How to handle pods shutdown gracefully in microservices architechture - spring-boot

I am exploring different strategies for handling shutdown gracefully in case of deployment/crash. I am using the Spring Boot framework and Kubernetes. In a few of the services, we have tasks that can take around 10-20 minutes(data processing, large report generation). How to handle pod termination in these cases when the task is taking more time. For queuing I am using Kafka.

we have tasks that can take around 10-20 minutes(data processing, large report generation)
First, this is more of a Job/Task rather than a microservice. But similar "rules" applies, the node where this job is executing might terminate for upgrade or other reason, so your Job/Task must be idempotent and be able to be re-run if it crashes or is terminated.
How to handle pod termination in these cases when the task is taking more time. For queuing I am using Kafka.
Kafka is a good technology for this, because it is able to let the client Jon/Task to be idempotent. The job receives the data to process, and after processing it can "commit" that it has processed the data. If the Task/Job is terminated before it has processed the data, a new Task/Job will spawn and continue processing on the "offset" that is not yet committed.


Handle long running tasks gracefully

I am working in microservices architecture. Every service has few long-running tasks (data processing, report generation) which can take up to 1-2 hours. We are using Kafka for the queue.
How to handle cases where pod restart or any deployment happens just before the completion of the task? The task will start again and will take that much time again. Is there any way to run these tasks independently to the application pod?
you can use the Kubernetes jobs to do these types of tasks so as soon as the task is done Kubernetes will auto-delete the pods also.
Jobs are also configurable and will be running standalone so if you will deploy the job again it fetches the data from Kafka and jobs new job will start.

ActiveMQ- Can I Replace The Scheduler Plugin With A Delayed Message Queue?

I worked a little with the ActiveMQ scheduler plugin. This simplifies scheduling messages for delivery with a delay at low volume, but as I get into the 100ks of messages the system breaks down in two key ways.
It's very slow (compared to queues) to enqueue messages in the scheduler.
Attempting to view the schedules in the dashboard crashes the ActiveMQ instance.
The existing scheduler feels a little bolted on and does not perform as expected. So, rethinking the problem I would like to have a jobs and jobs-scheduled queue. Messages sent to the jobs-scheduled queue will have a ttl header with the unix timestamp for when it should be delivered. A process will run on a cron job which will take messages from the jobs-scheduled queue and send it to the jobs queue using a selector to just pick out the messages with an elapsed ttl convert_string_expressions:ttl < %(now)s.
My two questions are:
Will this strategy work for delaying messages at scale or will I find scaling pains around the selector? These messages will be persisted if that makes a difference.
Is there an existing feature in ActiveMQ that will allow me to send messages from one queue to another with a selector query?
ActiveMQ is a message broker not a job scheduler so what you are trying to do is really outside the scope of the what the broker is intended to do. Yes ActiveMQ does have a scheduled message feature but this is not intended for large scale job queue type work, it is a simple feature to provide some minimal delayed delivery.
What you are looking for sounds more like Quartz or some other batch job scheduling library. You could develop your own Job scheduler implementation for ActiveMQ or do something in a plugin but you are really trying to run against the grain of what a broker is meant to do which is deliver messages as quickly as possible in a decoupled manner.
Side note-- potentially off-topic.
I've had to solve a similar situation in the past where it made a lot of sense to load up the queues with messages ahead of time to cut down on the total transfer time.
I solved it by using Camel routes and a side-channel activation. Camel allows you to programmatically start and stop routes, so you can load up a queue with no consumers for the data for a given time period. Then using a dedicated queue for control you send the 'start' message. The control route receives the 'start' message, and then activates the main data processing route. You then need to configure some sort of 'stop' message semantic to be ready for the next time periods run.
Effectively, you get the delayed behavior pattern with much more control over scheduling and cut down on the data-to-queue loading time problem. You can also solve the scaling problem by loading the data across more than one queue.

Service synchronization issue

I've created two services.
One of them (scheduler) only requests to the other (backoffice) for performing some "large" operations.
When backoffice receives a request:
first creates a mark (key on redis) in order to set that the process has started.
Each time a request is reached:
backoffice checks if the mark exist.
When it exists means that the previous process has not yet finished, and escape it.
Perform the large process.
When process is finished, the previous key in redis is removed.
It would be something like this:
if (key exists)
make long process... (1);
remove key;
The problem arises when service is destroyed when the process has not already finished and then it doesn't removes the mark on redis. It means the process will never run again.
Is there any way to solve this kind of problems?
The way to solve this problem is use an existing engine as building custom scalable and robust solution for reliable service orchestration is really hard.
I recommend looking at Uber Cadence Workflow which would allow to convert your pseudocode into a real production application with minor changes.
You can fire a background job that updates timestamp under the key, e.g. every minute.
When service attempts to start the process it must verify key existence (as it does now) + timestamp under the key. If it is more than 1 minute ago then the previous attempt is stale and you can start over.
Sounds like you should be using a messaging queue to schedule tasks for the back office service. Queuing solutions like RabbitMQ allow you to manually acknowledge (or “ack”) that the process is complete. Whenever a subscriber crashes, the queue detects that the connection dropped without acknowledgement and will re-enqueue the same task which will be picked up by the next available subscriber. Here’s another thread talking about this problem specifically focused on messaging queues:
What happens to fetched messages when RabbitMQ consumer crashes?

Scheduling task at some specific time in Java

I have some code execution which will scheduled many jobs at different date-time. So overall I will have lot of jobs to run at specific date-time. I know that there is Spring Scheduler which will execute a job at some time period, but it does not schedule a job dynamically. I can use ActiveMQ with timed delivery or Quartz for my purpose but looking for a little suggestion. Shall I use Quartz or ActiveMQ timed/delayed delivery or something else.
There is another alternative as well in Executor service with timed execution, but if application restarts then the job will be gone I believe. Any help will be appreciated.
While you can schedule message delivery in ActiveMQ it wasn't designed to be used as a job scheduler whereas that's exactly what Quartz was designed for.
In one of your comments you talked about wanting a "scalable solution" and ActiveMQ won't scale well with a huge number of scheduled jobs because the more messages which accumulate in the queues the worse it will perform since it will ultimately have to page those messages to disk rather than keeping them in memory. ActiveMQ, like most message brokers, was meant to hold messages for a relatively short amount of time before they are consumed. It's much different than a database which is better suited for this use-case. Quartz should scale better than ActiveMQ for a large number of jobs for this reason.
Also, the complexity of the jobs you can configure in Quartz is greater. If you go with ActiveMQ and you eventually need more functionality than it supports then that complexity will be pushed down into your application code. However, there's a fair chance could simply do what you want with Quartz since it was designed as a job scheduler.
Lastly, a database is more straight-forward to maintain than a message broker in my opinion and a database is also easy to provision in most cloud providers. I'd recommend you go with Quartz.
You can start by using a cron-expression in order to cover the case when your application will restart. The cron-expression can be stored in the properties file. Also, when your application will be scheduled, you can restart or reschedule your job programatically by creating a new job instance with another cron-expression for example.

Spring Batch or JMS for long running jobs

I have the problem that I have to run very long running processes on my Webservice and now I'm looking for a good way to handle the result. The scenario : A user executes such a long running process via UI. Now he gets the message that his request was accepted and that he should return some time later. So there's no need to display him the status of his request or something like this. I'm just looking for a way to handle the result of the long running process properly. Since the processes are external programms, my application server is not aware of them. Therefore I have to wait for these programms to terminate. Of course I don't want to use EJBs for this because then they would block for the time no result is available. Instead I thought of using JMS or Spring Batch. Does anyone ever had the same problem or an advice which solution would be better?
It really depends on what forms of communication your external programs have available. JMS is a very good approach and immediately available in your app server but might not be the best option if your external program is a long running DB query which dumps the result in a text file...
The main advantage of Spring Batch over "just" using JMS as an aynchronous communcations channel is the transactional properties, allowing the infrastructure to retry failed jobs, group jobs together and such. Without knowing more about your specific setup, it is hard to give detailed advise.
I had a similar design requirement, users were sending XML files and I had to generate documents from them. Using JMS in this case is advantageous since you can always add new instances of these processes which can consume and execute the jobs in parallel.
You can use a timer task to check status or monitor these processes. Also, you can publish a message to a JMS queue once the processes are completed.
