I have a snapshot.yaml that looks like this
resolver: lts-14.0
- url: https://github.com/llvm-hs/llvm-hs/archive/refs/heads/llvm-9.zip
- llvm-hs
- llvm-hs-pure
I have pushed to the project at the end of that .zip URL, and I have manually downloaded the zip and looked to ensure that the changes I made are in fact present there.
Stack is using a stale previously downloaded copy of the zip. I cannot find it, and I have tried for some time. I even completely blew away my ~/.stack and set everything up again from scratch, and the stale cached version of the zip persists! Help?
I've got a pretty simple repository made up of a frontend folder in which I have a react app, and a backend folder that is mostly empty for now.
Every few minutes, regardless of whether or not I make any changes to any files, some node_modules file will pop up in GitHub desktop showing a difference.
screenshot of my github desktop
Do I need to add node_modules to my .gitignore file?
This didn't happen before, I don't know what happened to trigger this. I add the changes because I assume it's an important node_modules update but then it happens again a few minutes later.
I'd like to understand why this is happening and how I can prevent it from happening as it makes my commit history impossible to read.
Simplest solution would be to gitignore node modules like so...
Unless you have a specific reason to track changes to npm?
It's usually better to install fresh packages via npm install when setting up on a different enviroment/device.
I'm installing a TYPO3 installation from a website that already uses TYPO3.
These are the steps I already have done:
I installed a blank TYPO3 installation.
I copied the contentapi and contentelements from the existing server to the typo3conf/ext folder on my server
I imported the data from the mysql TYPO3 server of the existing database
When I log in to the TYPO3 webpage, I have no templates configured and have a few issues. I tried to fix them by searching on internet but didn't find something clear.
On the pages tab I only can see this:
in the log files:
The error is sending me to this page:
I already did that, but didn't help, or I did it wrong
On my templates tab there are "no templates":
If someone can guide me to a next step, that would be very helpful.. thanks!
root template:
plugin.tx_ahcontentapi.settings.auth.user = bm
plugin.tx_ahcontentapi.settings.auth.password = sdfsdfdsf
plugin.tx_ahcontentapi.settings.url = https://sdfsdfdfs.com
plugin.tx_ahcontentapi.settings.https = 1
Web server root folder:
(laravel application is the green selected folder, with views,language files,..)
did you have all Extensions installed?
typeNum=0 not configured means you do not have created a PAGE Object within your TypoScript.
If you copy Data to a new TYPO3 installation, you need to install all Extension that are used in the source-installation. When the extensions are installed, they have to appear in the Template Module.
The INVALID VALUE gridelements_pi1 is the same - it seems you didn't have installed Gridelements to the new TYPO3 Installation.
Install all dependencies and everything should work like expected.
Going a bit deeper - when installed all Extensions, then click on your rootpage (the globe) and then open the templates module. When there is still the No Templates, you need to create one... message, then create a new template for a new page.
After you created it, you can open the tab Includes and select your templates there.
An TYPO3 installation consists of multiple parts:
the TYPO3 source (this can be updated individually)
/typo3_src (normaly a symlink to the TYPO3 sources)
the database (some tables could be truncated (caches))
extensions (all active extensions are needed)
language files
original data files (in case you want to have images or other data, e.g. pdf)
/fileadmin/ or any other folders you may use with a file-storage record
processed files (images mostly are used resized, which are precaculated and stored for faster access)
/typo3temp/assets, /typo3temp/DATA, /uploads, /fileadmin/__processed__, ...
cached data (some codes are concatenated, so only one file needs to be included instead of a lot of small files)
/typo3temp/var, /typo3temp/CACHE
Not all parts are necessary for a copy of the installation, but it will help if you can copy all parts.
All caches can be rebuild and so there might be some differences like another domain it is highly recommended to delete caches.
Most processed data can be rebuild (as long as the original files are still present). But sometimes it is not recognized that a file needs to be processed again.
In your case I assume you missed to copy the extensions, especially the site extension so that you also miss the definition of your page object.
I have a small problem. I deleted project on azure devops. Then I deleted local directories. Now I still have "Detected: 1 delete(s)" in Pending changes. It is a delete operation for project dir.
I tried everything, I can't get rid of this pending change.
- I tried restoring dir, not helping.
- I tried to create the whole project again and promote the change.
- I tried deleting vs tfs cache
When I try to promote the change, I always get error TF10169: Unsupported pending change attempted...
Any suggestions?
I think I finally got this working.
I created project with same name as old one.
I tried to map it to the old folder on local disk
Then I tried to delte it all again and call tf destroy
After that I deleted the project and the change was finally gone!!
Looking through the documentation, I have not found anything that resets the entire cache to the original state.
I would like to delete all the gems that have been cached in gemstash.
I have tried deleting the gem_cache folder in gemstash, but when I rerun bundle install, nothing is populated in the gem_cache folder.
I have figured that it will only populate if all the files related to the gem is deleted in .bundle/ folder.
Is there an easier way to do this?
Any help would be appreciated
Thanks in advance
Deleting the files and folders in gem_cache is sufficient for resetting the cache. To repopulate the cache, make sure the file Gemfile.lock is deleted, to ensure that the dependencies are fetched from the source again. This means that it when fetching the dependencies, it would go through the gemstash, and therefore cached.
How can I use SVN to automatically clear the content of a folder "cache" after each svn update (or maybe update is the wrong command)?
The reason for which I need that is that I want an automatic way to update Twig cache on deploy: when cache is cleared Twig will recreate the cache which is what I want.
The problem with "update" is that eventually new files are added or modified, but files created by server are not "erased".
Deploy = synchronizing the folder on server with SVN to latest trunk/tag.