In my App memory graph, there are instances of dispatch_group leaked but I don't use that technology explicitly. Any possible suggestion? - cocoa

In my macOS App with Mixed Objective-C/Swift, in the Xcode memory graph, there are instances of dispatch_group leaked:
I am a bit familiar with GCD and I use it in my project, but I don't use dispatch_groups explicitly in my code. I have thought that it could be some indirect usage of it when I call other GCD APIs like dispatch_async. I was wondering if there is somebody that can help me track this issue. Thanks for your attention.

In order to diagnose this, you want to know (a) what is keeping a strong reference to them; and (b) where these objects were instantiated. Unfortunately, unlike many objects, dispatch groups might not tell you much about the former (though your memory addresses suggest that there might be some object keeping a reference to them), but we can use the “Malloc Stack” feature to answer the latter.
So, edit your scheme (“Product” » “Scheme” » “Edit Scheme” or press command-<) and temporarily turn on this feature:
You can then click on the object in question and the panel on the right might show you illuminating stack information about where the object was allocated:
Now, in this case, in viewDidLoad I manually instantiated six dispatch groups, performed an enter, but not a leave, which is why these objects are still in memory. This is a common source of dispatch groups lingering in memory.
As you look at the stack trace, focus first on entries in your codebase (in white, rather than gray, in the stack trace). And if you click on your code in the stack trace, it will even jump you to the relevant line of code. But even if it is not in your code, often the stack trace will give you insights where these dispatch groups were created, and you can start your research there.
And remember, when you are done with your diagnostics, make sure to turn off the “Malloc Stack” feature.


How can I determine what objects ARC is retaining using Instruments or viewing assembly?

This question is not about finding out who retained a particular object but rather looking at a section of code that appears from the profiler to have excessive retain/release calls and figuring out which objects are responsible.
I have a Swift application that after initial porting was spending 90% of its time in retain/release code. After a great deal of restructuring to avoid referencing objects I have gotten that down to about 25% - but this remaining bit is very hard to attribute. I can see that a given chunk of it is coming from a given section of code using the profiler, but sometimes I cannot see anything in that code that should (to my understanding) be causing a retain/release. I have spent time viewing the assembly code in both Instruments (with the side-by-side view when it's working) and also the output of otool -tvV and sometimes the proximity of the retain/release calls to a recognizable section give me a hint as to what is going on. I have even inserted dummy method calls at places just to give me a better handle on where I am in the code and turned off optimization to limit code reordering, etc. But in many cases it seems like I would have to trace the code back to follow branches and figure out what is on the stack in order to understand the calls and I am not familiar enough with x86 to know know if that is practical. (I will add a couple of screenshots of the assembly view in Instruments and some otool output for reference below).
My question is - what else can I be doing to debug / examine / attribute these seemingly excessive retain/release calls to particular code? Is there something else I can do in Instruments to count these calls? I have played around with the allocation view and turned on the reference counting option but it didn't seem to give me any new information (I'm not actually sure what it did). Alternately, if I just try harder to interpret the assembly should I be able to figure out what objects are being retained by it? Are there any other tools or tricks I should know on that front?
EDIT: Rob's info below about single stepping into the assembly was what I was looking for. I also found it useful to set a symbolic breakpoint in XCode on the lib retain/release calls and log the item on the stack (using Rob's suggested "p (id)$rdi") to the console in order to get a rough count of how many calls are being made rather than inspect each one.
You should definitely focus on the assembly output. There are two views I find most useful: the Instruments view, and the Assembly assistant editor. The problem is that Swift doesn't support the Assembly assistant editor currently (I typically do this kind of thing in ObjC), so we come around to your complaint.
It looks like you're already working with the debug assembly view, which gives somewhat decent symbols and is useful because you can step through the code and hopefully see how it maps to the assembly. I also find Hopper useful, because it can give more symbols. Once you have enough "unique-ish" function calls in an area, you can usually start narrowing down how the assembly maps back to the source.
The other tool I use is to step into the retain bridge and see what object is being passed. To do this, instruction-step (^F7) into the call to swift_bridgeObjectRetain. At that point, you can call:
p (id)$rdi
And it should print out at least some type information about the what's being passed ($rdi is correct on x86_64 which is what you seem to be working with). I don't always have great luck extracting more information. It depends on exactly is in there. For example, sometimes it's a ContiguousArrayStorage<Swift.CVarArgType>, and I happen to have learned that usually means it's an NSArray. I'm sure better experts in LLDB could dig deeper, but this usually gets me at least in the right ballpark.
(BTW, I don't know why I can't call p (id)$rdi before jumping inside bridgeObjectRetain, but it gives strange type errors for me. I have to go into the function call.)
Wish I had more. The Swift tool chain just hasn't caught up to where the ObjC tool chain is for tracing this kind of stuff IMO.

What kind of memory leaks XCode Analyzer may not notice?

I'm afraid that asking this question may result in some downvotes, but after making some not satisfying research I decided to take a risk and ask more experienced people...
There are many questions here referring to some specific problems connected with the XCode Analayzer Tool. It seems to be very helpful solution. But I would like to ask you - as a beginner in iOS world - what kind of memory management stuff cannot be noticed by this tool.
In other words, are there any common memory management aspects, about which the iOS beginners should think "Oh, be careful with that, because in this case XCode Analyzer may not warn you about your mistake"...
For instance, I've found here Why cannot XCode static analyzer detect un-released retained properties? that:
(...)the analyzer can't reliably detect retain/release issues across
method/library boundaries(...)
It sounds like a good hint to consider, but maybe you know about some other common issues...
The analyzer is very good at finding the routine leaks that plague new programmers writing non-ARC code (failures to call release, returning objects of the wrong retain count, etc.).
In my experience, there are a couple of types of memory issues it does not find:
It cannot generally identify strong reference cycles (a.k.a. retain cycles). For example, you add a repeating NSTimer to a view controller, unaware that the timer maintains a strong reference to the view controller, and if you don't invalidate the timer (or do it in the wrong place, such as the dealloc method), neither the view controller nor the timer will get released.
It cannot find circular logic errors. For example, if you have some circular references where view controller A presents view controller B, which in turn presents a new copy of A (rather than dismissing/popping to get back to A).
It cannot find many non-reference counting memory issues. While it's getting better in dealing with Core Foundation functions, if you have code that is doing manual memory allocations (such as via malloc and free), the static analyzer may be of limited use. The same is true whenever you're using non-reference counting code (e.g. you use SQLite sqlite3_prepare_v2 and fail to call sqlite3_finalize).
I'm sure that's not a complete list of what it doesn't find, but those are the common issues I see asked about on Stack Overflow for which the static analyzer will be of limited help. But the analyzer is still a wonderful tool (it finds issues other than memory issues, too) and for those individuals not using ARC, it's invaluable.
Having said that, while the static analyzer is an under-appreciated first line of defense, you really should use Instruments to find leaks. See Locating Memory Issues in Your App in the Instruments User Guide. That's the best way to identify leaks.

How to use DoEvents() without being "evil"?

A simple search for DoEvents brings up lots of results that lead, basically, to:
DoEvents is evil. Don't use it. Use threading instead.
The reasons generally cited are:
Re-entrancy issues
Poor performance
Usability issues (e.g. drag/drop over a disabled window)
But some notable Win32 functions such as TrackPopupMenu and DoDragDrop perform their own message processing to keep the UI responsive, just like DoEvents does.
And yet, none of these seem to come across these issues (performance, re-entrancy, etc.).
How do they do it? How do they avoid the problems cited with DoEvents? (Or do they?)
DoEvents() is dangerous. But I bet you do lots of dangerous things every day. Just yesterday I set off a few explosive devices (future readers: note the original post date relative to a certain American holiday). With care, we can sometimes account for the dangers. Of course, that means knowing and understanding what the dangers are:
Re-entry issues. There are actually two dangers here:
Part of the problem here has to do with the call stack. If you call .DoEvents() in a loop that itself handles messages that use DoEvents(), and so on, you're getting a pretty deep call stack. It's easy to over-use DoEvents() and accidentally fill up your call stack, resulting in a StackOverflow exception. If you're only using .DoEvents() in one or two places, you're probably okay. If it's the first tool you reach for whenever you have a long-running process, you can easily find yourself in trouble here. Even one use in the wrong place can make it possible for a user to force a stackoverflow exception (sometimes just by holding down the enter key), and that can be a security issue.
It is sometimes possible to find your same method on the call stack twice. If you didn't build the method with this in mind (hint: you probably didn't) then bad things can happen. If everything passed in to the method is a value type, and there is no dependance on things outside of the method, you might be fine. But otherwise, you need to think carefully about what happens if your entire method were to run again before control is returned to you at the point where .DoEvents() is called. What parameters or resources outside of your method might be modified that you did not expect? Does your method change any objects, where both instances on the stack might be acting on the same object?
Performance Issues. DoEvents() can give the illusion of multi-threading, but it's not real mutlithreading. This has at least three real dangers:
When you call DoEvents(), you are giving control on your existing thread back to the message pump. The message pump might in turn give control to something else, and that something else might take a while. The result is that your original operation could take much longer to finish than if it were in a thread by itself that never yields control, definitely longer than it needs.
Duplication of work. Since it's possible to find yourself running the same method twice, and we already know this method is expensive/long-running (or you wouldn't need DoEvents() in the first place), even if you accounted for all the external dependencies mentioned above so there are no adverse side effects, you may still end up duplicating a lot of work.
The other issue is the extreme version of the first: a potential to deadlock. If something else in your program depends on your process finishing, and will block until it does, and that thing is called by the message pump from DoEvents(), your app will get stuck and become unresponsive. This may sound far-fetched, but in practice it's surprisingly easy to do accidentally, and the crashes are very hard to find and debug later. This is at the root of some of the hung app situations you may have experienced on your own computer.
Usability Issues. These are side-effects that result from not properly accounting for the other dangers. There's nothing new here, as long as you looked in other places appropriately.
If you can be sure you accounted for all these things, then go ahead. But really, if DoEvents() is the first place you look to solve UI responsiveness/updating issues, you're probably not accounting for all of those issues correctly. If it's not the first place you look, there are enough other options that I would question how you made it to considering DoEvents() at all. Today, DoEvents() exists mainly for compatibility with older code that came into being before other credible options where available, and as a crutch for newer programmers who haven't yet gained enough experience for exposure to the other options.
The reality is that most of the time, at least in the .Net world, a BackgroundWorker component is nearly as easy, at least once you've done it once or twice, and it will do the job in a safe way. More recently, the async/await pattern or the use of a Task can be much more effective and safe, without needing to delve into full-blown multi-threaded code on your own.
Back in 16-bit Windows days, when every task shared a single thread, the only way to keep a program responsive within a tight loop was DoEvents. It is this non-modal usage that is discouraged in favor of threads. Here's a typical example:
' Process image
For y = 1 To height
For x = 1 to width
ProcessPixel x, y
End For
DoEvents ' <-- DON'T DO THIS -- just put the whole loop in another thread
End For
For modal things (like tracking a popup), it is likely to still be OK.
I may be wrong, but it seems to me that DoDragDrop and TrackPopupMenu are rather special cases, in that they take over the UI, so don't have the reentrancy problem (which I think is the main reason people describe DoEvents as "Evil").
Personally I don't think it's helpful to dismiss a feature as "Evil" - rather explain the pitfalls so that people can decide for themselves. In the case of DoEvents there are rare cases where it's still reasonable to use it, for example while a modal progress dialog is displayed, where the user can't interact with the rest of the UI so there is no re-entrancy issue.
Of course, if by "Evil" you mean "something you shouldn't use without fully understanding the pitfalls", then I agree that DoEvents is evil.

Extending functionality of existing program I don't have source for

I'm working on a third-party program that aggregates data from a bunch of different, existing Windows programs. Each program has a mechanism for exporting the data via the GUI. The most brain-dead approach would have me generate extracts by using AutoIt or some other GUI manipulation program to generate the extractions via the GUI. The problem with this is that people might be interacting with the computer when, suddenly, some automated program takes over. That's no good. What I really want to do is somehow have a program run once a day and silently (i.e. without popping up any GUIs) export the data from each program.
My research is telling me that I need to hook each application (assume these applications are always running) and inject a custom DLL to trigger each export. Am I remotely close to being on the right track? I'm a fairly experienced software dev, but I don't know a whole lot about reverse engineering or hooking. Any advice or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: I'm trying to manage the availability of a certain type of professional. Their schedules are stored in proprietary systems. With their permission, I want to install an app on their system that extracts their schedule from whichever system they are using and uploads the information to a central server so that I can present that information to potential clients.
I am aware of four ways of extracting the information you want, both with their advantages and disadvantages. Before you do anything, you need to be aware that any solution you create is not guaranteed and in fact very unlikely to continue working should the target application ever update. The reason is that in each case, you are relying on an implementation detail instead of a pre-defined interface through which to export your data.
Hooking the GUI
The first way is to hook the GUI as you have suggested. What you are doing in this case is simply reading off from what an actual user would see. This is in general easier, since you are hooking the WinAPI which is clearly defined. One danger is that what the program displays is inconsistent or incomplete in comparison to the internal data it is supposed to be representing.
Typically, there are two common ways to perform WinAPI hooking:
DLL Injection. You create a DLL which you load into the other program's virtual address space. This means that you have read/write access (writable access can be gained with VirtualProtect) to the target's entire memory. From here you can trampoline the functions which are called to set UI information. For example, to check if a window has changed its text, you might trampoline the SetWindowText function. Note every control has different interfaces used to set what they are displaying. In this case, you are hooking the functions called by the code to set the display.
SetWindowsHookEx. Under the covers, this works similarly to DLL injection and in this case is really just another method for you to extend/subvert the control flow of messages received by controls. What you want to do in this case is hook the window procedures of each child control. For example, when an item is added to a ComboBox, it would receive a CB_ADDSTRING message. In this case, you are hooking the messages that are received when the display changes.
One caveat with this approach is that it will only work if the target is using or extending WinAPI controls.
Reading from the GUI
Instead of hooking the GUI, you can alternatively use WinAPI to read directly from the target windows. However, in some cases this may not be allowed. There is not much to do in this case but to try and see if it works. This may in fact be the easiest approach. Typically, you will send messages such as WM_GETTEXT to query the target window for what it is currently displaying. To do this, you will need to obtain the exact window hierarchy containing the control you are interested in. For example, say you want to read an edit control, you will need to see what parent window/s are above it in the window hierarchy in order to obtain its window handle.
Reading from memory (Advanced)
This approach is by far the most complicated but if you are able to fully reverse engineer the target program, it is the most likely to get you consistent data. This approach works by you reading the memory from the target process. This technique is very commonly used in game hacking to add 'functionality' and to observe the internal state of the game.
Consider that as well as storing information in the GUI, programs often hold their own internal model of all the data. This is especially true when the controls used are virtual and simply query subsets of the data to be displayed. This is an example of a situation where the first two approaches would not be of much use. This data is often held in some sort of abstract data type such as a list or perhaps even an array. The trick is to find this list in memory and read the values off directly. This can be done externally with ReadProcessMemory or internally through DLL injection again. The difficulty lies mainly in two prerequisites:
Firstly, you must be able to reliably locate these data structures. The problem with this is that code is not guaranteed to be in the same place, especially with features such as ASLR. Colloquially, this is sometimes referred to as code-shifting. ASLR can be defeated by using the offset from a module base and dynamically getting the module base address with functions such as GetModuleHandle. As well as ASLR, a reason that this occurs is due to dynamic memory allocation (e.g. through malloc). In such cases, you will need to find a heap address storing the pointer (which would for example be the return of malloc), dereference that and find your list. That pointer would be prone to ASLR and instead of a pointer, it might be a double-pointer, triple-pointer, etc.
The second problem you face is that it would be rare for each list item to be a primitive type. For example, instead of a list of character arrays (strings), it is likely that you will be faced with a list of objects. You would need to further reverse engineer each object type and understand internal layouts (at least be able to determine offsets of primitive values you are interested in in terms of its offset from the object base). More advanced methods revolve around actually reverse engineering the vtable of objects and calling their 'API'.
You might notice that I am not able to give information here which is specific. The reason is that by its nature, using this method requires an intimate understanding of the target's internals and as such, the specifics are defined only by how the target has been programmed. Unless you have knowledge and experience of reverse engineering, it is unlikely you would want to go down this route.
Hooking the target's internal API (Advanced)
As with the above solution, instead of digging for data structures, you dig for the internal API. I briefly covered this with when discussing vtables earlier. Instead of doing this, you would be attempting to find internal APIs that are called when the GUI is modified. Typically, when a view/UI is modified, instead of directly calling the WinAPI to update it, a program will have its own wrapper function which it calls which in turn calls the WinAPI. You simply need to find this function and hook it. Again this is possible, but requires reverse engineering skills. You may find that you discover functions which you want to call yourself. In this case, as well as being able to locate the location of the function, you have to reverse engineer the parameters it takes, its calling convention and you will need to ensure calling the function has no side effects.
I would consider this approach to be advanced. It can certainly be done and is another common technique used in game hacking to observe internal states and to manipulate a target's behaviour, but is difficult!
The first two methods are well suited for reading data from WinAPI programs and are by far easier. The two latter methods allow greater flexibility. With enough work, you are able to read anything and everything encapsulated by the target but requires a lot of skill.
Another point of concern which may or may not relate to your case is how easy it will be to update your solution to work should the target every be updated. With the first two methods, it is more likely no changes or small changes have to be made. With the second two methods, even a small change in source code can cause a relocation of the offsets you are relying upon. One method of dealing with this is to use byte signatures to dynamically generate the offsets. I wrote another answer some time ago which addresses how this is done.
What I have written is only a brief summary of the various techniques that can be used for what you want to achieve. I may have missed approaches, but these are the most common ones I know of and have experience with. Since these are large topics in themselves, I would advise you ask a new question if you want to obtain more detail about any particular one. Note that in all of the approaches I have discussed, none of them suffer from any interaction which is visible to the outside world so you would have no problem with anything popping up. It would be, as you describe, 'silent'.
This is relevant information about detouring/trampolining which I have lifted from a previous answer I wrote:
If you are looking for ways that programs detour execution of other
processes, it is usually through one of two means:
Dynamic (Runtime) Detouring - This is the more common method and is what is used by libraries such as Microsoft Detours. Here is a
relevant paper where the first few bytes of a function are overwritten
to unconditionally branch to the instrumentation.
(Static) Binary Rewriting - This is a much less common method for rootkits, but is used by research projects. It allows detouring to be
performed by statically analysing and overwriting a binary. An old
(not publicly available) package for Windows that performs this is
Etch. This paper gives a high-level view of how it works
Although Detours demonstrates one method of dynamic detouring, there
are countless methods used in the industry, especially in the reverse
engineering and hacking arenas. These include the IAT and breakpoint
methods I mentioned above. To 'point you in the right direction' for
these, you should look at 'research' performed in the fields of
research projects and reverse engineering.

Iterating over WDM device stack

As I understand, one can iterate the device stack of WDM devices only from the bottoms up, because DEVICE_OBJECT has an AttachedDevice member (but not a LowerDevice member). Luckily, the AddDevice callback receives the PhysicalDeviceObject so you can iterate over the entire stack.
From within my filter driver I'm trying to determine whether I'm already filtering a certain device object. (Let's say I have a legit reason for this. Bear with me.) My idea was to go over every DEVICE_OBJECT in the stack and compare its DriverObject member to mine.
Judging from the existence of IoGetAttachedDeviceReference, I assume just accessing AttachedDevice isn't a safe thing to do, for the risk of the device suddenly going away. However, IoGetAttachedDeviceReference brings me straight to the top of the stack, which is no good for me.
So, is there a safe way to iterate over a device stack?
Correct, you can't safely walk the AttachedDevice chain unless you can somehow guarantee that the stack will not be torn down (e.g. if you have an active file object referencing the stack). On Win2K this is pretty much your only option.
On XP and later, the preferred method is actually to walk from the top of the stack down. You can do this by calling IoGetAttachedDeviceReference and then calling IoGetLowerDeviceObject.
