How to get my number of attempts correct? - ruby

Hello all I previously asked how to fix a guessing number game on ruby which I got all done but now the number of attempts or tries is not reflecting nicely. Do I resolve this?
This is the code:
def check(int, r_int)
tries = 0
if int < r_int
tries +=1
puts "Guess Higher"
elsif int > r_int
tries +=1
puts "Guess Lower"
elsif int == r_int
win = true
puts "You are correct"
puts "You had attempted this "+ tries.to_s + " times to win"
This is the main function:
def main
win = false
puts "Lets play a game!"
puts "I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100"
rnd_int = rand(100)
while not win
guess = gets.chomp.to_i
value = check(guess, rnd_int)
Overall everything works but the tries at the end of the game remains at 0 not sure where the mistake is.

Perhaps the code could look like following (just a suggestion)
def check(attempts,guess,number)
puts ">>> Attempts [#{attempts}]: guess higher" if guess < number
puts ">>> Attempts [#{attempts}]: guess lower" if guess > number
if guess == number
puts "Winner!!!"
return true
return false
if __FILE__ == $0
win = false
attempts = 5
puts "
Lets play a game!
I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100
number = rand(100)
while not win
print "Your guess: "
guess = gets.chomp.to_i
attempts -= 1
unless attempts
puts "You could not guess right"
win = check(attempts, guess, number)
Output sample
Lets play a game!
I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100
Your guess: 50
>>> Attempts [4]: guess higher
Your guess: 80
>>> Attempts [3]: guess higher
Your guess: 90
>>> Attempts [2]: guess lower
Your guess: 86
The code could be of following shape
win = false
attempts = 5
puts "
Lets play a game!
I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100
number = rand(100)
while not win
print "Your guess: "
guess = gets.chomp.to_i
attempts -= 1
score = guess <=> number
win = true if score == 0
puts "Attempts [#{attempts}]: guess higher" if score < 0
puts "Attempts [#{attempts}]: guess lower" if score > 0
unless attempts > 0
puts "You could not guess it right"
puts "You are winner!!!"
Utilizing <=> operator the code would be shaped as following
attempts = 5
puts "
Lets play a game!
I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100
number = rand(100)
while true
print "Your guess: "
guess = gets.chomp.to_i
attempts -= 1
case guess <=> number
when 0
puts "\n>>> Nice guess, you are winner!!!"
when -1
puts "Attempts [#{attempts}]: guess higher" if attempts > 0
when 1
puts "Attempts [#{attempts}]: guess lower" if attempts > 0
unless attempts > 0
puts "\n>>> Sorry, you could not guess it right"


Handling Ruby Case Statement

I tried to rewrite the "if/else statement" in the following piece of code by replacing it with a "case" statement, and I am deadly stuck with it for a few hours - what am I missing?
puts "Welcome to 'Guess My Number!'"
print "What is your name?"
input = gets
name = input.chomp
puts "Welcome, #{name.upcase!}!"
puts "I've got a random number between 1 and 100!"
puts "Can you guess it?"
target = rand(100) + 1
num_guesses = 0
guessed_it = false
until num_guesses == 10 || guessed_it
remaining_guesses = 10 - num_guesses
puts "You've got #{remaining_guesses.to_s} guesses left!"
print "Make a guess, put down a number: "
guess = gets.chomp.to_i
num_guesses = num_guesses + 1
puts case verification
when guess < target
then "Ooops. Your guess was LOW."
when guess > target
then "Ooops. Your guess was HIGH."
when guess < -1
then puts "Oooops. You have entered a number lower that 1!"
when guess > 100
then puts "Oooops. You have entered a number higher than 100!"
when guess =~ /^([w])/
then puts "Ooops. Looks like you have entered a non numeric
when guess == String
then puts "Oooops! Looks like you have entered a non numeric
when guess == target
then puts "Good job, #{name}!"
puts "You guessed my number in #{num_guesses} guesses!"
guessed_it = true
unless guessed_it
puts "Sorry, you didn't get my number. My number was #{target}."
The "case statement" was used to replace and enhance the logic of the following if else statement:
if guess < target
puts "Ooops. Your guess was LOW."
elsif guess > target
puts "Ooops. Your guess was HIGH."
elsif guess == target
puts "Good job, #{name}!"
puts "You guessed my number in #{num_guesses} guesses!"
guessed_it = true
Your problem is that you're using the form of case with the optional condition, but you're using when clauses as if you were using the condition-less case.
puts case
when guess < target
"Ooops. Your guess was LOW."
should work.
Further explanation:
using case without a condition, the earliest when branch with a truthy expression is executed. This is what you want here.
But you were using case with verification. In this case, all branches are compared to verification, and the first branch where verification === branch condition is true is executed.
Since in your example I'm guessing verification is always nil, and all your branches' conditions are always true or false, no branch will ever get executed.
You can use a case statement like so:
class String
def green;"\e[32m#{self}\e[0m";end
def yellow;"\e[33m#{self}\e[0m";end
def cyan;"\e[36m#{self}\e[0m";end
def bg_blue;"\e[44m#{self}\e[0m";end
def bold;"\e[1m#{self}\e[22m";end
def underline;"\e[4m#{self}\e[24m";end
def border(num);"\n#{'-' * num}\n#{self}\n#{'-' * num}\n";end
puts;puts "Welcome to 'Guess My Number!'".bold.bg_blue;puts
print 'What is your name? '.green
name = gets.chomp
puts "\nWelcome, #{name.upcase!}!\n".cyan.underline
puts "I've got a random number between 1 and 100!\nCan you guess it?".border(44)
target = rand(100) + 1
num_guesses = 0
guessed_it = false
until num_guesses == 10 || guessed_it
remaining_guesses = 10 - num_guesses
puts "\nYou've got #{remaining_guesses} guesses left!\n"
puts;print 'Make a guess, put down a number: '
guess = gets.chomp
case guess.to_i
when (
puts 'Ooops. Your guess was LOW'.yellow.border(26)
when (target + 1..100)
puts 'Ooops. Your guess was HIGH'.yellow.border(26)
when target
puts; puts; puts
puts "Good job, #{name}!"
puts 'You guessed my number in ' + "#{num_guesses} guesses!".cyan
puts; puts; puts
guessed_it = true
puts "Oooops. You didn't enter a number from 1 to 100".yellow.border(47); puts
num_guesses += 1
unless guessed_it
puts;puts;puts "Sorry, you didn't get my number. My number was #{target}.".yellow;puts
Thanks a lot to everybody! With your invaluable help I managed to regain patience in my soul and satisfaction from this small task :) My mistake is that I violated the rules of common sense by trying to run several pieces of code in a wrong sequence. I moved the case statement inside the until loop and now all I have to do is correct the mistakes in particular when/then statements. It works :)
until num_guesses == 10 || guessed_it
remaining_guesses = 10 - num_guesses
puts "You've got #{remaining_guesses.to_s} guesses left!"
print "Make a guess, put down a number: "
guess = gets.chomp.to_i
num_guesses = num_guesses + 1
puts case
when guess < target
then "Ooops. Your guess was LOW."
when guess > target
then "Ooops. Your guess was HIGH."
when guess < -1
then puts "Oooops. You have entered a number lower that 1!"
when guess > 100
then puts "Oooops. You have entered a number higher than 100!"
when guess =~ /^([w])/
then puts "Ooops. Looks like you have entered a non numeric value!"
when guess == String
then puts "Oooops! Looks like you have entered a non numeric value"
when guess == target
then puts "Good job, #{name}!"
puts "You guessed my number in #{num_guesses} guesses!"
guessed_it = true
unless guessed_it
puts "Sorry, you didn't get my number. My number was #{target}."

Ruby Guessing Game w 'Loop Do'

I created a guessing game through Ruby and I believe the structure of my code is off. When entering 'Cheat', you are given the random number then asked to type it in again. When typed in again, it says the random number is not correct and always defaults to my 'elseif' in line 45.
puts "Hey! I'm Sam. What's your name?"
name = gets
puts "Welcome #{name}. Thanks for playing the guessing game.
I've chosen a number between 1-100.
You'll have 10 tries to guess the correct number.
You'll also recieve a hint when you're guess is wrong.
If you feel like being a big ol cheater, type 'Cheat'.
Let's get started..."
random_number = rand(1...100)
Cheat = random_number
counter = 10
loop do
break if counter == 0
divisor = rand(2...10)
guess = gets.chomp
break if guess.to_i == random_number
counter -= 1
guess == random_number
puts 'You guessed the right number! You win!'
if counter < 4
puts "You can go ahead and cheat by typing 'Cheat'..."
if guess.to_s.downcase.eql? "cheat"
puts "The random number is #{random_number} you CHEATER!! Go ahead and type it in..."
guess = gets.chomp
puts = "You win cheater!"
guess.to_i < random_number
puts 'Ah shucks, guess again!'
guess = gets.chomp
guess.to_i > random_number
puts 'Too high, guess again!'
guess = gets.chomp
if random_number % divisor == 0
puts "Thats not it.\n #{guess} is #{guess.to_i > random_number ? 'less' : 'greater'} than the random number.
The random number is divisible by #{divisor}.\nTry again: "
puts "That's not the random number.\n #{guess} is #{guess.to_i > random_number ? 'less' : 'greater'} than the random number.
The random number is NOT divisible by #{divisor}.\nTry again: "
if counter > 0
puts "The number is #{random_number}! You win!"
puts "You lose! Better luck another time."
this is the response i get in the terminal
Let's get started...
The random number is 96 you CHEATER!! Go ahead and type it in...
Thats not it.
96 is greater than the random number.
The random number is divisible by 8.
Try again:
The problem is here:
puts = "You win cheater!"
You're assigning the string "You win cheater!" to a local variable named puts. Changing it to this fixes the problem:
puts "You win cheater!"
You'll probably also want to put a break after that line.
As an aside, this pattern:
loop do
break if counter == 0
# ...
...would be better expressed as:
while counter > 0
# ...
until counter == 0
# ...
Also, you should always put the condition for an if/elsif/whathaveyou on the same line as if et al. Why? Because if you don't you get bugs like this:
if random_number % divisor == 0
# ...
puts "..."
Can you spot the bug? You forgot to put a condition after elsif, or used elsif when you meant to use else, which means that the return value of puts (which is always nil) is being used as the condition, just as if you had written elsif puts "...".
If you make a habit of always putting the condition on the same line as if/elsif, your eye will get used to it and errors like this will jump out at you.

Ruby - loop not breaking

I'm trying to create a secret number game where:
A number between 1 - 10 is selected at random
Player has 3 tries to guess the secret number
If player guesses wrong in all tries, or guesses the right number, they will be prompted if they want to replay the game.
My issues are:
the "attempt" loop won't break when playerInput == secret_number. It will only break when all 3 tries are used.
Can't get to print the message "Sorry, but you have no more tries" when all 3 guesses are used up.
I think my math is off too... with the attempts
The code is below. Thanks in advance guys!
puts "Welcome to the Secret Number Game! Please tell me your name"
player_name = gets.strip
puts "Welcome #{player_name}!"
puts "Guess a number between 1 - 10. You only have 3 attempts!"
restart = true
def guess_check( playerInput, secret_number, attempts )
if playerInput > secret_number
puts "Too high! try again!"
elsif playerInput < secret_number
puts "Too low! try again!"
playerInput == secret_number
puts "Congratulations, you guessed the secret number! [#{secret_number}]"
attempts == 0
puts "Sorry, you're out of guesses, the secret number is [#{secret_number}]"
puts secret_number
while restart
guesses = []
attempts = 3
secret_number = 1 + rand(10)
while attempts
attempts = attempts - 1
puts "Guess the secret number, you have #{attempts} tries left"
playerInput = gets.to_i
guesses.push( playerInput )
guess_check( playerInput, secret_number, attempts )
puts "You've guessed #{guesses}"
break if playerInput == secret_number || break if attempts == 0
puts "Do you want to play again? (y/n)"
answer = gets.strip
restart = false if answer == "n"
This isn't working like you intend it to:
break if playerInput == secret_number || break if attempts == 0
If you break it out, it reads like this:
if attempts == 0
if playerInput == secret_number or break
It only gets to a break if attempts == 0, and only then either because the first conditional in the nested if statement failed OR it passed. This should make it work like you intend it to:
break if playerInput == secret_number || attempts == 0
It doesn't print your used up guesses message because the conditionals for either the right or wrong answer were executed first. To fix that, your conditional needs to be in the following order:
def guess_check( playerInput, secret_number, attempts )
if playerInput == secret_number
puts "Congratulations, you guessed the secret number! [#{secret_number}]"
if attempts == 0
puts "Sorry, you're out of guesses, the secret number is [#{secret_number}]"
elsif playerInput > secret_number
puts "Too high! try again!"
elsif playerInput < secret_number
puts "Too low! try again!"
#else <= this can actually be removed, the if statement will never get this far
#puts secret_number
I'm sure there's a better way to phrase it, but you want your least likely/highest priority if statement assessed first. In this case, the user's guess is guaranteed to at least be greater or less than the secret number, so those get assessed first, and it never really gets down to the end. You want to assess correct guess (1/10), then out of guesses (3/10), then greater than (1/2)/less than(1/2). The else will never trigger because all possibilities are covered by the above.
Just a simple change here:
break if playerInput == secret_number || attempts == 0
Your || condition was valid syntax but causing the unwanted behavior.
I refactor your code.
puts "Welcome to the Secret Number Game! Please tell me your name"
player_name = gets.strip
puts "Welcome #{player_name}!"
restart = true
def guess_check( playerInput, secret_number)
if playerInput > secret_number
puts "Too high! try again!"
elsif playerInput < secret_number
puts "Too low! try again!"
while restart
guesses = []
attempts = 3
secret_number = 1 + rand(10)
puts "Guess a number between 1 - 10. You only have 3 attempts!"
while attempts
playerInput = gets.to_i
guesses.push( playerInput )
# once guessed, should exit current loop.
if playerInput == secret_number
puts "Congratulations, you guessed the secret number! [#{secret_number}]"
puts "You've guessed #{guesses}"
#if not guessed, then should check the number is low or high.
guess_check(playerInput, secret_number)
attempts = attempts - 1
#if out of guesses, exit from current loop
if attempts == 0
puts "Sorry, you're out of guesses, the secret number is [#{secret_number}]"
puts "Guess the secret number, you have #{attempts} tries left"
puts "Do you want to play again? (y/n)"
answer = gets.strip
restart = false if answer == "n"

Ruby script need fix

I'm having a problem with my ruby script. If anyone could help, I'd really appreciate it. The problem is that the number is stuck between 1-2; where 2 is too high and 1 is too low. The guesses should be integers only.
def highLow(max)
again = "yes"
while again == "yes"
puts "Welcome to the High Low game"
print "Would you like to play again? (yes/no): "
again = STDIN.gets.chomp
if again == 'no'
puts "Have a nice day, Goodbye"
#This method contains the logic for a single game and call the feedback method.
def playGame(max)
puts "The game gets played now"
puts "I am thinking of a number between 1 and #{max}." #It show what chosen by user
randomNumber = rand(max)+ 1
print "Make your guess: "
guess = STDIN.gets.chomp
feedback(guess, randomNumber)
#Start while loop
#Logic for feedback method. It's ganna check the guess if it's high or low.
def feedback(guess, randomNumber)
count = 1
while guess.to_i != randomNumber
count = count + 1
if guess.to_i < randomNumber
print "That's too low. Guess again: "
print "That's too high. Guess again: "
guess = STDIN.gets.chomp
puts "Correct! You guessed the answer in #{count} tries!"
Change your last line to this:
The ARGV array contains all the passed in arguments as strings, so you have to cast it to integer.

Guessing Game Ruby

So i have been learning ruby as of late and i am working on this code for practice purposes but i cannot seems to be able to solve this problem any help would be appreciate it.
This is are the guidelines i am following:
clear the screen
greet the player
explain the rules of the game to the player
generate a random number between 0 and x (x being a variable that can be set to any integer)
allow the player n number of guesses (n being a variable)
keep track of the guess history
don't count repeated guesses against the player
congratulate the player when he/she guesses correctly
alert the player when there is only one guess remaining
print the guess history at the end of the game
count number of games won IN A ROW
count number of games won in total
congratulate the play on 3 games won IN A ROW
ask if the player wants to play again
thank the player for playing games if the number of games played is greater than 2
please keep in my that this is work in progress and i have not completed all the guideline, however my questions is with one particular part of it.
here is the code:
guess =
puts guess.class
def ask()
puts "Please answer in a 'y' or 'n' only!"
puts "Would like to play again?"
def guess_check_against()
g = guess.last
unless guess.include?(g) != guess
puts "sorry you have guessed that number before, Guess Again: "
guess << gets.to_i
puts "what is your name?"
user= gets.chomp
puts "Hello #{user}!!"
max_user_attempts = 4
#attempt_counter = 0
directions = "\nLets play a guessing game! You have
#{max_user_attempts.to_s} guesses before you lose."
print directions
g = guess.last
win = 0
count = 0
play = true
while play == true
puts "Please tell me the max value of the random number: "
max= gets.to_i
num= rand(max)
puts "Ok. The random number is generated between 1 and " + max.to_s + "."
puts "Make your guess: "
guess << gets.to_i
while guess != num && play != false
if g > num && #attempt_counter < max_user_attempts
print "That's too high. Guess again: "
guess << gets.to_i
elsif g < num && #attempt_counter < max_user_attempts
print "That's too low. Guess again: "
guess << gets.to_i
if #attempts_counter >= max_user_attemtps
puts "Sorry! you lost! Try Again"
else #attempts_counter <= max_user_attempts
puts "Correct! You guessed the answer in " + count.to_s + " tries!"
if win >= 3
puts "Congratulation! you have #{win} number of games in a row"
answer = gets.chomp!
elsif win < 3
answer = gets.chomp!
if answer == 'n'
play = false
if answer == 'y'
play = true
count = 0
puts "Ok. Goodbye!!"
and here is the error i keep receiving when i try to run this program:
guessing_game.rb:12:in `guess_check_against': undefined local variable or method `guess' for main:Object (NameError)
from guessing_game.rb:45:in `<main>'
when i try to use irb to run the same scenario it works completely fine.
i can not figure out what i am doing wrong, please help!!
The method definition
def guess_check_against()
g = guess.last
has its own scope, and the local variable
guess =
that you defined outside of it, is not accessible inside the method definition. guess is not defined inside the method definition. You can change the code so that the method takes that as an argument, and it will become accessible.
