How import/export available countries on Google Play Console? - google-play

Or we can do it only manually? It's not possible to import a file of available countries?


Publishing partially enabled Add-Ons In Google Marketplace

We are currently developing GMAIL addons in our company.
My question is very simple. Does the google apps marketplace allow the publication of Partially Enabled add-ons?
We were thinking of using a service like LaunchDarkly to be able to turn some features on and off for some or all of our clients.
Thank you very much.
PS : Partially enabled addons, operate only with say 40-60 percent of their functionality upon download. If a corresponding feature flag is activated on our end or in a service like LaunchDarkly, they will be 100% operational (or feature complete).
Depending on the functionalities you want to enable and the type of add-on you have, you might be able to make use of Editor add-ons triggers or Workspace add-ons triggers and limit the interactions based on these.
However, an add-on must be fully functional before it is published.
Publish an Add-on;
Editor Add-on Triggers;
Google Workspace Add-on Triggers.

How to Import Data to MongoDB.Atlas on Windows

I need to import 500K+ small records into a MongoDB Atlas collection. I've no access to linux/mac machines and need to do it on Windows 10.
Is there any way to achieve it?
The mongoimport utility works well on Windows. It can be installed with the Community Edition MSI.
You can import from EJSON, CSV or TSV, depending on your needs. Take a look at the official docs for working examples.
If you have trouble post-install, share a sample source record for additional pointers.

Where do apps live?

This is a naive question. I'm creating my first app (using Phonegap). I'll create versions in both the App Store and Google Play Store. My question is: where will the downloadable files live?
I haven't been able to find the answer online, because I'm not sure how to phrase the question in a simple Google search. I've thought of 2 possibilities:
The downloadable files live on my server. When someone chooses to install the app from the App Store or the Google Play Store, that store authorizes the download from my server.
The downloadable file lives on the App Store's servers or the Google Play Store servers. When someone chooses to download it, the file is served directly by them.
I'm almost sure the answer is #2. That makes the most sense. But I haven't found confirmation online.
You can opt to host it on your server or use services provided by Google and Apple.
Hosting on your server will require you to maintain those servers , etc.. Hosting with Google & Apple will take away that maintenance.
Use Google Expansion Files for Google Play Store App and Content Hosting for Apple
Google Allow APK size of 100 MB any additional files can be uploaded using Expansion files. Refer to this link -
Maximum file size for an IPA file is 2 GB in Apple. If you are using Apple's in-app purchase module , then you can upload additional files using Content Hosting given by apple. Refer to this link

Online Powerpoint Slide Editor

Is there anything like Google Slides, which can be integrated into the app we are building?
If not, then atleast a way to programmatically import the ppt file, and navigate to the editor for editing?
Any suggestions will be appreciated...
There's an official powerpoint online editor now. You could theoretically put an iframe linking to this page. It seems to require a 365 or Microsoft account, though.
I had a similar requirement and have tested both the online offerings of Microsoft Office (SharePoint, One Drive) and Google docs. However, I finally decided on Only Office ( The reasons for this were:
The Google and Microsoft offerings didn't (AFAIAK) have the fine tuned security I needed for document editing and access via their various API (i.e. I needed to be able to prevent downloads of documents but allow editing)
Google and Microsoft require sign-in from their respective platforms to use these. This was a UX problem for my project.
Depending on the specific requirement Only Office has the Document Server on a GNU APGL v3 licence. You may need to buy a licence but worth a check.
Their repo is here:

iCalendar (ics) versions and various calendar clients (Outlook, iCal, Lotus Notes) - what works and what doesn't?

I'm working on a web application that allows users to create a calendar of events, then download those events into their calendar program of choice (e.g., Outlook, Lotus Notes, iCal, Google Calendar, etc.)
The web app outputs the event data as an attachment in iCalendar (ics) format.
I'm running into a variety of problems...
If I use "VERSION:1.0", Outlook 2003 will recognize and import the attachment. However, Apple iCal will not. If it's "VERSION:2.0", iCal works, but Outlook 2003 will not.
If the attachment has more than one event (VEVENT), then Outlook 2003 only imports the first event, unless the user uses Outlook's import function.
I don't have Lotus Notes, or multiple versions of Outlook (2007, 2010), so I can't how those behave easily.
I don't mind having to implement a little dialog that asks the user what calendar program they use so I can customize the output accordingly. However, I don't know what each of the major programs supports or requires.
Has anyone found a resource that lists, by calendar program, what works and what doesn't? E.g., does Outlook 2007 or 2010 support "VERSION:1.0"? Is there a way to get Outlook 2003 to support "VERSION:2.0", or handle multiple events? What does Lotus Notes support? What about Yahoo and Google?
I don't need to support EVERY program, but I'd like to support as many of the major ones as possible.
Many thanks in advance!
Regarding Lotus Notes, you can download a trial version of the Notes client software from the IBM site, which may be all you really need to test your application. Notes can import ical entries through an Import menu, or dragging and dropping the iCal file into the Notes client. (If you need to do further Notes-specific development, you can also download a free version of the "Domino Designer" software from the IBM web site - IBM makes the Designer software available free for single machine use - no server access.)
There is a KBase article on the IBM site with some details of iCal support in the latest version of Notes (8.5) -
