Steps required to SSH into Azure Windows VM from a Linux VM - windows

Having created a Windows Azure VM and opened ports 3389 and 22 for inbound RDP and SSH connections, respectively.
I can successfully connect to the vm via RDP from a remote Windows PC.
Testing SSH connection in the Portal succeeds. However trying to connect from a remote Linux VM using SSH fails.
Given that SSH connection test within the portal succeeds, it suggests that (1) it is possible to SSH into a windows VM; and (2) there is no other config require on the server ie installing OpenSSH (or similar) / Copying over key file(s) to some location etc. However, the help steps in the Azure Portal for my Windows VM, for making remote SSH connections suggest that maybe a public key needs to exist on the server and that I need the private key on the LinuxVM I am trying to connect from.
Please could someone help me understand if ssh into windows Azure VM is possible and if so, the requirements / minimum set of steps (on the target Windows VM and the source Linux VM) I need to get to a state that I can successfully SSH.
Other posts re similar question posted have not helped me connect via ssh. I have not found a 'golden source of truth' on Microsoft docs. Maybe I missed it.
Thank you.

A Windows Server doesn’t typically come pre-built and ready to go with SSH access and it requires some setup. You can follow this to set up your Azure VM for SSH access. You can configure SSH on a Windows Azure VM for access, check out How to Set Up OpenSSH on a Windows Server. After deploying the OpenSSH, you can follow the steps about connect via SSH with client in the Azure portal on your Linux client to access that Windows VM via SSH.


not secure in another pc but in my aws rdp is installed

Here the problem I'm get aws windows server 2019 and install xampp for easy use and tried to install ssl and virtual host 443 and he install i follow so many way to install ssl but in my own browser is not secure suddenly open rdp and install chrome want see he secure how in rdp secure outside not working
You can connect to windows Server through any linux instance (such as your NAT Instance in public subnet) in same VPC by SSH tunnel.

How to rdp from mac to azure vm through vnet gateway

I am trying to rdp from my local mac to an Azure instance through a (IKEv2) vpn connection. I am never prompted for a password, and it looks like the connection just times out. The error code I get is 0x204.
I have tried using both Microsoft Remote Desktop 8 and 10 for mac.
The connection is active and reports that it is connected.
From the mac, I can connect to another VM (in the same azure account) which is not running behind a vpn.
From Parallels Desktop (with networking set to Shared mode and the vpn connection active on the mac), I can successfully connect using the windows rdp client.
So it seems the Microsoft RDP-client for mac is not using the vpn connection.
Is there a way to make it do so?
Is there another solution, that will allow me to rdp to an Azure VM from my mac (without going through Parallels)?
Note: This is not the same question as this, since that is not about going through an azure vnet gateway.
I needed to add hosts file entries for each azure site I needed to access.
For example for accessing, I needed to add a hosts file entry for it's private IP within the subnet. E.g.
The reason everything worked in Windows under Parallels, is that the relevant entries had already been added to the hosts file previously.

Connect to remote Docker Swarm from Windows

I would like to connect to a remote Docker Swarm (Ubuntu) from a Windows box.
In Linux it seams that you need to update the daemon.json file.
How do you achieve this in Windows?
The Docker engine has two parts, the daemon service (dockerd) that's running on your Ubuntu box, we'll call it the "server". Then the docker cli is what you can run from that server (docker) or from anything like your Windows machine (docker.exe). We'll call this the "client".
The client can talk to the server over two main ways, the socket, and a TCP port. The socket is usually reserved for local connections (SSH into the server and the docker client defaults to using the socket file to talk to the local server) or SSH tunnels, which are not something that works out of the box on Windows (maybe if you try the Windows Subsystem for Linux on Windows 10).
The other connection option is TCP, which isn't enabled on the server out of the box for security reasons. It has no authentication when enabled, so you'll want to use TLS to authenticate remotely, so Docker has steps for that. It's not a 3 min solution, so many look for an easier route to solve this problem.
The easier option for enabling TLS and the TCP port on the server is to use Docker Cloud with the "Bring Your Own Swarm" feature, which manages the certificates and security for you.

How To Setup Local Tunnel Through Windows Remote Desktop

My local machine is using MacOSX/linux and am able to connect to a Windows Remote Desktop machine (using Windows Remote Desktop/Remote Desktop Connection).
The Windows Remote Desktop machine is able to connect to certain servers that I cannot connect to locally on my MAC. For example, connection to database servers, specific web servers, etc.
How can I setup some kind of tunnel so that I can access the servers locally on my mac?
You can configure port forwarding on the Windows machine
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=3390 listenaddress= connectport=3389 connectaddress=
where is IP of your Windows machine and is destination server. From your Mac you will connect to Windows machine specifying port in RDP connection and you will be connected to the remote server. You have to provide credentials from the server, not your local Win machine. This configuration survive restarting Windows machine.
Just install Igiko on your windows machine and then open it in web browser on your MacOSX. Igiko is acting like web-based RDP gateway, using it you will be able to open RDP console to any Windows machine in your network.

Oneiric Ubuntu Server Cloud Guest 11.10 (Ocelot) how to remote desktop in amazon aws

i am complete noob when comes to Linux . how can i connect remotely desktop or Gui to a a Ubuntu Server Cloud Guest 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) server in amazon aws from a windows 7 machine ,
can some one give me a link to complete tutorial
I'm going to go ahead and assume your remote Ubuntu instance doesn't have an X server installed -- i.e. you're using the command line version.
Download and install Putty and you should be able to connect to your AWS instance using the SSH keys you initially set up.
Also, recently AWS has added a new feature,
You can now log in to an EC2 instance from the AWS Management Console using an integrated SSH client.
Just right on the ec2 instance from the aws management console and click on connect and
select the second option - Connect from your browser using the MindTerm SSH Client (Java Required).
Specify the private key path and click on "launch mindterm".. thats it.
