Trying to run laravel octane. I do it as it is written in the documentation (I use a sail). A normal application without laravel works well, but after I set all the settings, rebuild the containers and run them, the application stops responding. All shops are empty. sudo lsof -i -P command | grep LISTEN gives output like this:
What could be the problem and how to find it?
I am trying to do something very simple: Restart my go server whenever any of the *.go files change. I did this:
find . -name "*.go" | entr -r -s 'sudo go run main.go'
The server starts all right first time (sudo does not require password). But
later on when any of the files in sub directories change, entr is not restarting the server.
What am I doing wrong?
I found that if I run server on 8080 then the above command works as expected. However if I use a SSL certificate and listen on 443 (hence the sudo) then the command does not work.
I want to run MS SQL server (docker image: microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer) in a docker container. Using Windows on the host and the container. Afterwards, the database should be accessible from the host (using SQL Management Studio) by a useful, name (so that the instructions can be re-used). However, docker generates a seemingly random IP, which is not as useful, especially as it resets on every call to run.
So, I would like to give the container a hostname that is accessible from the host machine (e.g. by SQL Management Studio). I'd like to avoid a mere IP here, but it would suffice, if no better solution presents itself.
Creating a network in docker did not work, as this functionality apparently is only supported under Linux.
--network-alias also failed.
The run command looks like this:
docker run -d -p 1433:1433 -e sa_password=1234qwerT -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y --name docker_sql microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer
This is very similar to this question here: How to get a Docker container's IP address from the host?
I think you can achieve what you want by way of a 2 step process:
Obtain the container id for your container as part of your docker run command.
Use docker inspect to get the container's IP address.
If you really don't want to use the IP address, then you can always add the IP address to your hosts file, but simply using the IP address as a shell variable should be almost as useful.
So, for example, from a bash shell:
CID=$(docker run -d ubuntu /bin/sh -c 'while /bin/true; do sleep 10 ; done')
IP=$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' $ID)
Now you can use $IP within scripts as you see fit. (Substitute the CID=... line with whatever docker run command you are using to start your container).
As per bluescores' comment and stumbling upon this related question, I tried and verified that connecting to localhost is possible - so there actually is no need to configure a name for the container-sql-server or to configure its IP.
The general problem might persist for other applications, but for what I want to achieve currently, localhost will suffice.
I'm trying to turn the instructions on this page about connecting to a Soft Ether VPN on OS X into a bash script, but I'm running into some issues.
When I run each of these commands individually at the command line, I'm able to initiate the connection to the VPN just fine and set up the routing appropriately, but when I put it into a script, it doesn't work.
Here is the script in question:
GATEWAY=`route -n get default | grep gateway | awk '{print $2}'`
vpnclient start
vpncmd localhost /CLIENT /CMD AccountConnect HomeVPN;
ipconfig set tap0 DHCP;
ifconfig tap0 down; ifconfig tap0 up
echo "waiting for dhcp to get us an address..."
sleep 15
route delete default;
route -n add $VPN_IP $GATEWAY;
route add default $VPN_GATEWAY;
Upon testing, I have confirmed that GATEWAY gets the correct value and all the other variables are set correctly. The script seems to do everything correctly up until the part where it starts changing the routes. At first I thought it was because the interface hadn't had enough time to get an IP address, so I put a pretty long wait time in to make sure it had an IP before it started trying to change routes.
Any thoughts as to why this doesn't work when put into script form?
Just a guess: sudo doesn't work well in shell scripts as it's an interactive tool and need to prompt for a password. You might consider removing the sudo commands and running the entire script using sudo.
What are the steps required to set up Redis database on Webfaction shared hosting account?
Because of the special environment restrictions of Webfaction servers the installation instructions are not as straightforward as they would be. Nevertheless at the end you will have a fully functioning Redis server that stays up even after a reboot. I personally installed Redis by the following procedure about a half a year ago and it has been running flawlessy since. A little word of a warning though, half a year is not a long time, especially because the server have not been under a heavy use.
The instructions consists of five parts: Installation, Testing, Starting the Server, Managing the Server and Keeping the Server Running.
Login to your Webfaction shell
Download latest Redis from Redis download site.
> mkdir -p ~/src/
> cd ~/src/
> wget
> tar -xzf redis-2.6.16.tar.gz
> cd redis-2.6.16/
Before the make, see is your server Linux 32 or 64 bit. The installation script does not handle 32 bit environments well, at least on Webfaction's CentOS 5 machines. The command for bits is uname -m. If Linux is 32 bit the result will be i686, if 64 bit then x86_64. See this answer for details.
> uname -m
If your server is 64 bit (x86_64) then just simply make.
> make
But if your server is 32 bit (i686) then you must do little extra stuff. There is a command make 32bit but it produces an error. Edit a line in the installation script to make make 32bit to work.
> nano ~/src/redis-2.6.16/src/Makefile
Change the line 214 from this
$(MAKE) CFLAGS="-m32" LDFLAGS="-m32"
to this
$(MAKE) CFLAGS="-m32 -march=i686" LDFLAGS="-m32 -march=i686"
and save. Then run the make with 32bit flag.
> cd ~/src/redis-2.6.16/ ## Note the dir, no trailing src/
> make 32bit
The executables were created into directory ~/src/redis-2.6.16/src/. The executables include redis-cli, redis-server, redis-benchmark and redis-sentinel.
Testing (optional)
As the output of the installation suggests, it would be nice to ensure that everything works as expected by running tests.
Hint: To run 'make test' is a good idea ;)
Unfortunately the testing requires tlc8.6.0 to be installed which is not the default at least on the machine web223. So you must install it first, from source. See Tcl/Tk installation notes and compiling notes.
> cd ~/src/
> wget
> tar -xzf tcl8.6.0-src.tar.gz
> cd tcl8.6.0-src/unix/
> ./configure --prefix=$HOME
> make
> make test # Optional, see notes below
> make install
Testing Tcl with make test will take time and will also fail due to WebFaction's environment restrictions. I suggest you skip this.
Now that we have Tlc installed we can run Redis tests. The tests will take a long time and also temporarily uses a quite large amount of memory.
> cd ~/src/redis-2.6.16/
> make test
After the tests you are ready to continue.
Starting the Server
First, create a custom application via Webfaction Control Panel (Custom app (listening on port)). Name it for example fooredis. Note that you do not have to create a domain or website for the app if Redis is used only locally i.e. from the same host.
Second, make a note about the socket port number that was given for the app. Let the example be 23015.
Copy the previously compiled executables to the app's directory. You may choose to copy all or only the ones you need.
> cd ~/webapps/fooredis/
> cp ~/src/redis-2.6.16/src/redis-server .
> cp ~/src/redis-2.6.16/src/redis-cli .
Copy also the sample configuration file. You will soon modify that.
> cp ~/src/redis-2.6.16/redis.conf .
Now Redis is already runnable. There is couple problems though. First the default Redis port 6379 might be already in use. Second, even if the port was free, yes, you could start the server but it stops running at the same moment you exit the shell. For the first the redis.conf must be edited and for the second, you need a daemon which is also solved by editing redis.conf.
Redis is able to run itself in the daemon mode. For that you need to set up a place where the daemon stores its process ids, PIDs. Usually pidfiles are stored in /var/run/ but because the environment restrictions you must select a place for them in your home directory. Because a reason explained later in the part Managing the Server, a good choice is to put the pidfile under the same directory as the executables. You do not have to create the file yourself, Redis creates it for you automatically.
Now open the redis.conf for editing.
> cd ~/webapps/fooredis/
> nano redis.conf
Change the configurations in the following manner.
daemonize no -> daemonize yes
pidfile /var/run/ -> pidfile /home/foouser/webapps/fooredis/
port 6379 -> port 23015
Now finally, start Redis server. Specify the conf-file so Redis listens the right port and runs as a daemon.
> cd ~/webapps/fooredis/
> ./redis-server redis.conf
See it running.
> cd ~/webapps/fooredis/
> ./redis-cli -p 23015
redis> SET myfeeling Phew.
redis> GET myfeeling
redis> (ctrl-d)
Stop the server if you want to.
> ps -u $USER -o pid,command | grep redis
718 grep redis
10735 ./redis-server redis.conf
> kill 10735
> cat | xargs kill
Managing the Server
For the ease of use and as a preparatory work for the next part, make a script that helps to open the client and start, restart and stop the server. An easy solution is to write a makefile. When writing a makefile, remember to use tabs instead of spaces.
> cd ~/webapps/fooredis/
> nano Makefile
# Redis Makefile
client cli:
./redis-cli -p 23015
start restart:
./redis-server redis.conf
cat | xargs kill
The rules are quite self-explanatory. The special about the second rule is that while in daemon mode, calling the ./redis-server does not create a new process if there is a one running already.
The third rule has some quiet wisdom in it. If was not stored under the directory of fooredis but for example to /var/run/ then it would not be so easy to stop the server. This is especially true if you run multiple Redis instances concurrently.
To execute a rule:
> make start
Keeping the Server Running
You now have an instance of Redis running in daemon mode which allows you to quit the shell without stopping it. This is still not enough. What if the process crashes? What if the server machine is rebooted? To cover these you have to create two cronjobs.
> export EDITOR=nano
> crontab -e
Add the following two lines and save.
*/5 * * * * make -C ~/webapps/fooredis/ -f ~/webapps/fooredis/Makefile start
#reboot make -C ~/webapps/fooredis/ -f ~/webapps/fooredis/Makefile start
The first one ensures each five minutes that fooredis is running. As said above this does not start new process if one is already running. The second one ensures that fooredis is started immediately after the server machine reboot and long before the first rule kicks in.
Some more deligate methods for this could be used, for example forever. See also this Webfaction Community thread for more about the topic.
Now you have it. Lots of things done but maybe more will come. Things you may like to do in the future which were not covered here includes the following.
Setting a password, preventing other users flushing your databases. (See redis.conf)
Limiting the memory usage (See redis.conf)
Logging the usage and errors (See redis.conf)
Backupping the data once in a while.
Any ideas, comments or corrections?
To summarize Akseli's excellent answer:
assume your user is named "magic_r_user"
cd ~
wget ""
tar -xzf redis-3.0.0.tar.gz
mv redis-3.0.0 redis
cd redis
make test
create a custom app "listening on port" through the Webfaction management website
assume we named it magic_r_app
assume it was assigned port 18932
cp ~/redis/redis.conf ~/webapps/magic_r_app/
vi ~/webapps/magic_r_app/redis.conf
daemonize yes
pidfile ~/webapps/magic_r_app/
port 18932
test it
~/redis/src/redis-server ~/webapps/magic_r_app/redis.conf
~/redis/src/redis-cli -p 18932
cat ~/webapps/magic_r_app/ | xargs kill
crontab -e
*/1 * * * * /home/magic_r_user/redis/src/redis-server /home/magic_r_user/webapps/magic_r_app/redis.conf &>> /home/magic_r_user/logs/user/cron.log
don't forget to set a password!
FYI, if you are installing redis 2.8.8+ you may get an error, undefined reference to __sync_add_and_fetch_4 when compiling. See for information.
I've pasted the relevant portion from that page below in case the page ever goes offline. Essentially you need to export the CFLAGS variable and restart the build process.
[root#devvm1 redis-2.6.7]# export CFLAGS=-march=i686
[root#devvm1 redis-2.6.7]# make distclean
[root#devvm1 redis-2.6.7]# make
I have a php page that runs on a local uri on a local nginx server. It is called like this:
Is it possible to call this php page from inside a Bash script in order to make it run just like I do by typing the uri in Firefox?
I tryed to access the script directly in cli:
php /home/public_html/
but it didn't work (it looks that php running under fastCGI and PHP-CLI work somehow differently).
Any ideas?
Try GNU Wget
or cURL
to run it like a browser would.
Note: But this is not CLI in any way.
php -f <path-to-file>
php can output whatever you tell it to. It doesn't have to be HTML.
You can use a bash script to call a URI page by mfetching it with a program like curl:
curl -s '' > /dev/null
…or you can be a little more hands on and use nc:
echo 'GET /index.php?var' | nc 80