Apple Shortcut HTTPs not working on Apple Watch - https

I use the cool feature in Apple Shortcut to request some HTTP REST commands of my Smarthome via my Webserver. I use an apache2 with Lets Encrypt certificates.
This is working fine on my iPad and on my iPhone but unfortunately not on my Apple Watch. I get always: The certificate for this server is invalid. You might connecting to a server that is pretending to be "" which could put your confidential information at risk.
I use the "URL" command in Apple shortcuts with "Network".
I am not sure how to handle this. On all my Apple devices the short cuts are working but not on the Apple Watch. I restarted the watch already.

I found the solution on myself.
First I tested the certificate with from Qualys. This site tests the certificate. The result showed that the chainfile will not be downloaded from the apache2. The mistake was that I forgot to add the "SSLCertificateChainFile" to the configuration.
Now my apache2 SSL configuration is rate A+ and the shortcuts are working again with the Apple Watch.
Why the error only occured on the apple watch and not on the other apple devices too I don't know.


Telerik Fiddler: Having issues decrypting https from Iphone 10s

I am trying to capture https traffic from a specific application on IOS. It's not working. I went through all the legit steps and 1. Installed Bouncy Castle, installed IOS compatible certificate on IOS device, then told it to use my computer as a proxy, and trusted the certificate on IOS. I can now decode "some" https traffic but it isn't decoding the traffic from the app i'm trying to sniff the api from.
I did this exact scenario on android with mixed results because android stored the certificate in the "user" storage so i had to actually patch the apk i was monitoring. I was under the impression that jumping through hoops like that weren't necessary on IOS though. Any ideas?
Note: A fiddler everywhere answer is fine too. I have a trial set up to test it.

How to run un-signed System Extensions in OSX catalina?

How to run un-signed System Extensions in OSX catalina?
I'm trying to load SimpleFirewall which is a system extension given by apple, ment to demonstrate packet filtering capabilities.
The project compiles, but I get this error during run:
OSSystemExtensionErrorDomain error 8
Looked it up, it means -
Invalid code signature or missing entitlements
I have SIP disabled, and turned off code signing in the xcode project.. what else can I do to have this run? I dont have a developer ID.. just testing the code..
As per Eskimo answer on Apple Developer Forums you might additionally to
disabling SIP and
enabling SYSX developer mode (systemextensionsctl developer on)
need to disable AMFI:
nvram boot-args="amfi_get_out_of_my_way=0x1”
This has to be done in the cmd from the Recovery Mode.
AFAIK you only need to do it, if you don't have a developer provisioning profile with entitlement.
Apple's Documentation on 'Debugging and Testing System Extensions' has some information on this subject.
In theory, disabling SIP should take care of the signing requirements. You may still need to sign the extension with a free Mac Developer certificate so that the entitlements can be embedded.
Are you trying to use the extension from outside an app? If so, the command
systemextensionsctl developer on
Should help.
I have a same issue with #tuti.
I am testing a hello world System Extension base on Driver Kit. I am using free developer account, Mac mini Catatila, Xcode 11 to development.
In my Xcode, I setting to don't sign my code for both application and system extension. I am also disable SIP and run command "systemextensionsctl developer on".
But when I load my system extension from Swift application, it still show me the log "The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSSystemExtensionErrorDomain error 8.)". When I look up the error 8, it means invalid signature. But in my computer, I can load an unsigned Kernel extension normally.
So, I don't know why? I think the OS still check code signing for system extension regardless I disable SIP.

Export XCode App for One Person

Alright so I've built my first desktop app in xcode. The app is intended for use by one person only. I want to export it in the quickest, easiest way possible so they can use it on their laptop.
I've got Mac OS 10.10.3 and XCode 6.4. The target laptop has Mac OS 10.10.5. I am reluctant to update my system and the one on the laptop but will do if I have no other choice.
Getting it to work on my own computer would be a great start. Currently if I do Product > Archive. And then Export "As Mac Application" (unsigned). It creates the app but when I try and open it, it say "App couldn't open because of a problem". Is there a way I can debug this? Or an obvious thing I may have missed?
Ideally I want the app to work on my computer and to be able to transfer it to the target laptop and have it work on there too. I'll pay for the developer licence if I have no other choice but for a single-target application I feel like it's a waste of money.
You don't say it explicitly in your question but do you not have an apple developer certificate? If not, then you will not likely be able to sign the app appropriately to export it for use. If I'm not mistaken, when I export my apps (even for local testing on other machines in my house) the app gets signed with my developer certificate, enabling OSX to see that the app has been signed by a registered developer.
I believe you will be able to run the app in Xcode (without a developer certificate), but in order to export it you need a signature (development certificate) which is provided as part of the Apple Developer subscription.
An easy thing you could try to do, assuming your app builds:
Run your app
Right click the app icon in the dock
Click Options -> Show in Finder
Boom there's your app bundle. Send that over to your recipient
It seems fairly obvious in hindsight but I ended up installing XCode on the target computer (using the Apple Developer site to get the same version as I was running on the dev computer. I was then able to just copy the project across and run it. This wasn't ideal but it did the job.

Safari Web Inspector network throttling

I'm currently remote-debugging a website on my iPhone using Safari v8 and need to simulate different network speeds.
The Chrome Developer Tools have the functionality to throttle the network connection (simulate 3G, wifi etc.) or even to completely switch it off.
Does the Safari Web Inspector have similar functionality?
At the moment I'm getting around it by just switching off my wifi as I just need to test no network for now, but might need the functionality in the future.
There is currently not a way to do that natively in Safari but you might try using something like Charles Proxy that can throttle your browser or system connection (win, mac, linux).
Just found a way to do it without having to use a proxy like Charles:
Install XCode
Connect iPhone to mac via USB
Launch XCode
Access developer settings on iPhone
Use "Network Link Conditioner"
Longer blog post I wrote: Enable network throttling on iPhone in 5 steps
Hope this helps!
Update for 2023 and later
Other answers are no longer up to date and don't work anymore. Today you need to use an add-on from Apple called Network Link Conditioner.
You can download it with additional tools for xCode.

Is configuring entitlements for Mac App Store application a must?

I am going to submit my application for Mac App Store, and I am confused about enabling entitlements.
In Apple developer guide for configuring your app for mac App store, it does not say if it is required, or its just better to do it.
I am not using iCloud or push notifications (and are not enabled in my App ID).
I am not going to enable Sandboxing before 1st of March.
I sign my executable with the appropriate Apple Application Certificate and my installer with Installer certificate.
I am following the File-System Usage Requirements for the Mac App Store guide lines.
Last time my binary was accepted, but application was rejected in review due to some other violation.
My question is, will my app get rejected if I do not check the Enable Entitlements checkbox in Xcode. If I enable it, the second option is if I want to enable Sandbox which I do not, so it seems irrelevant.
I found this answer which says its not required but its for iOS.
Can someone confirm?
Thanks in Advance.
No it is not needed. My App was approved without Enabling entitlements. But, it will be needed once I start using Push notifications, Sandboxing, or iClouds.
