Arrange functions based on their time complexity - algorithm

Rank the following functions representing running times from smallest to largest (in terms of
growth rate with respect to n) and group those functions that are in the same equivalence class
list of functions
8(log n)^2,
4n^3(log n),
My solution in ascending order is :
8(log n)^2 - logarithmic complexity
7n+6 - linear complexity
2n^3+12n^2+5, 4n^3(log n), 4n^3 - polynomial complexity
n^4-12n^3 - polynomial complexity
1.5^n - Factorial complexity
n! - Exponential complexity
Unsure if what I have done is correct. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

The complexities are as follows:
2𝑛3+12n2+5 = O(𝑛3)
8(log𝑛)2 = O(log2𝑛)
1.5𝑛 = O(1.5𝑛)
𝑛4βˆ’12𝑛3 = O(𝑛4)
4𝑛3log𝑛 = O(𝑛3log𝑛)
4𝑛3 = O(𝑛3)
𝑛! = O(𝑛!)
7𝑛+6 = O(𝑛)
When grouped by their complexities and put in ascending order:
So there is essentially one difference with your output: O(𝑛3log𝑛) is not O(𝑛3): the first is of a greater order:
We can prove this by contradiction. If for a moment we assume that O(𝑛3log𝑛) is O(𝑛3), then we can find a 𝑛0 and a 𝐢 such that 𝑛3log𝑛 ≀ 𝐢𝑛3 for all 𝑛 > 𝑛0. But this would mean that log𝑛 ≀ 𝐢 or 𝑛 ≀ 2𝐢. This is not true for any 𝑛 > 2𝐢, and so the proposition does not hold.
Another correction: the labels "Exponential" and "Factorial" were inverted in your output.
O(𝑛!) is factorial and O(1.5𝑛) is exponential.


Why the complexity of this algorithm is O(n log(n)))?

I have a multi-set S with positive numbers where I want to partition it into K subsets such that the difference between the sum of partitions is minimized. one simple heuristics approach to the above problem is the greedy algorithm, which iterates through the set of numbers sorted in descending order, assigning each of them to whichever subset has the smaller sum of the numbers. My question is why time complexity of this greedy algorithm is O(nlog(n))?
Determining "whichever subset has the smaller sum of the numbers" will take logarithmic time on the current number of subsets. You would need to implement some sort of priority queue or heap for doing this efficiently with such a time complexity. In a worst case your number of sets will be O(𝑛), and so you get the following search time complexities as each input value is processed:
O(log(1) + log(2) + log(3) + ... + log𝑛)
= O(log𝑛!)
= O(𝑛log𝑛)

Big O for exponential complexity specific case

Let's an algorithm to find all paths between two nodes in a directed, acyclic, non-weighted graph, that may contain more than one edge between the same two vertices. (this DAG is just an example, please I'm not discussing this case specifically, so disregard it's correctness though it's correct, I think).
We have two effecting factors which are:
mc: max number of outgoing edges from a vertex.
ml: length of the max length path measured by number of edges.
Using an iterative fashion to solve the problem, where complexity in the following stands for count of processing operations done.
for the first iteration the complexity = mc
for the second iteration the complexity = mc*mc
for the third iteration the complexity = mc*mc*mc
for the (max length path)th iteration the complexity = mc^ml
Total worst complexity is (mc + mc*mc + ... + mc^ml).
1- can we say it's O(mc^ml)?
2- Is this exponential complexity?, as I know, in exponential complexity, the variable only appear at the exponent, not at the base.
3- Are mc and ml both are variables in my algorithm comlexity?
There's a faster way to achieve the answer in O(V + E), but seems like your question is about calculating complexity, not about optimizing algorithm.
Yes, seems like it's O(mc^ml)
Yes, they bot can be variables in your algorithm complexity
As about the complexity of your algorithm: let's do some transformation, using the fact that a^b = e^(b*ln(a)):
mc^ml = (e^ln(mc))^ml = e^(ml*ln(mc)) < e^(ml*mc) if ml,mc -> infinity
So, basically, your algorithm complexity upperbound is O(e^(ml*mc)), but we can still shorten it to see, if it's really an exponential complexity. Assume that ml, mc <= N, where N is, let's say, max(ml, mc). So:
e^(ml*mc) <= e^N^2 = e^(e^2*ln(N)) = (e^e)^(2*ln(N)) < (e^e)^(2*N) = [C = e^e] = O(C^N).
So, your algorithm complexity will be O(C^N), where C is a constant, and N is something that growth not faster than linear. So, basically - yes, it is exponetinal complexity.

Determine overall space complexity of the program

In a program, I’m using two data structures
1: An array of pointers of size k, each pointer points to a link lists(hence, total β€˜k’ lists) . Total number of nodes in all the lists = M…..(something like hashing with separate chaining, k is fixed, M can vary)
2: Another array of integers of size M (where M=number of nodes above)
Question is: What is the overall space complexity of the program? Is it something like below?
First part: O(k+M) or just O(M)….both are correct I guess!
Second part: O(2M) or just O(M)…again both correct?
Overall O(k+M) + O(2M) ==> O(max(k+M, 2M)
Or just O(M)?
Please help.
O(K+M) is O(M) if the M is always greater than K. So, the final result is O(M).
First part: O(k+M) is not correct its just O(M)
Second part: O(2M) is not correct because we don't use constants in order so correct is O(M)
Overall O(M) + O(M) ==> O(M).
Both are correct in the two cases. But since O(k+M) = O(M), supposing k constant, everybody will use the simplest notation, which is O(M).
For the second part, a single array is O(M).
For the overall, it would be O(k+M+M) = O(max(k+M,2M)) = O(M) (we can "forget" multiplicative and additive constants in the big-O notation - except if your are in constant time).
As a reminder g(x) = O(f(x)) iff there exist x0 and c such that x>x0 implies g(x) >= c.f(x)

Big O and Big Omega Notation Algorithms

There is a comparison-based sorting algorithm that runs in O(n*log(sqrt(n))).
Given the existence of an Omega(n(log(n)) lower bound for sorting, how can this be possible?
Basically, this problem is asking you to prove that O(n*log(n)) = O(n*log(√n)), which means that you need to find some constant c > 0 such that: O(n*log(n)) = O(c*n*log(√n)). Remember that √n = n^(1/2) and that log(n^(1/2)) = 1/2*log(n). So, now we have O(n*log(n)) = O(1/2*n*log(n)). Since asymptotic notation ignores constant multipliers, we can rewrite this as O(n*log(n)) = O(n*log(n)). Voila, proof positive that it is possible.
For a sorting algorithm based on comparison you can draw a decision tree. It is a binary tree representing comparisons done by the algorithm, and every leaf of this tree is a permutation of the elements from given set.
There are n! possible permutations, where n is the size of the set, and only one of them represents the sorted set. Path leading to every leaf represents comparisons necessary to achieve permutation represented by the leaf.
Now lets make h the height of our decision tree, and l to be the number of leafs. Every possible permutation of the input set must be in one of the leafs, so n! <= l. A binary tree with height h can have at most 2^h leafs. Therefore we get n! <= l <= 2^h. Apply a logarithm to both sides, so you get h >= log(n!), and log(n!) is Omega(nlog(n)).
Because the height of the decision tree represents a number of comparisons necessary to get to the leaf, this is the proof that the lower bound for sorting algorithms based on comparison is nlog(n). This can't be done faster. So the only option left for this task to be correct is to assume that Omega(nlog(n) is also Omega(nlog(sqrt(n)). log(sqrt(n)) = log(n^(1/2)) = (1/2)log(n) => nlog(sqrt(n)) = n((1/2)log(n)) = (1/2)nlog(n). Ignore const = 1/2 (as we are interested in asympthotic complexity) an you get nlog(sqrt(n)) = nlog(n) in terms of complexity.

Choosing minimum length k of array for merge sort where use of insertion sort to sort the subarrays is more optimal than standard merge sort

This is a question from Introduction to Algorithms By Cormen. But this isn't a homework problem instead self-study.
There is an array of length n. Consider a modification to merge sort in which n/k sublists each of length k are sorted using insertion sort and then merged using merging mechanism, where k is a value to be determined.
The relationship between n and k isn't known. The length of array is n. k sublists of n/k means n * (n/k) equals n elements of the array. Hence k is simply a limit at which the splitting of array for use with merge-sort is stopped and instead insertion-sort is used because of its smaller constant factor.
I was able to do the mathematical proof that the modified algorithm works in Θ(n*k + n*lg(n/k)) worst-case time. Now the book went on to say to
find the largest value of k as a function of n for which this modified algorithm has the same running time as standard merge sort, in terms of Θ notation. How should we choose k in practice?
Now this got me thinking for a lot of time but I couldn't come up with anything. I tried to solve
n*k + n*lg(n/k) = n*lg(n) for a relationship. I thought that finding an equality for the 2 running times would give me the limit and greater can be checked using simple hit-and-trial.
I solved it like this
n k + n lg(n/k) = n lg(n)
k + lg(n/k) = lg(n)
lg(2^k) + lg(n/k) = lg(n)
(2^k * n)/k = n
2^k = k
But it gave me 2 ^ k = k which doesn't show any relationship. What is the relationship? I think I might have taken the wrong equation for finding the relationship.
I can implement the algorithm and I suppose adding an if (length_Array < k) statement in the merge_sort function here(Github link of merge sort implementation) for calling insertion sort would be good enough. But how do I choose k in real life?
Well, this is a mathematical minimization problem, and to solve it, we need some basic calculus.
We need to find the value of k for which d[n*k + n*lg(n/k)] / dk == 0.
We should also check for the edge cases, which are k == n, and k == 1.
The candidate for the value of k that will give the minimal result for n*k + n*lg(n/k) is the minimum in the required range, and is thus the optimal value of k.
Attachment, solving the derivitives equation:
d[n*k + n*lg(n/k)] / dk = d[n*k + nlg(n) - nlg(k)] / dk
= n + 0 - n*1/k = n - n/k
n - n/k = 0 => n = n/k => 1/k = 1 => k = 1
Now, we have the candidates: k=n, k=1. For k=n we get O(n^2), thus we conclude optimal k is k == 1.
Note that we found the derivitives on the function from the big Theta, and not on the exact complexity function that uses the needed constants.
Doing this on the exact complexity function, with all the constants might yield a bit different end result - but the way to solve it is pretty much the same, only take derivitives from a different function.
maybe k should be lg(n)
theta(nk + nlog(n/k)) have two terms, we have the assumption that k>=1, so the second term is less than nlog(n).
only when k=lg(n), the whole result is theta(nlog(n))
