Laravel groupBy multiple relations - laravel

i have the follow relations
Order -> orderItems (hasnmany)-> product (hasOne) -> product_category (hasOne)
I would like get all orders groupBy category product id. But i need help because my query is not working well.
My query:
$items = Order::orderBy("id", "desc")
$groupByCategory = $items
Can you help me please?

You are not starting from the right Object.
Dealing with Eloquent, always start as you want your tree to look like ;
in your case :
Category->product->order, so your query would look like this :
$categories = Category::with([
'products.orderItems' => function($query){
$query->orderBy('id', 'desc');
Then :
foreach($categories as $category){
// $category->name
foreach($category->products as $product){
// $product->name
foreach($product->orderItems as $item){
// $item->name


How many products do I have Laravel

I have a table whit some products and I try to do that if I add more products than I have in my inventory it has to show me an alert.
I did it but its not working, In products i have the sku and reference.In inventories i have all the products that i have.
foreach ($request->dataTable as $dataTable) {
$productId = DB::table('products')
->where('sku', $dataTable[2])
->select('id', 'reference')
$inventoryId = DB::table('inventories')
->where('product_id', $productId->id)
if ($inventoryId == null) {
return response()->json([
'type' => 'error',
'msg' => 'No existe suficiente stock para realizar la venta del producto con referencia: ' . $productId->reference . '. Solo hay ' . $productId->references->count(),
Product Model:
public function references()
return $this->hasOne('App\Models\Inventory');
If I add a product_id = 1 three times it has to show me the alert and says "The product 1 only has 2 in stock in inventory"
But I add two products and says: "error", msg: "Undefined property: stdClass::$references"}
You're not able to access eloquent relationships on the DB facade.
If you wanted to access the references relationship you'd need to change
$productId = DB::table('products')
->where('sku', $dataTable[2])
->select('id', 'reference')
into an eloquent model lookup, something like
$productId = App\Models\Products::where('sku', $dataTable[2])
->select('id', 'reference')
As a separate note and to help with performance, I'd also suggest eager loading the inventories relationship. Without knowing much about your DB design, something like the below should get you started
// Product model
public function inventories()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Inventory');
Then you could adjust the top eloquent query to be something like
$productId = App\Models\Products::where('sku', $dataTable[2])
->select('id', 'reference')
Be sure to checkout Laravel eloquent relationships for more information specific to your situation

Laravel Sorting (orderBy or sortBy) is no working to sort database results

I am using Laravel 6.x and have been trying to sort orders ascendingly by the time they were created. This is what I tried. I tried changing the positions of orderBy and sortBy, but it didn't change anything.
public function index()
$orders = Order::select("*", DB::raw("count(*) as order_count"))
->groupBy(DB::raw("coupon"))->sortBy('created_at', 'desc')
return view('admin.order.index', compact('orders'));
So can you please tell me why this code is not sorting properly? Thank you for your support!
sortBy is used by collection, for a query, you have to use a orderBy :
public function index()
$orders = Order::orderByDesc('created_at')
return view('admin.order.index', compact('orders'));
you can also use latest()
public function index()
$orders = Order::latest()
return view('admin.order.index', compact('orders'));
You can't use a count a groupBy here, or you would get a single line.
Provide more information about what you are trying to do (Do you want to have the number of order per coupon ?
Edited :
To get your order groupby coupon :
$coupons = Coupon::with(['order' => function($query){
then you can use it :
#foreach($coupons as $coupon)
Number of Order : {{ $coupon->order_count }}
Orders :
#foreach($coupon->orders as $order)
{{ $order->[...] }}

how to group by item many to many query builder laravel

I have comics and categories related many to many through pivot tables. I use join and groupBy but it doesn't group categories same comics id.
If I do not use the group
$result = DB::table('comics')
->join('category_comic', '', '=', 'category_comic.comic_id')
->join('categories', 'category_comic.category_id', '=', '')
I want each comic group category
First of all
try tou use Laravel Eloquent Relationship and its really cool and very easy to use
In Eloquent Method
In Comics Model
add relationship function
public function cat(){
return $this->hasOne(ComicCategory::class,'id','comic_id'); //ComicCategory::class is your category_comic model
Then you just need you Comic Model to get a group of your category com
$result = Comic::with('cat')->get(); //Commic is your model
In query Builder, you need to group manual using foreach
$result = DB::table('comics')
->join('category_comic', '', '=', 'category_comic.comic_id')
->join('categories', 'category_comic.category_id', '=', '')
$result = json_decode(json_encode($result), TRUE);
$new_result = [];
foreach($result as $row){
$arr[$row['id']]['name'] = $row['name'];
$arr[$row['id']]['cat'][] = $row['title'];
and finally rearange the key
$new_result = array_values($new_result );
PS : thats array method, i never group using object method

how to make join in laravel ? get only some columns of another table

I am working on admin panel ... where i get all products from database and show in table ... the problem is i want to get each product categorey from "category" table and get stock of each product from "products attribute" table ... i am create a join but this join collapse product id , name stock or prize from another table... Thanks.
public function viewProducts(Request $request){
$products = Product::get();
$products = Product::join('categories','','products.category_id')
$products = json_decode(json_encode($products));
//echo "<pre>"; print_r($products); die;
return view('admin.products.view_products')->with(compact('products'));
$products = Product::join('categories','','products.category_id')
->get(['categories.category_name as category_name', 'products_attributes.stock as product_stock', 'products.*']);
Try this:
->select(['categories.category_name as category_name', 'products_attributes.stock as product_stock', 'products.*'])

Laravel filtering one to many relations

I have Product and Category models tied one to many.How to filter Products by category? In template i have
{{ $category->name }}
How to write function to filter Products with Category?
public function productsByCategory($category_id){
$products = Product:: ????
return view("layouts._productsByCategory", compact("products"));
Answer is
$products = Product::where('category_id', $category_id)->get();
You can use:
$products = Product::where('category_id', $category_id)->get();
$products = Product::whereHas('category', function($q) use ($category_id) {
$q->where('id', $category_id);
assuming you set category relationship in Product model.
You might find it easier to go via the category:
public function productsByCategory($category_id){
return view("layouts._productsByCategory", [
'products' => Category::with('products')->find($category_id)->products
