ElasticSearch Sorted Index not working as expected with multiple shards - sorting

I have an elastic index with default sort mapping of price:
"sort" : {
"field" : "enrich.price",
"order" : "desc"
If I insert 10 documents:
100, 98, 10230, 34, 1, 23, 777, 2323, 3, 109
And Fetch results using /_search. By default it returns documents in order of price descending.
10230, 2323...
But if I distribute my documents into 3 shards, Then the same query returns some other sequence of products:
100, 98, 34...
I am really stuck here, I am not sure if I am missing out something basic or Do I need any extra settings to make a Sorted Index behave correctly.
PS: I also tried 'routing' & 'preference'. but no luck.
Any help much appreciated.

When configuring index sorting, you're only making sure that each segment inside each shard is properly sorted. The goal of index sorting is to provide some more optimization during searches
Due to the distributed nature of ES, when your index has many shards, each shard will be properly sorted, but your search query will still need to use sorting explicitly.
So if your index settings contains the following to apply sorting at indexing time
"sort" : {
"field" : "enrich.price",
"order" : "desc"
your search queries will also need to contain the same sort specification at query time
"sort" : {
"field" : "enrich.price",
"order" : "desc"
By using index sorting you'll hit a little overhead at indexing time, but your search queries will be a bit faster in the end.


Is there a difference between using search terms and should when querying Elasticsearch

I am performing a refactor of the code to query an ES index, and I was wondering if there is any difference between the two snippets below:
"bool" : {
"should" : [ {
"terms" : {
"myType" : [ 1 ]
}, {
"terms" : {
"myType" : [ 2 ]
}, {
"terms" : {
"myType" : [ 4 ]
} ]
"terms" : {
"myType" : [ 1, 2, 4 ]
Please check this blog from Elastic discuss page which will answer your question. Coying here for quick referance:
There's a few differences.
The simplest to see is the verbosity - terms queries just list an
array while term queries require more JSON.
terms queries do not score matches based on IDF (the rareness) of
matched terms - the term query does.
term queries can only have up to 1024 values due to Boolean's max
clause count
terms queries can have more terms
By default, Elasticsearch limits the terms query to a maximum of
65,536 terms. You can change this limit using the
index.max_terms_count setting.
Which of them is going to be faster? Is speed also related to the
number of terms?
It depends. They execute differently. term queries do more expensive scoring but does so lazily. They may "skip" over docs during execution because other more selective criteria may advance the stream of matching docs considered.
The terms queries doesn't do expensive scoring but is more eager and creates the equivalent of a single bitset with a one or zero for every doc by ORing all the potential matching docs up front. Many terms can share the same bitset which is what provides the scalability in term numbers.

Elastic Search - Sorting & Filtering on nested Documents

I am working on an E-Commerce application. Catalog Data is being served by Elastic Search.
I have document's for Product which is already indexed in Elastic Search.
Document Looks something like this (Excluded few fields for the purpose of better readability):
"title" : "Product Name",
"volume" : "200gm",
"brand" : {
"brand_code" : XXXX,
"brand_name" : "Brand Name"
"#timestamp" : "2021-08-26T08:08:11.319Z",
"store" : [
"physical_unit" : 0,
"default_price" : 115.0,
"_id" : "1234_111",
"product_code" : "1234",
"warehouse_code" : 111,
"available_unit" : 100
"category" : {
"category_code" : 987,
"category_name" : "CategoryName",
"category_url_link" : "CategoryName",
"super_category_name" : "SuperCategoryName",
"parent_category_name" : "ParentCategoryName"
store object in the above document is the one where ES Query will look for price and to decide if item is in stock or Out Of Stock.
I would like to add more child objects to store (Basically data from multiple inventory). This can go up to more than 150 child objects for each product.
Eventually, A product document will look something like this with multiple inventory's data mapped to a particular document.
"title" : "Product Name",
"volume" : "200gm",
"brand" : {
"brand_code" : XXXX,
"brand_name" : "Brand Name"
"#timestamp" : "2021-08-26T08:08:11.319Z",
"store" : [
"physical_unit" : 0,
"default_price" : 115.0,
"_id" : "1234_111",
"product_code" : "1234",
"warehouse_code" : 111,
"available_unit" : 100
"physical_unit" : 0,
"default_price" : 125.0,
"_id" : "1234_112",
"product_code" : "1234",
"warehouse_code" : 112,
"available_unit" : 100
"physical_unit" : 0,
"default_price" : 105.0,
"_id" : "1234_113",
"product_code" : "1234",
"warehouse_code" : 113,
"available_unit" : 100
Upto N no of stores
"category" : {
"category_code" : 987,
"category_name" : "CategoryName",
"category_url_link" : "CategoryName",
"super_category_name" : "SuperCategoryName",
"parent_category_name" : "ParentCategoryName"
Functional Requirement :
For any product, we should show lowest price across all warehouse.
For EX: If a particular product has 50 store mapped to it, Elastic Search query should look into the nested object and get the value which is lowest in all 50 stores if item is available.
Performance should not be degraded.
Challenges :
If we start storing those many stores for each product, data will go considerably high. Will that be a problem ?
What would be the efficient way to extract the lowest price from nested document?
How would facets work within nested document ? Like if i apply price range filter ES picks up the data which was not showed earlier. (It might pick the data from other store which matches the range)
We are using template to query ES and the Version of the Elastic Search is 6.0.
Thanks in Advance!!
First there are improvements to nested document search in version 7.x that are worth the upgrade.
As for version 6.x, there are a lot of factors there that I could not give you a concrete answer. It also seems you may not be understanding the way that nested documents work, they are not relational.
In particular when you say that each product might have 50 stores mapped to it that sounds like you are implying a relationship, which will not exist with a nested document. However, the values from those 50 stores would be stored within an index nested under the parent document. Having 50 stores under a product or category does not sound concerning.
ElasticSearch has not really talked in terms of facets since the introduction of the aggregation framework. Its not that they dont exist, just not how they are discussed.
So lets try this. ElasticSearch optimizes its search and query through a divide and conquer mechanism. The data is spread across several shards, a configurable number, and each shard is responsible for reviewing its own data. Further, those shards can be distributed across many machines so that there are many cpus and lots of memory for the search. So growing the data doesn't matter if you are willing to grow the cluster, as it is possible to maintain a situation where each machine is doing the same amount of work as it was doing before.
Unlike a relational database, filters search terms allow Elastic to drastically reduce the data that it is looking at and a larger number of filters will improve performance where on a relational database performance declines.
Now back to nested documents. They are stored as a separate index, but instead of mapping the results to the nested doc, the results map to the parent doc id. So you're nested docs arent exactly in the same index as the rest of the document, though they are not truly separate either. But that does mean that the nested documents should have minimal impact the performance of the queries against the parent documents. But if your data size grows beyond the capacity of your current system you will still need to increase its size.
As to how you would query, you would use Elastic aggregations. These will allow you to calculate your "facet" counts and identify the best prices. The Elastic aggregations are very powerful and very fast. There are caveats that are well documented, but in general they will work as you expect.
In version 6.x query string queries cannot access the search criteria in a nested document, and a complex query must be used.
To recap
Functional Requirement :
For any product, we should show lowest price across all warehouse.
For EX: If a particular product has 50 store mapped to it,
ElasticSearch query should look into the nested object and get the
value which is lowest in all 50 stores if item is available.
Yes a nested aggregation will do this.
Performance should not be degraded.
Performance will continue to depend on the ratio of the size of the data to the overall cluster size.
Challenges :
If we start storing those many stores for each product, data will go considerably high. Will that be a problem ?
No this should not be a problem
What would be the efficient way to extract the lowest price from nested document?
Elastic Aggregations
How would facets work within nested document ? Like if i apply price range filter ES picks up the data which was not showed earlier. (It might pick the data from other store which matches the range)
Yes filtering can work with Aggregations very well. The aggregation will be based on the filtered data. In fact you could have an aggregation based on just minimum price, and in the same query then have an aggregation using your price ranges, which will give you the count of documents that have a store within that price range, and you could have a sub aggregation showing the stores under each price range.
We are using template to query ES and the Version of the Elastic Search is 6.0. Thanks in Advance!!
I know nothing about template. The ElasticSearch API is so dead simple I do not know why anyone uses additional tools on top of the API, they just add weight, and increase complexity and make key features not available because the wrapper author did not pass through the feature.

Finding all words and their frequencies in an elasticsearch index

Elasticsearch Newbie here. I have an elasticsearch cluster and an index http://localhost:9200/products and each product looks like this:
"name": "laptop",
"description" : "Intel Laptop with 16 GB RAM",
"title" : "...."
I wanted all keywords in a field and their frequencies across all documents for an index. For eg.
description : intel -> 2500, laptop -> 40000 etc. I looked at termvectors https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docs-termvectors.html but that only let's me do it across a single document. I want it across all documents in a particular field.
I wrote a plug-in for this ..but its expensive call ( based on how many terms you want to get and cardinality of terms ) https://github.com/nirmalc/es-termstat
Currently, there is no way to use term vectors on all documents at a time in an index. You can either use single term vector API for single document's term frequency count or multi-term vectors API to multiple document's term frequency. But a possible workaround could be like this -
make a scan request in order to get all documents from a given type,
and for each page to build a multi-term vector mentioned above to
request to get term vectors.
POST /products/_mtermvectors
"ids" : ["1", "2"],
"parameters": {
"fields": [
"term_statistics": true

How do I search by java enums

I have data stored in elastic search. One of the fields is logging level. These are defined in Java enum.
The enums are :
0 => undefined
1 => info
2 => low
3 => high
4 => fatal
This is what I am trying, but keep getting Variable [level] is not defined error.
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' "http://localhost:33206/_search" -d'
"sort" : {
"_script" : {
"type" : "number",
"script" : {
"lang": "painless",
"source": "params.mapping[doc['level'].value]",
"params" : {
"INFO": 1,
"LOW": 2,
"HIGH": 3,
"FATAL": 4
"order" : "asc"
In elastic search we are storing Strings rather than the number.
If I wanted to query elastic search and have it ordered by the corresponding numbers, how do I do that? Of course sorting by string will produce wrong results.
It is not possible and not recommended with scripting as it is not good from performance perspective.
You should have a separate field where you need to store the integer value and sort it.
Reasons not to have scripts:
If possible, avoid using scripts or scripted fields in searches.
Because scripts can’t make use of index structures, using scripts in
search queries can result in slower search speeds.
If you often use scripts to transform indexed data, you can speed up
search by making these changes during ingest instead. However, that
often means slower index speeds.
And one more thing is security. There are loopholes which makes it vulnerable.
My script was correct, except for the single quote around "level". Changing it to double quotes makes it work.

Sum field and sort on Solr

I'm implementing a grouped search in Solr. I'm looking for a way of summing one field and sort the results by this sum. With the following data example I hope it will be clearer.
"id" : 1,
"parent_id" : 22,
"valueToBeSummed": 3
"id" : 2,
"parent_id" : 22,
"valueToBeSummed": 1
"id" : 3,
"parent_id" : 33,
"valueToBeSummed": 1
"id" : 4,
"parent_id" : 5,
"valueToBeSummed": 21
If the search is made over this data I'd like to obtain
"numFound": 1,
"summedValue" : 21,
"parent_id" : 5
"numFound": 2,
"summedValue" : 4,
"parent_id" : 22
"numFound": 1,
"summedValue" : 1,
"parent_id" : 33
Do you have any advice on this ?
Solr 5.1+ (and 5.3) introduces Solr Facet functions to solve this exact issue.
From Yonik's introduction of the feature:
$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/query -d 'q=*:*&
type : terms,
field : cat,
sort : "x desc", // can also use sort:{x:desc}
x : "avg(price)",
y : "sum(price)"
So the suggestion would be to upgrade to the newest version of Solr (the most recent version is currently 5.2.1, be advised that some of the syntax that's on the above link will be landed in 5.3 - the current release target).
So you want to group your results on the field parent_id and inside each group you want to sum up the fields valueToBeSummed and then you want to sort the entire results (the groups) by this new summedvalue field. That is a very interesting use case...
Unfortunately, I don't think there is a built in way of doing what you have asked.
There are function queries which you can use to sort, there is a group.func parameter also, but they will not do what you have asked.
Have you already indexed this data? Or are you still in the process of charting out how to store this data? If its the latter then one possible way would be to have a summedvalue field for each documents and calculate this as and when a document gets indexed. For example, given the sample documents in your question, the first document will be indexed as
"id" : 1,
"parent_id" : 22,
"valueToBeSummed": 3
"summedvalue": 3
"timestamp": current-timestamp
Before indexing the second document id:2 with parent_id:22 you will run a solr query to get the last indexed document with parent_id:22
Solr Query q=parent_id:22&sort=timestamp desc&rows=1
and add the summedvalue of id:1 with valueToBeSummed of id:2
So the next document will be indexed as
"id" : 2,
"parent_id" : 22,
"valueToBeSummed": 1
"summedvalue": 4
"timestamp": current-timestamp
and so on.
Once you have documents indexed this way, you can run a regular solr query with &group=true&group.field=parent_id&sort=summedValue.
Please do let us know how you decide to implement it. Like I said its a very interesting use case! :)
You can add the below query
select?q=*:*&stats=true&stats.field={!tag=piv1 sum=true}valueToBeSummed&facet=true&facet.pivot={!stats=piv1 facet.sort=index}parent_id&wt=json&indent=true
You need to use Stats Component for the requirement. You can get more information here. The idea is first define on what you need to have stats on. Here it is valueToBeSummed, and then we need to group on parent_id. We use facet.pivot for this functionality.
Regarding sort, when we do grouping, the default sorting order is based on count in each group. We can define based on the value too. I have done this above using facet.sort=index. So it sorted on parent_id which is the one we used for grouping. But your requirement is to sort on valueToBeSummed which is different from the grouping attribute.
As of now not sure, if we can achieve that. But will look into it and let you know.
In short, you got the grouping, you got the sum above. Just sort is pending
