Is there a way to update/modify the password of MongoDB connection at runtime? - spring

The ask is to modify the password of a mongodb connection at runtime in a spring boot project. For example let's assume a mongodb connection is established while starting the application with password 'xyz'.I would like to modify the password at runtime by lets say hitting an api.
I have tried following solutions so far to tackle this issue:
Replacing mongoTemplate bean at runtime: Tried creating a new mongoTemplate Bean with new password at runtime and replaced it in the context using the methods given in following link. The issue with this approach is that the bean is getting refreshed only once. Ideally it should work everytime when the api to update password is being called.
Updating password in mongoCredentials: One of the obvious approach is to update the password directly in mongoCredentials since mongoTemplate uses mongoCredential class to store the credentials information.But the issue is that the password field in MongoCredentials class is 'final static' so we cannot update it even with reflections. Even though there are some tricks to update the final static fields but i'm looking for a more acceptable solution.

There is #RefreshScope in Spring Cloud project exactly for your purpose. Here is Spring's documentation about how it works:
So all you need to do is update Environment and call or when you need to refresh your context.


How to initialize Spring Boot security config with default username/password but not crash on second run?

Following the topical guide here and adding a BCrypt password encoder based on Baeldung's example here I have configured my Spring Boot application to use my database (set up separately, not auto-generated by an ORM or something) as its source of user details for authentication. This part of my security configuration (here) looks like this:
public void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder builder) throws Exception {
builder .jdbcAuthentication()
logger.debug("Configured app to use JDBC authentication with default database.");
public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
On the first run, this works, creating a user called 'admin' with a hashed password and the specified role in the database. (This is a PostgreSQL database for what it's worth.) However, if I try to run the app again, it fails to start, crashing because it tried to create the same user again and got a duplicate primary key error.
What I'd like: I'd like Spring Boot to create the default user if it doesn't already exist, skip over it if one already exists.
Why: It is necessary to be able to log in to a newly initialized copy of the application, sometimes restarting several times, for testing and for experimentation on the developer's machine. My "production" database should already have an 'admin' login and the app should not overwrite it, or crash because it cannot.
My question, therefore, is: How can I initialize a default user in Spring Boot's jdbcAuthentication configuration in such a way that Spring Boot won't crash if the username already exists?
Alternatively: If I could INSERT a default user into the database with SQL when the database is spun up, I wouldn't need to do it in the Spring Boot configuration. But I don't know how to hash a password in an INSERT statement in a way that matches Spring Boot's hashing.
PS: I have another issue with my new configuration breaking some automated test classes (see the other question if interested).
You can use the alternative solution that you have thought using the option .withDefaultSchema() with the jdbcauthentication that you are using. As you have mentioned in that alternative that you may have to figure out way to use hashed password in that script.
Should you have any followup question, this baeldung blog post will help you.
Hope this helps.

Using Apache Shiro SecurityUtils in a Filter

I'm using a Filter in a Spring Boot web application to log all my user requests to a database. One of the things I'd like to log is the username, but when I try to get the current user using:
I get the following error:
No SecurityManager accessible to the calling code, either bound to the org.apache.shiro.util.ThreadContext or as a vm static singleton. This is an invalid application configuration.
What do I need to do so that my Filter is able to retrieve the current user?
You need to have at least one url defined for your filter mapping:
And of course the Shiro servlet filter configured (which I'm guessing you already have)
Take a look at the above example.

Spring Security 4 sessionRegistry doesn't populate Principal list

I am trying to implement a function where a admin user can terminate another user's session. I followed the official Spring Security documentation here: and started with getting all currently logged in users through sessionRegistry.getAllPrincipals(), but it always returned an empty list.
I set a breakpoint in SessionRegistryImpl.registerNewSession() and could see it did indeed get invoked and it did add the UserDetails (my own implementation with both equals() and hashCode() implemented) to the hashmap principals. But when I access sessionRegistry bean from a Spring MVC controller, the list is always empty.
My configuration looks pretty much the same as the documentation.
How to fix this? Did anyone successfully get SessionRegistry to work with Spring Security 4? I remember I made it work with Spring Security 3 by following these intructions(enter link description here)
OK, so I fixed the issue by cleaning up the Spring configuration files, as suggested by the comments. Someone messed up with the web.xml - he added a reference to the context XML that is already referenced by the Spring's DispatcherServlet, causing it to be loaded twice. He didn't know it, because Spring references the file implicitly.
I learned my lessons, but 2 things the Spring folks could do better (maybe in Spring 5?):
There shouldn't be implicit context file loading. Currently, the framework will try to load the application context from a file named [servlet-name]-servlet.xml located in the application's WebContent/WEB-INF directory. Convention over configuration fails in this case.
There should be warning when a bean is loaded twice, if someone need to override a bean definition, he must declare explicitly. Otherwise it would take a lot of time to debug the kind of error this mistake will cause.

How can I get the user information using Spring Security with LDAP

Im using Spring 3.1.1 with Spring Security 3.2.0 with LDAP authencitation.
I have gotten it to a point that works fine and I can log in using my LDAP username and password, I can even display the username with this
<security:authentication property="principal.username" />, is currently logged in.
I want to know how, if at all possible, can I get the first name, surname, email address or other information like that stored in my LDAP credentials.
I've tried property="credentials" but this returns null...
This is eerily similar to my question a few days ago:
How do I use a custom authorities populator with Spring Security and the ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider?
If you're not using Active Directory, you can simply extend the LdapAuthenticationProvider class and override the loadUserAuthorities method, in which you can capture the relevant user information based on the LDAP attributes for the user:
String firstName = userData.getStringAttribute("givenName");
String lastName = userData.getStringAttribute("sn");
You can store these wherever or however you like, and you're only limited to the attributes available via LDAP. Then, you'd have to specify your LdapAuthoritiesProvider in the appropriate bean (ldapAuthoritiesPopulator, if memory serves).
I believe the above will work for non-AD LDAP, but you'll obviously need to test it to be sure. I recommend the LDAP browser for Eclipse provided by Apache Studios, if you're not already using it.
Implement your own UserDetailsContextMapper and load LDAP user properties into the UserDetails object

Jdbc Connection Pooling - using multiple schema known at runtime only

I am working on an engine that is doing the following:
gets data provider info from DB (that tells me to what database & schema details to connect to get my data)
use that info to connect to the database and get my data, that later I use to build some XML content.
The standard setup to handle and isolate database connection management would be to create a DataSource bean (I'm using Spring to wire my components) and inject that in my ProviderConfigDao (loads connection config) and ContentDao (loads data using connection details loaded previously). This would nicely isolate the handling of the connections from the actual code, thus the DAO classes not needing to know how and when a connection is created/opened/closed etc.
This setup doesn't work unfortunately, as when I create my connection, I need to be able to specify the database schema. I don't know all the different schemas from the beginning, so I can't create a set of DataSource objects to cover all of them, thus the DataSource object must be created at runtime and it's creation hidden from the users.
The only solution I can think of is:
Have another class/interface (DataSourceProvider) having one method:
//Gets the connection URL as parameter (which includes the schema name).
DataSource getDataSource(String url);
Add a bean in Spring config to provide a custom implementation for it that manages creation of DataSource objects for each schema.
Inject that object to my DAO classes instead of the DataSource object.
It's not a bad solution, but I was wondering if there is maybe support for something like this already in some open source package ... I'd rather use something already done and tested then reinvent the wheel.
there's a JDBC Utils to get all the metada from a database
Implementation of
