Qt Quick 3D custom geometry in Qt5/Qt6 - render

I'm trying to build an example project with custom geometry under Qt 5.15.2 (https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qt6-dev/qtquick3d-customgeometry-example.html)
I get all qml ui elements drawn except for the mesh. In Qt 6 all works fine and mesh is rendered.
I see on the link attached above that the example refers to Qt 6 however QQuick3DGeometry class which provides us with custom geometry exists in Qt5.
Please let me know if there's a chance to use Qt 5.15 for the purpose of rendering mesh with custom geometry and whether QQuick3DGeometry can be helpful in this case. Thank you in advance.

The solution is to use setName() during initializing custom geometry. That's the way it works in Qt5. In Qt6 it is not necessary. https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-89420


How to create UI for Spark AR?

I'm new to Spark AR and I'm having issues creating a UI that sticks to the screen rather than moving with the 3D object (I'm using plane tracking). Does anyone have a tutorial you followed or could tell me how to do it?
My end game is to have the user be able to switch between 3D models by touching two buttons.
Have you tried using a canvas object?
See here:

ThreeJs - Building a Timeline component in ThreeJS

I'm trying to build a Timeline component in ThreeJS, similar to this one:
What will be the first steps and do I need ThreeJS or other WebGL libraries for it?
check out this example: https://threejs.org/examples/#css3d_periodictable
I think it comes pretty close to your example:

How to create a custom sprite [FiveM Lua]

I have been searching for a way to draw a custom image (.png) on screen.
When I started to look it up, I noticed everyone went for the UI way.
I've already asked how I could do this using one of FiveM's natives and I got the answer of drawSprite()
But now I have a new question; How can I create a custom sprite for the drawSprite() native to call upon?
And when I have this custom sprite, how do I use it in the drawSprite() native?
Thanks in advance!

cocos2dx 3.13 - DrawNode with animation

I am a newbie in cocos2d-x 3.13, I want draw with animation in the DrawNode like video: Art Gurus. It will draw a line the same when draw by hand. Any suggest for this solutions ? Thanks
In openFrameworks, you could do that with ofPath. AFAIK, Cocos2dx has no such class, so you would need to create your own.

How to animate fbx model using xna programmatically

I have fbx model exported from 3ds max. I have 3d coordinate that are extracted from a motion capture session. I want to animate the model using these 3d coordinates. after googling I found xna can be used for this purpose.
I found a tutorial on digitalrun that used kinectxna to capture motion and animate .fbx model using xna. but I can't build it because it wants kinect hardware elements.
I found another tutorial here. I am newbie to xna. I faced difficulties to understand that.can someone point me to right tutorial that expalins skeletal animation of .fbx model using xna?
You can start with this example to understand how animation work:
The animation data is contained in the model itself. But you can change some code to work with your 3d coordinates.
I found a library to animation. XNAnimation Library
P.S. You can find a lot of tutorials and libraries for animation if you search "Skinned Model"
