enum value defined in hex grows and turns into negative value - enums

I'm maintaining a project which contains following enum type definition. enum values are used in
a combobox.
Why this enum type is defined in hex like this, for performance improvement?
xxxxx920P3 is actually a negative value -2147483648 and xxxxx920P2 is positive, it causes the conditional code to fail.The next value will be twice bigger as the xxxxx920P3, so any alternative solution for this enum definition rule? thanks.
It is a QT c++ project. Can I define a enum type to ULONGLONG?
enum Version
xxxxx = 0x00000000,
xxxxx400 = 0x00000001,
xxxxx401 = 0x00000002,
xxxxx410 = 0x00000004,
xxxxx411 = 0x00000008,
xxxxx412 = 0x00000010,
xxxxx420 = 0x00000020,
xxxxx430 = 0x00000040,
xxxxx431 = 0x00000080,
xxxxx432 = 0x00000100,
xxxxx440 = 0x00000200,
xxxxx500 = 0x00000400,
xxxxx510 = 0x00000800,
xxxxx520 = 0x00001000,
xxxxx521 = 0x00002000,
xxxxx600 = 0x00004000,
xxxxx611 = 0x00008000,
xxxxx620 = 0x00010000,
xxxxx621 = 0x00020000,
xxxxx700 = 0x00040000,
xxxxx910 = 0x00080000,
xxxxx910P5 = 0x00100000,
xxxxx910P6 = 0x00200000,
xxxxx910P11 = 0x00400000,
xxxxx910P12 = 0x00800000,
xxxxx910P13 = 0x01000000,
xxxxx910P14 = 0x02000000,
xxxxx910P15 = 0x04000000,
xxxxx910P16 = 0x08000000,
xxxxx920 = 0x10000000,
xxxxx920P1 = 0x20000000,
xxxxx920P2 = 0x40000000,
xxxxx920P3 = 0x80000000,
Versions newVersions = (Version)mComboBox->itemData(inIndex).toUInt();
if ( newVersions < xxxxx500) //now newVersions is a negative value

In Standard C enumerators have type int and the value must be in range of int. The 0x80000000 is out of range for int, this is a constraint violation that requires a diagnostic.
So what is happening depends on your compiler. The compiler implements an extension of its own devising for enumerators out of range for int. Based on the evidence you posted, the compiler gives that enumerator a value of INT_MIN (a large negative number).
You will have to design your code to take this into account, e.g. have a specific branch of the verstion test for xxxxx920P3.
When an enumeration contains a bunch of one-bit flags it's usually so that they can be combined together, e.g. xxxxx600 | xxxxx700 | xxxxx432 giving the ability to have a single value that represents any sized set of elements.


bpf_prog_test_run() causes unexpected packet data

I try to perform a test run for an XDP BPF program. The BPF program uses the bpf_xdp_adjust_meta() helper, to adjust the meta data.
I tried:
to run bpf_prog_test_run()
to run bpf_prog_test_run_xattr()
1. bpf_prog_test_run()
(The first time I tried my bpf program's debug messages told me that adjusting the data_meta field failed.) Now it can adjust the data_meta, but the iph.ihl field is apparently not set to 5.
2. bpf_prog_test_xattr()
This always returns -1, so something failed.
The Code
struct ipv4_packet pkt_v4 = {
.eth.h_proto = __bpf_constant_htons(ETH_P_IP),
.iph.ihl = 5,
.iph.daddr = __bpf_constant_htonl(33554442),
.iph.saddr = __bpf_constant_htonl(50331658),
.iph.protocol = IPPROTO_TCP,
.iph.tot_len = __bpf_constant_htons(MAGIC_BYTES),
.tcp.urg_ptr = 123,
.tcp.doff = 5,
test attribute:
__u32 size, retval, duration;
char data_out[128];
struct xdp_md ctx_in, ctx_out;
struct bpf_prog_test_run_attr test_attr = {
.prog_fd = prog_fd,
.repeat = 100,
.data_in = &pkt_v4,
.data_size_in = sizeof(&pkt_v4),
.data_out = &data_out,
.data_size_out = sizeof(data_out),
.ctx_in = &ctx_in,
.ctx_size_in = sizeof(ctx_in),
.ctx_out = &ctx_out,
.ctx_size_out = sizeof(ctx_out),
.retval = &retval,
.duration = &duration,
test execution:
bpf_prog_test_run(main_prog_fd, 1, &pkt_v4, sizeof(pkt_v4), &data_out, &size, &retval, &duration) -> iph.ihl field is 0.
bpf_prog_test_run_xattr(&test_attr) -> returns -1.
The program was already successfully attached to the hook point of a real network interface and ran as intended. I just replaced the code that attaches the program to the hook point with the above code for testing.
The struct ipv4_packet pkt_v4 was not packed.
When I replace __packed with __attribute__ ((__packed__)) it works.
For information what happens without packing, see for example this question.
Basically the compiler adds padding bytes which leads to the fields in the packet being in different places than expected.

What the difference between google.protobuf.Any and google.protobuf.Value?

I want th serialize int/int64/double/float/uint32/uint64 into protobuf, which one should I use ? which one is more effective ?
For example :
message Test {
google.protobuf.Any any = 1; // solution 1
google.protobuf.Value value = 2; // solution 2
message Test { // solution 3
oneof Data {
uint32 int_value = 1;
double double_value = 2;
bytes string_value = 3;
In your case, you'd better use oneof.
You can not pack from or unpack to a built-in type, e.g. double, int32, int64, to google.protobuf.Any. Instead, you can only pack from or unpack to a message, i.e. a class derived from google::protobuf::Message.
google.protobuf.Value, in fact, is a wrapper on oneof:
message Value {
// The kind of value.
oneof kind {
// Represents a null value.
NullValue null_value = 1;
// Represents a double value.
double number_value = 2;
// Represents a string value.
string string_value = 3;
// Represents a boolean value.
bool bool_value = 4;
// Represents a structured value.
Struct struct_value = 5;
// Represents a repeated `Value`.
ListValue list_value = 6;
Also from the definition of google.protobuf.Value, you can see, that there's no int32, int64, or unint64 fields, but only a double field. IMHO (correct me, if I'm wrong), you might lose precision if the the integer is very large. Normally, google.protobuf.Value is used with google.protobuf.Struct. Check google/protobuf/struct.proto for detail.

How to fix 'constant x oveflows byte' error in go?

Hello I am trying to make a byte slice with constants but I get the constant x overflows byte error.
Here are my constants:
Starttrame1 = 0x10A
Starttrame2 = 0x10B
Starttrame3 = 0X10C
Starttrame4 = 0X10D
Starttrame5 = 0X10E
Starttrame6 = 0x10F
and here is how I declare my slice:
var startValues = [6]byte{Starttrame1,Starttrame2,Startrame3,Starttrame4,Starttrame5,Starttrame6}
Everytime I build I get the constant 266 overflows byte. How should I declare my constants in order to fix this?
In Go, byte is an alias for uint8, which is the set of all unsigned 8-bit integers (0..255, both inclusive), see Spec: Numeric types. Which means a value of 0x10A = 266 cannot be stored in a value of type byte.
If you need to store those constants, use a different type, e.g. uint16:
const (
Starttrame1 = 0x10A
Starttrame2 = 0x10B
Starttrame3 = 0X10C
Starttrame4 = 0X10D
Starttrame5 = 0X10E
Starttrame6 = 0x10F
var data = [...]uint16{
Starttrame1, Starttrame2, Starttrame3, Starttrame4, Starttrame5, Starttrame6,
Try it on the Go Playground.

Getting the disk signature as negative

import wmi
wmi_connector = wmi.WMI()
def get_win_drive_mappings_locally(drivemappings):
for physical_disk in wmi_connector.Win32_DiskDrive():
for partition in physical_disk.associators("Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition"):
for logical_disk in partition.associators("Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition"):
print (physical_disk.Signature)
I am using wmi to get information of disks and signature.
when i print the instance of physical_disk the output is as below:
instance of Win32_DiskDrive
BytesPerSector = 512;
Capabilities = {3, 4};
CapabilityDescriptions = {"Random Access", "Supports Writing"};
Caption = "XXXXX SCSI Disk Device";
ConfigManagerErrorCode = 0;
ConfigManagerUserConfig = FALSE;
CreationClassName = "Win32_DiskDrive";
Description = "Disk drive";
DeviceID = "\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE1";
FirmwareRevision = "0 ";
Index = 1;
InterfaceType = "SCSI";
Manufacturer = "(Standard disk drives)";
MediaLoaded = TRUE;
MediaType = "Fixed hard disk media";
Model = "XXXX SCSI Disk Device";
Name = "\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE1";
Partitions = 1;
PNPDeviceID = "SCSI\\DISK&XXXXX&PROD_K\\4&5393C0A&0&000100";
SCSIBus = 0;
SCSILogicalUnit = 0;
SCSIPort = 2;
SCSITargetId = 1;
SectorsPerTrack = 63;
SerialNumber = "XXXXX";
Signature = **3908409726**;
Size = "107372805120";
Status = "OK";
SystemCreationClassName = "Win32_ComputerSystem";
SystemName = "SQLSERVER";
TotalCylinders = "13054";
TotalHeads = 255;
TotalSectors = "209712510";
TotalTracks = "3328770";
TracksPerCylinder = 255;
But when i print physical_disk.Signature the output is:
-386557570, i am not able to understand where its going wrong,expected output is 3908409726
-386557570 is indeed 3908409726 interpreted as a 32 bit signed integer (in 2's complement arithmetic); probably the Python WMI connector interprets all 32 bit values as signed.
To interpret it as an unsigned value, check if it's negative, and in that case add 1<<32.
def as_uint32(v):
if v<0:
return v + (1<<32)
return v
# ...
print (as_uint32(physical_disk.Signature))

How to Initialize Variable to Maximum Value

I am trying to figure out how to initialize a variable in VBScript to its maximum value.
For example, in C++, I would do something like:
double x = MAX_DOUBLE;
I am not sure how to do this in VBScript.
For now, I have defined the variable myself as constant value in the global scope of the script. I am not sure if this is the most elegant way of doing this. Is there a built-in variable I can use?
Const MAX_DOUBLE = CDbl(1.79769313486232e307)
Const MIN_DOUBLE = CDbl(-1.79769313486232e307)
I've never found the limits described on MSDN to be accurate for many of the VBScript data types. For example, the Currency type gives me an overflow for anything > XXX.5625, even though the docs say it should go to XXX.5808. Same thing for Double. The docs say the max should be 1.79769313486232e308 but that final 2 in the mantissa causes an overflow. These are the values I've used in the past:
Const MIN_BYTE = 0
Const MAX_BYTE = 255
Const MIN_INTEGER = -32768
Const MAX_INTEGER = 32767
Const MIN_LONG = -2147483648
Const MAX_LONG = 2147483647
Const MIN_SINGLE = -3.402823e38
Const MAX_SINGLE = 3.402823e38
Const MIN_DOUBLE = -1.79769313486231e308
Const MAX_DOUBLE = 1.79769313486231e308
Const MIN_CURRENCY = -922337203685477.5625
Const MAX_CURRENCY = 922337203685477.5625
Const MIN_DATE = #100/1/1#
Const MAX_DATE = #9999/12/31#
Because VBScript uses Variants, however, note that you may not get the type you expect when assigning a "max" (or min) value to a variable. For example:
b = MAX_BYTE ' Actually type Integer
s = MAX_SINGLE ' Actually type Double
c = MAX_CURRENCY ' Actually type Double
If you want to ensure you're getting the proper data type in return, you'll need to explicitly cast:
b = CByte(MAX_BYTE) ' Type Byte
s = CSng(MAX_SINGLE) ' Type Single
c = CCur(MAX_CURRENCY) ' Type Currency
