I want to use a jquery function for th:onclick ... I can not speak English well - spring

enter image description here
enter image description here
1)in the second picture Even fn_del is not recognized.
2)I want to use jquery function in the <button id="fileDel" th:onclick= part, please help

You are iterating input parameters with same id so you need to class or other attribute to identify FILE_NO, FILE_NAME. Also you can use just button's onclick action.
<input onclick="fn_del()"/>
there will be more than one button and input parameters because you define in a foreach loop.
Make sure that files variable have FILE_NO as well.


Getting dynamic selector in Cypress

I am working on Cypress and want to get a dynamic selector that always changes.
For example,
<div class="Select-value">
<input id = "react-select-9--value">
I want to get this input value but the number "9" for the ID changes every time I run the test. There is no other selector I can pick for this and there are other inputs on the same page with IDs like react-select-10--value, react-select-11--value.
What is the right way to get this type of selector in Cypress?
Thanks in advance!
You can aim for a relative element.
The only one shown above is the <div>, so using that as an example
.find('[id^="react-select"]') // ^= means "starts-with"
.eq(0) // first one, because it looks like that above
Post a bigger example of the HTML if that's no good for you.

laravel keep form data from refresh of after button pressed

I have a form based on selects for a search with filters (picture attached below).
When i pressed the search button, the page reloads and it reset all the selects.
I try to use the old helper, but it does not work properly, it just takes the first option of the select( and it gets rid of the default option as you can see in the pictures below)
Things to know:
it is a form with a get action, it is not intended to store or edit something, only for search. So, how can i properly get the old data when refresh or after pressing the search button?
This is my first attempt and it did not work
same for this one too.
as you can see in this image, it deletes the default option, and it shows the first option
The old() function will get data by specific key from the flash data. That means you must set the data as a flash before using the old().
Source: https://github.com/laravel/framework/blob/e6c8aa0e39d8f91068ad1c299546536e9f25ef63/src/Illuminate/Http/Concerns/InteractsWithFlashData.php
Documentation: https://laravel.com/docs/5.8/requests#old-input
In the case, if you want to refresh and keep the input, I suggest using the front-end handling way: When you change the input of drop-down list, push the new query string param into the URL by javascript (How can I add or update a query string parameter?) . Until the user tries to refresh the page, the URL was kept your old value. In the blade form, you can use the function to get the param from GET request with a priority higher than the old() function, I don't actually remember the function to get param from URL, but it will seem like:
{{ Request::get('yourInput') ?? old('yourInput') ?? $realEntity->yourInput }}
Use the following in your blade files. You can check if the name exists in the url (query string). Hope this helps :)
{{ Request::get('name') }}
I think, that old() function should work just fine, but you should compare the value of option in foreach.
<select name="tipo_propiedad">
#foreach ($tipos_propiedades as $tipo_propiedad)
<option value="{{$tipo_propiedad->id}}" #if($tipo_propiedad->id == old('tipo_propiedad') selected #endif(>{{$tipo_propiedad->name}}</option>

pass input type image name/value as a parameter to Action Method in MVC 3

I have an image in a view
<input type="image" src="(Location)" name="next" id="imgNext"/>
Now what I need to do is to pass the name of the image ("Next") to the action method in the controller, when a user clicks the image...which causes a Post request to the action method.
public ViewResult Process(string next)
The above code is working fine in Chrome, but not in IE8/9. Can anyone help me out with this issue?
I am wondering if this could be a common issue in MVC 3...I would love to know how one could possibly get around by using an image as I need to use the image.
Any help will be deeply apprecited...
It also won't work in Firefox. This is because image inputs do not submit the name as standard behavior. They only submit the x and y coordinates of the pixel clicked on the image.
You would do better to use a <button> element that contains an <img> tag.
I assume you have several buttons on your form and you want to know which button was clicked. There are several good solutions for this. For example:

Setting a text field that has a JQuery mask on it

Using watir-webdriver, I am trying to set the value for a text field.
browser.text_field(:id, "phoneNumbers_value_input").set("5555551234")
When I run that command, I can see that watir found the field because the cursor is set on that field however no text is entered. I have also tried the send_keys and append commands but nothing seemed to work. No exception is thrown from these methods.
The only difference I could find between this field and the other fields on the page(which all work fine) is that it has this JQuery mask on it.
$(selector).mask("(999) 999-9999");
Any ideas on how to set the text field?
Some more of the Javascript:
selector = '#' + id(field.id) + '_input';
if (field.format == 'phone') {
$(selector).mask("(999) 999-9999");
HTML of the field:
<div id="phoneNumbers_value_form_item" class="form_item validated no_focus">
<label for="phoneNumbers_value" class="form_label">phone</label>
<input type="text" value="" name="phoneNumbers[][value]" id="phoneNumbers_value_input" class="text">
<div class="tip"> </div>
<div class="tip_validating">
<div class="tip_error">
I don't see any element in the HTML you provided that would match the text input field being addressed in the ruby code at the top of your posting. e.g. there is nothing there with an ID of 'phone'
Based on the HTML in your question, I would expect the following to work
browser.text_field(:id, "phoneNumbers_value_input").set("5555551234")
Looking at the sample page you linked in the comments, when I use google chrome and the "Inspect Element" function on the input field with the ID of 'phone' I see that there are a number of event listeners associated with the field (blur, focus, input, keydown, keypress, unmask)
The 'focus' one gets my attention in particular, and seeing it there on that field makes me think that you might then need to first fire an event against the same element, such as the onfocus event, in order to activate the field, then try to set the value.
You'll notice that when you manipulate things manually, the field starts out blank, but as soon as it gets focus it displays the format for the input mask to the user, it may well be that this needs to happen first, before it see's any kind of input.
EDIT: In this case, based on feedback from the questioner, the answer turned out to be that they needed to first fire the 'unmask' event against the text field, and THEN .set the value they wanted, in order for things to work correctly when automating the testing. This doesn't exercise the field masking functionality, but then again I doubt the test mandate in this instance is to extensively test a 3rd party (JQuery) addin, and they are more concerned with the business logic etc in the back end, thus simply being able to set the value without the masking code getting in the way is what is needed.
The problem has to do with focusing on the text field. Even with a .click() somehow webdriver ends up with the cursor at the end if the input field (see issue 2377). Pressing the HOME key moves the cursor to the beginning and allows you to type in the input field, and still have the mask functionality.
In Java:
WebElement txtPhone = getDriver().findElement(By.id("phoneNumbers_value_input"));

Is there a way to select a child element inside another child element in Watin

I am trying to select a link/button inside of a form, that is in a div. the way it was made is that there are two links/buttons of the same id, name etc. however they are in different forms, so the code i wanted to use is:
any help would be appreciated
I think this is what you need:
var button = _myTest.Form("PermissionsForm").Button(Find.ByClass("saveBtn"));
This will lookup the button having the class 'saveBtn' inside the form 'permissionsform' in your browser instance _myTest.
Have a look at this page to decide if you need to have .Button(..) or .Link(...) based on the html tag that is used in your html.
How about building a regex for the element?
Regex could something like this
Regex elementRe = new Regex("id=LnkOk href="http://stackoverflow.com");
Then you can use your code to Click this link. The Click method can be extended to accept Regex if it is not already doing that.
Let me know how this goes or if you need more info.
