Creating a welcome mail for users when Google Marketplace App is installed - google-apps-marketplace

We have a new app in the Google Marketplace - and I am struggling to find out how to get an email sent to the Admin who installs the Application. On so many apps you do the install - and then voila - in your mailbox is the Welcome mail from them - furthering the customer experience.
How do we get that email sent, as I cannot even see who the Admin user is that installed the Application?
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Thank you!

You can configure an "Admin Config URL" in the Marketplace Listing page that is suggested to the admin during the install.
you can wait for the first login to your app, check your users DB and send email if it is the first time.


How do I send emails using blastula from

I'm trying to send email notifications from a shiny app using Gmail and the blastula package. What I want is that when a user presses a button, that sends an email notification to someone at my company so that they know to respond. This works when running the app locally, but when deployed to, I am getting a login denied error (I've updated my gmail settings for this account to allow less secure apps, which is why it's working locally). Does anyone know how to get blastula functioning on
I created an App Password to enhance security, as per the updated vignette from the authors of the bastula package, and it is working now!

How can we add a bot when we are not the owner of the server?

I'm writing a bot for someone in python using Kindly share some knowledge regarding this issue.
To add a bot to a server you need to firstly have the "Manage Server" or "Administrator" permission in that server.
Then head to the Discord Developer Portal > Your Application > OAuth2 and click on the scopes you need ("Bot" is the one needed for bot commands although you will need "applications.commands" if you plan to use the new slash commands. It will generate a link that you (or someone else, if you have made it a public bot in the bot tab of the portal) can click on to add the bot to their server.
A bot must be created. To do this, log into the Discord Developer Portal and see your applications there.
To make the whole thing a bot navigate in your application as followed:
Application - New Application - Bot - Add Bot
To add the necessary permissions I recommend the following page:
Here you will get a number spit out when you are done.
To add the bot you need the Manage Server or Administrator permission. The bot does not have to be public, because you as the owner can always add it, but not others if it is set to "Private".
The invitation link is/can be structured as followed:
Just add the ApplicationID (You can find it in the Developer Portal of the application under "General Information") and the permissions of Discord Permissions Calculator to the end.
(Replace the words with your Application ID and the permission "code".)
You can't do this unless you selfbot, however this is against Discord's ToS and the account that you're using can get banned because Discord often checks for people who selfbot.

Quickblox sample code unauthorized

I'm creating a chat app using this Quickblox chat tutorial. I downloaded a demo project and put my app details in AppDelegate.m. When I run the project I get an error message - unauthorized.
Why is this happening? Thanks for the help!
Chat application uses predefined demo user login & password.
If you put your app details - you also have to update your user demo user login & password. Go to admin panel and create a new user for example.

Activation of Google Email Migration API

My organization is in the process of switching to Google Apps for Education. I have successfully used Google Email Uploader to migrate my emails (as an admin of the domain). However, when I attempt to upload another users email, I encounter the following error:
Username or password not accepted
This domain does not allow users to access the Email Migration API.
Error 403
API Access has been enabled in the User Settings for our domain. Does this take some time to activate? Are there other steps I must take prior to migration? Thanks.
Administrators of Google Apps for Business/EDU domains always have the ability to migrate mail. However in order for users to be able to migrate mail to their own account, it must be enabled in the Control Panel. See Google's instructions for enabling user email migration.

WP7 - regarding submission policies - confidential user details

I'm looking to publish an app which gives users the ability to register and login using my hosted database. The user will supply their name, email and password.
I'm wondering what I need to do in order to get the app certified for the marketplace - what disclaimers/notices must I ensure the user agrees to before the app is certifiable? I'm presuming if I don't handle this, it will be picked up by policy 2.8.
Have you many more tips for getting an app published to the marketplace? First time user, really want to have my app up and running within the next month!
