Laravel package class not found - laravel

I have installed laravel packages on staging server and packages working fine. But when i take pull on staging server, it is showing me error that package class not found.
Steps I have followed to resolve issue
I have check in vendor folder as well as in config/app.php, but I got class declaration and package folder is there.
After this when I update composer, my issue get resolved.
Is there any other file which should i look for class defination?

Perform a composer update, then composer dump-autoload.
If the above doesn't solve the problem, change the classmap in your composer.json file such that it contains the project-relative path to your php files:
"autoload-dev": {
"classmap": [
"database/seeds/UserTableSeeder.php" //include the file with its path here
and soon after, perform a composer dump-autoload, and it should work now


Can't require_once fdpf/fpdf.php

I am using the FPDI library from JanSlabon for securing PDF file uploads from my laravel app. But I can't execute the code require_once even though I navigated to the file itself. I am getting the error:
Failed opening required '../../vendor/setasign/fpdf/fpdf.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/Cellar/php/7.3.4/share/php/pear')
My require code is:
When the libraries are already located in your vendor folder, you should simply make use of the autoload.php file of composer (doesn't laravel uses this by default?).
So just add the dependencies to your composer.json (if not already done):
"require": {
"setasign/fpdf": "^1.8",
"setasign/fpdi": "^2.2",
"setasign/fpdi-protection": "^2.0"
Update via composer update and:
use setasign\FpdiProtection\FpdiProtection;
$pdf = new FpdiProtection();
Your relative path ../../ to vendor is probably wrong. To avoid this issue, use the Laravel base_path() helper which will provide an absolute path.
You can autoload using composer.json. First of all, create a directory called Custom in app directory and copy fpdi directory to app/Custom.
Now in autoload section of your composer.json file, require the file. After requiring the file, your composer.json file's autoload block should look like this if it is a fresh Laravel app:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/"
"classmap": [
"files": [
After updating your composer.json file, run composer dumpautoload. Now you can utilize the classes in your Laravel controllers or models without requiring the files manually.
While doing tests, I see that this library uses some deprecated methods and so on. You will have to deal with it, i.e. update the code to suite your needs. But I hope that this answer will help you in a way that you will be able to use any other library as well. Do a Google search and find a more modern library if this one's fixes are too broad.

Laravel : best place to create a composer package

I'm going to create my first laravel based composer package . also github for windows is installed . laravel is located in :
as i need to test my package with laravel during the development(check relational paths , error debugging) where is the best place to create package root folder ?
There is no default location for this. Lets say your packages is called HelloWorld, than you can put your package here:
And then add this to your composer file (composer.json in root directory):
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Alex\\Helloworld\\": "packages/Alex/Helloworld/src"
You can read more about this here

Setting up alias for master branch in composer

I am trying to package a module for use with composer. I have a valid composer file and I am able to install it with composer, but only when I specify that it should use dev releases (via the "#dev" version directive or minimum stability dev). I am having trouble packaging my repo so that it is seen as a master release.
I found a composer document about aliases that seems to be made for my case, but I cant get it working. Heres the relevant portion of my composer.json:
"extra": {
"branch-alias": {
"dev-master": "1.0"
Also for reference heres the require from my main projects composer file:
"require": {
"misterglass/kohana-twig" : "1.*"
And the actual error from composer is:
Problem 1
- The requested package misterglass/kohana-twig 1.* could not be found.
According to some helpful people on the #composer IRC channel, aliases are just to associate different versions to each other, and not to assign stability.
In order to for composer to consider it stable, you need to add a tag, which you can do on the command line or by creating a release in github.

Laravel config subfolder not recognized on new server

I have some config files of US state counties, for example:
And on my development localhost server, I call them with:
and it works, it loads an array of counties which I display somewhere.
But when I deploy this app on the Heroku, they won't show up.
I was thinking that it maybe has a problem with treating the config/state/subfolder as an environment config?
I do have a config/staging subfolder, in which I have new DB config stuff, and it works with no problem,
but on the Heroku app, the states just won't show up.
Have you added this directory to your autoload mapping in composer.json and then run composer dump-autoload? Without this, Laravel doesn't know to load your new files in to consideration.
Composer is a CLI-run file that exists in the Root of each laravel installation. composer.json is the config file for Composer - it uses this to manage your dependencies.
There's a section in composer.json called "autoload." These are the files that will automatically be loaded each time the app boots. Mine looks like this:
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
For each folder that didn't exist before and that I wanted Laravel to understand, I added an entry here. Then, I ran composer dump-autoload and Laravel "understood" where the files I wanted to use were.
Each time you add a file, class, repository - anything that you want Laravel to automatically use, you'll have to run composer dump-autoload.
P.S: If composer dump-autoload doesn't work, try composer.phar dump-autoload.

Created package in Laravel workbench, but how to transfer to vendor folder?

Let's say my package in Laravel is test/test.
I created the package in the workbench and it's been working great following Jason Lewis' tutorial. Now I want to move the package out of
the workbench to the vendor directory. This is where all tutorials fall short, even the laravel docs. I didn't want to use git to move the files, so I simply copied the test/test package from the workbench to the vendor directory (and then deleted it from the workbench). I didn't copy the test/test/vendor folder from the workbench (or any other files I noticed in the .gitignore file). I then ran composer install from my new vendor/test/test directory. I then did a composer dump-autoload from the laravel root directory.
Now when I run my application I get an error that I did not get when the package was in the workbench:
Class 'Test\Test\TestServiceProvider' not found
(this is coming from \bootstrap\compiled.php on line 4121)
I also did a php artisan dump-autoload from the laravel root and I get this same error.
Any ideas? Or can someone lead me to a tutorial that takes the package development all the way to it's final resting point in the vendor directory?
Got it working.
I added:
"psr-0": {
"Test\\Test": "vendor/test/test/src/"
to the autoload section in composer.json in the laravel root directory so it looks like this:
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"psr-0": {
"Test\\Test": "vendor/test/test/src/"
If I decide to put the package on Packagist later then I might remove this from the autoload and just keep the package referenced in the "require" part of my composer.json. We'll see what happens when I get that far!
I think you can install your packages from your hard drive as from local repository like this:
"repositories": [
