List of all existing WinApi Functions [closed] - windows

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Is there a list of existing winapi functions? This paper claims it analyzed around 22000 winapi functions. Are those functions listed on a windows machine somewhere? Or are there websites that list those?
When following #IInspectable's approach I get the following error:

[A]re there websites that list those [winapi functions]?
Possibly. If there are, they probably suck. Either way, if that is your question, it would be off-topic around here.
Are those [winapi] functions listed on a windows machine somewhere?
No. There's no practical reason to have that listing. Applications know which APIs they need and either the OS loader will resolve those dependencies (for compile-time dynamic linking), or the runtime dynamic linking will report its outcome to the calling application.
Neither one requires a listing of all available APIs they aren't interested in calling anyway. If your application doesn't plan to call TABTHETEXTOUTFORWIMPS, it likely has no interest in knowing, where TABTHETEXTOUTFORWIMPS actually lives.
The available API calls are published by way of the Windows SDK. It includes both the function signatures, required by your compiler, as well as the information on where to find the functions' implementations, which the linker is mightily interested in.
It's the Windows SDK that has the information you appear to be interested in1.
The Win32 Metadata project collects metadata by scanning the Windows SDK header files, and makes it available as a machine-readable assembly. The results are published to the NuGet gallery.
The assembly can be opened with any tool that understands ECMA-335 metadata (like Visual Studio's Object Browser or ILSpy). If neither of those tools meet your immediate needs, you can parse the data yourself and derive arbitrary information. The binary file format is documented ("Partition II: Metadata Definition and Semantics" has all the information you'd need to parse out that information).
1 Apparently, the cardinality of the the Windows API surface. Not that I'd challenge the paper's authors' intentions, though I'd probably miss out on reading a paper that has "Deep Learning" in its title, even if my time weren't resource-constrained. With a pretty high probability it's just complete garbage.


Smalltalk equivalent of Inspect tool for windows [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is there a Smalltalk equivalent of Inspect tool that is available for Microsoft Windows or something like inspect option available in Web browsers
From what I've researched, Smalltalk allows run-time reflection. I think this is more related to applications developed within the Smalltalk IDE.
I'm looking for an Inspect application for independent smalltalk EXEs.
I tried posting on SuperUser, but tags smalltalk was not available. I thought I might get answers here.
Such a tool could be created as a part of the Smalltalk application. However, trying to access objects from the outside without any help from within the Smalltalk system would be challenging because Smalltalk objects change their location very often (potentially, at every garbage collection) and therefore the external tool would need to somehow deduce the new location of the object from some fixed root known to it.
Now, if what you need is for debugging purposes, you could (in theory) halt the execution of the Smalltalk system and look for the object of interest in the object memory, tracing the instance variables as well, etc., resuming the execution of the Smalltalk exe when done. None of this is easy though, and that's why it would be much better if the Smalltalk application offered such a tool as an end-user feature.
Smalltalk is a language specification with many implementations. If available, tools for "external" debugging of Smalltalk applications will be vendor/implementation dependent.
Specific techniques for debugging a Smalltalk application without obvious access to a traditional Smalltalk development environment will vary between Smalltalk implementations. For example all GNU Smalltalk debugging is done without a Smalltalk IDE.1 There have been (are?) tools for "headless debugging" of Pharo applications. 2

Where can I find source code for Windows commands? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've been messing around with command prompt for a few days now, but I want to have a better understanding of what's actually going on under the hood. Searching the Internet has been of no use so far, as almost all the results there will show, you the syntax of the commands, which is not I want.
Is it possible to retrieve the source code for any of the Windows commands?
Source code for some parts of Windows is open sourced. .NET for example. Other parts of the source code are available via various programs, described here. One program that I've used is Code Center Premium. In this program you are assigned a smart card/PIN and use a specific URL to access the source code for the various versions of Windows. Generally only RTM (release to manufacturing) code is available on CCP (as opposed to patched versions of the code).
If you are an individual you probably won't be able to get access via any of these programs, except possibly the MVP program. But if you were an MVP you probably would already understand "what's going on under the hood" to a large extent.
As an individual I suggest the book Windows Internals, which you can find as a PDF on the web. Note that the book is over 1000 pages, so a huge amount of information is available within. Also, there are various examples in the book in the way of commands that control/monitor various aspects of Windows (no source code, but an explanation of how the command works)
Note that a book will be much more comprehensible than the Windows source code which if I remember correctly is well over 100,000,000 lines currently.
Note that for "vanilla" commands like COPY, DIR, etc., perusing the Win32 API set for file & directory I/O on MSDN will yield the APIs that CMD.EXE uses. Many samples are also available on MSDN and elsewhere.

Whats the best tools for drawing a "system overview" diagram? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What tools is best for drawing an overview of a system for a new starter.
I want to show the components and if possible the technologies they use.
Current options include: Visio, Word, EA?, Paint!
Visual Studio isn't an option (too exprensive).
As VS is too expensive, perhaps Google Draw would fit the bill? It's part of Google Docs, which is free. Just sign in with your Google account.
It's got all the normal flow chart symbols, I find it dead easy to use, and it's on line so you can share it with a new starter just by sending them the URL and giving them access to the drawing.
I use it for nearly all my system diagrams now, because it's so easy to use.
I had the exact same issue a short while back and tried all those tools (and others). Here's what I found:
PowerPoint's the best option! You probably already know how to use it and it gets the job done.
If you're looking for some neat diagram elements (e.g. pictures of network components and such) then Visio is also a pretty good option.
Enterprise Architect (EA) is an overkill for the job and unless you're already proficient with it you'll find yourself spending way too much time on figuring out how to get it to do your bidding rather than just drawing the damn overview.
Paint is is too simplistic - you'll be more productive with PowerPoint. (fast mindmapping) (online diagrams, incl. UML) (client program that needs to be installed)
I have taken to a combination of visio and powerpoint, usually embedding flowcharts into a PP deck. I've found I get more bang for the buck by maintaining a living architecture diagram in visio and then referencing it in other materials appropriate for their audience. For example, I might want to reference an arch diagram in both an introductory slideshow as well as detailed API documentation.

Windows redistribution licensing for virtual demos [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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What are the license restrictions surrounding the redistribution of Windows OSes as part of virtual demos?
I am looking to make available demo versions of my software as already installed and configured on a VHD (or whatever the VMWare equivalent is). I was told that this is not possible because MS does not allow the Windows OS to be redistributed that way (even trial/demo versions). Can anyone point me to a definitive source (MS license terms maybe?) that specifies what the requirements are? Or at least an official "this is not possible"?
MS seems to be distributing their virtual training labs and product demos more and more as a VHD download. I was hoping to be able to do the same.
Sure, it's very likely that you can distribute Windows as part of your demo, but you're going to have to buy a license for every copy. I'm assuming you wanted to avoid that.
Your sources are correct; this isn't possible. Microsoft distributes windows on VHD's for training and demonstration purposes because it can. I'm not aware of any organization being given permission to distribute Windows as you describe. You are not likely to find an official "this is not possible", simply because licenses define what you can do, not (in general) what you can't. Most of the prohibitions in a license agreement are stipulations that are part of the granting of some other right. You won't find a comprehensive list of what's disallowed, simply because that's obviously impossible.
The only way to get an official response is to ask your Microsoft representative, assuming that you have one (if your organization has an EA, for example, the EA representative would be the person to talk to).

RapidWeaver-like editor for windows [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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After seeing a friend using RapidWeaver and producing wonderful results in a few clicks, I was astonished and started searching if a tool like that exists for Windows. Unfortunately, so far my search yielded no result, so I'm writing here the criteria I'm using hoping that anybody will come up with a relevant suggestion:
Must work (well!) on Windows (Vista/7)
Must not be web based (I don't care about webapps allowing me to create sites off of crappy templates)
Template-based (and possibly with many templates available)
Pretty flexible (nothing like Dreamweaver, but I wouldn't like being stuck with just entering text into some prebuilt templates)
Intuitive (and possibly good looking) UI
Producing standards-compliant markup (office-like HTML is not an option)
Here is what I don't care about:
Price/License (if it's commercial it's probably even better for my purpose, as if the tool is good I will want fast, quality support)
Good code editing features (when I'll get my hands dirty with the markup I want things to be looking already pretty good so I'll just have to improve certain areas based on my requirements...)
Server-side scripting (I'm handling that otherwise, for this tool I just care about the design part)
Here's a list of commonly recommended tools I consider unfit for my needs:
Microsoft Expression Web
Microsoft Visual Web Designer
Adobe Dreamweaver (good, but too good for my needs. At this stage, I'd prefer something quicker, even if it means having lower quality html)
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
Probably too late, and not sure if this helps you anyway:
