Local development on Mac M1 | Laravel & VueJs - laravel

I've just switched to MacOs - never used it before and I'm using Macbook M1 Pro, so a newbie here. Also, I've only started with web dev so I'm fairly new in this field as well.
Now, how should I proceed in order to set-up a local development enviroment - I plan to use mainly Laravel & VueJs?
Things I've done so far:
Installed VS code
Installe MAMP
Cloned my Git repository with project I was working on (Windows 10)
This is the part where I need help - I think I'm supposed to install Homebrew, but even if I follow the instructions on their website I can't get it working properly. It's installed but as soon as I close & reopen the terminal, it throws zsh: command not found: brew. The commands I'm used to - php artisan xyz or npm run watch don't work
Do you guys have some guide or step-by-step tutorial of what should I do in order to get my Laravel&Vue git project up & running on a localhost?

brew is installed in /usr/local/Homebrew/bin/brew (symlinked to /usr/local/bin/brew). Make sure /usr/local/bin is in your PATH, so that brew and newly installed Homebrew packages are available on the command line. This is typically setup by the ~/.zshrc file.
Troubleshooting steps:
Edit $HOME/.zshrc.
If export PATH is not found, add the following line. The important part is to ensure /usr/local/bin is present (and that :$PATH is last) to give it higher precedence. If the export PATH line exists, but commented, uncomment it.
export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH
Restart your shell. .zshrc is loaded automatically at shell startup.
Check for brew with the which command:
$ which brew

This suggestion here fixed my issues: https://stackoverflow.com/a/66521797/9682588
So, what I did was:
echo "export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile


Install of Laravel Valet with Composer is giving a Command not Found error in Mac OS

Currently, I am in the process of installing Laravel Valet for the purpose of using it to locally develop with Kirby CMS.
I am following these instructions, once I try to install Valet I get a "command not found" error. After looking at other threads I attempted to find my device's Path using this code:
echo $PATH
In response I got this:
I wasn't sure what to do in regard to installing Valet? It looks like Composer is installed in my User folder? There's only one user on this device. Do I need to move it Composer to a different part of my computer?
I tried using this line, as recommended in a different thread, but it didn't do anything to solve the 'command not found issue':
export PATH=$PATH:~/.composer/vendor/bin
In 2019 Apple has replaced bash with zsh as the default shell in macOS Catalina and later. To add path to your zsh shell, this command should work:
echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin" >> ~/.zshrc
Make sure to restart your terminal for changes to be applied.

change bash_profile not working

I am working on Mac El Capitan. I have MAMP Pro installed. I am attempting to install composer. Part of the process is making it accessible globally. I have gone in and done vim ~/.bash_profile and added: export PATH=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.0.0/bin:$PATH
I am using PHP 7.0.0. However when I save and exit (escape :wq) and then run which PHP it is still pointing to the original folder. I have exited out of the terminal window and come back in. I have also run source ~/.bash_profile. Still the which php version points to /usr/bin/php
Any suggestions for what to try next?
This solution worked for me except I ended up putting composer in an apps folder rather than in my usr/bin.

firebase-tools "-bash: firebase: command not found"

Excited that Firebase's hosting is now out of beta. Trying to get going with with the firebase-tools package and I've successfully installed it:
npm install -g firebase-tools
Trying to run any tool fails with
-bash: firebase: command not found
I've tried putting the following command in my .bash_profile without any luck
export PATH=/usr/local/share/npm/bin:$PATH
Any ideas? Pretty new to the command line in general.
Run code below with terminal,
alias firebase="`npm config get prefix`/bin/firebase"
Installing firebase-tools globally did the trick for me :
npm install -g firebase-tools
You should add the npm bin folder to your bash PATH variable. To do that, run:
npm get prefix
And it should output something like /home/your-username/npm-global or /home/your-username/npm-packages.
Then in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile (if you're in a Mac) file, add:
export PATH="/home/your-username/npm-global/bin:$PATH" # Add npm bin PATH
Note the "/bin" after the npm get prefix result.
#mklement0 That answer looks good, but I'm worried it will be intimidating to someone who is so new to the command line. So I'm going to cherry-pick the most relevant piece of it.
#cienki Run this command to see what you should be putting in that PATH prefix in your .bash_profile file:
npm get prefix
by chance if you are using macOS with m1 chip
arch -x86_64 npm i -g firebase-tools
assuming that you haven't set the PATH
export PATH="`npm config get prefix`/bin:$PATH"
That's all and enjoy
On macOS: Use
curl -sL firebase.tools | upgrade=true bash
It worked for me
firebase -V
Using Windows 10, Bash
This worked for me:
npm get prefix // to find Path which for me it was C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\npm
search "Environment Variables" which located in "System Properties".
Under "System Variables", find the PATH variable, select it, and click "Edit". Click "New" and add the path found with the "npm get prefix" command earlier (which was for me C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\npm)
Then click "Ok"
Restart Bash
firebase --version //to check firebase version
Bruno's answer did the trick, I only needed to add a dot at npm-global in Ubuntu in .bashrc:
export PATH="/home/your-username/.npm-global/bin:$PATH" # Add npm bin PATH
Below command works for me on terminal
curl -sL firebase.tools | upgrade=true bash
This command install firebase tool for me
After installing:
$ npm install -g firebase-tools
$ firebase init
-bash: firebase: command not found
"If you are getting the above output then follow the below steps:"
For Windows Users:
type this cmd :
$ npm get prefix
C:\Users\Jeet\AppData\Roaming\npm [this is the location]
Now you have to set in enviorenment variable -> (windows+r) -> sysdm.cpl -> Advanced(tab) -> Environment Variables
-> under the System Variables -> click on path -> edit -> C:\Users\Jeet\AppData\Roaming\npm [paste] the above location -> apply - ok - ok.
Restart your bash terminal
For Mac OS Sierra:
$ sudo npm install -g firebase-tools
To stop other Node process use $ ps aux | grep node
If needed to upgrade or install emulator - $ npm install -g #google-cloud/functions-emulator
Ready to go $ firebase --version
For anyone using MacOS Catalina 10.15.2 getting the bash PATH variable fixed the issue for me.
npm get prefix
Then run:
export PATH=/Users/userid/.npm-global/bin:$PATH
Note: I recently upgraded from my old High Sierra MacBook Pro, and was confused as well.
For anyone using nvm the error could arise because you are on a different nvm version than you were on when you first installed firebase tools globally. That's what it was for me. When I restarted webstorm nvm switched to a different version.
Run nvm list to check the version you are on and run nvm use x.x.x to switch to the right version where you installed firebase tools originally.
This worked for me on Mac (same thing the others have been posting above, just for Mac):
go to your home folder in Finder (named after your user name, in my case "macbook")
press cmd+shift+dot (will reveal hidden files)
go the .npm-global/bin folder and copy its path (Finder menu -> View -> Show Path Bar, right click on the bin folder in the path bar -> "Copy 'bin' as Pathname")
open Terminal (by default the home folder) and go nano ~/.bash_profile
at the top of the file add export PATH="<cmd+v>:$PATH" (will look similar to this: export PATH="/Users/macbook/.npm-global/bin:$PATH")
save .bash_profile changes and restart Terminal, firebase command should work now
if you installing firebase-tools using
yarn global add firebase-tools
i got same error then i got answer and execute this
export PATH="$(yarn global bin):$PATH"
and then i can do firebase login pretty well
I am on Linux and installing the package with admin privileges resolved the problem:
sudo npm i -g firebase-tools
Simply reinstall node.js. This worked for me and fire command was recognized.
You forgot sudo type this
sudo npm install -g firebase-tools
problem solved.
I know most answers work for all generic 'command not found' errors. Basically by manually setting PATH variable but there's an easier way for this specific problem relating 'firebase command not found':
Try this cURL command and it will fix this issue for good and will minimise any user errors.
Install the Firebase CLI using the automatic install script
Run the following cURL command (Mac or Windows):
curl -sL https://firebase.tools | bash
Source: https://firebase.google.com/docs/cli#install-cli-windows, https://firebase.google.com/docs/cli#install-cli-mac-linux
This is for updated mac mac Os Catalina(10.15.1+) & on zsh.
Go to Terminal (vim .zprofile)
add this export PATH="/Users/Your Username/.npm-global/bin:$PATH"
Works for me!
Faced the same issue, am a newbie backend guy.
Used npm install firebase-tools
It doesn't install and you can't run.
I tried looking at the forums and here's what worked for me:
sudo npm install -g firebase-tools.
Then it asks for Permissions when you firebase login.
Am using Ubuntu.
After trying pretty much everything, only one worked for me (I'm on MacOs Catalina):
Try the following in your terminal:
curl -sL https://firebase.tools | bash
This will check the OS of your machine and then install everything else automatically and properly.
The command is from the official Firebase Documentation.
After installing
$ npm install -g firebase-tools
Note the directory where it istalled What I did was locate the directory where firebase was installed. In my case C:\usr\local then I copied the three firebase files. I also went into the node_modules folder and copied the firebase tools folder. Then I went to my app directory in file manager and pasted the firebase files, then created a new node_modules folder and pasted the firebase-tools folder.
Now go to your cmd and run
$ firebase init
It should work
I tried a lot of things from here and from other forums, but what ended up working for me (and this is more of a work-around) was to download the binary and then open it and it set up all the firebase stuff for me.
However, I found that if I moved it after opening it once, it did not work. So first move it to wherever you want to leave it and then run the .exe.
This allowed me to skip configuring the PATH variable which was nice.
I'm on a Windows 10 Pro Education. Hope this helps someone who has a similar struggle.
Adding to Durul Dalkanat's answer,
Assuming you have executed npm install firebase-tools -g
Firstly get the output of the command of npm get prefix.
Open .bashrc file which is in the home directory and add alias <output of npm get prefix>/bin/firebase at the end of the file.
Run source .bashrc in the home directory.
The alias of firebase will be the actual firebase path in the main system and this solution should work flawlessly.
if you're windows 8 user, one possible solution is to put the PATH in environment variables manualy...
On the Windows desktop, right-click My Computer.
In the pop-up menu, click Properties.
In the System Properties window, click the Advanced tab, and then click Environment Variables.
In the System Variables window, highlight Path, and click Edit.
In the Edit System Variables window, insert the cursor at the end of the Variable value field.
If the last character is not a semi-colon (;), add one.
After the final semi-colon, type the full path to the file you want to find.
For me it was: C:\Users\ 'username' \AppData\Roaming\npm
To get your path put this string in you command line:
$ npm get prefix
Click OK in each open window
I tried all the answers above, other SO answers, and GitHub answers but nothing worked. The only thing that worked for me was to save whatever was inside my index.js file temporarily somewhere else, delete the entire cloud functions folder, then reinstall and start everything from the very beginning.
After many hours trying everything the only thing what helped (on windows) was downloading and installing node again.
I found a solution.
npm i express firebase-tools
If you are admin on your PC, installing firebase and firebase-tools with -g flag should resolve the issue (the path will added to the global PATH variable) but if you are an admin, you may have to add that path yourself.
Seeking help from one of the top answer, issue this command will return the path where firebase is installed
npm config get prefix /bin/firebase
In my case the following is returned.
Copy that path (from first line) and visit this page on how to update path variable (Window + x then visit systems > Advance Settings). Here add a new entry in path and past that path there. Firebase command should work from command prompt every time without the use of alias required.

How to put psql on the path when using Postgres.app on OS X?

I've installed Postgres93 on my Mac. I can open the application, and "Open psql" through the app which opens up a command line interface with psql.
However, when I type $ which psql nothing is returned. The installation path is /Applications/Postgres93.app. How do I make $ which psql show the correct result?
Mac OS X - Mavericks
PostgreSQL package, I'm not as sure about. I went here and downloaded it - http://postgresapp.com/
I just had postgres installed and was not able to run the psql command until I ran the following command in my terminal:
export PATH="/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/9.5/bin:$PATH"
Now the terminal knows where to find postgres when I use the psql command.
Remember to replace the version number '9.5' with your current version.
I had the same problem with nothing showing for the which psql command till I run the command below to resolve it. The command provided below is just a little tweak of what has already been provided by others here. The only difference is, instead of providing a specific postgres version number in the command, you can simply tell postgres to use the latest postgres version by simply running the following command:
And now my terminal was able to find the path to postgres when I run which psql.
Hope this helps.
On macOS Mojave these instructions work well:
If your Postgres has not been installed yet, I suggest you use the great "brew" package manager from here https://brew.sh/ :
$ brew cask install postgres
or you can install it usual way from the website
Put this to the bottom of your ~/.bash_profile file:
export PATH="/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/latest/bin:${PATH}"
Restart your terminal or restart your ~/.bash_profile directly with the command:
$ . ~/.bash_profile
Verify your installation:
$ psql --version
** Edited: to include a permanent fix, not just during your current session. **
I had this same problem, and also found a clear answer lacking in the docs.
To fix:
Download the new app, and follow the instructions to move it to the Applications folder
Add the new bundle to your path by typing the following in your Terminal (version number specific - mine is 9.4):
To fix the issue on a permanent basis, run the same line but with export in front:
export PATH="/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/9.4/bin:$PATH"
It appears that you installed Heroku's Postgres.app, which is a tool intended for throw-away testing and development. Add the contents of the bundle to your PATH by following the instructions in the Postgres.app documentation - see "command line tools".
On macos mojave i've added the following line on my ~/.profile :
export PATH=$PATH:/Library/PostgreSQL/10/bin
the psql command line client lies into this folder. i've used the enterprisedb installer.
I just experienced the same problem, and solved it by adding export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/9.4/bin to .bash_profile. Note that this line is version-specific, so be sure to check this line against your current version of Postgres.app.
Using Mac OS Monterey, the latest Homebrew (3.4.0) and postgres#13.
I was able to add psql to the path by using -
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/Cellar/postgresql#13/13.6/bin:$PATH"
Replace #13 and 13.6 with your version.
The latest homebrew install location seems to be /opt/homebrew/*
I'm using catalina 10.15.3 and I had the same issue after installing psql using homebrew. Then I noticed, homebrew mentioned
==> libpq
libpq is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local,
because conflicts with postgres formula.
If you need to have libpq first in your PATH run:
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/libpq/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
So, I ran 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/libpq/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile and psql was added to my path
In Mac, there is a SQL Shell application already under /Applications/PostgresSQL
try that
Also, you can run /Library/PostgreSQL/11/scripts/runpsql.sh
In my case, I installed Postgres12 and had the same issue. I had to look out for the location of my bin folder. It happened to be in /Applications/2ndQuadrant/PostgreSQL/12/bin. So I had to run export PATH="/Applications/2ndQuadrant/PostgreSQL/12/bin:$PATH" in my terminal and restart the terminal. That solved it.

Git and Terminal Commands not Working in Mavericks

I have two problems:
Git is not working although it is installed. Mavericks pops up a window and suggests to install Xcode (I don't want to): "The 'git' command requires the command line developer tools. Would you like to install it now?"
Sometimes even basic commands such as "ls" don't work. "-bash: ls: command not found". However, after inserting the command " . /etc/profile" it works for a while.
My ~/.bash_profile:
export PATH=/usr/local/git/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/usr/local/mongodb/bin
### Added by the Heroku Toolbelt
export PATH="/usr/local/heroku/bin:$PATH"
I'm very new to this. Please be aware while helping out.;) Your help is highly appreciated.
You are overwriting your PATH in this line:
export PATH=/usr/local/mongodb/bin
it should be:
export PATH=/usr/local/mongodb/bin:$PATH
Then if you are using OSX I strongly suggest that you use Homebrew http://brew.sh/ which is a package manager (like linux) for mac.
If you are developing on Mac, the command line tools are (almost) required for C/C++/ObjC dev. You can download them without XCode but it is not recommended. Homebrew will need them to build the software for your platform.
To download them go to https://developer.apple.com/downloads/index.action
Note, you'll need a developer account (it is free)
Once you have installed homebrew it is easy to have access to the latest software e.g:
brew install git
brew install mongodb
You don't have to manage and download the packages by hand. Very handy !
export PATH=/usr/local/git/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/usr/local/mongodb/bin
That second export overwrites PATH completely and sets it to the mongodb directory only. You need to append (or prepend) to PATH, not overwrite it.
export PATH="/usr/local/git/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="/usr/local/mongodb/bin:$PATH"
