How do I fix "The term 'sh' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program." while installing k3s? - windows

I am new to kubernetes and docker. I have been trying to install k3s on my Windows 10 system with the command mentioned on the website:
curl -sfL | sh -
I already have minikube, kubectl and docker installed on my system, and all work as expected.
However, when I run the above command, I get the following error message:
sh : The term 'sh' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the
spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:32
+ curl -sfL | sh -
+ ~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (sh:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
What am I doing wrong here?

For the time being k3s doesn't support Windows, but there is an open issue on Github you can track.
The installation script you are trying to run, simply won't work on Windows machine. If you take a closer look at the installation requirements section in the very same documentation, you will see the following information, regarding to the supported Operating Systems:
Operating Systems
K3s is expected to work on most modern Linux systems. 👈
Some OSs have specific requirements:
If you are using Raspbian Buster, follow these steps
to switch to legacy iptables.
If you are using Alpine Linux, follow these steps
for additional setup.
If you are using (Red Hat/CentOS) Enterprise Linux, follow these
for additional setup.
For more information on which OSs were tested with Rancher managed K3s
clusters, refer to the Rancher support and maintenance
So for running k3s on Windows you would need a Linux VM which can be provisioned using a hypervisor like Hyper-V or VirtualBox that can be run on your Windows host.
Take a look at the following article that presents how it can be done by using Hyper-V:
Rancher 2.4 & Kubernetes on your Windows 10 laptop with multipass & k3s — Elasticsearch/Kibana in minutes!


Laravel installation sail problem ((23) Failed writing body)

I try to install laravel with the original laravel document but nothing happened, I got many errors, for example I tried this command on CMD;
curl -s | bash
but I got this error
(23) Failed writing body
When I tried with PowerShell I got this error;
cmdlet Invoke-WebRequest at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
curl : Cannot find drive. A drive with the name 'https' does not exist.
At line:1 char:1
curl -s | bash
CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (https:String) [Invoke-WebRequest], DriveNotFoundException
FullyQualifiedErrorId : DriveNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand
Docker Engine v20.10.0
Edition Windows 10 Home Version 20H2 Installed on ‎14/‎08/‎2020 OS
build 19042.685 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack
I ran into this issue as well and found the (usually excellent) Laravel documentation to be a little vague.
First of all, I have some knowledge of Docker but wanted to get much better acquainted so the recent release of Laravel Sail seemed like an excellent starting point.
Install Docker Desktop
Install and enable WSL2
The Laravel docs mention this in above step but the part I missed was installing a Linux distribution at the same time (via the Microsoft Store). I assumed Sail took care of this part.
Goto the windows store a get your distro e.g. Ubuntu 20.04 (
Install Windows Terminal - Up until now, I was using Cmder or ConEmu rather than the Command Prompt. The important difference is you can start a new shell for windows or any of the Linux distributions you have installed. Again, I assumed you could use the curl -s | bash command in my windows Cmder - not the case.
Start up a new Linux shell and if you ls you'll see your Windows filesystem. From there I cd'd to my projects directory, ran curl -s | bash and that took care of the rest.
One caveat is that you may have to enable any downloaded Linux distributions in Docker:
Of course, the process makes sense when you solve it and Sail does offer some useful shortcuts in getting a Laravel project up and running quickly with Docker but complete newcomers could be forgiven for thinking it takes care of absolutely everything - which it doesn't.
Side note
The reason you were getting the error in PowerShell is because PS has an alias for curl but not the curl you expect. (cURL in power shell windows 8.1: "A drive with the name 'localhost' does not exist")
You can permanently remove this ( but you may not need to now you know how to use the command in your Linux shell.
The solution above provided by #chris-j works like a charm, but if you still get the error "Docker in not running" even if the it's green consider doing the following
Do sudo su and then curl -s | bash

Unable to run cygwin in Windows Docker Container

I've been working with Docker for Windows, attempting to create a Windows Container that can run cygwin as the shell within the container itself. I haven't had any luck getting this going yet. Here's the Dockerfile that I've been messing with.
# escape=`
FROM microsoft/windowsservercore
SHELL ["powershell", "-command"]
RUN Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing | Invoke-Expression
RUN choco install cygwin -y
RUN refreshenv
RUN [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('Path', $env:Path + ';C:\tools\cygwin\bin', [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
I've tried setting the ENTRYPOINT and CMD to try and get into cygwin, but neither seems to do anything. I've also attached to the container with docker run -it and fired off the cygwin command to get into the shell, but it doesn't appear to do anything. I don't get an error, it just returns to the command prompt as if nothing happened.
Is it possible to run another shell in the Windows Container, or am I just doing something incorrectly?
You don't "attach" to a container with docker run: you start a container with it.
In your case, as seen here, docker run -it is the right approach.
You can try as an entry point using c:\cygwin\bin\bash, as seen in this issue.
As commented in issue 32330:
Don't get me wrong, cygwin should work in Docker Windows containers.
But, it's also a little paradoxical that containers were painstakingly wrought into Windows, modeled on containers on Linux, only for people to then want to run Linux-utils in these newly minted Docker Windows containers...
That same issue is still unresolved, with new case seen in May and June 2018:
We have an environment that compiles with Visual Studio but still we want to use git and some very useful commands taken from linux.
Also we use of-the-shelve utilities (e.g. git-repo) that uses linux commands (e.g. curl, grep,...)
Some builds require Cygwin like ICU (a cross-platform Unicode based globalization library), and worst: our builds require building it from source.
You can see an example of a crash in MSYS2-packages issue 1239:
Step 5/5 : RUN "C:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\ls.exe"
---> Running in 5d7867a1f8da
The command 'cmd /S /C "C:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\ls.exe"' returned a non-zero code: 3221225794
This can get more information on the crash:
PS C:\msys64\usr\bin>
Get-EventLog -Index 28,29,30 -LogName "Application" | Format-List -Property *
The workaround was:
PS > xcopy /S C:\Git C:\Git_Copy
PS > C:\Git_Copy\usr\bin\sh.exe --version > v.txt
PS > type v.txt
As mentioned in that thread, the output gets lost somewhere in the container, thus sending it to a text file.
After playing with it for a long time, my findings were the following:
If your Cygwin utilities are crashing your container, you need to use process isolation. See for the requirements (essentially you need to use Windows Server 2016 and a build-matching Docker Image). I spent some time trying to understand the reason why hyper-v isolation doesn't work and so far I didn't come to any conclusion;
If your Cygwin utilities apparently do nothing - but they don't crash the container - you need to remove the -t flag (the -i flag is still ok) or alternatively play with stdout redirection. Apparently there seems to be an issue with MSYS2 when it deals with some pseudo-ttys. You can verify that programs still run if you redirect stdout to a file (e.g. whoami won't output anything when you run it without any stdout redirection, but whoami > out.txt will output the expected result to a file). It might be possible to fix this by replacing the pseudo-tty but I didn't try it. I suspect that the problem is an invalid handle somewhere inside the MSYS2 libs - as other console apps can print things to the terminal - but I didn't verify this.
Hope it helps to all of you having the same problem.
I was able to get a preinstalled (copied from the host) copy of Cygwin to work in a nanoserver-based container with these two steps:
Using Żubrówka's recommendation for no -t in the docker run cmd-line (when running docker interactively)
Copying the host's (Windows Server 2016) kernel32.dll to the container's c:\windows\system32
I found serveral versions of kernel32.dll on my system, and used the one from c:\windows\system32 with md5 hash d8948a7af764f7153b3e396ad44992ff
This also made a large variety of other executables work. Note that without a tty, using the container is even more cumbersome, and the bash shell doesn't render the prompt. However, scripts (via Jenkins, in my case) that rely on cygwin components work fine.
If that doesn't help, try this guide, it helped me a lot. If your windows application (other than cygwin) is legitimately missing DLLs, the instructions in this guide can help. It never occurred to me that SysInternals' procmon.exe can be run on the host and still report events from the container!

Specifying JupyterHub Path Variable

I am in the process of installing jupyterhub. I successfully install jupyterhub using:
python3 -m pip install jupyterhub
npm install -g configurable-http-proxy
However, when I run jupyterhub -h in the Windows command prompt it gives:
"jupyterhub" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
program or batch file.
I added C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\jupyterhub\ to my user environment variable, however still receive the message. What path should I be using?
Please note that according to this, Jupyterhub is not officially supported for Windows yet.
That aside, you could dockerize it to make your life easier. For this error, please check if you can see the executable in C:\Program Files\Continuum Analytics\Anaconda3\scripts. The lib directory you're specifying contains python source files and not the executables.
I had this same issue, and I saw this occurred because jupyterhub is a python script rather than an executable. So to run this on Windows I needed to execute it like python C:\Program Files\Continuum Analytics\Anaconda3\scripts\jupyterhub.
However, I still was unable to run jupyterhub on Windows because it depends on the pwd module, which is a Unix/Linux only module.
As others have said, Windows is not a supported platform. JupyterHub is best used on Linux-like platforms where you have Docker or something similar to conatainerize each user's session.
A good alternative is to install Oracle VirtualBox and run a local VM. I run a 64-bit Ubuntu and it's quite good performance. It makes things much easier to run JupyterHub on. Asides depending on pwd, there are also assumptions around user-creation and other activities that Windows isn't going to handle well.
In short, if you want to run on native Windows, you're going to become the first JupyterHub Windows contributor. I looked at doing it but it looked like too much effort.
The upside of running a VM is that behaviour in the VM is going to more closely resemble what you have running on the server anyway. If you don't plan running on a server, then just "jupyter notebook", as this is all JupyterHub ends up running...

How to install ansible-playbook on windows as host with vagrant

I am trying to orchestrate server with LEMP stack and other configuration. For this I'm using vagrant to up(manage) servers and Ansible for auto configuration and package installations. I'm using windows as host machine where ansible need to be installed and all *Nix machine would be guest which are going to be configured.
With pip I have successfully installed ansible in C:\Python27\Scripts
I am facing Problem in running ansible and ansible-playbook on windows. If any one has done this for windows machine, Please share article or way to accomplish.
I had gone through above article but its not working, Error
==> default: Running provisioner: ansible...
zsh:1: no such file or directory: /bin/ansible-playbook
Ansible failed to complete successfully. Any error output should be
visible above. Please fix these errors and try again.
In *Nix as guest all working excellent. But looking for support to do same in windows machine.
Using windows as the control machine is not supported. But you can have a pleasant experience using docker with boot2docker.
This will install a virtualbox VM guest on the windows machine, which you will be able to use to configure you vagrant boxes, for which you will have to configure the networking properly.
You can achieve this with cygwin. For scripts to do this have a look at:
As an added bonus it adds the shims required to use Ansible from windows command prompt and from Vagrant.
From the documentation:
Currently Ansible can be run from any machine with Python 2 (version 2.7) or Python 3 (versions 3.5 and higher) installed. Windows isn’t supported for the control machine.
Generally speaking, if you are using a Windows host, you have 3 options. Listed in order of (my) preference:
Run Ansible from a Docker container
Run Ansible from WSL (if you're running on Windows 10). This Gist can help you with some further setup so that you don't have to invoke WSL to run Ansible.
Run Ansible from Cygwin

NSClient++ not getting installed in windows

I have installed Nagios monitoring tool in linux whose service is running successfully as expected.
Now as per NSClient documentation, the windows part is not getting installed.
The required steps are:
(a) Copy pNSClient.exe, pdh.dll, psapi.dll and counters.defs in any directory on the machine you want to monitor. ie. (c:\nsclient).
(b) Open a dos prompt in the installation directory
(c) Run the following command : >pNSClient.exe /install
(d) Type 'net start nsclient' on the command line or start the service 'Nagios Agent' in the services applet of the control panel.
The installation will create an entry for the service in the registry and create a new key to store parameters. The created key is the following:
The issue is with the installation as per the first step, and the 'net start nsclient' command is not executing on command prompt, its showing service name invalid
Any help regarding this ? M installing this on windows 7.
Only the windows installation part of NSClient is remaining yet the linux part is properly installed along with the 'check_nt' plugin.
Thanks in advance !!
NSClient is antiquated and deprecated. You should be using NSClient++ (AKA nscp), which has an actual installer, along with excellent documentation.
Alternatively, if you are dealing with more than a few dozen Windows hosts, and are using Active Directory, you might want to consider Nagios-WSC. Whether or not it will suit your needs depends on what sort of checks you are hoping to do, though.
That documentation might be out of date. Try using the following doc to install NSClient++. The doc is for Nagios XI, but the agent instructions should be the same.
Otherwise, you could also try:
net start nsclient++
just an advice - forget about manual installs )
install choco
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
restart powershell session and
install nsclient++
choco install nscp
