Why gradlew connectedCheck does not generate instrumental or UI test coverage reports? It does generate report but does not show any coverage. Is there an actual way to get the coverage from the instrumental and UI tests? I did not find any reference in official android testing guides/documentation.
Angular support code coverage report in .html format(Index.html). The same code coverage report can it be possible to get in .pdf version using angular 9/Jasmine?
I had tried to modified some settings in Karma.config.js file but no luck. Is any plugin available for it? "Karma-jasmine-html-reporter" same for .pdf file?
How to write unit test cases automatically using SCURI in angular 8 onwards
run "ng test" to see coverage report for these unit tests
I am integrating jenkins jacoco plugin in the jenkins pipeline at two different stages, one after the unit tests which produced a jacoco.exec file.
I used the jacoco(params) to attach this with the build.
Right after that, I run my integration tests with coverage, and produced jaccoco-it.exec and used jacoco(params) to attach it to the build.
But my build shows two different coverage charts with the merged coverage reports.
I would like to get the unit test coverage and integration test coverage separately on the build. Is this possible at all? I could not find any documentation related to this use case.
Does SonarQube always require an external code coverage tool like jacoco (Java), Coverage (python), gcov (c/c++), in order to show coverage on a sonar server?
SonarQube by itself doesn't do any coverage. Its the job for other tools like jacoco and others.
However SonarQube can gather the "results" relevant to the project quality (of course including coverage as an important code quality metric) of the build and allows tracking of the quality over time.
Usually you run coverage tool first, it "adjusts" the code, then you run the tests in the build. Coverage tool creates some results, and only after that you run sonar plugin that processes the results and sends to the sonar qube server.
So, to answer your question: Yes, without an external code coverage tool, sonar won't produce any coverage results, and no, it doesn't have a "default, built-in" coverage tool
I am running analysis on my solution which contains a Unit Test project just like any other projects . But there is 'No Data' in Unit Test Coverage Widgets .But I can see the analysis if I open respective folder/file of UT . How can I see Unit Test Coverage details by adding widget.
I am not using any of these tools...i am running analysis with sonar scanner.
SonarQube doesn't generate code coverage data. It displays data provided by reports generated by other tools. You have to configure and execute any code coverage tool and then scanner will upload results to the server.
See how to do it for C#: Code Coverage Results Import (C#, VB.NET)
More about code coverage: Seeing Coverage
Which plug-in needs to installed to get the code coverage metrics in sonar reports? It was working fine for previous version(3.7.3) and now I am using 4.1.1 I can only see the unit test coverage. I need both if possible.