Run python-selenium script through jmeter - jmeter

I have a selenium script written in Python, how do I run it through jmeter?
I read it from other posting that you can choose JSR223 sampler, but it really does not have in language portion, a choice of python.

You need to download jython jar and copy it to JMeter's lib folder

I don't think it's possible via JSR223 Sampler, although you can get Python language support in JSR223 test elements by putting Jython jar to the JMeter classpath you won't be able to install selenium module
So the options are in:
Use OS Process Sampler for launching your Python scripts
Convert your Python scripts into "pure" JMeter scripts by running them via JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, see Http proxies Selenium documentation chapter for example code


In Taurus, How to set "Clear cookies each iteration" to true?

I am trying to clear cookies after each iteration in Taurus yaml.
I tried the solution from below thread but it didn't work:
[Google Group]
Above thread says:
For reference I did it like this:
"Cookies>CookieManager.clearEachIteration": "true"
I have tried the same but didn't work.
Using JMeter I can clear the cookies but need the same behavior for Taurus. Any help.
What do you mean "for Taurus"? Taurus just provides YAML configuration of some of JMeter test elements. The "solution" you're referring is for running existing .jmx script using Taurus
Taurus doesn't support 100% of JMeter functionality when it comes to building test plan from config, refer the documentation to see what is supported.
If you want to use some JMeter functionality which is not supported by Taurus the options are in:
Reach out to Taurus developers via the forum you're referencing and ask them to implement the functionality you need
Implement it yourself, Taurus is an open source project
Switch to the existing .jmx script execution
Switch to JMeter and stop using Taurus as a wrapper
Use JR223 Test Elements to perform the removing of cookies, i.e. you could add a JSR223 PreProcessor to the first sampler in the Thread Group and call sampler.getCookieManager().clear() function there where sampler stands for HTTPSamplerBase

Save File and close Jmeter GUI with command line

I am currently trying to automatically record a JMeter script using Selenium. Therefore i start Jmeter in GUI-Mode through Jenkins (using a batch file) with activated Script Recorder.
Then i run a Selenium-test also through Jenkins and a batch file. The requests that this Selenioum script is doing are successfully being recorded.
The only step that i was not able to figure out yet is to save the recorded JMX-Script and close JMeter.
Is there a way to do this through command line, batch file or other? Doing it manually is not an option since JMeter is running on a remote node through Jenkins.
I was able to close JMeter through a system exit/kill command but this way the jmx-file is not being saved.
I don't think it's possible as of JMeter 5.2.1, you will need to automate JMeter GUI separately using Appium or Sikuli or ldtp
However I believe it will make more sense to reconsider your approach and go for one of the following options:
Replay your Selenium test using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder as the proxy
Use Taurus tool which has Proxy2JMX Converter
If above 2 options for some reason cannot be used in your environment you can automate i.e. JMeter Chrome Extension from Selenium (check out 6 Easy Steps to Testing Your Chrome Extension With Selenium for details) so you will be able to start the recording and export resulting .jmx script directly from your browser without having to communicate with the remote Jenkins/JMeter instances.

Is there a way to call a VBS fuction inside Post processor Beanshell - Jmeter

Hi I've a piece of code in VBS file and a function is associated with that
code. I want to call that vbscript function inside a beanshell after Jmeter
execute all its sampler .Is there a way to call a vbs function inside a
beanshell? Please suggest...
It should be as simple as
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("wscript c:/jmeter/bin/yourscript.vbs);
See Runtime class JavaDoc for more details on the approach.
However if your script produces some console output it might be easier to use OS Process Sampler configured like:
See How to Run External Commands and Programs Locally and Remotely from JMeter article to learn how to execute 3rd-party applications from JMeter tests.

Jmeter - how to execute linux bash shell command/script through BeanShell

please, advice how to how to execute linux bash shell command/script through BeanShell. The idea behind is to use this approach for setUp and teardown without taking place in final reports.
The goal is to setUp/tearDown test environment for each ThreadGroup
Thanks in advance
I would recommend considering switching to JSR223 Test Elements as:
Well-behaved groovy can be compiled into bytecode
Executing commands in Groovy is much easier, all you need is to add .execute() after the command and that's it
See Beanshell vs JSR223 vs Java JMeter Scripting: The Performance-Off You've Been Waiting For! article for more detailed information on Groovy scripting in JMeter.
As Beanshell is Java (scripting lang), you can use below statement in Beanshell to run a specific command.

JMeter - CIFS support using JCIFS

Does anyone have attempted to write a script in JMeter using JCIFS to write/read/delete file on a remote share? Thanks.
Extensibility is the main feature of JMeter.
In regards to your question I would recommend the following:
Download jcifs-*.jar and drop it to the /lib folder of your JMeter installation
Download groovy-all-*.jar and put it to the same location
Restart Jmeter
Add JSR223 Sampler and put JCIFS-specific code there. See JCIFS API documentation for classes and methods reference.
Make sure that "groovy" language is selected in the "Language" drop-down
Add more JSR223 Samplers if needed
Remember the following:
don't refer JMeter Variables as ${VAR} in groovy code
if you use "Script" input rather than path to groovy file - put something unique (per sampler) into the "Compilation Cache Key" input
For detailed explanation of "why groovy", groovy scripting engine installation instructions and scripting best practices see Beanshell vs JSR223 vs Java JMeter Scripting: The Performance-Off You've Been Waiting For! guide.
