Apollo readQuery, get data from cache - graphql

I'm trying to get data from Apollo cache. I know that data is there because in Apollo dev tools specified records are available.
In my react app I making a simple click and set Id which later passes to the query. Result from client.readQuery(...) is null. I'm spinning around because don't know why. I'm using code exactly the same way as in docs.
Here's a QUERY:
export const RECRUIT_QUERY = gql`
query Recruit($id: ID!) {
Recruit(_id: $id) {
Usage of apollo hooks in component:
const client = useApolloClient();
const recruit = client.readQuery({
variables: { id: selectedId }
Configuration of apollo:
export const client = new ApolloClient({
link: concat(
new HttpLink({
uri: process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL,
cache: new InMemoryCache(),
Here's apollo store preview:

Using readFragment covers my expectation. previously I have tried this solution but wrongly, ex:
id: '4587d3c2-b3e7-4ade-8736-709dc69ad31b',
In fact Appollo store cound't find this record. Correct solution looks like this:
id: 'Recruit:4587d3c2-b3e7-4ade-8736-709dc69ad31b',


Why do I not have an Apollo cache-hit between a multi-response query and a single-item query for the same type?

I'm working on a vue3 project using #vue/apollo-composable and #graphql-codegen.
My index page does a search query. Each result from that query has a tile made on the page. I'm expecting the tile queries will be answered by the cache, but instead, they always miss.
At the page level I do this query:
query getTokens($limit: Int!) {
tokens(limit: $limit) {
Inside of the tile component I execute:
query getToken($id: uuid!){
token(id: $id) {
The fragment looks like this:
fragment tokenInfo on token {
Expectation: The cache would handle 100% of the queries inside the tile components. (I'm hoping to avoid the downfalls of serializing this data to vuex).
Reality: I get n+1 backend calls. I've tried a bunch of permutations including getting rid of the fragment. If I send the getToken call with fetchPolicy: 'cache-only' no data is returned.
The apollo client configuration is very basic:
const cache = new InMemoryCache();
const defaultClient = new ApolloClient({
uri: 'http://localhost:8080/v1/graphql',
cache: cache,
connectToDevTools: true,
const app = createApp(App)
.use(Store, StateKey)
.provide(DefaultApolloClient, defaultClient);
I'm also attaching a screenshot of my apollo dev tools. It appears that the cache is in fact getting populated with normalized data:
Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
I've gotten this worked out thanks to #xadm's comment as well as some feedback I received on the Vue discord. Really my confusion is down to me being new to so many of these tools. Deciding to live on the edge and be a vue3 early adopter (which I love in many ways) made it even easier for me to be confused with the variance in documentation qualities right now.
That said, here is what I've got as a solution.
Problem: The actual problem is that, as configured, Apollo has no way to know that getTokens and getToken return the same type (token).
Solution: The minimum configuration I've found that resolves this is as follows:
const cache = new InMemoryCache({
typePolicies: {
Query: {
fields: {
token(_, { args, toReference }) {
return toReference({
__typename: 'token',
id: args?.id,
However, the feels.... kinda gross to me. Ideally, I'd love to see a way to just point apollo at a copy of my schema, or a schema introspection, and have it figure this out for me. If someone is aware of a better way to do that please let me know.
Better(?) Solution: In the short term here what I feel is a slightly more scalable solution:
type CacheRedirects = Record<string, FieldReadFunction>;
function generateCacheRedirects(types: string[]): CacheRedirects {
const redirects: CacheRedirects = {};
for (const type of types) {
redirects[type] = (_, { args, toReference }) => {
return toReference({
__typename: type,
id: args?.id,
return redirects;
const cache = new InMemoryCache({
typePolicies: {
Query: {
fields: {
If anyone has any improvements on these, please add a comment/solution! :)

Is there a way to name graphql requests in the devtool network tab?

I'm using apollo as my client and I run plenty of queries and mutations on my app. I was wondering if there is a way to have each of my query/mutation displayed by its name (eg. getProduct) instead of all showing as "graph" in my network tab? I'm on Brave (Chromium).
It would make debugging easier if I didn't have to click on each one and check the headers or the response to identify which query or mutation this request corresponds to.
Here's how it currently shows in my devtools:
network tab screenshot
Thanks a lot!
Maybe there is a better way but here the minimal code I could do to make it.
import {
} from '#apollo/client';
const httpLink = new HttpLink({ uri: MY_BASE_URL });
const namedLink = new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => {
operation.setContext(() => ({
uri: `${MY_BASE_URL}?${operation.operationName}`,
return forward ? forward(operation) : null;
export const client = new ApolloClient({
link: ApolloLink.from([namedLink, httpLink]),
cache: new InMemoryCache(),
You'll have to name your query :
import { gql } from "#apollo/client";
const QUERY = gql`
query QueryName {
Hope it'll help.
uri prop of HttpLink can accept function which have operation as an arg
so it can be done like this as well:
const httpLink = new HttpLink({ uri: (operation) => `${MY_BASE_URL}?${operation.operationName}` });

Why are my Apollo cache updates not reflected in my queries?

I am trying to use Apollo cache for local state management to store the state of a form so it can be returned to without clearing.
I am experiencing a problem where the cache is being updated but subsequent queries to the cache are returning stale data. I have experienced this problem in React components using the useQuery hook, and also in Apollo DevTools which I will use to demonstrate it below:
I have this mutation and query set in my resolvers (I am using Typescript):
const resolvers = {
Mutation: {
storeLetterDraft: (_root, args: { type: string, details: LetterSending }, { client, getCacheKey }) => {
const id = getCacheKey({
__typename: "LetterDraft",
id: args.type,
const data = { ...args.details };
Query: {
letterDraft: (_root, args: { type: string }, { client, getCacheKey }) => {
const id = getCacheKey({
__typename: "LetterDraft",
id: args.type,
return client.readFragment({
My fragment is:
export const LETTER_SENDING_FRAGMENT = gql`
fragment DraftLetterSending on LetterDraft {
I am initialising my cache with:
data: {
letterDrafts: [{
__typename: "LetterDraft",
id: "CREATE",
addressCounty: "Northamptonshire",
addressLine1: "1 Watkin Terrace",
addressLine2: "",
addressPostcode: "NN1 3ER",
addressTown: "Northampton",
date: "2019-11-01",
firstName: "d",
lastName: "d",
My mutation looks like:
export const storeCreateLetterSendingMutation = gql`
mutation StoreCreateLetterSending($details: LetterSending!) {
storeLetterDraft(type: "CREATE", details: $details) #client
Before mutation, the cache in Apollo DevTools looks as expected:
And a query returns as expected:
After the mutation is performed, the cache updates:
However, running the query again results in the stale data:
Interestingly if I put a debugger statement in the part above (I HAVE TRIED A DEBUGGER STATEMENT HERE), then it seems the query resolver is run the first time, but not the second time, so it appears the query is being cached - even though it is the cache I am updating! Therefore I think the issue is with the query not running the resolver subsequently.
I had missed this from the documentation (there are various places on the Apollo website detailing the local cache and #client.
While leveraging the cache for both local and remote results can be super helpful in a lot of cases, it's not always the best fit. We might want to use a local resolver to calculate a dynamic value that needs to be refreshed on every request, while at the same time continue to use the cache for the network based parts of our query. To support this use case, Apollo Client's #client directive accepts an always argument, that when set to true will ensure that the associated local resolver is run on every request.

How do you make Schema Stitching in Apollo Server faster?

Initially, I tried to use a Serverless Lambda function to handle schema stitching for my APIs, but I started to move toward an Elastic Beanstalk server to keep from needing to fetch the initial schema on each request.
Even so, the request to my main API server is taking probably ten times as long to get the result from one of the child API servers as my child servers do. I'm not sure what is making the request so long, but it seems like there is something blocking the request from resolving quickly.
This is my code for the parent API:
import * as express from 'express';
import { introspectSchema, makeRemoteExecutableSchema, mergeSchemas } from 'graphql-tools';
import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server-express';
import { HttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
async function run () {
const createRemoteSchema = async (uri: string) => {
const link = new HttpLink({ uri, fetch });
const schema = await introspectSchema(link);
return makeRemoteExecutableSchema({
const remoteSchema = await createRemoteSchema(process.env.REMOTE_URL);
const schema = mergeSchemas({
schemas: [remoteSchema]
const app = express();
const server = new ApolloServer({
tracing: true,
cacheControl: true,
engine: false
server.applyMiddleware({ app });
app.listen({ port: 3006 });
Any idea why it is so slow?
For anyone trying to stitch together schemas on a local environment, I got a significant speed boost by fetching directly instead of going through localhost.
http://localhost:3002/graphql >
This turned out not to be an Apollo issue at all for me.
I'd recommend using Apollo engine to observe what is really going on with each request as you can see on the next screenshot:
you can add it to your Apollo Server configuration
engine: {
apiKey: "service:xxxxxx-xxxx:XXXXXXXXXXX"
Also, I've experienced better performance when defining the defaultMaxAge on the cache controle:
cacheControl: {
defaultMaxAge: 300, // 5 min
calculateHttpHeaders: true,
stripFormattedExtensions: false
the other thing that can help is to add longer max cache age on stitched objects if it does make sense, you can do this by adding cache hints in the schema stitching resolver:
schemas: [avatarSchema, mediaSchema, linkSchemaDefs],
resolvers: [
AvatarFlatFields: {
faceImage: {
fragment: 'fragment AvatarFlatFieldsFragment on AvatarFlatFields { faceImageId }',
resolve(parent, args, context, info) {
info.cacheControl.setCacheHint({maxAge: 3600});
return info.mergeInfo.delegateToSchema({
schema: mediaSchema,
operation: 'query',
fieldName: 'getMedia',
args: {
mediaId: parseInt(parent.faceImageId),
Finally, Using dataLoaders can make process requests much faster when enabling batch processing and dataloaders caching read more at their github and the code will be something like this:
public avatarLoader = (context): DataLoader<any, any> => {
return new DataLoader(ids => this.getUsersAvatars(dataLoadersContext(context), ids)
.then(results => new Validation().validateDataLoaderArrayResults(ids, results))
, {batch: true, cache: true});

How to make query in Apollo-Client?

Using REST-API, we can make fetch query than make query to server.
I use "Apollo-client", but I want to create query witout connecting this query to component. Can I do it?
May be I should use methods client.query (http://dev.apollodata.com/core/apollo-client-api.html#ApolloClient.query) and client.mutate or something like this?
const apolloClient = new ApolloClient({
networkInterface: createNetworkInterface({uri: 'http://localhost:3003/graphql'})
const loginQueruy = gql `Your query code here`,
and then in code
const apolloQuery = {
query: loginQuery,
.then((res) => {
console.log("RES", res)
