Laravel Fortify login only if user is admin - laravel

I have two table users and role and I need to log in using Laravel fortify only if user role is admin or showing error. I tried to do that using middelware, but i need to add the condition: If the user is not admin, he cannot log in.

You can read at laravel docs:
Some developers become confused regarding the difference between Laravel Sanctum and Laravel Fortify
If you are attempting to manually build the authentication layer for an
application that offers an API or serves as the backend for a single-page
application, it is entirely possible that you will utilize both Laravel Fortify
(for user registration, password reset, etc.) and Laravel Sanctum (API token
management, session authentication).
Then you want to check role of user, you should use Laravel Sanctum


how user get token for subsequent request after loging in particular app by Google account

I'm a newbie in web development. Currently, I've learnt laravel framework and be researching about passport and socialite. I'm being stuck that after logging in the application successfully by their Facebook account how users get the access token for subsequent requests.
This has been implemented using Laravel Socialite. You can follow each step to implement Laravel Socialite.
You will get the information on how to create Secret Key & Access Key for social login.

Laravel Passport machine-to-machine API authentication

I have an app installed on many sites. There are two parts to the app: a dashboard for admins and a front end for visitors.
The admin dashboard consumes my Laravel API flawlessly when a user is authenticated via the Laravel Passport auth API. I need the front end app to communicate with the Laravel API anytime a visitor (non-admin/not logged in) loads the front end.
The problem is authenticating the front end API request to only allow interaction with the correct organization's records.
How do I get Laravel Passport to create an API key based on a logged in user, return it to the admin, and authenticate some requests using this API key?
Using Angular 9 for the admin and front end apps, Laravel 7 for the API
I ended up switching to Laravel Sanctum for this project because it is more suited for this kind of project.

Passport authentication with multiple user models

I'm using Laravel 7.3 as backend (admin panel) and API, and I have a multiple Nuxt websites authenticating with Laravel Passport. So I have the default User model for admin panel users and other user models, one for each Nuxt website. But Laravel Passport seems to be only working with the default User model.
How should I authenticate the users of the different Nuxt websites in such configuration ?
There are 4 functions that exist on the Passport Facade:
You need to implement logic that ties your frontend model relationship to your backend, and instantiate the correct model for the given passport methods inside of a service provider.

Lumen Socialite authorisation flow

I'm looking for some clearification for using the Socialite package in a Lumen project. I want to use OAuth2 so users can authenticate with theire Google, Facebook or other social account on our applications.
To my understanding Socialite redirects to a page of the selected provider, asks the user for permission and return to the application with the authenticated user object. I made a base setup with a Laravel application and this all works fine.
The problem
I have an authentication API (Lumen based) where user credentials are validated. This is only a backend service. The actual user credentials are received from different front-ends (applications). Do the frontends need to implement OAuth2 / Socialite and send the social user details to my authorisation API or can the API arrange the whole OAuth2 process?
I don't quite get it how the redirection should take place in an if the whole flow is arranged by the API? There is a stateless() option available in socialite and i found some information where socialite is used in Lumen but then i don't get the whole redirect / authentication flow.
Different optios
Like to hear from users if this option is possible, hope my question is clear. :)
Just to update on my own question;
After some research i found the flow to be like this:
-> Frontend handles the user request to be authorised by Oauth2 with a specific provider. (we get redirected to a page of the provider asking about permission for this application). This can be done with socialite (in case of Laravel) or any other package for a specific framwework.
-> An Access token is received by the frontend and send to our Lumen backend service. Here we can use Socialite again to get the user details for this access token. The user details can then be used to create a new user or attach a social login to an existing user. When access token is valid and user is created or found in existing user, the user can proceed in the application.
Hope to help someone in the future with the same questions :)

User and admin role in laravel 5.3

In my laravel project, I want some admin and user role. I want to make user login in different routes after login. And also for admin also. How should I do it?
You should first make 3 table in your database; user, role and user_role. user_role table has many to many relationship. Then you will make a middleware that checks your role checks when login. In your route, you use that middleware in login's post.
See details about middle ware in laravel 5.3 documentation.
You can try laravel 5.3 boilerplate. It comes with a full featured access control system out of the box with an easy to learn API and is built on a Twitter Bootstrap foundation with a front and backend architecture.
