Table not created when #EmbeddedId has an extra String property - spring-boot

I'm trying to automatically generate the table for following entity:
#Table(name = "gas_price")
class GasPrice(
var id: GasPriceId,
var price: Double,
class GasPriceId(
#ManyToOne(optional = false)
var gasStation: GasStation,
var isSelf: Boolean,
var readDate: Instant,
var description: String
) : Serializable
As it is, the table is not generated on application launch, but if I remove
var description: String
the table does generate with correct values.
I am out of ideas on why it happens, anyone faced a similar issue?

Apparently inside #Embeddable for the String property I had to define the column length. So:
#Column(length = 200)
var description: String
and the table is generated. I'd have to look into why, but this solved my problem.


jpa generated schema doesn't include property of extended class

I've a very complex database which i will try to resume in here
open class ChargeableDTO(
#NotBlank var name: String,
#NotBlank var ref: String,
#Min(1) var priceCents: Int,
#NotNull #Min(1) #Max(12) var maxInstallments: Int = 1,
#NotNull var gateway: PaymentGateway) {
class CreditPackageDTO(name: String,
ref: String,
priceCents: Int,
maxInstallments: Int = 1,
gateway: PaymentGateway,
#Min(1) var creditAmount : Int) : ChargeableDTO(name, ref, priceCents, maxInstallments, gateway) {
#Table(name = "credit_packages", uniqueConstraints = [UniqueConstraint(columnNames = ["gateway", "ref"])])
class CreditPackage(dto: CreditPackageDTO) : ChargeableEntity(dto)
#Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS)
abstract class ChargeableEntity(#field:Embedded open var dto: ChargeableDTO) : HydraEntity()
many other classes that are not relevant to this problem....
but when running the schema generation script hibernate generates a code like
create table credit_packages (
id bigint not null,
created_date datetime(6),
last_modified_date datetime(6),
public_id varchar(255),
gateway integer,
max_installments integer not null,
name varchar(255),
price_cents integer not null,
ref varchar(255),
primary key (id)
) engine=InnoDB
the first 4 fields come from a parent class which all my entities inherit from.
but this schema complete ignores the property creditAmount which is defined in the extended dto
also this code doesn't metion the limit 1 to 12 for maxinstallments
am i doing anything wrong, how can i fix it?

Hibernate detached entity passed to persist error in Spring Boot in Kotlin using OneToOne with MapsId

I have the following entities in a fairly simple and straightforward Spring Boot application in Kotlin:
class Target(
#Id #GeneratedValue var id: Long? = null,
// ... other stuff
class Ruleset(
#OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) #MapsId
var target: Target,
#Id #GeneratedValue var id: Long? = null,
// ... other stuff
And I have the following code to create them upon startup of a #Component:
fun init() {
val target = Target()
val rule = Ruleset(target)
And when this runs I get the "detached entity passed to persist: com.mystuff.Target" error. I've used this approach in the past (see here: without issue, although never in trying to create them at the same time in the same method. I've also tried using the entity passed back by the .save() call on the Target repository in the persist of the Ruleset object with no success.
I am able to fix this if I go back to the "normal" way of doing a OneToOne relationship:
class Target(
#OneToOne(mappedBy = "target", cascade = [CascadeType.ALL],
fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = false)
var ruleset: Ruleset?
#Id #GeneratedValue var id: Long? = null
class Ruleset(
#OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "target_id")
var target: Target,
#Id #GeneratedValue var id: Long? = null,
But this is annoying as it forces me to pass a null into the Target constructor and then update it immediately after creating the Ruleset. I can't figure out why the other, simpler approach doesn't work.

#Id annotation Causing duplication in list

I am using Hibernate for calling Stored procedure
Response returned by Stored procedure
receiverId fcmId source
1234 xyz android
45678 abc web
9876 fgh android
1234 ygh ios
Hibernet #EntityClass
public class receieverDetails {
private String receiverUserId;
private String fcmIds;
private String source;
I am getting List of receiverDetails from database
if List contain duplicate receiverId as show is above response, 1st one is replacing the 4th details
Code for Binding
ProcedureCall procedureCall1 =
Output output1 = procedureCall1.getOutputs().getCurrent();
if(output1.isResultSet()) {
List<receieverDetails> receievers = ((ResultSetOutput) output1).getResultList();
i think this is causing by #Id annotation in the entity class, Because it is happening with same receiverIds only
Kindly Help me on this
In your code by providing the #Id annotation to the column receiverId, you are telling the code that this field is to be used as the primary key for the table.So, when fetching the data the issue occurs as there are duplicate values in the table for this column. Either you need to set the primary key correctly, or make this column as primary key in table and correct your code.
If you are using the same entity class to persist data and make column receiverId primary key then try using the below :
public class receieverDetails {
#Column(name="receiverId",unique=true,nullable = false)
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private String receiverUserId;
private String fcmIds;
private String source;
unique=true in #Column is a shortcut for #UniqueConstraint(columnNames = {"receiverId"} and other particular constraints.The #GeneratedValue annotation is to configure the way of increment of the specified column(field).
or if the primary key of the table is some other field in table please correct the code to reflect the same.

Is #ManyToOne's "optional" param automatically set using Kotlin's nullability

I read that specifying optional = false in the #ManyToOne association annotation could help Spring improve the performance of the queries.
In a Kotlin data class entity, do I actually need to specify the parameter in the annotation, or can Spring figure this out by itself using the nullability of the item field?
For instance, if I have the following declaration:
#Table(name = ACCESS_LOGS_ARCHIVES_TABLE, indexes = [
Index(name = "access_logs_archives_item_idx", columnList = "access_item_id")
data class AccessLogArchive(
val date: LocalDate,
#ManyToOne(optional = false)
#JoinColumn(name = "access_item_id", nullable = false)
val item: AccessLogItem,
val occurrences: Int
) {
var id: Long? = null
data class AccessLogItem(
#Column(length = 3) val code: String,
#Column(columnDefinition = "text") val path: String,
#Column(length = 10) val verb: String
) {
var id: Long? = null
In this case, I would for instance expect Spring to know that the item field is not nullable, and thus the relationship should be understood as optional=false even without specifying it as I did. Is this the case?
Same question goes for the #JoinColumn's nullable = false, by the way.
Consider a simple entity like a Room which has a #ManyToOne relationship to House.
class Room(
#ManyToOne(optional = true)
val house: House
) {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
val id: Long = 0
JPA will create a room table with a column
`house_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL
If you specify #ManyToOne(optional = false)
the column will look like this:
`house_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL
By specifiying optional you tell JPA how the schema should be generated, whether the column can be NULL or not.
At runtime trying to load a Room without a House will cause an Exception if the house property is not nullable (House instead of House?) even when value of optional is true.
The same applies to #JoinColumn.
Is #ManyToOne's “optional” param automatically set using Kotlin's
No it is not. It is independent from that and by default set to true.
Conclusion: In order for you schema to reflect your entities it is a good idea to use optional = true if the house property would be nullable and optional = false if the house property would be non-nullable.

What is the most convenient way to deal with nested objects in Room?

I want to save the server’s response in database (class Parent). The json has nested object, which also should be saved in database in new table (class Nested). The problem is what I don’t know how to write class Parent and ParentDao to make it use NestedDao
data class Parent(
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
var id: Long? = null,
val homeTeam: Nested,
//other fields
data class Nested(
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
var nestedId: Long? = null,
val name: String,
//other fields
interface ParentDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM parent»)
fun getData(): Single<List<Parent>>
fun insert(matches: List<Parent>)
This gives me an error: Cannot figure out how to save this field into database. You can consider adding a type converter for it.
So, what should I do to save and query Parent with Nested at once?
I don't know if you've succeed or not, but here is my answer I hope it'll help you.
That's what I used for my project and what is recommended for Room in Android docs
data class Parent(
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
var id: Long? = null,
#Embedded #ColumnInfo(name= "nested")
val homeTeam: Nested,
//other fields
data class Nested(
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
var nestedId: Long? = null,
#ColumnInfo(name= "name")
val name: String,
//other fields
interface ParentDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM parent»)
fun getData(): Single<List<Parent>>
fun insert(matches: List<Parent>)
