Show a toast notification when UWP app is being uninstalled - winapi

I want to find a solution when the user uninstalls my app, a toast notification will be shown. But I could not find any solution for it. I tried using, the package uninstall event:
But this only worked when the app was opened. Not when the app is closed. Is there any way to observe app uninstallation? I heard I can do that using win32 API but not sure how. Can you guys help me? If you can suggest any win32 API that will also be helpful.

You maybe able to use the desktop6:UninstallAction package extension, which requires the customInstallActions restricted capability. You specify an executable in your package, a name for the action, and arguments to pass to the executable. Have the executable when invoked with the arguments display the desired toast notification.


Programatically Start UWP app after installation

I am creating a Store Build for my UWP app. I would like the app to run automatically (without user intervention) once installed on end-user device. Is that possible? If so, how?
I’m afraid you can’t let the app run automatically after installation.
Currently, uwp doesn’t provide such api to do this. If you do want this feature, please feel free to submit your feature requirement with Windows Feedback Hub app.

Is it possible to prevent your app from appearing as an extension for specific apps?

I've built an Action Extension for my app, and when i choose to Open In... something from inside of my app, I appear as an extension for myself. This UX is kinda weird, but also, it doesnt even work when i try to be an extension of myself.
I dont see anything in the documentation that specifies responding apps aside from NSExtensionActivationRule?
This is not possible at the moment in iOS 8.0

Stop Android AVD showing location change toast

Whenever I change location on my AVD, whether it's via telnet or in DDMS I get a system toast message saying 'my current location is .....'
It's really annoying as it's covering up my app which is showing these details.
I can't find a way of removing it and searching didn't show much up. Any ideas?
Checked on my AVDs with Android 4.4 and I can safely say this toast is not part of Android system, and I can only assume this toast is being shown probably by a tool or an application you previously installed on the AVD.
My suggestion for you is to track LogCat whenever you send a mock location and see which events are being recorded to log when the toast is being displayed. If such an event is recorded, track it to the source package and remove that package by running adb uninstall <package_name>. If this fails, try creating a new AVD and send a mock location to it before making any changes to the machine, then incrementally install whatever tools and applications you need to identify the culprit.
Do you have any extra libraries or modules setup with your application? My first thoughts would be that some other library you added may have a toast built in and their code is calling it at some point. If you do try looking in those libraries and remove the toast code.

Force a call in WP7

I wonder if it was possible to force a call without using the messagebox confirmation (in debug mode for example...)?
I use currently PhoneCallTask ​​to make a call.
(My application should never go on the market place)
Thank you for your answers,
There is no other way to make a call then using PhoneCallTask(), even if your app is not going on the marketplace.
The current Windows Phone SDK only provides the PhoneCallTask to make calls, and this class shows the confirmation message box, so the answer is no...

Detect global paste events in cocoa

within my app I'd like to know when something is pasted from the clipboard, even if it does not happen in my application. So if a copy happens in let's say Safari and the paste is happening in let's say TextEdit, then I'd like to get a notification of that in my own application. Is this anyhow possible?
I found two articles on hooking API calls on Mac OS
Is it possible to hook API calls on Mac OS?
Hooking Cocoa API?
but i have no idea if this can help me.
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks a lot!
You can observe the keyboard input using Quartz Event Services or Carbon Event Manager.
Note that sandboxing your app will break this feature.
