Why SSISDeploy overwrite the whole projects and not only what was modified? - visual-studio

I have the below structure in ssis server:
Assuming I worked on Integration service project in VS but only on one dtsx from the list above.
Now I ran the below SSISDeploy (documentation is here) command from CMD:
SSISDeploy.exe -s:"C:\git\test\Integration Services\bin\Development\Integration Services.ispac" -d:catalog;/SSISDB/TEST/TEST_INRG;"TEST03,1234" -at:win
and got this message:
Will deploy 'Integration Services.ispac' to TEST03,2890:/SSISDB/TEST/TEST_INTG.
The project 'TEST_INTG' already exists in the catalog folder 'TEST'. Will overwrite it.
So what actually happened, all the packages were delete and my dtsx package was overwritten the modified one. Is there a flag which can tell the command to change only what was modified? I was expecting to see only change in the actual dtsx package.

Got official answer in Microsoft forum:


The specified deps.json [] does not exist

I'm using Asp.net Core with EntityFramework.Core. I'm having troubleshot migrations and Scaffold after format my pc.
when I write these in Package Manager Console
Scaffold-DbContext "Data Source=.\SQL2017DEV;Initial Catalog=MyDataBase;Integrated Security=True" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Db
Add-Migration Initial
error is
"The specified deps.json [D:\TFS\Erdi\Erdi\AspCoreWeb.Site\AspCoreWeb.Site.deps.json] does not exist"
I think it try to find my debug folder.
This solutioun is working other computers
I'm repair my visual studio but it hasn't changed
In my case; was fixed by changing the Startup Project (via Solution Properties) to the project that has EF Context file.
There is an issue with migration in VS2019. I have been facing a similar issue and was getting below error:
The specified deps.json [YourProjectLocation]\ProjectName.deps.json doesn't exists.
When I used dotnet CLI for migrations and it worked and was able to generate migration and update the same using dotnet CLI.
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
dotnet ef database update
this problem generally occurs because of path issues. You should change your "outputPath" in the "project.assets.json" file.
D:\TFS\Erdi\Erdi\AspCoreWeb.Site\AspCoreWeb.Site.deps.json] instead of this,
i think this will resolve your problem.
If you are using Package Manager Console to "Add-Migration" or "Update-Database", be sure that the project where you want the migration is selected as the Startup project in Visual Studio and this project is also the default in Package Manager Console.
Solution Explorer:
Package Manager Console:
If you are using the dotnet CLI, then you have to navigate to the right project folder and run the migration commands from there.
Make sure that the Startup Project is where the connection string is and select the project in the Default project of Package Manager Console where the db context is at.
Just Go to VS 2022
It Worked for me
go to bin folder and copy files in it include deps.json to the path that see in error.

web deployment package (.zip file) not created in Visual Studio 2013

I am trying to create a deployment package in Visual Studio 2013. I have specified that the package should be placed at C:\Deployment\bin\WebSite.zip - the absolutely simplest location. All the project files build but the publish fails with this error:
Transformed Web.config using C:\Services\IdentityServer\Thinktecture.IdentityServer.v2\src\OnPremise\WebSite\Web.Siloed.config into obj\Siloed\TransformWebConfig\transformed\Web.config.
Auto ConnectionString Transformed Areas\Admin\Views\Web.config into obj\Siloed\CSAutoParameterize\transformed\Areas\Admin\Views\Web.config.
Auto ConnectionString Transformed Views\Web.config into obj\Siloed\CSAutoParameterize\transformed\Views\Web.config.
Auto ConnectionString Transformed obj\Siloed\TransformWebConfig\transformed\Web.config into obj\Siloed\CSAutoParameterize\transformed\Web.config.
Copying all files to temporary location below for package/publish:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2584,5): Error : Copying file ..\..\..\Deployment\bin\um.zip to obj\Siloed\Package\PackageTmp\.ebextensions\um.zip failed. Could not find a part of the path '..\..\..\Deployment\bin\um.zip'.
I have no idea where this path '......\Deployment\bin\um.zip' is coming from. I specified that the deployment package should be created at C:\Deployment\bin\WebSite.zip, not um.zip.
So, I checked out C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2584,5) and the code looks like this:
<!--Force Copy Of all file to the $(WPPAllFilesInSingleFolder) if needed-->
<CopyPipelineFiles PipelineItems="#(FilesForPackagingFromProject)"
DeleteItemsMarkAsExcludeTrue ="True"
Condition="'#(FilesForPackagingFromProject)' != ''">
<Output TaskParameter="ResultPipelineItems" ItemName="_FilesForPackagingFromProjectTempory"/>
I have tried editing the "PipelineItems" and "SourceDirectory" and have even hardcoded them. But the same message, "Could not find part of the path....", is being displayed every time I run the Publishing. The "Could not find part of the path...." points to the new paths I specified in "PipelineItems" and "SourceDirectory. The .zip file never seems to get created anywhere. I have seached my entire computer for um.zip and WebSite.zip with not luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am completely out of ideas.
Turns out this um.zip is somehow part of build but it is not getting created. Anyway, I was lucky enough to find a previous deployment package that was generated and I just manually built the new deployment package based off the old one. Deployed fine so I guess that is how I will proceed.

Running NUnit-Console on a Mac

Apologies for the nubbery, but I'm having a real pain getting NUnit to run on my Mac. The overall goal is to have Jenkins on our Mac build server build our Xamarin project and run the relevant tests to the .sln file.
I've got NUnit-Console installed and invoking correctly on the mac. However, whenever I pass it /relative/path/to/solution.sln (or .csproj, we don't have a .nunit or built .dll), NUnit finds the the .sln file correctly, however it then throws this error: Could not find file "/relative/path/to/solution\TestProject.csproj".
The .csproj is there, but NUnit seems to want to append a backslash instead of a forward slash. Is there some config option I've missed for this?
Ok so it doesn't look like you can configure NUnit-Console to not do this. If anyone reads this and is looking for a work around, you just need to get your built files from their location, onto a location that Nunit-console running on windows can access.
For my particular use case with Jenkins as the build manager, I've set the project to build on our MAC server, then as a post build action added 'Archive for Clone Workspace SCM'. I've then setup another project called [ProjectName]Tests, which has the other project targeted in 'Source Code Management' > 'Clone Workspace'.
The test project then has my relevant calls to nunit-console as a Windows batch script and everything works as expected!
Hope this helps save others some time if they hit the same issue!

Why am I getting an Error 1309 : Error reading from file..... when attempting to use a .msi generated by InstallShield in VS 2013?

Error 1309 : Error reading from file.....
I am using VS2013 - with latest download of InstallShield Limited Edition
From VS2013 -> Solution Explorer -> Installshield Project -> Uninstall/Install: everything is fine.
If I run the installer file (right click .msi file->uninstall/install) from the directory it is compiled in everything is fine.
If I copy the .msi file anywhere else I get the above error UNLESS I copy the 'program files' directory that is also created in the DISK1 folder of installshield project.
I thought this was all supposed to be packaged into 1 file (isn't that the purpose of InstallShield?)
This question was originally posted on the flexera forum, but no one seems to be responding to questions on that forum:
Any thoughts on how to fix this?
I have solved it. When you have your InstallShield LE project ready to Build, Go into Build, Configuration Manager and change the build to SingleImage. Next do a Build. When you navigate the folders to where the CD_ROM folder is, you will see a new folder called SingleImage. As you go through that you will find the single MSI file that contains all folders. No more issues with Error 1309.
Hope that helps.
You should also ensure that the 254 character limit for the files' local url is not exceeded

Missing values for the following SqlCmd variables:Path1 Path2

I get the error
Missing values for the following SqlCmd variables:Path1 Path2.
in a few Sql Projects in Visual Studio.
I tried googleling it but found nothing.
Select the SQL project.
Go to project's properties (ALT + Enter).
Navigate to SQLCMD Variables and act accordingly (either remove the variables or fill in the default values).
I ran in to this yesterday after tinkering with the project settings for my database project (right-click the database project, click properties, then click the Project Settings).
I had checked the Create script (.sql file) option and things continued to work as normal for me. But when another team member checked out the the latest update, they could not build and got the error about missing values for SqlCmd variables. Things still worked for me though until I checked out a fresh version of the source and started getting the same error.
To fix, I simply unchecked the Create script (.sql file) setting and all was well again.
I hit this issue. I'd added some SQLCMD variables then deleted them. The SQLCMD variables no longer existed in the publish files or the .sqlproj file. I grepped all the files in the project and the variables didn't exist anywhere. I'd restarted Visual Studio. However I was still getting the
Missing values for the following SqlCmd variables: error.
From the project directory I deleted the *.dbmdl and *.sqlproj.vspcc files. The project then published successfully.
This happened to me as well and it turned out that someone else had setup some automatic logging on the project that mapped a path variable in the sqlcmd variables. After they checked in to tfs, I could no longer build because of this error. Have them either clear the path and update the project or match the value of the variable on your side.
