Highchart in Spring boot - spring

I try to use hightchart in spring boot to plot a line graph. But I can't get line chart but only show blank result in my view.
This is my view side
dataType: 'json'
success: function(result){
var month = JSON.parse(result).month;
var report = JSON.parse(result).report;
drawLineChart(month, report);
function drawLineChart(month,report){
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
var chart = Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
type: 'line'
title: {
text: 'Fruit Consumption'
xAxis: {
categories: month
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Fruit eaten'
series: [{
name: 'Jane',
data: report
<!--Here to show the graph -->
<div id="container"></div>
My controller that use Json
public String getDataFromDb(#AuthenticationPrincipal UserDetails user) {
User currentuser = userRepository.findByUsername(user.getUsername());
Optional<Hawker> hawker = hawkerService.getHawkerByUserId(currentuser.getId());
//Get the report list
List<Report> reportList = reportService.findByHawId(hawker.get().getHaw_id());
JsonArray jsonMonth = new JsonArray();
JsonArray jsonReport = new JsonArray();
JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
json.add("month", jsonMonth);
json.add("report", jsonReport);
return json.toString();
When I remove the ajax and add in the manual data, it do show the graph. Please help me, Thank you.

You don't need to manually create json in your controller code, spring boot will handle it for you. You should create a dto class in a form which is expected by your javascript.
Which is in your case:
public class LineChartDto {
private List<Integer> month; // you better call this "months" or "monthList"
private List<BigDeciamal> report; // why do you call this "report" while this is actually "sales"
// all args constructor, getters
And your controller method would be:
#ResponseBody // or use #RestController
public LineChartDto getSalesLineChartData(..) {
List<Report> reportList = ..
List<Integer> months = reportList.stream()
.map(report -> report.getMonth()+1)
List<BigDecimal> sales = reportList.stream()
.map(Report::getTotal_sales) // better name this getTotalSales
return new LineChartDto(months, sales);
Response will result in json object:
"month": [1, 2, ... ],
"report": [100, 200, ... ]
As for why you ajax doesn't work - the question is too broad. Start with Chrome Dev Tools Network to check what network communication is happening, check browser console for errors, add some console.log() or better debug your js.
This line document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () looks suspicious to me. I don't think you need to addEventListener each time you call your chart.
Probably you should do this:
function drawLineChart(month,report){
Highcharts.chart('container', {


Angular2 : Reduce number of Http calls

I'm using Angular2 RC5 with an ASP.NET Core server that makes the API calls to get my data.
I'm actually wondering if there is a way to reduce the number of http calls you make with Angular2, because I fear there will be a lot if I keep using components the way I do. Here is a concrete example.
I want to get a text value from the database, which is defined by an ID and a Language. I then made the following component :
selector: 'dico',
template: `{{text}}`,
providers: [EntitiesService]
class Dico implements AfterViewInit {
#Input() private id: string;
#Input() private lang: string;
private text: string = null;
// DI for my service
constructor(private entitiesService: EntitiesService) {
ngAfterViewInit() {
// Call the service that makes the http call to my ASP Controller
getDico() {
this.entitiesService.getDico(this.id, this.lang)
DicoText => this.text = DicoText
template: `<dico [id] [lang]></dico>`,
directives: [Dico]
export class DicoComponent {
Here is the code from my service :
getDico(aDicoID: string, aLangue: string) {
// Parameters to use in my controller
let params = new URLSearchParams();
params.set("aDicoID", aDicoID);
params.set("aLangue", aLangue);
// Setting up the Http request
let lHttpRequestBody = params.toString();
let lControllerAction: string = "/libelle";
let lControllerFullURL: string = this.controllerURL + lControllerAction;
let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' });
let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
return this.http.post(lControllerFullURL, lHttpRequestBody, options)
.map((res: any) => {
// Parsing the data from the response
let data = res.json();
// Managing the error cases
switch (data.status) {
case "success":
let l_cRet: string = data.results;
if (l_cRet != null && !l_cRet.includes("UNDEFINED")) {
return data.results;
} else {
throw new Error("Erreur récupération Dico : " + l_cRet);
case "error":
throw new Error("Erreur récupération Dico : " + data.message);
Then I can use my newly made component in my app :
<dico id="201124" lang="it"></dico>
<dico id="201125" lang="en"></dico>
<dico id="201126" lang="fr"></dico>
But this application will eventually use hundreds of these "dico" and I was wondering how I could manage some pre-fetch or something like that before the app fully loads. Does it even matter ? Will that affect performance in the long term ?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT : These dico allow me to fetch from the database a text translated into the langage I want. Here, in the example above, I have 3 "dico" that will output some text in italian, french, and english.
My application will use a lot of them, as every text in every menu will be a "dico", and the problem is that there will be a lot of them, and right now for every "dico" I make, my service is called and makes one http call to get the data. What I want is to somehow define all my dicos, call the service which will give me the text of all my dicos in an array to avoid making several calls (but I don't really know how to do that).
A basic untested approach (I don't know observables too well myself)
class DicoService {
private subjects = {}
private ids = [];
getDico(String id):Observable<Dico> {
var s = this.subjects[id];
if(!s) {
s = new Subject();
return s.asObservable().share().first();
sendRequest() {
http.get(....) /* pass this.ids */
map(response => response.json())
.subscribe(data => {
for(item in data) { // don't know how to iterate exactly because I don't know how the response will look like
// you might cache them if other components added by the router also request them
// this.subjects = {};
// this.ids = []
<dico [text]="dicoService.getDico('someId') | async"></dico>
ngAfterViewInit() {

ajax call does not work in angular js

I have the scenario as follow:
I have a text box and button and whenever I add sth in textbox I want to add the text in the table my code is as follow:
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.factory('Service', function() {
var typesHash = [ {
id :1,
name : 'lemon',
price : 100,
unit : 2.5
}, {
id : 2,
name : 'meat',
price : 200,
unit : 3.3
} ];
var localId = 3;
var service = {
addTable : addTable,
getData : getData,
return service;
function addTable(name) {
typesHash.push({id:localId++, name:name, price:100,unit:1});
function getData() {
return typesHash;
app.controller('table', function(Service) {
//get the return data from getData funtion in factory
this.typesHash = Service.getData();
//get the addtable function from factory
this.addTable = Service.addTable;
and the plnkr is as follow:
Now as you can see I add whatever inside the text in the table and everything works fine but now I want to add whatever inside the textbox and also I want to get some information from the servlet and add those to the table as well. so for that I use ajax call as follow:
function addTable(name) {
typesHash.push({id:localId++, name:name, price:100,unit:1});
var responsePromise = $http.get("http://localhost:8080/purchase/AddInfo");
responsePromise.success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
typesHash.push( {id:data.id,name : data.name, price : data.price,unit:2.5 });
but when I use that I get he following error:
ReferenceError: $http is not defined
can anyone help? (just a quick note: this code is smaller version of my real code and I purposely used factory since I need it)
inside of your controller attr your should insert an $http argument:
app.controller('CTRL1', function($scope, $http){
//Now your can use $http methods
or insert $http argument in your service decleration if you are using $http request methods from inside of your service

canjs findOne deferred

I learned that instead of using model.findAll and write code in call back function of findAll we can achieve same by using new model.List({}).
E.g., jsfiddle --> http://jsfiddle.net/CRZXH/48/ .. in this jsfiddle example List implementation works but findOne fails.
var people = new Person.List({});
return can.Component({
tag: 'people',
template: initView,
scope: {
people: people
Above example works fine, initially people is assigned with empty object but after ajax call complete people variable is updated with list and view updates on its own.
How to achieve the same in case of findOne?
var person = PersonModel.findOne({});
tag: 'person',
template: initView,
scope: person
This fails....
I did work around as below :
var person;
person = data
tag: 'person',
template: initView,
scope: person
This works only if I add asyn=false in findeOne ajax call.
I got solution for this problem from http://webchat.freenode.net/ #daffl
Solution : http://jsfiddle.net/CRZXH/49/
can.Model.extend('Person', {
findOne: 'GET api/metadata',
getMetadata: function() {
var result = new Person();
Person.findOne().then(function(data) {
result.attr(data.attr(), true);
return result;
}, {});
// Person component which uses findOne
tag: 'person',
scope: function() {
return {
person: Person.getMetadata()
1- the ID for findOne is mandatory
findOne({id: modelId})
2- You can put the person model in a viewmodel (AKA component scope) and not passe the value use can.stache plugin and can.map.define plugin for this
"GET api/people":function(){
return [
{id: 1, name: "Person 1"},
{id: 2, name: "Person 2"}
},"GET api/people/{id}":function(request,response){
return {id: request.data.id, name: "Person "+request.data.id}
findAll: 'GET api/people',
findOne: 'GET api/people/{id}',
Person.findOne({id: 2}, setFn);
var frag=can.view('personTmpl',{});
Here is the fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/cherif_b/egq85zva/

Kendo grid how to pass additional parameter from java script

in telerik extenstion to pass additional data to ajax request I used
function onDataBinding(e)
e.data = {argument : 4};
where e was div cointainer with data object inside,
How can I do this using kendo ? I tried the same but for Kendo e arqument is sth totally different.
Finally i got the answer my own and it is :
Sorry for the terrible late at the party, but i've got some special cake that you may find tasty:
function readData()
return {
anagId: selectedItem.ID
dataSource: {
type: "ajax",
transport: {
read: {"url":"#Url.Action("RecordRead", "Tools")","data":readData}
[ rest of the grid configuration]
I came across this code by inspecting the code generated by Kendo Asp.Net MVC helpers.
I don't know if this is a further implementation that didn't exist at the age of the post, but this way looks really the most flexible compared to the other answers that i saw. HTH
Try this:
Add this to your grid read function or any CRUD operation:
.Read(read => read.Action("ReadCompanyService", "Admin").Data("CompanyServiceFilter"))
Add javascript:
function CompanyServiceFilter()
return {
company: $("#ServiceCompany").val()
In your controller:
public ActionResult ReadCompanyService([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request, string company)
var gridList = repository.GetCompanyServiceRateList(company);
return Json(gridList.ToDataSourceResult(request));
Please note, only string type data is allowed to be passed on read, create, update and delete operations.
If you want to pass some param to ajax request, you can use parameterMap configuration on your grid.
This will get passed on to your Ajax request.
parameterMap: function (options, operation) {
if (operation === "read") {
var selectedID = $("#SomeElement").val();
return {ID: selectedID }
return kendo.stringify(options.models) ;
Try this:
.Read(read => read.Action("Controller", "Action")
function() {
return {
searchModel: DataFunctionName(),
userName: '#=UserName#'
JS function
function DataFunctionName() {
var searchModel = {
Active: $("#activityMonitorIsActive").data('kendoDropDownList').value(),
Login: $("#activityMonitorUsers").data('kendoComboBox').value()
return searchModel;

Jqgrid spring date binding exception

OS: Windows Vista, Framework: Jqgrid (latest), Spring (latest), JQuery (latest)
I am using Jqgrid to post a form to Spring Controller to persist. When the Spring controller tries to auto bind the request parameters to domain object, it throws exception when trying to bind 'Date' data type. I am using JSon format for transfer data. The Jqgrid display the date correctly. The transfer string contains '&-quot;' characters before and after the date that causes the exception. I dont know how to remove the escape character from Jqgrid. I dont know how to intercept the string before Spring gets a chance to auto bind. Thanks for your help in advance.
public class JsonDateSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Date> {
private static final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
public void serialize(Date date, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider provider)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
String formattedDate = dateFormat.format(date);
My controller class has initBinder method.
public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
binder.registerCustomEditor(Date.class, new CustomDateEditor(dateFormat, false));
binder.registerCustomEditor(String.class, new StringTrimmerEditor(true));
Exception stack trace
nested exception is org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionFailedException: Unable to convert value "2010-12-01 11:10:00" from type 'java.lang.String' to type 'java.util.Date'; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException]
I will try to set-up a tutorial on my blog if I get the time today.
My JSP file is just a simple JSP file with your typical JqGrid declaration:
<script type="text/javascript">
jq(function() {
// This is the grid
datatype: 'json',
mtype: 'GET',
colNames:['Id','Username','First Name'],
{name:'id',index:'id', width:55,editable:false,editoptions:{readonly:true,size:10},hidden:true},
{name:'firstName',index:'firstName', width:100,editable:true, editrules:{required:true}, editoptions:{size:10}, editrules:{required:true}},
{name:'lastName',index:'lastName', width:80, align:"right",editable:true, editrules:{required:true}, editoptions:{size:10}, editrules:{required:true}}
postData: {
// Here you can post extra parameters
// For example using JQuery you can retrieve values of other css elements
height: 200,
autowidth: true,
rownumbers: true,
pager: '#pager',
sortname: 'id',
viewrecords: true,
sortorder: "asc",
emptyrecords: "Empty records",
loadonce: false,
loadComplete: function() {
// Here you can provide extra functions after the grid is loaded completely
// Like auto-height function
jsonReader : {
root: "rows",
page: "page",
total: "total",
records: "records",
repeatitems: false,
cell: "cell",
id: "id"
// This is the pager
{ },
{ },
{ },
sopt:['eq', 'ne', 'lt', 'gt', 'cn', 'bw', 'ew'],
closeOnEscape: true,
multipleSearch: true,
closeAfterSearch: true }
// Custom Add button on the pager
{ caption:"Add",
onClickButton: addRow,
position: "last",
cursor: "pointer"
// Custom Edit button on the pager
{ caption:"Edit",
onClickButton: editRow,
position: "last",
cursor: "pointer"
// Custom Delete button on the pager
{ caption:"Delete",
onClickButton: deleteRow,
position: "last",
cursor: "pointer"
// Toolbar Search
jq("#grid").jqGrid('filterToolbar',{stringResult: true,searchOnEnter : true, defaultSearch:"cn"});
Take note I'm using JQuery's noConflict method here. Since I have another Javascript framework that uses the $, I forced JQuery to use a different identifier for itself. I picked jq and here's the declaration:
<script type="text/javascript">
var jq = jQuery.noConflict();
The Javascript's above can be declared on the head section of your JSP. The critical part of the JqGrid declaration is the jsonReader and the datatype. Make sure the colModel name matches your model properties.
You could probably use StringTrimmerEditor's second constructor to delete those extra chars
StringTrimmerEditor(String charsToDelete, boolean emptyAsNull)
Based on the Spring docs:
charsToDelete - a set of characters to delete, in addition to trimming an input String. Useful for deleting unwanted line breaks. E.g. "\r\n\f" will delete all new lines and line feeds in a String.
I also use the latest version of JqGrid and Spring 3, but the way I handled the parameters seems to be simpler. Here's how I did it:
public class JsonController {
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody JsonResponse getAll(
#RequestParam("_search") String search,
#RequestParam(value="filters", required=false) String filters,
#RequestParam(value="datefrom", required=false) String datefrom,
#RequestParam(value="dateto", required=false) String dateto,
#RequestParam(value="page", required=false) String page,
#RequestParam(value="rows", required=false) String rows,
#RequestParam(value="sidx", required=false) String sidx,
#RequestParam(value="sord", required=false) String sord
) { ... }
All parameters are passed as normal Strings. The datefrom and dateto are custom parameters I passed from the JqGrid. The date comes from a JQuery's DatePicker and passed via JqGrid postData:
postData: {
datefrom: function() { return jq("#datepicker_from").datepicker("getDate"); },
dateto: function() { return jq("#datepicker_to").datepicker("getDate"); }
JsonResponse is a simple POJO that I used to map the search parameters passed by a JqGrid:
public class JsonResponse {
* Current page of the query
private String page;
* Total pages for the query
private String total;
* Total number of records for the query
private String records;
* An array that contains the actual data
private List<MyDTO> rows;
public JsonResponse() {
public String getPage() {
return page;
public void setPage(String page) {
this.page = page;
public String getTotal() {
return total;
public void setTotal(String total) {
this.total = total;
public String getRecords() {
return records;
public void setRecords(String records) {
this.records = records;
public List<MyDTO> getRows() {
return rows;
public void setRows(List<MyDTO> rows) {
this.rows = rows;
MyDTO is a simple DTO object as well.
In my Spring applicationContext.xml, I just have to declare the following:
And added the Jackson jar for converting from JSON to POJO and vice versa
To convert the String date to a real Date, I used the great Joda library. But of course, you can use JDK's standard Date.
If you notice on my JSP, I added custom buttons. The onClickButton calls another Javascript function. For example on the Add button, I have the addRow function. Here's the function declaration:
function addRow() {
// Get the currently selected row
{ url: "/myapp/users/add",
editData: {
// Here you add extra post parameters
recreateForm: true,
beforeShowForm: function(form) {
// Here you can add, disable, hide elements from the popup form
closeAfterAdd: true,
afterSubmit : function(response, postdata)
// This is a callback function that will evaluate the response sent by your Controller
var result = eval('(' + response.responseText + ')');
var errors = "";
if (result.success == false) {
// Do whatever you like if not successful
} else {
// Do whatever you like if successful
// only used for adding new records
var new_id = null;
// Then this will be returned back to the popup form
return [result.success, errors, new_id];
Take note of the url:
url: "/myapp/users/add"
This is the mapping to your Controller that handles the add request
Now, for the Jackson serialization/deserialization, you'll be suprised how easy it is.
First, make sure you have the latest Jackson library in your classpath. Next, open your Spring xml config, and add the following:
That's it :)
Make sure you have the latest dependency jars. I use Spring 3.0.4. There's 3.0.5 already. Also, make sure you have the latest aspectjweaver.jar. If you wanna know what's inside that mvc-annotation-driven tag, just search the web and you'll see what it contains. Basically it automatically declares an HTTPMessageConverter for JSON, and uses Jackson by default.
For the Controller, here's the mapping to the /myapp/users/add request:
public class UserController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/add", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody JsonGenericResponse addAsJson(
#RequestParam("id") String id,
#RequestParam("firstName") String firstName,
#RequestParam("lastName") String lastName
) {
// Validate input
// Process data. Call a service, etc.
// Send back a response
// JsonGenericResponse is a custom POJO
// Jackson will automatically serialize/deserialize this POJO to a JSON
// The #ResponseBody annotation triggers this behavior
JsonGenericResponse response = new JsonGenericResponse();
response.setMessage("Error in server");
return response;
Here's the JsonGenericResponse:
public class JsonGenericResponse {
private Boolean success;
private List<String> message;
public JsonGenericResponse() {
message = new ArrayList<String>();
public Boolean getSuccess() {
return success;
public void setSuccess(Boolean success) {
this.success = success;
public List<String> getMessage() {
return message;
public void setMessage(String message) {
It's just really a simple POJO.
In your JSP, to process the response, you use JavaScript in your JqGrid. The response will be sent back to whomever the caller (the add form in this case). Here's a sample JavaScript that will process the response:
if (result.success == false) {
for (var i = 0; i < result.message.length; i++) {
errors += result.message[i] + "<br/>";
} else {
jq("#dialog").text('Entry has been edited successfully');
{ title: 'Success',
modal: true,
buttons: {"Ok": function() {
return [result.success, errors, null];
