I can't add the bot in my MSTeam application - botframework

I'm using visual studio 2019 for creating a bot application and I have run it successfully that I added the Bot in Microsoft Team using botframework.com and I was downloaded the MSTeam application and installed but it doesn't show my Bot app in msTeam Application
MSTeam channel creation in botframework:
MSTeam Application:
I have only 3 option such as activity, chats, calendar on the left panel

You Need to get access from admin account for app store to Microsoft teams.
In Office 365 admin center, in settings for Microsoft Teams. Turn on the option "Allow external apps in Microsoft Teams". So that you can view app studio in your Teams.

I don't have experience with botframework.com, but I'm assuming the behavior is going to be the same as when I manage bots through Azure. Turning on the channel itself isn't sufficient to add the bot to teams. There are (at least) two methods you can use to add the bot:
Copy the bot's Microsoft App Id and enter it into the To: field of a Teams chat. The bot should come up and you should be able to chat with it if the channel was set up correctly. It is not a good idea to share this app ID with others. I'd use this only for your own personal testing.
Create a Teams app manifest and load the app into Teams. There are a number of ways to create a manifest, but the easiest is to use the "App Studio" app from the Teams app store.
If you go the Teams app route, you can either sideload the app (which again, Teams App Studio makes that process easy but you can also Upload a custom app from the app store tab) or you can submit to your company app store. If you do not have a company app store, you'll need to sideload until you are ready to submit to the Microsoft App Store (if that is your end goal).


The app configuration in App Studio does not exist for the id 4f2c0a7d-6ab9-4594-b2b6-bec7ccd7d0e6 in the organization you are currently logged into

This question is regarding the microsoft team app.
When i try to run the app created by other developers using visual studio microsfot team tool kit,
i get following error.
The app configuration in App Studio does not exist for the id 4f2c0a7d-6ab9-4594-b2b6-bec7ccd7d0e6 in the organization you are currently logged into.
I have logged into the teams and also uploaded the app package and allowed it for all teams.
Interestingly the app id in the admins.teams.microsoft.com is always different then the one in the client.

Unable to login through custom app (tabs) built in Microsoft teams app studio

We built a custom application in App Studio in Microsoft Teams for organisation needs. Basically, we made a tab which displays a website. This website auth with login.microsoftonline.com and then redirect to our website on success.
When we are accessing the website in the browser or teams (Web version) we are able to see the login screen and we are able to login and continue as usual. (Please find the attached screenshot below for reference)
Web Version
Whereas, when we are trying to access the same from Microsoft Teams desktop, it is displaying a empty page instead of login page. (Please find the attached screenshot below for reference)
Microsoft Teams App Tab
We even added *.microsoftlogin.com as a valid domain while creating custom app in app studio. Is there anyway we can show the login to make it work.
Thank you

How to publish Microsoft Teams app for internal company use?

I'm developing a Microsoft Teams Tab App for internal company use. During development and testing, side-loading works good.
How do I distribute the app and make it available to all Teams and Channels in my tenant?
Unfortunately this is not yet supported, but we are working on it and hope to have it by early next year.

Azure Mobile App Not Available Among Existing Apps

Back in March 2015, Microsoft announced that "Azure Mobile Apps" are replacing "Azure Mobile Services." A few days ago, I spotted the documentation explaining how to create an Azure Mobile App. I followed the doc and successfully got my "TestDroid" mobile app service running locally. However, I cannot publish the app to Azure from Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition.
To publish my "TestDroid" app, I right-clicked on the project and selected "publish."
This dialogue is already the "first sign of trouble." Technically my Mobile App service does not match any of the categories shown in the above dialogue. Still, because Web Apps and Mobile Services have been merged into one, the best choice is "Microsoft Azure Web Apps." So that is the choice I made...
Unfortunately, Visual Studio 2015 CE does not show my already-provisioned "TestDroid" app as an option:
However, I know that it exists because I created it a day earlier, per the instructions, and it does appear in a resource group blade on the Azure portal:
Also, in the Visual Studio "Server Explorer" I can see the "TestDroid" service:
The Server Explorer entry for "Mobile Services" is empty, but in this case I expect it to be empty because, as already stated, creating a "Mobile Service" is now considered the old way, and creating a "Mobile App" is the new way.
I'm guessing this is merely a glitch in preview material, but I would like to know how to resolve this.
I got this working. In the end I simply visited the Azure blade for my "TestDroid" mobile app, and selected "get publish profile". I used the "import" option on the VS 2015 publish dialogue to import the publish profile.
The original MS instructions did not mention that this slightly-round-about approach was necessary, so I did not assume at first to try it.
All is well that ends well. :)

Publishing Office365 API app into customer's Active Directory

I have developed an ASP.NET MVC5 app for Office365 using latest update of the Office 365 API Tools for Visual Studio. The app works fine with my own development Office365 site.
I understand that Visual Studio has registered the app in my Active Directory for me.
What I don't understand is how I am supposed to allow my customers to use this app with theirs Office 365 installations.
Somehow they are supposed to register the app in their Active Directory - that is the step I don't know how to explain to them.
Is there an automated way to provision the app registration to a customer's Active Directory?
The same way Visual Studio did it when I started the development? How did it do that? Through what kind of API?
You need to set your app in Azure AD to be multi-tenant. You can do this through the Azure Management portal. (Applications > [Your Directory] > Applications > [Your Application] > Configure).
Once the app is multi-tenant, your customer can navigate to the app and log in to trigger the common consent flow. Assuming that your customer has the permissions necessary to consent and allows the app to access their data, the customer will then be able to use the app with their Office 365 subscription.
