How Can I Create Joomla Shortcuts Keys for Keyboard Navigation Accessibility - joomla

I'm working on web accessibility and Keyboard Navigation so I wanted to work on keyboard shortcuts ,which will help people to work easily.


macOS Keyboard Shortcuts in Swift

I am creating a macOS app and would like to create a keyboard shortcut for when the user taps the space bar for one of my buttons.
I am not sure where I should start and even where the documentation is for this? What should I be looking for?
You can now add keyboard shortcuts for many of your UI elements directly in a storyboard, by clicking on the Attribute inspector and scrolling down to "Key Equivalent". You just click in the Key Equivalent text field and press the key equivalent on your keyboard.

resolving conflict between JAWS and key-press events for navigating large drop-down menus

I have been toiling over this for weeks now, researching solutions that others have developed for fully keyboard-navigable menus (both for sited users that have physical impairments and for non-sighted users that rely on assistive technology such as JAWS). I have a drop-down menu script that I've built for our state agencies at the State of Minnesota and it works quite well....but I am having one problem: JAWS has reserved both the use of arrow keys and the space bar.
The example menu I hyperlinked above allows you to navigate through the entire menu one of two ways: using arrow keys to drill down through the menus and traverse back up again, or using a combination of the tab and shift-tab keys to navigate and the spacebar to toggle the visibility (and accessibility) of submenus. It works fine when you are just using a browser without JAWS or on the Mac if you use Safari along with VoiceOver. Furthermore with VoiceOver and Safari, you can navigate through the menu with either the arrow keys or the tab keys with space bar to toggle subnavigation visibility.
So I'm at a loss as what to do for JAWS users. What keyboard event can I use to toggle the display of submenus without conflicting with keyboard shortcuts that are reserved by JAWS?

Keyboard shortcut to show/hide Document Outline in Interface Builder

I need to frequently hide and unhide navigators and inspectors to make room for Interface Builder and complex storyboards. I learned all show/hide shortcuts in Xcode for panes, but can't find any for showing and hiding Document Outline. Is there a way to achieve this on keyboard?
There is no defined keyboard shortcut to show/hide the document outline. But you can define new shortcuts for these actions.
Just open the preferences (cmd+,) and search for "Document Outline" in the "Key Bindings" page.
Just to demonstrate the other solution how to setup the shortcut in System Preferences->Keyboard->Shortcuts.
In one of the Xcode updates 6 or 7.
โŒ˜9 is re-allotted for Navigators > Show Reports Navigator
System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts > Show/ Hide Document Outline โŒ˜9
is invalidated by Xcode automatically.
โ‡งโŒ˜9 is what I chose. in the Keybindings.

How to rebind arrow keys for navigation in tools VS2010

I have changed navigation of cursor in text editor as described in this question Rebinding the arrow keys in VS2010
I can't find same shortcuts for other windows.
For example navigation up/down in solution explorer.
Does anyone know if it is possible to change these shortcuts?
Here is an article that features how to activate arrow keys(plus home and end keys) globally for all programs on the main keyboard via changing Caps Lock key behavior.

Which controls should be keyboard-accessible on Mac OS?

Are there any guidelines for which controls in mac apps should be able to take the focus, by navigating to them by hitting the tab key?
I just checked the system preferences app, and barely any controls seem to do this - for example, in the "Displays" section, the only two that take the focus are the search box and list of resolutions. Is it expected that the other controls cannot be manipulated with the keyboard, or is there some other way?
This behaviour is a user setting governed by System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts:
