Facing io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException: null while consuming server sent events - spring

I am new to spring web flux, I have a client application that consumes server-sent events, The events are published by the server randomly there is not fixed delay. But consumer throws io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException: null after 60 secs if there no event
Server-side events consumer code
.subscribe(event -> process(event));
I need the client to be connected even if there is no event for a long time.
Full Exception
[36mr.netty.http.client.HttpClientConnect [...] The connection observed an error
io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException: null
reactor.Flux.MonoFlatMapMany.1 onError(org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClientRequestException: nested exception is io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException)
org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClientRequestException: nested exception is io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException
at org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.ExchangeFunctions$DefaultExchangeFunction.lambda$wrapException$9(ExchangeFunctions.java:141) ~[spring-webflux-5.3.5.jar:5.3.5]
Suppressed: reactor.core.publisher.FluxOnAssembly$OnAssemblyException:
Error has been observed at the following site(s):

In the Mozilla description for server sent events there is a note:
A colon as the first character of a line is in essence a comment, and
is ignored. Note: The comment line can be used to prevent connections
from timing out; a server can send a comment periodically to keep the
connection alive.
So periodically sending comments can keep the connection alive. So how do we send a comment?
Well spring has the class ServerSentEvent that has the function ServerSentEvent#comment. So if we use this class in combination with for instance Flux#interval we can merge in events containing only the comments keep alive.
Here is an example from a project i built a while back
public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> foobars() {
return route()
.path("/api", builder -> builder
.GET("/foobar/{id}", accept(TEXT_EVENT_STREAM), request -> ok()
.header("Cache-Control", "no-transform")
Flux.interval(Duration.ofSeconds(15)).map(aLong -> ServerSentEvent.<List<FoobarResponse>>builder()
.comment("keep alive").build())), new ParameterizedTypeReference<ServerSentEvent<List<FoobarResponse>>>(){}))

Webflux use a default timeout fallback that will eventually show io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException: null.
It is possible to prevent this error by passing a custom timeout fallback to the timeout method(s):
public final Flux<T> timeout(Duration timeout, #Nullable Publisher<? extends T> fallback);
Additionally, you can use methods like onErrorContinue, onErrorReturn, ... to properly handle exceptions in Flux, example:
return webClient.get().uri(url).retrieve().bodyToFlux(String.class)
.timeout(timeout, Mono.error(new ReadTimeoutException("Timeout")))
.onErrorContinue((e, i) -> {
// Log the error here.
If you want to disable all these logs by default it is possible adding this line into file application.properties:


Sending JMS messages in a Spring WebFlux reactive handler: is it blocking?

Is this the correct way to handle reactively? I see 2 threads one reactive nio which is until and including flatMap(fareRepo::save). The other thread is computations thread which starts from sending message and goes on till ServerResponse.build(). My question is this correct way to handle request reactively? Note: that fareRepo is reactive couchbase repo.
return request.bodyToMono(Fare.class).flatMap(fareRepo::save).flatMap(fs -> {
logger.info("sending message: {}, to queue", fs.getId());
jmsTemplate.send("fare-request-queue", (session) -> session.createTextMessage(fs.getId()));
return Mono.just(fs);
}).flatMap(fi -> ServerResponse.created(URI.create("/fare/" + fi.getId())).build());
I'm assuming you're using Spring Framework's JmsTemplate implementation, which is blocking.
Without more context, we can only assume that you have a blocking operation in the middle of a reactive operator and that this will cause issues in your application.
Spring JmsTemplate will block your request thread which is not good for reactive design coding. you can try with .publishOn(Schedulers.elastic()) which will create new thread and execute code without blocking request thread. since it is I/O bound operation use Schedulers.elastic()
return request.bodyToMono(Fare.class).flatMap(fareRepo::save)
.flatMap(fs -> {
logger.info("sending message: {}, to queue", fs.getId());
jmsTemplate.send("fare-request-queue", (session) -> session.createTextMessage(fs.getId()));
return Mono.just(fs);
}).flatMap(fi -> ServerResponse.created(URI.create("/fare/" + fi.getId())).build());

Handling exceptions and returning proper HTTP code with webflux

I am using the functional endpoints of WebFlux. I translate exceptions sent by the service layer to an HTTP error code using onErrorResume:
public Mono<String> serviceReturningMonoError() {
return Mono.error(new RuntimeException("error"));
public Mono<ServerResponse> handler(ServerRequest request) {
return serviceReturningMonoError().flatMap(e -> ok().syncBody(e))
.onErrorResume( e -> badRequest(e.getMessage()));
It works well as soon as the service returns a Mono. In case of a service returning a Flux, what should I do?
public Flux<String> serviceReturningFluxError() {
return Flux.error(new RuntimeException("error"));
public Mono<ServerResponse> handler(ServerRequest request) {
I tried the approach below, but unfortunately it doesn't work. The Flux.error is not handled by the onErrorResume and propagated to the framework. When the exception is unboxed during the serialization of the http response, Spring Boot Exception management catch it and convert it into a 500.
public Mono<ServerResponse> myHandler(ServerRequest request) {
return ok().contentType(APPLICATION_JSON).body( serviceReturningFluxError(), String.class)
.onErrorResume( exception -> badRequest().build());
I am actually surprised of the behaviour, is that a bug?
I found another way to solve this problem catching the exception within the body method and mapping it to ResponseStatusException
public Mono<ServerResponse> myHandler(ServerRequest request) {
return ok().contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
.body( serviceReturningFluxError()
.onErrorMap(RuntimeException.class, e -> new ResponseStatusException( BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage())), String.class);
With this approach Spring properly handles the response and returns the expected HTTP error code.
Your first sample is using Mono (i.e. at most one value), so it plays well with Mono<ServerResponse> - the value will be asynchronously resolved in memory and depending on the result we will return a different response or handle business exceptions manually.
In case of a Flux (i.e. 0..N values), an error can happen at any given time.
In this case you could use the collectList operator to turn your Flux<String> into a Mono<List<String>>, with a big warning: all elements will be buffered in memory. If the stream of data is important of if your controller/client relies on streaming data, this is not the best choice here.
I'm afraid I don't have a better solution for this issue and here's why: since an error can happen at any time during the Flux, there's no guarantee we can change the HTTP status and response: things might have been flushed already on the network. This is already the case when using Spring MVC and returning an InputStream or a Resource.
The Spring Boot error handling feature tries to write an error page and change the HTTP status (see ErrorWebExceptionHandler and implementing classes), but if the response is already committed, it will log error information and let you know that the HTTP status was probably wrong.
Though this is an old question, I'd like to answer it for anyone who may stumble upon this Stack Overflow post.
There is another way to address this particular issue (discussed below), without the need to cache / buffer all the elements in memory as detailed in one of the other answers. However, the approach shown below does have a limitation. First, I'll discuss the approach, then the limitation.
The approach
You need to first convert your cold flux into a hot flux. Then on the hot flux call .next(), to return a Mono<Your Object> On this mono, call .flatMap().switchIfEmpty().onErrorResume(). In the flatMap() concatenate the returned Your Object with the hot flux stream.
Here's the original code snippet posted in the question, modified to achieve what is needed:
public Flux<String> serviceReturningFluxError()
return Flux.error(new RuntimeException("error"));
public Mono<ServerResponse> handler(ServerRequest request)
Flux<String> coldStrFlux = serviceReturningFluxError();
// The following step is a very important step. It converts the cold flux
// into a hot flux.
Flux<String> hotStrFlux = coldStrFlux.publish().refCount(1, Duration.ofSeconds(2));
return hotStrFlux.next()
.flatMap( firstStr ->
Flux<String> reCombinedFlux = Mono.just(firstStr)
return ServerResponse.ok()
.body(reCombinedFlux, String.class);
.onErrorResume( throwable -> ServerResponse.badRequest().build() );
The reason for converting from cold to hot Flux is that by doing so, a second redundant HTTP request is not made.
For a more detailed answer please refer to the following Stack Over post, where I've commented upon this in greater detail:
Return relevant ServerResponse in case of Flux.error
While the above approach will work for exceptions / Flux.error() streams returned from the service, it will not work for any exceptions that may arise while emitting the individual elements from the flux after the first element is successfully emitted.
The assumption in the above code is simple. If the service throws an exception, then the very first element returned from the service will be a Flux.error() element. This approach does not account for the fact that exceptions may be thrown in the returned Flux stream after the first element, say possibly due to some network connection issue that occurs after the first few elements are already emitted by the Flux stream.

Can I access the request/response body on an ExchangeFilterFunction?

Given an exchange using WebClient, filtered by a custom ExchangeFilterFunction:
public Mono<ClientResponse> filter(ClientRequest request, ExchangeFunction next) {
return next.exchange(request)
.doOnSuccess(response -> {
// ...
Trying to access the response body more than once using response.bodyToMono() will cause the underlying HTTP client connector to complain that only one receiver is allowed. AFAIK, there's no way to access the body's Publisher in order to cache() its signals (and I'm not sure it'd be a good idea, resource-wise), as well as no way to mutate or decorate the response object in a manner that allows access to its body (like it's possible with ServerWebExchange on the server side).
That makes sense, but I am wondering if there are any ways I could subscribe to the response body's publisher from a form of filter such as this one. My goal is to log the request/response being sent/received by a given WebClient instance.
I am new to reactive programming, so if there are any obvious no-nos here, please do explain :)
Only for logging you could add a wiretap to the HttpClient as desribed in this answer.
However, your question is also interesting in a more general sense outside of logging.
One possible way is to create a duplicate of the ClientResponse instance with a copy of the previous request body. This might go against reactive principles, but it got the job done for me and I don't see big downsides given the small size of the response bodies in my client.
In my case, I needed to do so because the server sending the request (outside of my control) uses the HTTP status 200 Ok even if requests fail. Therefore, I need to peek into the response body in order to find out if anything went wrong and what the cause was. In my case I evict a session cookie in the request headers from the cache if the error message indicates that the session expired.
These are the steps:
Get the response body as a Mono of a String (cf (1)).
Return a Mono.Error in case an error is detected (cf (2)).
Use the String of the response body to build a copy of the original response (cf (3)).
You could also use a dependency on the ObjectMapper to parse the String into an object for analysis.
Note that I wrote this in Kotlin but it should be easy enough to adapt to Java.
class PeekIntoResponseBodyExchangeFilterFunction : ExchangeFilterFunction {
override fun filter(request: ClientRequest, next: ExchangeFunction): Mono<ClientResponse> {
return next.exchange(request)
.flatMap { response ->
// (1)
.flatMap { responseBody ->
if (responseBody.contains("Error message")) {
// (2)
Mono.error(RuntimeException("Response contains an error"))
} else {
// (3)
val clonedResponse = response.mutate().body(responseBody).build()

How to make Camel's "Netty4" component output an endpoint's results, but NOT echo back all the input as well?

I am experimenting with using Apache Camel to implement a TCP game server. It will accept bi-directional, synchronous telnet or SSH connections from multiple human or bot players.
The communication "protocol" is a bit crude, and based on legacy infrastructure that's already in place from an earlier version. Basically, the client and server exchange I/O over a socket (one connection per client).
Usually, this consists of one-line command strings, or one-line response strings. However, in some cases the input or output can span multiple line breaks before it is considered "complete" and ready for the other side's response. So my plan is to:
Create a TCP socket server using Spring Boot and Apache Camel, with the latter's "Netty4" component.
Use aggregation to collect the incoming lines of text from a socket connection. Roll them up into messages of one or more lines, depending on the type of input detected.
Pass the resulting message to an endpoint, which parses the input and returns the appropriate response back to the socket.
I can show any other code or Spring config, but the heart of my question seems to be the route I'm declaring:
public class EchoRoute extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {
// "sync=true" seems necessary to return any response to the client at all
// "textline=true&autoAppendDelimiter=false" seem necessary to properly handle
// the socket input at newline-terminated strings, rather than processing
// input byte-by-byte
// This line, and the corresponding `.header("incoming")` line below, are
// perhaps a bit dodgy. I'm assuming that all messages on the route
// from a given client socket are already effectively "correlated", and
// that messages from multiple client sockets are not inter-mingled
// here. So I'm basically wildcard-ing the correlation mechanism. If my
// assumption is wrong, then I'm not sure how to correlate by
// client socket.
.setHeader("incoming", constant(true))
// Taken from numerous examples I've seen in Camel books and website
// pages. Just concatenates the correlated messages until
// completion occurs.
.aggregate(new AggregationStrategy() {
public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
if (oldExchange == null) {
return newExchange;
final String oldBody = oldExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
final String newBody = newExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
oldExchange.getIn().setBody(oldBody + newBody);
return oldExchange;
// See comment on "setHeader(...) above.
// In this initial testing, aggregation of a particular message is
// considered complete when the last line received is "EOM".
.completionPredicate(exchange -> {
final String body = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
final boolean done = body.endsWith("EOM");
return done;
// This endpoint will eventually parse the aggregated message and
// perform logic on it. Right now, it just returning the input message
// with a prefix.
When I start my server, and telnet to port 4321 from a separate terminal window, I can verify in the debugger that:
The .completetionPredicate(...) logic is being invoked upon each line of input as expected, and
The echoService endpoint is being invoked as expected after an EOM line of input. The message passed to the endpoint contains the expected aggregated content.
However, there are two problems:
The server is echoing each line of input back to the client connection, rather than letting the endpoint determine the response content.
The server is not sending the endpoint return value to the client. I log it to the server console, but otherwise it's silently discarded.
Any suggestions on what I might be missing here? The desired behavior is for the route to send the endpoint's return value to the client socket, and nothing but the endpoint's return value. Thanks!

Play! Framework - Can my view template be localised when rendering it as an AsyncResult?

I've recently started using the Play! framework (v2.0.4) for writing a Java web application. In the majority of my controllers I'm following the paradigm of suspending the HTTP request until the promise of a web service response has been fulfilled. Once the promise has been fulfilled, I return an AsyncResult. This is what most of my actions look like (with a bunch of code omitted):
public static Result myActionMethod() {
Promise<MyWSResponse> wsResponse;
// Perform a web service call that will return the promise of a MyWSResponse...
return async(wsResponse.map(new Function<MyWSResponse, Result>() {
public Result apply(MyWSResponse response) {
// Validate response...
return ok(myScalaViewTemplate.render(response.data()));
I'm now trying to internationalise my app, but hit the following error when I try to render a template from an async method:
[error] play - Waiting for a promise, but got an error: There is no HTTP Context available from here.
java.lang.RuntimeException: There is no HTTP Context available from here.
at play.mvc.Http$Context.current(Http.java:27) ~[play_2.9.1.jar:2.0.4]
at play.mvc.Http$Context$Implicit.lang(Http.java:124) ~[play_2.9.1.jar:2.0.4]
at play.i18n.Messages.get(Messages.java:38) ~[play_2.9.1.jar:2.0.4]
at views.html.myScalaViewTemplate$.apply(myScalaViewTemplate.template.scala:40) ~[classes/:na]
at views.html.myScalaViewTemplate$.render(myScalaViewTemplate.template.scala:87) ~[classes/:na]
at views.html.myScalaViewTemplate.render(myScalaViewTemplate.template.scala) ~[classes/:na]
In short, where I've got a message bundle lookup in my view template, some Play! code is attempting to access the original HTTP request and retrieve the accept-languages header, in order to know which message bundle to use. But it seems that the HTTP request is inaccessible from the async method.
I can see a couple of (unsatisfactory) ways to work around this:
Go back to the 'one thread per request' paradigm and have threads block waiting for responses.
Figure out which language to use at Controller level, and feed that choice into my template.
I also suspect this might not be an issue on trunk. I know that there is a similar issue in 2.0.4 with regards to not being able to access or modify the Session object which has recently been fixed. However I'm stuck on 2.0.4 for the time being, so is there a better way that I can resolve this problem?
Gonna answer my own question here. A colleague of mine found what was ultimately a simple solution:
public static Result myActionMethod() {
final Context ctx = ctx(); // (1)
Promise<MyWSResponse> wsResponse;
// Perform a web service call that will return the promise of a MyWSResponse...
return async(wsResponse.map(new Function<MyWSResponse, Result>() {
public Result apply(MyWSResponse response) {
Context.current.set(ctx); // (2)
// Validate response...
return ok(myScalaViewTemplate.render(response.data()));
Obtain a reference to the HTTP context at the beginning of the action
Restore it in the ThreadLocal once you're in the async block
