#DefaultValue not working with #ConstructorBinding for Spring boot 2.4.2 - spring-boot

Here is an example of my problem. when no value is supplied to default-name in yml file. #DefaultValue should step in and fill with "Name". However, is not how it behaves. An empty string is assigned to defaultName
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "account")
public class Account {
private final String defaultName;
public Account(#DefaultValue("Name") String defaultName) {
this.defaultName = defaultName;


Cannot bind Map to Object in Spring Configuration Properties from YAML file

I have the following configuration in my Spring boot's application.yml file:
capital: paris
population: 60
And I have the the properties class : CountryProperties :
public class CountryProperties {
private Map<String, CountryData> countryProperties;
public static class CountryData {
private String capital;
private Integer population;
However my CountryProperties is always null, and it's because of a failed mapping with the CountryData object.
Any ideas what is wrong with what I wrote?
You have the annotation #ConstructorBinding. This annotation tells Spring to look for a constructor in your class that has parameters corresponding to your configuration properties, and then will bind the properties.
What you are missing is:
public CountryProperties(Map<String, CountryData> countryProperties) {
this.countryProperties = countryProperties;
After inspecting your code again, it looks like you aren't mapping the configuration correctly to the instance field. Please update your #ConfigurationProperties(prefix="project.country-properties") to #ConfigurationProperties(prefix="project").
Also replace the #ConstructorBinding with #Configuration.

How to bind the same prefix with multiple properties class

Assume that there is a yaml configuration:
Generally, you will create an object like this:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "foo")
public class FooProperties {
private String a;
// b c and d
But for the consideration of the project structure, I need to divide them into multiple objects in different packages, And they will use the same prefix.
package one:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "foo")
public class AProperties {
// only a property
private String a;
package two:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "foo")
public class BProperties {
// only b property
private String b;
And now, when my project fetch config from config server, Spring will say:
Binding to target [Bindable#2b32cd10 type = AProperties, value = 'provided', annotations = array<Annotation>[#org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties(ignoreInvalidFields=false, ignoreUnknownFields=false, prefix=foo, value=foo), #org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated(value={})]] failed:
Property: foo.b
Value: someValue
Origin: "foo.b" from property source "bootstrapProperties-xxx"
Reason: The elements [foo.b] were left unbound.
So, How can I bind the same prefix with multiple properties class? Thx~

How to make Set using spring-data-aerospike

spring-boot v2.0.4 RELEASE
spring-data-aerospike v2.0.1.RELEASE
java - 8
Here are my application code and properties.
// application.properties
// aerospike configuration class
#EnableAerospikeRepositories(basePackageClassses = TestAeroRepository.class)
public class AerospikeConfiguration extends AbstractAerospikeDataConfiguration {
private final AerospikeConfigurationProperties aerospikeConfigurationProperties;
protected Collection<Host> getHosts() {
return Host.parseServiceHosts(aerospikeConfigurationProperties.getHosts());
protected String nameSpace() {
return aerospikeConfigurationProperties.getNamespace();
public static class AerospikeConfigurationProperties {
String hsots;
String namespace;
# Entity class
#Builder(toBuilder = true)
public class testEntity() {
int id;
String name;
String timestamp;
public interface TestAeroRepository extends AerospikeRepository<TestEntity, Integer> {
public interface TestAeroService {
void save();
public class TestAeroServiceImpl implements TestAeroService {
private final TestAeroRepository testAeroRepository;
public void save(TestEntity entity) {
I checked Aerospike client connection has no problem.
But error is occurred when save() method is executed.
Have to make sets before execute the application? I didn't make sets.
Any problem with my code?
You’re using an old version of spring-data-aerospike (2.0.1.RELEASE was released on April 2019) is there any chance you can upgrade to the latest version? 2.4.2.RELEASE
You can see how to setup a simple spring data aerospike application here: https://medium.com/aerospike-developer-blog/simple-web-application-using-java-spring-boot-aerospike-database-and-docker-ad13795e0089
Please share the entire project’s code and the entire exception.
I would look into:
The configuration class (The Aerospike Beans creation).
The content of the testEntity class - are you using #Id annotation on the primary key field?
Extending the repository class with specifying the testEntity object (… extends AerospikeRepository<testEntity, Object> {) you can see an example in the link I added.
The set is automatically created and takes the name of your object class, which is testEntity in your case. For example, based on your code, if you do not specify a collection in the #Document annotation a set named "testEntity" will automatically be created. I added the #Document(collection = "testEntitys") annotation and all I did was create two set. Once you insert your first record, run the "SHOW SETS" aql command and it will be there. So that's one way to do it.

How to map property in application.yml to JsonNode? (Spring)

In a #ConfigurationProperties bean, I could map the customers property of the application.yml file below to List<Customer>, but I would like to instead map it to a Jackson JsonNode. Is this possible? If so, how?
name: "Sam's Bikes"
- name: Lucy
age: 26
- name: James
age: 24
This is what I'd like to achieve:
public class ShopProperties() {
private String name;
private JsonNode customers;
Since customers in application.yml are in Array of objects format, i would recomend either to collect them into List<Customer> or List<Map<String,Object>> using below code, #Data is lombok annotation, if you are not using lombok add getters and setters
public class TestConfig {
private String name;
private List<Map<String,Object>> customers; //[{name=Lucy, age=26}, {name=James, age=24}]

Spring boot + elasticsearch prefix adding doen't work

I have this entity:
#Document(indexName = "foo.user")
public class ElUser {
private String id;
#Field(type = FieldType.Text)
private String fullName;
And this Repository:
interface ElasticsearchUserRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<ElUser, String> {
List<ElUser> findAllByFullNameIsLike(String name);
And it works fine. But I want to use a prefix like this(.withPathPrefix("foo")):
public class ElasticsearchConfig extends AbstractElasticsearchConfiguration {
public RestHighLevelClient elasticsearchClient() {
final ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = ClientConfiguration.builder()
return RestClients.create(clientConfiguration).rest();
And remove it from entity:
#Document(indexName = "user")
But I get an exception:
org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.NoSuchIndexException: Index [foo] not found.; nested exception is [foo] ElasticsearchStatusException[Elasticsearch exception [type=index_not_found_exception, reason=no such index [foo]]]
The path prefix you can configure is not a prefix for the index name like foo in foo.user, it's for the path in the URL which might be needed for some routing/proxying/dispatching software between the application and Elasticsearch.
Let's imagine you have two Elasticsearch clusters at foo:9200 and bar:9200 and there is a nginx proxy in front of them at proxy:8080 which will route an request to proxy:8080/foo/abc to foo:9200/abc and proxy:8080/bar/abc to bar:9200/abc, then you would configure you client to connect to proxy:8080 with a pathPrefix of foo.
So it's not for the use case you have.
I have an example of how to provide an index prefix in my blog post "How to provide a dynamic index name in Spring Data Elasticsearch using SpEL", in the section Use a value from the application configuration, that might fit your needs.
