my IDE (intelliJ) tells me that the zip function is deprecated.
Would you have a solution?
action$.pipe(successFetch("a", "list")),
action$.pipe(successFetch("b", "list")),
action$.pipe(successFetch("c", "list"))
its full use is as follows
action$.pipe(successFetch("a", "list")),
action$.pipe(successFetch("b", "list")),
action$.pipe(successFetch("c", "list"))
mergeMap(([, state]) => {
return of(...);
Thank you in advance
zip is not deprecated in rxjs#6 but is in rxjs#7. It will be removed in version 8 and is replaced with zipWith.
Your IDE is probably using the incorrect typings.
I'm working on a maven build pipeline.
Currently I'm facing the problem that a maven project is still building if a dependency is invalid.
I think everyone know that warning in the log:
[WARNING] The POM for is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug logging for more details.
I would like to fail the project instead of a warning because in a big build pipeline its hard to find.
I looked into the code:
The warning happens in maven-core because of an EventType.ARTIFACT_DESCRIPTOR_INVALID.
In the DefaultArtifactDescriptorReader I found that during building the effective model the ModelBuildingException is catched.
There is a ArtifactDescriptorPolicy. Based on that a exception will be added or only the EventType.ARTIFACT_DESCRIPTOR_INVALID is fired (see invalidDescriptor()).
model = modelRequest ).getEffectiveModel();
catch ( ModelBuildingException e )
for ( ModelProblem problem : e.getProblems() )
if ( problem.getException() instanceof UnresolvableModelException )
result.addException( problem.getException() );
throw new ArtifactDescriptorException( result );
invalidDescriptor( session, trace, a, e );
if ( ( getPolicy( session, a, request ) & ArtifactDescriptorPolicy.IGNORE_INVALID ) != 0 )
return null;
result.addException( e );
throw new ArtifactDescriptorException( result );
I didn't found any option to configure the ArtifactDescriptorPolicy.
I expect that the ArtifactDescriptorPolicy.STRICT would solve my problem.
Does anyone knows more about that problem?
I think you're a bit ahead of the curve. There is a feature (new switch) in Maven 4 called --fail-on-severity or -fos that does exactly this: fail the build on a specific severity.
$ mvn -fos WARN clean install
If you don't mind being on the bleeding edge, you could install it and give it a go.
I am a noob when it comes to .Net Core and I was asked to upgrade an existing project from Core 2.2 to 3.1. I have been slowly working though the issues but this one I can not find any help on.
I am getting an error:
CS1061 'IHtmlGrid' does not contain a definition for
'WithFooter' and no accessible extension method 'WithFooter' accepting
a first argument of type 'IHtmlGrid' could be found (are
you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Here is the full page code from my FollowupOnTimeGrid.cshtml:
.Build(c =>
c.Add(m => m.SurveyDateRange).Titled("Survey Period").InitialSort(GridSortOrder.Asc);
c.Add(m => m.Due);
c.Add(m => String.Format("{0} ({1:f2}%)", m.OnTime, m.Due == 0 ? 0
: Math.Round((((double)m.OnTime) / m.Due) * 100.0, 2)))
.Titled("Surveys Taken on Time (N (%))");
.Css("table-striped table-bordered table-hover")
.Empty("No Records Found!")
I was able to find the solution. NonFactor changed the .WithFooter to .UsingFooter in release 7.
I am struggling a bit with localization in Laravel 5.3 (with php 7). The default localizaiton file format in Laravel 5.3 is using brackets, as in this example:
return [
'' => 'Email:',
That's what I have been using in my app and it's working fine. But now I am trying to work with some packages to help with translations, for example:
But both of those generate localization files in the "old" laravel 4.x array format. For example
return array(
'footer' => array(
'contact' => array(
'email' => 'Email:',
As I understand it I should have no issue with this localization file format in my laravel 5.3 app, however it's always throwing an exception:
[2016-12-02 13:26:01] local.ERROR: ErrorException: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in C:\100_source_code\consulting_platform_laravel\maingig\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Support\helpers.php:519
Stack trace:
#0 C:\100_source_code\consulting_platform_laravel\maingig\vendor\sentry\sentry\lib\Raven\Breadcrumbs\ErrorHandler.php(36): Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions->handleError(2, 'htmlspecialchar...', 'C:\\100_source_c...', 519, Array)
I really cant understand why this format is not working with my app. I bet it is something trivial that I am missing, but any help would be very welcome!
After a few extra hours of stepping through the code I found the source of the problem.
For example, I got these in my original lang file:
'footer.subscribe' => 'SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER',
'footer.subscribe.intro' => 'Be the first to know about our latest news...',
'footer.subscribe.privacy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'footer.subscribe.tos' => 'Terms of Service',
'footer.subscribe.tac' => 'Terms and Conditions',
As I tried to use both of the packages mentioned in my original question they produced the following output:
'footer' =>
array (
'subscribe' =>
array (
'intro' => 'TODO: intro',
'privacy' => 'TODO: privacy',
'tos' => 'TODO: tos',
'tac' => 'TODO: tac',
As you can see the generated file dropped the value for the text footer.subscribe and only kept the child element, intro, privacy, tos and tas in this case. Therefore a request for trans('footer.subscribe') returns an array and not the text.
Now that I know this I will change the format of my original translation file!
How can I change indentation from 2 spaces to 4 spaces in output CSS files when using Sass? I'm using expanded style. I don't know anything about Ruby, but I have tried to read every rb file in /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/sass-3.2.1/ on my computer.
sass-3.2.3/lib/sass/tree/visitors/to_css.rb has a number of hard-coded double-space strings (' ') that are used for indentation. If you replace them all with four-space strings it will compile your css as you stated.
The right way to change the sass indenting is to go to rubygems/gems/sass-3.x.x/lib/sass/tree/visitors/to_css.rb (or anywhere your to_css.rb file is), and edit this:
tab_str = ' ' * (#tabs + node.tabs)
Since this is the referenced question regarding sass indentation and as of now (DEC 2019), the accepted answer is outdated; I add this answer.
According to sass documentation, amongst its options, it accepts two options called indentType and indentWidth to control indentation behavior.
The default is using 4 spaces which can be changed to 1 tab like this:
function css() {
return gulp
outputStyle: "expanded",
includePaths: "./node_modules",
indentType: "tab",
indentWidth: 1
.on("error", sass.logError)
cascade: false
.pipe(header(banner, {
pkg: pkg
suffix: ".min"
I am setting my own MediaWiki website locally, and am not able to get the InstantCommons feature to work (used to directly embed files from
I get no error message, the files I try to load from Commons using the following syntax:
[[File:Cervus elaphus Luc Viatour 1.jpg|Cervus elaphus Luc Viatour 1]]
are just not loaded, and I end up with a red link on my page, referring to a non-existing file. It has been 2 days now that I am looking for a solution, but so far without any success.
I am running:
MediaWiki v.1.19.1
Fedora 16 (with SElinux)
PHP 5.3.15
MySQL Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.25a, for Linux (x86_64)
I have tried the following two configurations in my LocalSettings.php, without success:
$wgUseInstantCommons = true;
$wgForeignFileRepos[] = array(
'class' => 'ForeignAPIRepo',
'name' => 'shared',
'apibase' => '',
'fetchDescription' => true, // Optional
'descriptionCacheExpiry' => 43200, // 12 hours, optional (values are seconds)
'apiThumbCacheExpiry' => 43200, // 12 hours, optional, but required for local thumb caching
Any suggestion is most welcome.
OK, this is not (yet) an answer, but a debugging suggestion. It looks to me like the HTTP request from your server to Commons is failing for some reason, but unfortunately ForeignAPIRepo doesn't indicate the cause of the error in any way.
This is really a bug in MediaWiki, and should be fixed, but in the mean time, could you please try applying the following diff (or just manually adding the line marked with the + sign) to your includes/filerepo/ForeignAPIRepo.php file:
Index: includes/filerepo/ForeignAPIRepo.php
--- includes/filerepo/ForeignAPIRepo.php (revision 97048)
+++ includes/filerepo/ForeignAPIRepo.php (working copy)
## -385,6 +385,7 ##
if ( $status->isOK() ) {
return $req->getContent();
} else {
+ wfDebug( "ForeignAPIRepo: HTTP GET failed: " . $status->getXML() );
return false;
After applying it, try loading the file description page for a Commons image and look at the MediaWiki debug log. There should now be a line starting with ForeignAPIRepo: HTTP GET failed: followed by a few lines of XML error dump. That error data should hopefully indicate what's going wrong; please copy and paste it here.
Mine is not a definitive answer either. Referring to Ilmari Karonen's post, I was unable to find or get the getXML() method to execute for my version of Mediawiki v1.23.0. I was looking at the reference documentation found here to try and find any other method calls on the Status class that would give me good troubleshooting info. I ended up finding the following and editing the same file as mentioned in Ilmari Karonen's post includes/filerepo/ForeignAPIRepo.php beginning at line #521:
if ( $status->isOK() ) {
return $req->getContent();
} else {
$error = $status->getErrorsArray();
$dump = print_r($error, true);
wfDebug("ForeignAPIRepo: HTTP GET failed: $dump\n");
return false;
The default InstantCommons configuration of older MediaWikis is a bit silly. Due to T114098 I recommend one of the following, which will hopefully fix your problems:
upgrade to MediaWiki 1.27 (when it's released), or
set your LocalSettings.php to hotlink images to save on server-side requests and processing.
$wgUseInstantCommons = false;
$wgForeignFileRepos[] = array(
'class' => 'ForeignAPIRepo',
'name' => 'commonshotlink',
'apibase' => '',
'hashLevels' => 2,
'url' => '',
'thumbUrl' => '',
'transformVia404' => true,
'fetchDescription' => true,
'descriptionCacheExpiry' => 43200,
'apiThumbCacheExpiry' => 24 * 3600,