order records based on a field value on the order of an array of ids in rails - ruby

As part of sorting based on priority_id column label names, I have done the below code:
products = Product.where(id: pr_ids).order("priority_id IN(?)",ordered_priority_ids)
The below error is showing:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::SyntaxError: ERROR: syntax error at or near ")"
LINE 1: ...ducts"."id" IN ($2, $3) ORDER BY priority_id IN(?), 4, 2, 3...
Please help.

def self.order_by_priority_ids(ids)
return self.where(:id => 0) if ids.blank?
values = []
ids.each_with_index do |priority_id, index|
values << "(#{priority_id}, #{index + 1})"
return self.joins("JOIN (VALUES #{values.join(",")}) as x (priority_id, ordering) ON #{table_name}.priority_id = x.priority_id").reorder('x.ordering')
And then you can use:
Product.where(id: pr_ids).order_by_priority_ids(ordered_priority_ids)


Get value from xml and calculate

I am getting the amounts from an xml file but I need to sum them to check.
I am using Ruby on rails with the Nokogiri gem
Example from xml file:
<cfdi:Concepto ClaveProdServ="15101514" NoIdentificacion="PL/762/EXP/ES/2015-16665610" Cantidad="52.967" ClaveUnidad="LTR" Descripcion="MAGNA (LT)" ValorUnitario="16.34" Importe="865.74">
<cfdi:Traslado Base="842.59" Impuesto="002" TipoFactor="Tasa" TasaOCuota="0.160000" Importe="134.81"/>
<cfdi:Concepto ClaveProdServ="15101514" NoIdentificacion="PL/767/EXP/ES/2015-8515840" Cantidad="35.045" ClaveUnidad="LTR" Descripcion="MAGNA (LT)" ValorUnitario="16.34" Importe="572.80">
<cfdi:Traslado Base="557.49" Impuesto="002" TipoFactor="Tasa" TasaOCuota="0.160000" Importe="89.20"/>
<cfdi:Concepto ClaveProdServ="15101514" NoIdentificacion="PL/762/EXP/ES/2015-16665910" Cantidad="21.992" ClaveUnidad="LTR" Descripcion="MAGNA (LT)" ValorUnitario="16.34" Importe="359.45">
<cfdi:Traslado Base="349.84" Impuesto="002" TipoFactor="Tasa" TasaOCuota="0.160000" Importe="55.97"/>
<cfdi:Concepto ClaveProdServ="15101514" NoIdentificacion="PL/762/EXP/ES/2015-16665560" Cantidad="25.002" ClaveUnidad="LTR" Descripcion="MAGNA (LT)" ValorUnitario="16.34" Importe="408.62">
<cfdi:Traslado Base="397.69" Impuesto="002" TipoFactor="Tasa" TasaOCuota="0.160000" Importe="63.63"/>
I managed to obtain all the amounts and taxes with these line of code:
array = []
array_i = []
file = Nokogiri::XML(File.open(params[:consumption][:factura]))
doc_pass = file.xpath("//cfdi:Comprobante/cfdi:Conceptos/cfdi:Concepto")
doc_pass.each do |pass|
hash_importe = {}
hash_importe[:total] = pass['Importe']
array << hash_importe
doc_pass2 = file.xpath("//cfdi:Comprobante/cfdi:Conceptos/cfdi:Concepto/cfdi:Impuestos/cfdi:Traslados/cfdi:Traslado")
doc_pass2.each do |pass2|
hash_impuesto = {}
hash_impuesto[:tax] = pass2['Importe']
array_i << hash_impuesto
these are the results I get from the xml file:
(byebug) array
[{:importe=>"865.74"}, {:importe=>"572.80"}, {:importe=>"359.45"}, {:importe=>"408.62"}, {:importe=>"324.48"}, {:importe=>"649.64"}, {:importe=>"823.45"}, {:importe=>"545.15"}, {:importe=>"428.02"}, {:importe=>"527.21"}, {:importe=>"487.67"}, {:importe=>"331.72"}, {:importe=>"511.64"}, {:importe=>"406.67"}, {:importe=>"820.81"}, {:importe=>"1635.54"}, {:importe=>"484.14"}, {:importe=>"564.83"}, {:importe=>"1463.30"}]
(byebug) array_i
[{:importe=>"134.81"}, {:importe=>"89.20"}, {:importe=>"55.97"}, {:importe=>"63.63"}, {:importe=>"50.52"}, {:importe=>"101.18"}, {:importe=>"128.21"}, {:importe=>"84.88"}, {:importe=>"66.73"}, {:importe=>"82.10"}, {:importe=>"75.90"}, {:importe=>"51.58"}, {:importe=>"79.67"}, {:importe=>"63.33"}, {:importe=>"127.80"}, {:importe=>"254.69"}, {:importe=>"75.36"}, {:importe=>"87.92"}, {:importe=>"227.84"}]
now what I want is to sum both values(importe + impuesto) ​​for example:
865.74 + 134.81
572.80 + 89.20
359.45 + 55.97
I am new with rails, I would appreciate your help
You can return an array with results if both arrays have the same size(I think yes), like this:
(0..array.size - 1).each_with_object([]) { |i, obj| obj << array[i][:importe].to_f + array_i[i][:importe].to_f }
[1000.55, 662.0, 415.41999999999996, 472.25, 375.0, 750.8199999999999, 951.6600000000001, 630.03, 494.75, 609.3100000000001, 563.57, 383.3, 591.31, 470.0, 948.6099999999999, 1890.23, 559.5, 652.75, 1691.1399999999999]
Use zip method to combine values at corresponding index of two arrays
result = array.zip(array_i)
.map { |importe, impuesto| importe[:importe].to_f + impuesto[:importe].to_f }
Or can be simplified more for your concrete data structure
result = array.zip(array_i).map { |hashes| hashes.sum {|h| h[:importe].to_f }}
Better approach would be if you extract Concepto object with Impuesto and Importe values directly from xml, then you don't need to combine different arrays, but use nicely structured object.

Tool/Algorithm for text comparision after every key hit

I am struggling to find a text comparison tool or algorithm that can compare an expected text against the current state of the text being typed.
I will have an experimentee typewrite a text that he has in front of his eyes. My idea is to compare the current state of the text against the expected text whenever something is typed. That way I want to find out when and what the subject does wrong (I also want to find errors that are not in the resulting text but were in the intermediate text for some time).
Can someone point me in a direction?
Update #1
I have access to the typing data in a csv format:
This is example output data of me typing "foOBar". Every line has the form (timestamp, Key, Press/Release)
In Python
Given your input csv file (I called it keyboard_records.csv)
The following code does the following:
Read its content and store it in a list named steps
For each step in steps recognizes what happened and
If it was a shift press or release sets a flag (shift_on) accordingly
If it was an arrow pressed moves the cursor (index of current where we insert characters) – if it the cursor is at the start or at the end of the string it shouldn't move, that's why those min() and max()
If it was a letter/number/symbol it adds it in curret at cursor position and increments cursor
Here you have it
import csv
steps = [] # list of all actions performed by user
expected = "Hello"
with open("keyboard.csv") as csvfile:
for row in csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=','):
steps.append((float(row[0]), row[1], row[2]))
# Now we parse the information
current = [] # text written by the user
shift_on = False # is shift pressed
cursor = 0 # where is the cursor in the current text
for step in steps:
time, key, action = step
if key == 'LeftShift':
if action == 'P':
shift_on = True
shift_on = False
if key == 'LeftArrow' and action == 'P':
cursor = max(0, cursor-1)
if key == 'RightArrow' and action == 'P':
cursor = min(len(current), cursor+1)
if action == 'P':
if shift_on is True:
current.insert(cursor, key.upper())
current.insert(cursor, key.lower())
cursor += 1
# Now you can join current into a string
# and compare current with expected
print(''.join(current)) # printing current (just to see what's happening)
# What to do when a key is released?
# Depends on your needs...
To compare current and expected have a look here.
Note: by playing around with the code above and a few more flags you can make it recognize also symbols. This will depend on your keyboard. In mine Shift + 6 = &, AltGr + E = € and Ctrl + Shift + AltGr + è = {. I think this is a good point to start.
Comparing 2 texts isn't a difficult task and you can find tons of pages on the web about it.
Anyway I wanted to present you an object oriented approach to the problem, so I added the compare part that I previously omitted in the first solution.
This is still a rough code, without primary controls over the input. But, as you asked, this is pointing you in a direction.
class UserText:
# Initialize UserText:
# - empty text
# - cursor at beginning
# - shift off
def __init__(self, expected):
self.expected = expected
self.letters = []
self.cursor = 0
self.shift = False
# compares a and b and returns a
# list containing the indices of
# mismatches between a and b
def compare(a, b):
err = []
for i in range(min(len(a), len(b))):
if a[i] != b[i]:
return err
# Parse a command given in the
# form (time, key, action)
def parse(self, command):
time, key, action = command
output = ""
if action == 'P':
if key == 'LeftShift':
self.shift = True
elif key == 'LeftArrow':
self.cursor = max(0, self.cursor - 1)
elif key == 'RightArrow':
self.cursor = min(len(self.letters), self.cursor + 1)
# Else, a letter/number was pressed. Let's
# add it to self.letters in cursor position
if self.shift is True:
self.letters.insert(self.cursor, key.upper())
self.letters.insert(self.cursor, key.lower())
self.cursor += 1
########## COMPARE WITH EXPECTED ##########
output += "Expected: \t" + self.expected + "\n"
output += "Current: \t" + str(self) + "\n"
errors = UserText.compare(str(self), self.expected[:len(str(self))])
output += "\t\t"
i = 0
for e in errors:
while i != e:
output += " "
i += 1
output += "^"
i += 1
output += "\n[{} errors at time {}]".format(len(errors), time)
return output
if key == 'LeftShift':
self.shift = False
return output
def __str__(self):
return "".join(self.letters)
import csv
steps = [] # list of all actions performed by user
expected = "foobar"
with open("keyboard.csv") as csvfile:
for row in csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=','):
steps.append((float(row[0]), row[1], row[2]))
# Now we parse the information
ut = UserText(expected)
for step in steps:
The output for the csv file above was:
Expected: foobar
Current: f
[0 errors at time 17293398.576653]
Expected: foobar
Current: fo
[0 errors at time 17293401.313254]
Expected: foobar
Current: foO
[1 errors at time 17293402.073046]
Expected: foobar
Current: foOB
[2 errors at time 17293403.178612]
Expected: foobar
Current: foOBa
[2 errors at time 17293404.966193]
Expected: foobar
Current: foOBar
[2 errors at time 17293405.725405]
I found the solution to my own question around a year ago. Now i have time to share it with you:
In their 2003 paper 'Metrics for text entry research: An evaluation of MSD and KSPC, and a new unified error metric', R. William Soukoreff and I. Scott MacKenzie propose three major new metrics: 'total error rate', 'corrected error rate' and 'not corrected error rate'. These metrics have become well established since the publication of this paper. These are exaclty the metrics i was looking for.
If you are trying to do something similiar to what i did, e.g. compare the writing performance on different input devices this is the way to go.

Parsing a string field

I have these Syslog messages:
N 4000000 PROD 15307 23:58:12.13 JOB78035 00000000 $HASP395 GGIVJS27 ENDED\r
NI0000000 PROD 15307 23:58:13.41 STC81508 00000200 $A J78036 /* CA-JOBTRAC JOB RELEASE */\r
I would like to parse these messages into various fields in a Hash, e.g.:
event['recordtype'] #=> "N"
event['routingcode'] #=> "4000000"
event['systemname'] #=> "PROD"
event['datetime'] #=> "15307 23:58:12.13"
event['jobid'] #=> "JOB78035"
event['flag'] #=> "00000000"
event['messageid'] #=> "$HASP395"
event['logmessage'] #=> "$HASP395 GGIVJS27 ENDED\r"
This is the code I have currently:
message = event["message"];
if message.to_s != "" then
if message[2] == " " then
array = message.split(%Q[ ]);
event[%q[recordtype]] = array[0];
event[%q[routingcode]] = array[1];
event[%q[systemname]] = array[2];
event[%q[datetime]] = array[3] + " " +array[4];
event[%q[jobid]] = message[38,8];
event[%q[flags]] = message[47,8];
event[%q[messageid]] = message[57,8];
event[%q[logmessage]] = message[56..-1];
array = message.split(%Q[ ]);
event[%q[recordtype]] = array[0][0,2];
event[%q[routingcode]] = array[0][2..-1];
event[%q[systemname]] = array[1];
event[%q[datetime]] = array[2] + " "+array[3];
event[%q[jobid]] = message[38,8];
event[%q[flags]] = message[47,8];
event[%q[messageid]] = message[57,8];
event[%q[logmessage]] = message[56..-1];
I'm looking to improve the above code. I think I could use a regular expression, but I don't know how to approach it.
You can't use split(' ') or a default split to process your fields because you are dealing with columnar data that has fields that have no whitespace between them, resulting in your array being off. Instead, you have to pick apart each record by columns.
There are many ways to do that but the simplest and probably fastest, is indexing into a string and grabbing n characters:
'foo'[0, 1] # => "f"
'foo'[1, 2] # => "oo"
The first means "starting at index 0 in the string, grab one character." The second means "starting at index 1 in the string, grab two characters."
Alternately, you could tell Ruby to extract by ranges:
'foo'[0 .. 0] # => "f"
'foo'[1 .. 2] # => "oo"
These are documented in the String class.
This makes writing code that's easily understood:
record_type = message[ 0 .. 1 ].rstrip
routing_code = message[ 2 .. 8 ]
system_name = message[ 10 .. 17 ]
Once you have your fields captured add them to a hash:
'recordtype' => record_type,
'routingcode' => routing_code,
'systemname' => system_name,
'datetime' => date_time,
'jobid' => job_id,
'flags' => flags,
'messageid' => message_id,
'logmessage' => log_message,
While you could use a regular expression there's not much gained using one, it's just another way of doing it. If you were picking data out of free-form text it'd be more useful, but in columnar data it tends to result in visual noise that makes maintenance more difficult. I'd recommend simply determining your columns then cutting the data you need based on those from each line.

sorting a nested list by both members of an element

I have a nested list in which I want to sort by the inner and outer elements. I have looked at other solutions on stackoverflow and tried several but none of them work the way I want them to. Below, I've presented four attempts that don't work. The comments for each block of code speak for themselves as to what I'm doing and what I want to accomplish.
from operator import itemgetter
# a representation of my real data to be sorted
list_1 = [['key_e', ['v4eee', 'v1eee', 'v3eee', 'v2eee']], ['key_d', ['v4ddd', 'v1ddd', 'v3ddd', 'v2ddd']], ['key_a', ['v4aaa', 'v1aaa', 'v3aaa', 'v2aaa']], ['key_c', ['v4ccc', 'v1ccc', 'v3ccc', 'v2ccc']], ['key_b', ['v4bbb', 'v1bbb', 'v3bbb', 'v2bbb']]]
# same data as above but formatted for readability
list_1 =
['key_e', ['v4eee', 'v1eee', 'v3eee', 'v2eee']],
['key_d', ['v4ddd', 'v1ddd', 'v3ddd', 'v2ddd']],
['key_a', ['v4aaa', 'v1aaa', 'v3aaa', 'v2aaa']],
['key_c', ['v4ccc', 'v1ccc', 'v3ccc', 'v2ccc']],
['key_b', ['v4bbb', 'v1bbb', 'v3bbb', 'v2bbb']]
# when running the code, pick 1 of the 4 below sort methods and comment out the other 3
# sort method #1 that doesn't work the way I want it to
list_1.sort(key = lambda x: x[1])
list_1.sort(key = itemgetter(0))
# sort method #2 that doesn't work the way I want it to
list_1 = sorted(list_1, key = lambda x: (x[0], x[1]))
# sort method #3 that doesn't work the way I want it to
list_1.sort(key = itemgetter(1))
list_1.sort(key = itemgetter(0))
# sort method #4 that doesn't work the way I want it to
list_1.sort(key = itemgetter(0, 1))
# print the sorted data
for d in list_1:
print d[0] + ',' + d[1][0] + ',' + d[1][1] + ',' + d[1][2] + ',' + d[1][3] + '\r\n'
# what I get using any of the sort methods
# what I want
I think you want the sub-lists to be sorted, and the outer list to be sorted. In which case, do it in two steps:
sorted_inner = [[k, sorted(l)] for k, l in list_1]
sorted_outer = sorted(sorted_inner)
This gives me:
sorted_outer == [['key_a', ['v1aaa', 'v2aaa', 'v3aaa', 'v4aaa']],
['key_b', ['v1bbb', 'v2bbb', 'v3bbb', 'v4bbb']],
['key_c', ['v1ccc', 'v2ccc', 'v3ccc', 'v4ccc']],
['key_d', ['v1ddd', 'v2ddd', 'v3ddd', 'v4ddd']],
['key_e', ['v1eee', 'v2eee', 'v3eee', 'v4eee']]]

How to organize default order in pagination?

I use will_paginate with ajax sort and seen railscasts.com.
My collection for pagination
#cars = Car.joins(:engine).includes(:engine).select('cars.*, engines.*').order(sort_column + " " + sort_direction).paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 5)
But when I went to the index page, I jumped out error.
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Items#index
SQLite3::SQLException: ambiguous column name: name: SELECT "cars"."id" AS t0_r0, "cars"."name" AS t0_r1, "cars"."model_id" AS t0_r2, "cars"."city_id" AS t0_r3, "cars"."created_at" AS t0_r4, "cars"."updated_at" AS t0_r5, "cars"."engine_id" AS t0_r6, "engines"."id" AS t1_r0, "engines"."name" AS t1_r1, "engines"."created_at" AS t1_r2, "engines"."updated_at" AS t1_r3 FROM "cars" INNER JOIN "engines" ON "engines"."id" = "cars"."engine_id" ORDER BY name asc LIMIT 5 OFFSET 0
But when I go to a page already sorted, it works for me.
I think mistake in default Order in SQL.
How to set 'cars.name' instead 'name'?
I found method and set sort default
def sort_column
Car.column_names.include?(params[:sort]) ? params[:sort] : "cars.name"
