Select multiple non-sequential lines of code in Rstudio - rstudio

In Windows the user can select and copy multiple items which are not in sequence by holding down the Ctrl key and then selecting each item by either clicking on it or via pressing the space followed by the Ctrl+C key to copy.
In RStudio, how can I select and copy multiple non-sequential lines of code?


How to select more than one words in Visual Studio 2019?

Usually we select multiple files using ctrl + left-mouse-button. Likewise is there a way to select multiple words at once in Visual Studio 2019. I have checked MSDN article on selection but my scenario is not listed there.
For instance, in following Image #1, I have selected React and in Image #2 I have selected ReactTable.
Image #1
Image #2
What I want is to select 'React' and 'ReactTable' these 2 words at once. Anyone know how can I select particular words from code at once?
there is no way to select diferent variables at once that are randomly in the text Editor. you can hold Alt+Shift and select like i show it here
Its very easy. Select first word normally (using double click or Holding Shift+Navigational Key(Arrow keys)) and then all other texts can be selected by holding down CTRL+ALT and using Left button of mouse. You can select text from different parts of code.

Informatica PowerCenter: does anyone know a way of using the keyboard instead of mouse pointer in Edit Tasks in Workflow Designer?

In Informatica PowerCenter I'm looking for ways to make less use of the mouse, and more of the keyboard keys.
In the Workflow Designer, when editting a task, I'd like to 'jump' from value of connection to the other value of connection, and change the connection type, with only using the keyboard, and not by using the mouse pointer. Now I have to click on the downarrow of the first connection, and then use the mouse to go to the second downarrow, etc. I can't imagine it is not possible, but so far I tried without succes.
Jumping from connection to connection IS possible though, with using the down and up keys. But opening up the value I have not yet discovered.
I tried Enter (which closed the edit task window), space (does nothing), tab (does nothing), F2 (does nothing).
Does anyone have an idea?
For further explanation see my printscreen: The downarrow I talk about are circled. So, I want to jump from connection 1 to 2 and alter the value by not clicking on the downarrow, but by using the keyboard only. Does anyone have an idea?
The below is copied from the Informatica PowerCenter - 9.5.1 - Designer Guide PDF.
Using Shortcut Keys
When editing a repository object, use shortcuts on the Ports or Columns tab.
The following table lists the Designer shortcuts:
Add a new field or port. Alt+F
Cancel editing in a cell. Esc
Select or clear a port type check box. Space bar
Copy a row. Alt+O
Copy text in a cell. Ctrl+C
Cut a row. Alt+C
To edit the text of a cell, press F2, then move the cursor to the location inside the cell.
To find all combination and list boxes, type the first letter on the list.
Find tables or fields in the workspace. Ctrl+F
Move current row down. Alt+W
Move current row up. Alt+U
To open the Expression Editor from the expression field. Press F2, then press F3
Paste a row. Alt+P
Paste copied text into a cell. Ctrl+V
Select the text of a cell. F2
Validate the default value in a transformation. Alt+V

Mass Delete Files in Sublime Text

Instead of having to ctrl-click on each individual file in a folder to delete. I would like to select a group of files and delete. Is this possible?
Multiple selection is available with ctrl and/or shift keys + click (default Windows behavior). Then right click -> "Delete" item deletes selected files.

Shortcut to copy multiple lines in Visual Studio

Maybe this is wishful thinking, but is there a way to quickly copy, or even just select, multiple lines quickly in Visual Studio? Similar to a multiple yank in vim.
I'm aware of the copying a single line, by just pressing Ctrl+C with nothing selected, but can't find any way of doing this for n lines.
If there's nothing that comes with it, is there any way to write a macro to achieve this?
To select multiple lines using the keyboard (starting from the current line, selecting downwards):
Press HOME (to move the cursor to the first character of the current
If the cursor is NOT all the way to the left (i.e. Col 1) press HOME
While holding the SHIFT key press the DOWN ARROW (each subsequent
DOWN ARROW will select an additional line)
Alternatively the UP ARROW can be used to select lines from the starting line up.
Additional info: Combinations of SHIFT, CTRL and all the ARROWS can be used for various cursor moving and character selection, examples:
CTRL + Left (move the cursor to the start of the current word)
CTRL + Right (move the cursor to the start of the next word)
SHIFT + LEFT (select the previous character)
CTRL + SHIFT + RIGHT (select all characters to the right of the cursor, in the current word)

Block selecting text or selecting multiple text at once

Does Visual Studio (any version) offer the ability to select text in either a block or select several snippets at once, to either change or delete? To be clear I'm referring to the actual text-editor interface.
you can certainly do block selection by hold down the Alt key while doing a selection
Go to opening or closing brace and press Ctrl+Shift+].
