can't use eloquent ::query() on Laravel controller - laravel

I'm trying to do a dinamic chained query so im using the query() method, but i'm getting null/empty result I tested it using php artisan tinker and works well but in controller doesn't
$item = Item::query();
$item->where('active', true);
$item->where('stock', '>', 0);
I imported use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder; class in both model and controller but still doesn't work

First make sure your query satisfies where conditions.Then you should store your conditional query in variable.
$item = Item::query();
$item->where('active', true);
$item->where('stock', '>', 0);
if you dd($result); then you get all data
if you dd($item->get()) then it will show all data if your query satisfies specified condition.
But it fails to return result if you dd($item);

I know this has already been answered and accepted, but I will just share a small tip for better code:
$result = Item::where('active', true)
->when($request->control_negative_stock, function ($query) {
return $query->where('stock', '>', 0);
There is no need to do $item = Item::query(); and then $item->where(....). Also, take advantage of when, so you can avoid ifs and you can directly have a seamless query.


How to write a query conditionally in laravel?

I am new to the laravel, i am joining three tables based on conditions every thing is working fine but i need to write conditionally if the $field is array it should run with whereIn otherwise it should run where condition,can you please help me to acheive this thing
//$field sometimes it's an array sometimes it's a string.
public function find($field){
For conditional constraints, you can use the when() clause:
$query = DB::table(...);
$data = $query
->when(is_array($field), function ($query) use ($field) {
$query->whereIn('my_field', $field);
}, function ($query) use ($field) {
$query->where('my_field', $field);
Now, as a tip, you could do this: Wrap the $fields variables to an array and then use always the whereIn clause. You can achieve this with the Arr::wrap() function:
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
// ...
$query = DB::table(...);
$data = $query
->whereIn('my_field', Arr::wrap($field))
PS: I have linked the relevant functions to the docs so you can know how they work and their params.

Cache eloquent model with all of it's relations then convert it back to model with relations?

I am trying to optimize a project that is working pretty slow using caching. I'm facing a problem that I don't quite understand how to cache full eloquent models with their relationships and later on covert them back to a model with all relations intact. Here's a fragment of my code
if (Cache::has($website->id.'_main_page')) {
$properties = (array) json_decode(Cache::get($website->id.'_main_page'));
$page = Page::hydrate($properties);
$expiresAt = now()->addMinutes(60);
$page = Page::with(['sections', 'pageSections.sectionObjects'])->where('website_id', $website->id)->where('main', 1)->first();
Cache::put($website->id.'_main_page', $page->toJson(), $expiresAt);
Problem is, hydrate seems to be casting this data as a collection when in fact it's suppose to be a single model. And thus later on I am unable to access any of it's properties without getting errors that they don't exists. $properties variable looks perfect and I would use that but I need laravel to understand it as a Page model instead of stdClass, I also need all of the relationships to be cast into their appropriate models. Is this even possible? Any help is much appreciated
Is there any reason you can't use the cache like this
$page = Cache::remember($website->id.'_main_page', 60 * 60, function () use ($website) {
return Page::with(['sections', 'pageSections.sectionObjects'])
->where('website_id', $website->id)
->where('main', 1)
$query = Page::query();
$key = $website->id.'_main_page';
if (true) {
$query = $query->where('condition', true);
$key = $key . '_condition_true';
$query::with(['sections', 'pageSections.sectionObjects'])
->where('main', 1)
$page = Cache::remember($key, 60 * 60, function () use ($query) {
return $query->first();

Laravel whereDate() not working

I have used below query to get result with some codition in my controller
$events = Event::whereHas('topic', function ($q) {
$q->where('delete_status', 0);
->where('status', 1)
->where('delete_status', 0);
And in my view file i have used this variable thrice to check with Date like below
$events->where('type', '!=', 2)->whereDate('start_date', '>=', \Carbon\Carbon::now())->get()
$events->where('type', 2)->whereDate('start_date', '>=', \Carbon\Carbon::now())->get()
$events->whereDate('start_date', '<', \Carbon\Carbon::now())->get()
Because i want to get the result based on past date or present date. If i use get in controller query i got error of whereDate() does not exists
So i have used get() method in view file.
I cannot get record from second and third query but I can only get record from 1st query in view file.
Any solution?
$events is an collection which doesn't have whereDate method, what you might be looking for is the filter() to filter your collection in your views. Hence you could do so
$filtered_events =
$events->where('type', 2)
->filter(function ($item) {
return Carbon::parse($item->start_date)->gte(Carbon::today());

Laravel 5 Eager Loading with parameters

I'm working on a project with a bit of a complex model that has joins in its relations and also requires a parameter. It all works pretty well, except for when I need to eager load the relationship, as I couldn't figure out if there is a way to pass a parameter/variable to it.
The Controller
$template = Template::find($request->input('id'));
$this->output = $template->zones()->with('widgets_with_selected')->get();
The Model
public function widgets_with_selected($banner_id)
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Widget', 'zone_has_widgets')
->leftJoin('banner_has_widgets', function($join) use($banner_id) {
$join->on('', '=', 'banner_has_widgets.widget_id')
->where('banner_has_widgets.banner_id', '=', $banner_id);
->select('widgets.*', 'banner_has_widgets.banner_id');
This is returning a Missing argument error as the variable is not being passed.
I have resolved the issue by moving the logic to the controller, but I want to know if there is a way to keep the relationship in the model and just call it with a parameter.
Looking at the laravel code I dont think this is possible as you'd like to do it. You simply cant pass parameters to a with() call.
A possible workaround is to have an attribute on your model for $banner_id.
$template = Template::find($request->input('id'));
$template->banner_id = 1;
$this->output = $template->zones()->with('widgets_with_selected')->get();
Then change your relationship
public function widgets_with_selected()
return $this>belongsToMany('App\Models\Widget','zone_has_widgets')
->leftJoin('banner_has_widgets', function($join) use($this->banner_id) {
$join->on('', '=', 'banner_has_widgets.widget_id')
->where('banner_has_widgets.banner_id', '=', $banner_id);
->select('widgets.*', 'banner_has_widgets.banner_id');
You could perhaps alter it a bit by passing the banner_id through a method. Sortof like this in your model:
public function setBanner($id) {
$this->banner_id = $id;
return $this;
Then you can do:
Not sure if this works, and it's not really a clean solution but a hack.

Active Record and queries with CodeIgniter

I am using codeigniter for my application and i am a bit confused, I wrote some queries like that:
public function checkemail($email) {
$this->db->select('email')->from('user')->where('email', $email);
But in the manual of codeigniter ( ) they talk about $this->db->get();
Should I add it after the $this->db->select query?
My function works fine...
When should I use get() ?
Thanks you!
Yes, you'll need to run get() after the other methods. select(), from() and where() add their respective statements to the query, and get() actually runs the query and returns the result as an object.
In this case, you could just add it on to the end of the chain.
public function checkemail($email) {
->where('email', $email)
If you want to work with the result afterwards, make sure that you are assigning it to a variable.
$user = $this->db
->where('email', $email)
If you use get("table_name") then you don't need to use from("table_name"). It's just an alternative syntax it seems.
From the user guide, all the way at the bottom it says: As shown earlier, the FROM portion of your query can be specified in the $this->db->get() function, so use whichever method you prefer.
