Cannot access to spring boot admin from gateway - spring

I cannot access to my microservice spring admin dashboard from my gateway, but it works from the direct link (spring-dashboard) link .
The problem appear with the new version of spring boot admin dashboard , it looks like a Cors origin problem :
Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://localhost:9091/applications' from origin 'http://localhost:8083' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Capture of Spring dashboard from gateway
Capture of Spring dashboard from it's own link
Project Link :
Any idea?

If using Chrome, Try adding either extension:
Allow CORS - Chrome , Allow CORS - Chrome
If you don't want to add extension to Chrome , you can open Chrome via console (you should close all the Chrome windows first):
chrome.exe --user-data-dir="C:/Chrome dev session" --disable-web-security
If using Firefox, Try adding add-on : Allow CORS - Firefox
If you want to fix it in code, You need to add below configuration :
public WebMvcConfigurer corsConfigurer() {
return new WebMvcConfigurer() {
public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {
Check the Spring Docs : Here

You will be getting some UI related errors in browser console/network tab. For accessing spring boot admin via zuul, you need to specify property spring.boot.admin.ui.public-url , the value of the property will be your zuul host.
Checkout this for more details.

You must migrate your project to Spring Cloud Gateway.
The following Spring Cloud Netflix modules and corresponding starters will be placed into maintenance mode:
More information in this link:
You must follow this example:
Good luck


working in the same machine with ReactApp at port 3000, Spring boot war deployed on Tomcat9 at port 8090 but CORS blocked from another machine

In a single machine named mbc the React app at port 3000 running using pm2, the backend Spring boot application demo.war file deployed on Tomcat 9 at port 8099. In the same machine with firefox browser it is working as expected.
But I am facing the problem when from another machine with the firefox browser http://mbc:3000 the UI opens and the fetch call to the backend Spring boot App the sent option call
ends in the CORS blocked. The OPTIONS request returns with CORS blocked. I am not using any Security such as Spring Security. The application is simple proof of concept application using Spring boot and JPA. Kindly guide me how to sort it out. Is this indicates network issue or any other settings to be done at backend server
(1) at each controller #CrossOrigin annotation
(2) at the spring boot application file
public WebMvcConfigurer corsConfigurer() {
return new WebMvcConfigurerAdapter() {
public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {
(3) I am not using spring security
(4) In my windows machine at the etc file in the host file added the entry for ipaddress mbc. Here the mbc is the name of the host.

heroku app asks for sign in without me enabling it

I am making a spring application deployed on Heroku. However when I go to the url ( I get asked to provide my username and password, even when I didnt put that in my code anywhere. I tried to add the following to my code:
protected void configure(HttpSecurity security) throws Exception {
however when I make a request using postman I now get a 403 forbidden error.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
You must have added Spring security in your project and as soon as you include spring security in your application it automatically protects your whole application, so in order to access the pages without login you need to configure it, you can use AntMatcher("/endpoint").permitAll();
something like this to configure it and the default username is user and password is generated at the start of the application.
You should probably go through the basics of spring security in order to understand it properly. Follow this video spring security to get ht e insight.

Spring Security OAuth2 client with authorization_code grant - How to handle token request?

I am building a Spring Boot application using version 2.3.4 with spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client and spring-boot-starter-security dependencies.
I am trying to implement the JIRA Tempo plugin OAuth support.
I have it partially working using the following properties:<the-client-id><the-client-secret>
and this config:
public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.authorizeRequests(expressionInterceptUrlRegistry -> expressionInterceptUrlRegistry.anyRequest().authenticated())
When I access http://localhost:8080, it redirects to JIRA/Tempo and shows the approval dialog there to grant access to the Tempo data for my application. I can grant access, but after that, it just redirects again to that page instead of showing my own application.
With debugging, I noticed that there is a redirect to http://localhost:8080/?code=.... but Spring Security is not handling that. What else do I need to configure?
I also tried to set some breakpoints in DefaultAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient, but they are never hit.
I changed the redirect-uri to be:{baseUrl}/{action}/oauth2/code/{registrationId}
(and I changed the Redirect URIs setting in Tempo to http://localhost:8080/login/oauth2/code/tempo).
This now redirects back to my localhost, but it fails with authorization_request_not_found.
The reason for the authorization_request_not_found seems to be mismatch in HttpSessionOAuth2AuthorizationRequestRepository.removeAuthorizationRequest(HttpServletRequest request) between what is in the authorizationRequests and the stateParameters.
Note how one ends with = and the other with %3D, which makes them not match. It is probably no coincidence that the URL encoding of = is %3D. It is unclear to me if this is something that is a Spring Security problem, or a problem of the Tempo resource server, or still a misconfiguration on my part.
The redirect-uri property should not point to the root of your application, but to the processing filter, where the code after redirect is processed.
Best practice for you would be to leave the redirect-uri alone for the time being. Then it will default to /login/oauth2/code/* and this Url is handled by

CORS on Webjars in Spring Boot?

I'm using Spring Boot 1.4.0.M2 and Spring 4.3.0.RC1, trying to enable CORS support in a simple app. I have this added:
public WebMvcConfigurer webMvcConfigurerAdapter() {
return new WebMvcConfigurerAdapter() {
public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {
I also have webjars pulled in through Gradle, such as:
The CORS support works fine with my REST API (via #RestController), but somehow it doesn't seem to work when accessing my webjars. For example (UPDATE: less confusing example), requesting:
gets a response with the correct content but lacking the expected CORS headers, which of course defeats any actual CORS request. I can't figure out why that would be an exception to the /** mapping. How do I fix it?
JavaScript doesn't need cors configuration . In other words, you can access JavaScript resources from a site which doesn't enable cors.
From wiki site, we can obvious know that a website can freely embed images, stylesheets, scripts, iframes, videos and some plugin content (such as Adobe Flash) from any other domain. So even if you are enabling CORS on your website, but your resource is javascript, so the request does not add CORS header.
Your code snippet copied from documentation is just a sample of showing how to enable CROS in a quick way. This code snippet is not complete. Using this will mess up what WebMvcAutoConfigurationAdapter provided for you.

Spring Security Oauth2 SSO with Zuul Proxy

I'm modifying the oauth2-vanilla sample from Springs excellent security tutorials. The oauth2-vanilla combines the Zuul Proxy and the UI into a single application. I would like to seperate the Zuul Proxy and the UI. (The Zuul Proxy should act as an API gateway and as a reverse proxy for several UIs).
When accessing the UI via the zuul proxy, it should be able to do SSO based on Oauth2 between the UI and the resource backend.
The oauth2-vanilla looks like this
Where I want to move to something like this :
I've removed the UI part from the gateway, and added a zuul route for the ui
url: http://localhost:9000
url: http://localhost:9999/uaa/user
url: http://localhost:8080
I created a new UI webapp containing the UI (Angular stuff) with an #EnableOAuth2Sso annotation.
So I'm accessing the UI via http://localhost:8888 (through the zuul proxy).
After authenticating and doing through the UI flow, I can access the /user endpoint that returns me the user. (During debugging, I see that when I access the /user endpoint that I have an HTTP Session with an OAuth2Authentication.
When I access the /resource endpoint however, the HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository cannot find a session and is unable to build a context with the OAuth2Authentication.
I've created a git repository with the modified sample.
I'm guessing there is something wrong with the gateway configuration.
I've tried changing cookie paths, changing HttpSecurity rules in the proxy but I cannot get it to work.
What I don't understand is why the UI, when accessed through the proxy is able to resolve the /user endpoint fine (with an HTTP session and a OAuth2Authentication), but it is unable to access the /resource endpoint.
Also, as the UI is now running in the /ui context, it seems that I need to have the following code in the gateway for it to load up the angular css / js files.
.antMatchers("/ui/index.html", "/ui/home.html", "ui/css/**", "/ui/js/**").permitAll().anyRequest().authenticated();
It also doesn't seem right that I need to prefix it with the zuul ui route.
Any help would be appreciated.
I was never able to get the #EnableOauthSso to work. Instead, I annotated as an #EnableResourceServer and created a security config for Zuul.
public class JwtSecurityConfig extends ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter {
public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
