Address of assets in substrate blockchain - substrate

Every ERC20 token ethereum contract has an address. Substrate has assets pallet.
How will I get the address of the assets or tokens so that it can be listed on exchanges?

Perhaps you'll need a wrapper for your native tokens. This could be done, for example, via bridge between your network and another network that have smart contracts supporting ERC-20 standard enabled.


Chainlink: How to secure API and allow only whitelisted contracts to access chainlink adapter

I'm trying to provide a contract with some external data. They need an oracle setup for the same. I have decided to go with chainlink external adapter. The issue is that I don't the off-chain data to be accessible by other contracts. EA has support for accessing protected apis. However this does not allow me filter based on contract address. Also not sure how to include initiator information in the request to the server in a secure way

react native crypto wallet connection

i have react native app it works with RVM machines to recycle plastic bottles or something you know. in exchange for that app gives some erc20 tokens (CRB my own) that I have to send to the user's wallet address. So I want to connect my app to wallets like Metamask, Maiar, Ledger.
can anyone guide me how do I do that which library should I use
You can take a look on Moralis, at the moment we don't have a lot of choice

Exemption for the Google Security Assesment when using restricted scope

I'm trying to find out how I can know if my application that wants to use a restricted Google API scope is exempt from the security assesment.
The documentation for the Google API Services User Data Policy states that:
Local client applications that only allow user- configured transmissions of Restricted Scope data from the device may be exempt from this requirement.
How can I find out if my app qualifies for this exemption?
If you check the OAuth API verification article here:
These applications [local client applications] may be exempt from the secure handling policy because the security assessment (and successful securement of a Letter of Assessment) primarily addresses risks associated with developers obtaining and storing data on servers.
Developers should specify in the verification application whether they believe the application is a local client application, and we will work with the developer to verify that is the case.
Therefore, when sending the verification application you should mention that the application you have is a local client one and if this is indeed the situation, you will be notified about it.
Also, please bear mind, that the local client applications can be defined as, according to Google:
Local client applications are generally applications that only run, store, and process data on the user's device (like a computer, mobile phone, or tablet). While user actions may cause data to leave a device (such as sending an email), local client applications do not transmit restricted scope data to the developer's servers (or servers specified by the developer), unless the user explicitly configured the application to do so. This would include local email clients, file managers, and calendar and contact management applications that don't utilize cloud services or only transmit restricted scope data to user-configured destinations.
Applications that send restricted scope data to a developer's or third-party's servers without explicit user-initiated action, such as setting up a backup capability, will not be considered a local client.
OAuth API Verification FAQs.

Azure webapp bot deployed to Application Service Environment

Did anyone deploy Azue Web App Bot using Application Service Environment?
are there any key considerations to be noted? I know we have ASE ILB and ASE External;
Is it possible to host multiple azure webapp bots in one ASE; my question is primarily due to the default lockdown of internet traffice in ASE ILB model and what type of firewall exceptions we will need to ensure
functinally the communication to Azure Bot Service/ Directline happen smoothly.
It is possible to host multiple azure web app bots in one ASE. However, care should be taken on how to have the bot dynamically looks up the pipe name as there a multiple bots inside the same ASE. Also, the normal DirectLine or other channels would require a lot of whitelisting to allow traffic into the ILB, and bot services IPs can change so it would be difficult to maintain long term.
'Test in WebChat' is not expected to work within an ILB ASE. It calls out to the DirectLine channel and causes the channel to send a call to the bot's messaging endpoint. In most ASE or VNET scenarios that call will be blocked, but since we don't have static IP addresses so the customer can't whitelist the incoming calls, either. Other than that, Directline channel and Direct Line App Service Extension(DL ASE) should typically work as expected from within an ILB ASE setup. If you are implementing additional features such as OAuth or SSO, then you will need to add a rule to enable service tags for AzureAD.
For more info on DL ASE, please refer to

How to properly configure IoT sensors in order to gain authentication and authorization using IdM Keyrock and Wilma PEP Proxy

I have being working for some weeks with the IdM Keyrock, Wilma PEP Proxy and AuthZForce in the context of Fiware Platform, in order to develop an IoT application.
I had success in protecting the Orion Context Broker APIs using Wilma PEP Proxy and now is the turn to protect IoT-UL APIs in order to secure "southbound" APIs.
I thought about using a similar strategy to that followed with the Orion Context Broker. In this case each sensor has an OAUth2 token and putting a PEP Proxy in front of the IoT-UL APIs I would be able to authenticate and authorize every request to them.
Then I noticed that into the Keyrock interface, there is a section inside my Application tab where I can register IoT Sensors so I registered a few IoT sensors. Then I realized that I could not assign roles to this users (because internally they are users) and I could neither login using keyrock interface. So I Could not assign roles and neither generate OAuth2 tokens.
What am I missing? Perhaps authentication and authorization is not yet available for IoT sensors. In that case I thought about using regular users to represent IoT sensors but I think that is overkill. Any help with this would be very usefull.
you can create tokens for devices usingResource Owner Password Credentials Grant. Roles assignment is not ready yet. So you can just check authentication. This will be available in the next release.
