Elasticsearch 7.10.2 doesn't bind application.properties variables on Mac M1 - spring-boot

I'm facing a weird issue. I have 2 laptops, one running under Windows where everything works fine and on the other side, a Mac Mini M1.
Assuming, I'm developing a basic Spring Boot application with Elasticsearch as Repository.
In the application.yml, as usual I have the following properties :
uris: https://dummy-cloud-provider.cloud.com:12833
username: myusername
password: mypassword
But everytime I want to start the application on my Mac, I have the following error :
2021-06-23 15:55:51.972 ERROR [reactor-http-nio-3] r.c.p.Operators - Operator called default onErrorDropped
reactor.core.Exceptions$ErrorCallbackNotImplemented: org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.client.NoReachableHostException: Host 'localhost:9200' not reachable. Cluster state is offline.
Caused by: org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.client.NoReachableHostException: Host 'localhost:9200' not reachable. Cluster state is offline.
at org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.client.reactive.SingleNodeHostProvider.lambda$lookupActiveHost$3(SingleNodeHostProvider.java:101)
at reactor.core.publisher.FluxHandle$HandleSubscriber.onNext(FluxHandle.java:102)
at reactor.core.publisher.FluxMap$MapConditionalSubscriber.onNext(FluxMap.java:220)
at reactor.core.publisher.FluxOnErrorResume$ResumeSubscriber.onNext(FluxOnErrorResume.java:79)
at reactor.core.publisher.Operators$ScalarSubscription.request(Operators.java:2397)
I don't understand why it always skip my application.yml variables and try to reach localhost:9200.
I hope someone can help me :)
Best regards

This is not a Spring Data Elasticsearch problem, but a Spring Boot problem. Spring Data Elasticsearch does not use application properties to set anything up.
Looking at the configuration it seems that you want to set up a imperative (non-reactive) client connection to Elasticsearch?
The stacktrace shows that the failing call is done by the reactive client.
I suspect that you have the reactive Spring libraries (webflux) in the classpath and Spring boot actuator. And Spring Boot then configures a reactive client for the actuator using the default of localhost:9200.
I can't tell for sure without seeing your maven/gradle setup, but this for me is most possible explanation for this error.


DNS Resolution for Redis, Elasticsearch and Postgres hosts not working after introducing Spring Wbflux

Everything was working until I introduced Webflux into our Sprint Boot application running on external tomcat inside a docker container. This was needed when I wrote an elasticsearch repository using ReactiveCrudRepository to implement asynchronous save/fetch operations. Now, our Spring Boot apps hosted on docker are not able to connect to any of the datastores.
For Redis the exception is -
Caused by: java.net.UnknownHostException: Failed to resolve
'redis1' after 2 queries
For Elasticsearch -
Caused by:
Host 'es_host:9200' not reachable. Cluster state is offline.
The data nodes are all hosted on separate instances.
On researching around a bit, I came across several issues with netty's DNS resolver, but there is no standard fix mentioned anywhere. Please advice.

Disable reactive Elasticsearch client

My spring-boot (version 2.4.1) application was successfully connected to an ElasticSearch(v7.9.3) instance using the autowired org.elasticsearch.client.RestHighLevelClient (I just had to specify the application properties and it worked).
In a new phase of the project a dependency with spring-boot-starter-webflux was added to use some reactive logic to call an external webservice. (which has nothing to do with my elasticsearch connection)
But now suddenly the elasticsearch client also tries to connect using reactor and I got errors like:
reactor.core.Exceptions$ErrorCallbackNotImplemented: org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.client.NoReachableHostException:
Host 'https://elastic-dev.company.intra:9200:9200' not reachable. Cluster state is offline.
Caused by: org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.client.NoReachableHostException:
Host 'https://elastic-dev.company.intra:9200:9200' not reachable. Cluster state is offline.
at org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.client.reactive.SingleNodeHostProvider.lambda$lookupActiveHost$4(SingleNodeHostProvider.java:108) ~[spring-data-elasticsearch-4.1.2.jar!/:4.1.2]
I know there is a configuration issue with :9200:9200 but I would like to just disable the use of reactor for my Elasticsearch client so it just uses the old way (I still need my Elasticseach client). Is this possible ?
After searching further I found a solution which was also suggested by P.J.Meish: disable the AutoConfiguration classes regarding the reactive elasticsearch:
I preferred the config in application.properties:

Spring boot microservices doesn't work with Intelij IDEA

I am creating a spring boot microservice project with intelij IDEA.
Currently I have developed three seperate spring boot rest services as customer service, vehicle service and spring cloud config server. Spring cloud config server is pointing to a github repository.
The issue is sometimes above projects take more than 10 minutes to run and sometimes does't run and give an error message as "failed to check application readystate intellij attached provider for the vm is not found". I have no idea why this happens ?
There are two possible causes:
1. IntelliJ IDEA and the Spring application are running in different JVMs.
There is a bug for IntelliJ IDEA regarding that:
Here is short summary:
IntelliJ IDEA uses local JMX connector for retrieving Spring Boot actuator endpoint's data by default. However, it could be impossible to get local JMX connector address via attach api if Spring Boot application and IntelliJ IDEA are run by different JVMs. In this case, add the following lines to VM options of your Spring Boot run configuration:
As mentioned in the official Oracle documentation, this configuration is insecure. Any remote user who knows (or guesses) your port number and host name will be able to monitor and control your Java applications and platform.
2. Prolonged time to retrieve local hostname
You can check that time using inetTester. Normally it should take only several milliseconds to complete. If it takes a long time then you can add the hostname returned by inetTester to /etc/hosts file like this: localhost winsky
::1 localhost winsky

spring boot startup failure if mongo host not reachable

I have Spring boot mongo db app, when i start running this application if mongo host is alive, am able to see the my app is up and running successfully,
if my mongo host is down when i start my application my app failed to start.
is there any way even thought if mongo host is down my application should be up and running.
could someone please help me on this?
am using spring boot mongo properties in my application
have same problem with spring boot kafka also.
Sorry for the previous comment. It was for excluding auto config beans, anyway
Is there any way even though if mongo host is down my application
should be up and running.
spring.datasource.continue-on-error=true #Whether to stop if an error occurs while initializing the database.
as per spring doc
By default, Spring Boot enables the fail-fast feature of the Spring
JDBC initializer. This means that, if the scripts cause exceptions,
the application fails to start. You can tune that behavior by setting
and as of spring kafka try this(i'm not sure if this meets your requirement)
spring.kafka.admin.fail-fast=true # Whether to fail fast if the broker is not available on startup.

Spring Boot with Elasticsearch embedded conflicting on port 54022

I'm trying to start two spring-boot (1.3.2.RELEASE) app instances on my dev machine. The app uses elasticsearch embedded (1.5.2) through spring data elasticsearch (1.3.2.RELEASE).
I configured instances to use different ports (-Dserver.port=8081), and this works well for my other app without elasticsearch.
So, my first instance starts normally, with second instance start I'm getting
Error: Exception thrown by the agent : java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port already in use: 54022; nested exception is:
java.net.BindException: Address already in use
I've tried to get more info from the logs, but it didn't help.
I even tried
No mention about the port 54022. Google doesn't help much either.
Update: I start my instances in STS. When shutting down the instance (red square button in the console view) I see that STS connects to 54022 port. Maybe it's some kind of shutdown port?
andrey:~$ lsof -i tcp:54022
STS 447 andrey 36u IPv6 0xf4ba94cfea1e25e5 0t0 TCP localhost:49424->localhost:54022 (CLOSE_WAIT)
This problem is specific to STS IDE (Spring Tool Suite). This is not reproducible if you run the app from console.
54022 is JMX Port by STS.
To solve the issue go to Run > Run Configurations... > Spring Boot App > <your_run_config> > Spring Boot (Tab).
Toggle Enable Live Bean support or change the JMX Port.
