsBuilder uriComponentsBuilder = controllerLinkBuilder.toUriComponentsBuilder();
Assert.isInstanceOf(DummyInvocationUtils.LastInvocationAware.class, invocationValue);
DummyInvocationUtils.LastInvocationAware invocations = (DummyInvocationUtils.LastInvocationAware) invocationValue;
DummyInvocationUtils.MethodInvocation invocation = invocations.getLastInvocation();
Object[] arguments = invocation.getArguments();
MethodParameters parameters = new MethodParameters(invocation.getMethod());
for (MethodParameter requestParameter : parameters.getParametersWith(RequestParam.class)) {
Object value = arguments[requestParameter.getParameterIndex()];
if (value == null) {
uriComponentsBuilder.queryParam(requestParameter.getParameterName(), "{" + requestParameter.getParameterName() + "}");
return new TemplatedLinkBuilder(uriComponentsBuilder);
Which embeds the normal ControllerLinkBuilder and then uses similar logic to parse for #RequestParam annotated parameters that are null and add these on to the query parameters. Also, our client resuses these templated URIs to perform further requests to the server. To achieve this and not need to worry about stripping out the unused templated params, I have to perform the reverse operation (swapping {params} with null), which I'm doing using a custom Spring RequestParamMethodArgumentResolver as follows
public class TemplatedRequestParamResolver extends RequestParamMethodArgumentResolver {
public TemplatedRequestParamResolver() {
protected Object resolveName(String name, MethodParameter parameter, NativeWebRequest webRequest) throws Exception {
Object value = super.resolveName(name, parameter, webRequest);
if (value instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] valueAsCollection = (Object[])value;
List<Object> resultList = new LinkedList<Object>();
for (Object collectionEntry : valueAsCollection) {
if (nullifyTemplatedValue(collectionEntry) != null) {
if (resultList.isEmpty()) {
value = null;
} else {
value = resultList.toArray();
} else{
value = nullifyTemplatedValue(value);
return value;
private Object nullifyTemplatedValue(Object value) {
if (value != null && value.toString().startsWith("{") && value.toString().endsWith("}")) {
value = null;
return value;
Also this needs to replace the existing RequestParamMethodArgumentResolver which I do with:
public class ConfigureTemplatedRequestParamResolver {
private #Autowired RequestMappingHandlerAdapter adapter;
public void replaceArgumentMethodHandlers() {
List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers = new ArrayList<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver>(adapter.getArgumentResolvers());
for (int cursor = 0; cursor < argumentResolvers.size(); ++cursor) {
HandlerMethodArgumentResolver handlerMethodArgumentResolver = argumentResolvers.get(cursor);
if (handlerMethodArgumentResolver instanceof RequestParamMethodArgumentResolver) {
argumentResolvers.add(cursor, new TemplatedRequestParamResolver());
Unfortunately, although { and } are valid characters in a templated URI, they are not valid in a URI, which may be a problem for your client code depending on how strict it is. I'd much prefer a neater solution built into Spring-HATEOAS!
With latest versions of spring-hateoas you can do the following:
UriComponents uriComponents = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(linkBuilder.toUri()).build();
UriTemplate template = new UriTemplate(uriComponents.toUriString())
.with("keyMapId", TemplateVariable.SEGMENT);
will give you: http://localhost:8080/bla{/keyMapId}",
Starting with this commit:
You can now pass null where path variable is expected. It works for me, without workarounds.
And the result:
"someMethod": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users/{userId}",
"templated": true
Also check related issues:
We've run into the same problem. General workaround is we have our own LinkBuilder class with a bunch of static helpers. Templated ones look like this:
public static Link linkToSubcategoriesTemplated(String categoryId){
return new Link(
new UriTemplate(
linkTo(methodOn(CategoryController.class).subcategories(null, null, categoryId))
// register it as variable
private static TemplateVariables getBaseTemplateVariables() {
return new TemplateVariables(
new TemplateVariable("page", TemplateVariable.VariableType.REQUEST_PARAM),
new TemplateVariable("sort", TemplateVariable.VariableType.REQUEST_PARAM),
new TemplateVariable("size", TemplateVariable.VariableType.REQUEST_PARAM)
This is for exposing the parameters of a controller response of a PagedResource.
then in the controllers we call this an append a withRel as needed.
According to this issue comment, this will be addressed in an upcoming release of spring-hateoas.
For now, there's a drop-in replacement for ControllerLinkBuilder available from de.escalon.hypermedia:spring-hateoas-ext in Maven Central.
I can now do this:
import static de.escalon.hypermedia.spring.AffordanceBuilder.*
I pass in null as the parameter value to indicate I want to use a template variable. The name of the variable is automatically pulled from the controller.
I needed to include a link with template variables in the root of a spring data rest application, to get access via traverson to an oauth2 token. This is working fine, maybe useful:
class RepositoryLinksResourceProcessor implements ResourceProcessor<RepositoryLinksResource> {
RepositoryLinksResource process(RepositoryLinksResource resource) {
UriTemplate uriTemplate = new UriTemplate(
TokenEndpoint.getDeclaredMethod("postAccessToken",, Map )).
new TemplateVariables([
new TemplateVariable("username", TemplateVariable.VariableType.REQUEST_PARAM),
new TemplateVariable("password", TemplateVariable.VariableType.REQUEST_PARAM),
new TemplateVariable("clientId", TemplateVariable.VariableType.REQUEST_PARAM),
new TemplateVariable("clientSecret", TemplateVariable.VariableType.REQUEST_PARAM)
new Link( uriTemplate,
return resource
Based on the previous comments I have implemented a generic helper method (against spring-hateoas-0.20.0) as a "temporary" workaround. The implementation does consider only RequestParameters and is far from being optimized or well tested. It might come handy to some other poor soul traveling down the same rabbit hole though:
public static Link getTemplatedLink(final Method m, final String rel) {
DefaultParameterNameDiscoverer disco = new DefaultParameterNameDiscoverer();
ControllerLinkBuilder builder = ControllerLinkBuilder.linkTo(m.getDeclaringClass(), m);
UriTemplate uriTemplate = new UriTemplate(UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(builder.toUri()).build().toUriString());
Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = m.getParameterAnnotations();
int param = 0;
for (Annotation[] parameterAnnotation : parameterAnnotations) {
for (Annotation annotation : parameterAnnotation) {
if (annotation.annotationType().equals(RequestParam.class)) {
RequestParam rpa = (RequestParam) annotation;
String parameterName =;
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(parameterName)) parameterName = disco.getParameterNames(m)[param];
uriTemplate = uriTemplate.with(parameterName, TemplateVariable.VariableType.REQUEST_PARAM);
return new Link(uriTemplate, rel);
