How does window manager rendered borders from pixmap? - xlib

Anyone could explain what is the inner means and how does window border rendered from the pixmap? thanks.
source code link:
xcb_rectangle_t inner[] = {
/* you're not supposed to understand this. */
{ w,0,b-o ,h+b- o },
{ w+b +o, 0, b -o, h+ b - o},
{ 0,h ,w+b -o,b- o },
{ 0,h +b+ o, w+ b- o, b -o},
{ w+b+o,b +h +o,b,b}
xcb_rectangle_t outer[] = {
{w + b - o, 0, o, h + b * 2},
{w + b, 0, o, h + b * 2},
{0, h + b - o, w + b * 2, o},
{0, h + b, w + b * 2, o},
{1, 1, 1, 1}
xcb_pixmap_t pmap = xcb_generate_id(conn);
xcb_create_pixmap(conn, geom->depth, pmap, win,
geom->width + (b*2),
geom->height + (b*2));
xcb_gcontext_t gc = xcb_generate_id(conn);
xcb_create_gc(conn, gc, pmap, 0, NULL);
values[0] = oc;
xcb_change_gc(conn, gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, values);
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, pmap, gc, 5, outer);
values[0] = ic;
xcb_change_gc(conn, gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, values);
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, pmap, gc, 5, inner);
values[0] = pmap;
xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, win, XCB_CW_BORDER_PIXMAP, values);

Well, this code creates a pixmap and then draws to it. First it fills five rectangles called outer with the color oc and then it fills another five rectangles called inner with the color ic.
To understand the meaning of each rectangle, I guess it would help to have a screenshot of what the result looks like. Then you can see in that what the various distances are and perhaps that is enough to figure out the meaning of the various rectangles.


How to divide a set into two sets such that the difference of the average is minimum?

As I understand, it is related to the partition problem.
But I would like to ask a slightly different problem which I don't care about the sum but the average. In this case, it needs to optimize 2 constraints (sum and number of items) at the same time. It seems to be a harder problem and I cannot see any solutions online.
Are there any solutions for this variant? Or how does it relate to the partition problem?
input X = [1,1,1,1,1,6]
output based on sum: A = [1,1,1,1,1], B=[6]
output based on average: A = [1], B=[1,1,1,1,6]
On some inputs, a modification of the dynamic program for the usual partition problem will give a speedup. We have to classify each partial solution by its count and sum instead of just sum, which slows things down a bit. Python 3 below (note that the use of dictionaries implicitly collapses functionally identical partial solutions):
def children(ab, x):
a, b = ab
yield a + [x], b
yield a, b + [x]
def proper(ab):
a, b = ab
return a and b
def avg(lst):
return sum(lst) / len(lst)
def abs_diff_avg(ab):
a, b = ab
return abs(avg(a) - avg(b))
def min_abs_diff_avg(lst):
solutions = {(0, 0): ([], [])}
for x in lst:
solutions = {
(sum(a), len(a)): (a, b)
for ab in solutions.values()
for (a, b) in children(ab, x)
return min(filter(proper, solutions.values()), key=abs_diff_avg)
print(min_abs_diff_avg([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6]))
let S_i the sum of a subset of v of size i
let S be the total sum of v, n the length of v
the err to minimize is
err_i = |avg(S_i) - avg(S-S_i)|
err_i = |S_i/i - (S-S_i)/(n-i)|
err_i = |(nS_i - iS)/(i(n-i))|
algorithm below does:
for all tuple sizes (1,...,n/2) as i
- for all tuples of size i-1 as t_{i-1}
- generate all possible tuple of size i from t_{i-1} by adjoining one elem from v
- track best tuple in regard of err_i
The only cut I found being:
for two tuples of size i having the same sum, keep the one whose last element's index is the smallest
e.g given tuples A, B (where X is some taken element from v)
A: [X,....,X....]
B: [.,X,.....,X..]
keep A because its right-most element has the minimal index
(idea being that at size 3, A will offer the same candidates as B plus some more)
function generateTuples (v, tuples) {
const nextTuples = new Map()
for (const [, t] of tuples) {
for (let l = t.l + 1; l < v.length; ++l) {
const s = t.s + v[l]
if (!nextTuples.has(s) || nextTuples.get(s).l > l) {
const nextTuple = { v: t.v.concat(l), s, l }
nextTuples.set(s, nextTuple)
return nextTuples
function processV (v) {
const fErr = (() => {
const n = v.length
const S = v.reduce((s, x) => s + x, 0)
return ({ s: S_i, v }) => {
const i = v.length
return Math.abs((n * S_i - i * S) / (i * (n - i)))
let tuples = new Map([[0, { v: [], s: 0, l: -1 }]])
let best = null
let err = 9e3
for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(v.length / 2); ++i) {
const nextTuples = generateTuples(v, tuples)
for (const [, t] of nextTuples) {
if (fErr(t) <= err) {
best = t
err = fErr(t)
tuples = nextTuples
const s1Indices = new Set(best.v)
return {
sol: v.reduce(([v1, v2], x, i) => {
(s1Indices.has(i) ? v1 : v2).push(x)
return [v1, v2]
}, [[], []]),
console.log('best: ', processV([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6]))
console.log('best: ', processV([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
console.log('best: ', processV([1, 3, 5, 7, 7, 8]))

Rust 2D sub-window iterator

I am using a Vec to store a 2D (row major) matrix of values. I would like to iterate over this matrix with a sliding 2D sub-window to apply a filter (which is unfortunately non-separable).
I have seen in the slice documentation that a windows function exists, which is what I want but in 2 dimensions.
I thought about implementing this as:
fn main() {
// 4 rows 3 columns
let dim: (usize, usize) = (4, 3);
// Place-holder matrix
let mat = vec![0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11];
// 2D index to 1D index
let linearize = |r, c| r * dim.1 + c;
// The dimensions of my sub-window
let win_size: usize = 2;
// Calculate the bounds for which the top left corner of each window may exist
let bounds: (usize, usize) = (dim.0 - win_size + 1, dim.1 - win_size + 1);
// Convert window 1D index into a 2D index
let split = |i| (i / win_size, i % win_size);
// Iterate over all the top left corners
let window_2d = (0..bounds.0 * bounds.1).map(|i| {
// Get the 2D index of the top left corner
let (r, c) = (i / bounds.1, i % bounds.1);
// Borrow the matrix, so our closure may own the reference
let bmat = &mat;
// Return an iterator for this window
return (0..win_size * win_size).map(move |x| {
let (wr, wc) = split(x);
return bmat[linearize(wr + r, wc + c)];
// Print the windows out
window_2d.for_each(|it| {
print!("[ ");
it.for_each(|x| print!("{} ", x));
Essentially creating an iterator over a range of indices and then mapping to the square bracket operator of the matrix.
As far as I know, this is going to have the overhead of a bounds check for each deref of the iterator.
I'm wondering if there's an alternative which would elide the bounds checks? Maybe using a combination of chunks, windows and zip, to chunk the matrix into rows, each with a sliding window, then zip the row's windows and flatten the result?
I'm not looking to simply iterate over a 2D array, I want to slide a 2D window over the array, similar to how the std::slice::windows function works.
The best I've got for now is wrapping the matrix access in an unsafe block to elide the bounds check.
With some other misc changes, this is the full example now:
fn split_factory(cols: usize) -> impl Fn(usize) -> (usize, usize) {
// Declaring that cols must be positive allows more aggressive optimisation of div and mod.
if cols < 1 {
move |i| (i / cols, i % cols)
fn main() {
// 4 rows 3 columns
let dim: (usize, usize) = (4, 3);
// Place-holder matrix
let mat = vec![0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11];
// The dimensions of my sub-window
let win_dim = (3usize, 2usize);
// Calculate the bounds for which the top left corner of each window may exist
let bounds = (dim.0 - win_dim.0 + 1, dim.1 - win_dim.1 + 1);
// Iterate over all the top left corners
let convolution_iter = (0..bounds.0 * bounds.1)
.map(|(r, c)| {
// Borrow the matrix, so our closure may own the reference
let bmat = &mat;
// Return an iterator for this window
return (0..win_dim.0 * win_dim.1)
.map(move |(wr, wc)| {
let px = (wr + r) * dim.1 + (wc + c);
(px, unsafe { *bmat.get_unchecked(px) })
// Print the windows out (badly...)
convolution_iter.for_each(|it| println!("{:?}", it.collect::<Vec<(usize, i32)>>()));
Would still be nicer to avoid unsafe and the indirection of looking up the matrix with indices.

Null values in matrix, why?

I'm learning about dynamic programming via the 0-1 knapsack problem.
I'm getting some weird Nulls out from the function part1. Like 3Null, 5Null etc. Why is this?
The code is an implementation of:
I use a matrix to store all the values and keeps, dont know how efficient this is since it is a list of lists(indexing O(1)?).
This is my code:
(* 0-1 Knapsack problem
item = {value, weight}
Constraint is maxweight. Objective is to max value.
Input on the form:
lookup[x_, y_, m_] := m[[x, y]];
part1[items_, maxweight_] := {
nbrofitems = Dimensions[items][[1]];
keep = values = Table[0, {j, 0, nbrofitems}, {i, 1, maxweight}];
For[j = 2, j <= nbrofitems + 1, j++,
itemweight = items[[j - 1, 2]];
itemvalue = items[[j - 1, 1]];
For[i = 1, i <= maxweight, i++,
x = lookup[j - 1, i, values];
diff = i - itemweight;
If[diff > 0, y = lookup[j - 1, diff, values], y = 0];
If[itemweight <= i ,
{If[x < itemvalue + y,
{values[[j, i]] = itemvalue + y; keep[[j, i]] = 1;},
{values[[j, i]] = x; keep[[j, i]] = 0;}]
y(*y eller x?*)]
{values, keep}
solvek[keep_, items_, maxweight_] :=
(*w=remaining weight in knapsack*)
(*i=current item*)
w = maxweight;
knapsack = {};
nbrofitems = Dimensions[items][[1]];
For[i = nbrofitems, i > 0, i--,
If[keep[[i, w]] == 1, {Append[knapsack, i]; w -= items[[i, 2]];
i -= 1;}, i - 1]];
Clear[keep, v, a, b, c]
maxweight = 5;
nbrofitems = 3;
a = {5, 3};
b = {3, 2};
c = {4, 1};
items = {a, b, c};
results = part1[items, 5];
keep = results[[1]];
results2 = solvek[keep, items, 5];
{{{0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,5 Null,5 Null,5 Null},{0,3 Null,5 Null,5 Null,8 Null},{4 Null,4 Null,7 Null,9 Null,9 Null}},{{0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,Null,Null,Null},{0,Null,0,0,Null},{Null,Null,Null,Null,Null}}}
While your code gives errors here, the Null problem occurs because For[] returns Null. So add a ; at the end of the outermost For statement in part1 (ie, just before {values,keep}.
As I said though, the code snippet gives errors when I run it.
In case my answer isn't clear, here is how the problem occurs:
Do[i, {i, 1, 10}]
(*3 Null*)
Do[i, {i, 1, 10}];
The Null error has been reported by acl. There are more errors though.
Your keep matrix actually contains two matrices. You need to call solvek with the second one: solvek[keep[[2]], items, 5]
Various errors in solvek:
i -= 1 and i - 1 are more than superfluous (the latter one is a coding error anyway). The i-- in the beginning of the For is sufficient. As it is now you're decreasing i twice per iteration.
Append must be AppendTo
keep[[i, w]] == 1 must be keep[[i + 1, w]] == 1 as the keep matrix has one more row than there are items.
Not wrong but superfluous: nbrofitems = Dimensions[items][[1]]; nbrofitems is already globally defined
The code of your second part could look like:
solvek[keep_, items_, maxweight_] :=
Module[{w = maxweight, knapsack = {}, nbrofitems = Dimensions[items][[1]]},
For[i = nbrofitems, i > 0, i--,
If[keep[[i + 1, w]] == 1, AppendTo[knapsack, i]; w -= items[[i, 2]]]

Mathematica: Thread::tdlen: Objects of unequal length in {Null} {} cannot be combined. >>

I have aproblem:
Thread::tdlen: Objects of unequal length in {Null} {} cannot be combined. >>
It seems to occur in the while test which makes no sense at all since I am onlu comparing numbers...?
The program is a program to solve the 0-1 knapsack dynamic programming problem though I use loops, not recursion.
I have put some printouts and i can only think that the problem is in the while loop and it doesnt make sense.
(* 0-1 Knapsack problem
item = {value, weight}
Constraint is maxweight. Objective is to max value.
Input on the form:
lookup[x_, y_, m_] := m[[x, y]];
generateTable[items_, maxweight_] := {
nbrofitems = Dimensions[items][[1]];
keep = values = Table[0, {j, 0, nbrofitems}, {i, 1, maxweight}];
For[j = 2, j <= nbrofitems + 1, j++,
itemweight = items[[j - 1, 2]];
itemvalue = items[[j - 1, 1]];
For[i = 1, i <= maxweight, i++,
x = lookup[j - 1, i, values];
diff = i - itemweight;
If[diff > 0, y = lookup[j - 1, diff, values], y = 0];
If[itemweight <= i ,
{If[x < itemvalue + y,
{values[[j, i]] = itemvalue + y; keep[[j, i]] = 1;},
{values[[j, i]] = x; keep[[j, i]] = 0;}]
y(*y eller x?*)]
{values, keep}
pickItems[keep_, items_, maxweight_] :=
(*w=remaining weight in knapsack*)
(*i=current item*)
w = maxweight;
knapsack = {};
nbrofitems = Dimensions[items][[1]];
i = nbrofitems + 1;
x = 0;
While[i > 0 && x < 10,
Print["lopp round starting"];
Print[keep[[i, w]]];
If[keep[[i, w]] == 1,
{Append[knapsack, i];
w -= items[[i - 1, 2]];
i -= 1;
i -= 1;
Print["loop round done"];
Clear[keep, v, a, b, c]
maxweight = 5;
nbrofitems = 3;
a = {5, 3};
b = {3, 2};
c = {4, 1};
items = {a, b, c};
results = generateTable[items, 5];
keep = results[[1]][[2]];
results2 = pickItems[keep, items, 5];
This is not really an answer to the specific question being asked, but some hints on general situations when this error occurs. The short answer is that this is a sign of passing lists of unequal lengths to some Listable function, user-defined or built-in.
Many of Mathematica's built-in functions are Listable(have Listable attribute). This basically means that, given lists in place of some or all arguments, Mathematica automatically threads the function over them. What really happens is that Thread is called internally (or, at least, so it appears). This can be illustrated by
During evaluation of In[15]:= Thread::tdlen: Objects of unequal length in
f[{1,2},{3,4,5}] cannot be combined. >>
Out[17]= f[{1,2},{3,4,5}]
You can get the same behavior by using Thread explicitly:
During evaluation of In[19]:= Thread::tdlen: Objects of unequal length in
ff[{1,2},{3,4,5}] cannot be combined. >>
Out[20]= ff[{1,2},{3,4,5}]
In case of Listable functions, this is a bit more hidden though. Some typical examples would include things like {1, 2} + {3, 4, 5} or {1, 2}^{3, 4, 5} etc. I discussed this issue in a bit more detail here.
Try this version:
pickItems[keep_, items_, maxweight_] := Module[{},
{(*w=remaining weight in knapsack*)(*i=current item*)w = maxweight;
knapsack = {};
nbrofitems = Dimensions[items][[1]];
i = nbrofitems + 1;
x = 0;
While[i > 0 && x < 10,
Print["lopp round starting"];
Print[keep[[i, w]]];
If[keep[[i, w]] == 1,
Append[knapsack, i];
w -= items[[i - 1, 2]];
i -= 1;
i -= 1;
Print["loop round done"]
no errors now, but I do not know what it does really :)

Yield in Mathematica

Can you do something like Python's yield statement in Mathematica, in order to create generators? See e.g. here for the concept.
Here's an example of what I mean, to iterate over all permutations, using only O(n) space: (algorithm as in Sedgewick's Algorithms book):
gen[f_, n_] := Module[{id = -1, val = Table[Null, {n}], visit},
visit[k_] := Module[{t},
id++; If[k != 0, val[[k]] = id];
If[id == n, f[val]];
Do[If[val[[t]] == Null, visit[t]], {t, 1, n}];
id--; val[[k]] = Null;];
Then call it it like:
gen[Print,3], printing all 6 permutations of length 3.
As I have previously stated, using Compile will given faster code. Using an algorithm from fxtbook, the following code generates a next partition in lexicographic ordering:
PermutationIterator[f_, n_Integer?Positive, nextFunc_] :=
Module[{this = Range[n]},
While[this =!= {-1}, f[this]; this = nextFunc[n, this]];]
The following code assumes we run version 8:
cfNextPartition[target : "MVM" | "C"] :=
cfNextPartition[target] =
Compile[{{n, _Integer}, {this, _Integer, 1}},
Module[{i = n, j = n, ni, next = this, r, s},
While[Part[next, --i] > Part[next, i + 1],
If[i == 1, i = 0; Break[]]];
If[i == 0, {-1}, ni = Part[next, i];
While[ni > Part[next, j], --j];
next[[i]] = Part[next, j]; next[[j]] = ni;
r = n; s = i + 1;
While[r > s, ni = Part[next, r]; next[[r]] = Part[next, s];
next[[s]] = ni; --r; ++s];
]], RuntimeOptions -> "Speed", CompilationTarget -> target
In[75]:= Reap[PermutationIterator[Sow, 4, cfNextPartition["C"]]][[2,
1]] === Permutations[Range[4]]
Out[75]= True
This is clearly better in performance than the original gen function.
In[83]:= gen[dummy, 9] // Timing
Out[83]= {26.067, Null}
In[84]:= PermutationIterator[dummy, 9, cfNextPartition["C"]] // Timing
Out[84]= {1.03, Null}
Using Mathematica's virtual machine is not much slower:
In[85]:= PermutationIterator[dummy, 9,
cfNextPartition["MVM"]] // Timing
Out[85]= {1.154, Null}
Of course this is nowhere near C code implementation, yet provides a substantial speed-up over pure top-level code.
You probably mean the question to be more general but the example of iterating over permutations as given on the page you link to happens to be built in to Mathematica:
Scan[Print, Permutations[{1, 2, 3}]]
The Print there can be replaced with any function.
