I have server working that looks a little bit like this
require "socket"
require "openssl"
require "thread"
listeningPort = Integer(ARGV[0])
server = TCPServer.new(listeningPort)
sslContext = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new
sslContext.cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.open("cert.pem"))
sslContext.key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.open("priv.pem"))
sslServer = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLServer.new(server, sslContext)
puts "Listening on port #{listeningPort}"
loop do
connection = sslServer.accept
Thread.new {...}
When I connect with TLS1.3 and I provide a client cert, I can see that it's working when I verify the cert in the ssl context, but peer_cert is never set on the connection, only the context receives a session.
Do I need to upgrade manually to TLS to access the cert from the client?
The reason why I want it is, I can restrict content or authenticate by looking at the cert on the Gemini protocol
After a lot of reading in the OpenSSL docs I found a solution:
I set the sslContext.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER and add a verification callback
sslContext.verify_callback = proc do |_a, _b|
Which will behave like VERIFY_NONE, but it does request the peer certificate (which it won't when mode is set to VERIFY_NONE as the documentation states: https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.1/man3/SSL_CTX_set_verify.html
I have a project to complete in Ruby involving TLS v.1.3. I want to optimize requests and thus use "early data". I'm using a package called tttls1.3 and the client works until I send early data to the server. What's even more wired is that a request with early data goes through and I get a response from the server but immediately after the reply (response message) an alert 20 (Bad Record MAC) is received. I went so far that I even go and recalculate the "client-finished" message which seemed suspicious but it looks correct.
What could be the problem? Is there a TCP or other issue I could check?
Here's an example:
require 'socket'
require 'tttls1.3'
settings2 = {
alpn: ['http/1.1'],
supported_groups: [TTTLS13::NamedGroup::SECP256R1],
cipher_suites: [TTTLS13::CipherSuite::TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384],
check_certificate_status: false,
settings1 = {
alpn: ['http/1.1'],
supported_groups: [TTTLS13::NamedGroup::SECP256R1],
cipher_suites: [TTTLS13::CipherSuite::TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384],
check_certificate_status: false,
process_new_session_ticket: lambda do |nst, rms, cs|
return if Time.now.to_i - nst.timestamp > nst.ticket_lifetime
settings2[:ticket] = nst.ticket
settings2[:resumption_master_secret] = rms
settings2[:psk_cipher_suite] = cs
settings2[:ticket_nonce] = nst.ticket_nonce
settings2[:ticket_age_add] = nst.ticket_age_add
settings2[:ticket_timestamp] = nst.timestamp
socket = TCPSocket.new("ssltest.louis.info", 443)
client = TTTLS13::Client.new(socket, "ssltest.louis.info", settings1)
client.write("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n")
client.write("Host: ssltest.louis.info\r\n")
socket = TCPSocket.new("ssltest.louis.info", 443)
client = TTTLS13::Client.new(socket, "ssltest.louis.info", settings2)
client.early_data("HEAD / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ssltest.louis.info\r\n\r\n\r\n")
p client.read
p client.read
p client.read
p client.read
Original issue: https://github.com/thekuwayama/tttls1.3/issues/48
It turned out that the Connection: close header must be present in the request. It must be the remote server implementation specific.
I want to write a simple server in Ruby that returns a different TLS certificate depending on the hostname.
Currently I do it so that I specify a TCPServer with SSLContext and give the SSLContext certificate and key. This certificate is then used for all connections regardless of the hostname.
context = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new
context.min_version = :TLS1_2
context.add_certificate cert, key
serv = TCPServer.new host, port
secure = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLServer.new(serv, context)
Thread.new(secure.accept) do |conn|
# do stuff
Therefore a different certificate should be sent depending on the SNI. How to implement this?
You can use servername_cb:
context.servername_cb = lambda do |_, name|
ctx = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new
# load certificate for name
ctx.add_certificate cert[0], cert[1]
return ctx
Alternatively, you can use the already existing Context:
context.servername_cb = lambda do |socket, name|
ctx = socket.context
# load certificate for name
ctx.add_certificate cert[0], cert[1]
return ctx
The function which servername_cb is called during the TLS handshake. It is passed an SSLSocket and the name as argument. It is expected to return an SSLContext with corresponding certificates.
I am trying to interact with the Cleverbot API with Lua. I've got a key and a username, so I tested with Postman and it worked perfectly. Then I tried to do the same thing with Lua but I'm having a weird error.
This is the code:
local https = require("ssl.https")
local string = require("string")
local ltn12 = require ("ltn12")
local funcs = (loadfile "./libs/functions.lua")()
local function cleverbot(msg)
local params = {
['user'] = 'SyR2nvN1cAxxxxxx',
['key'] = 'ckym8oDRNvpYO95GmTD14O9PuGxxxxxx',
['nick'] = 'cleverbot',
['text'] = tostring(msg),
local body = funcs.encode_table(params)
local response = {}
ok, code, headers, status = https.request({
method = "POST",
url = "https://cleverbot.io/1.0/ask/",
headers = {
['Accept'] = '*/*',
['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
['accept-encoding'] = 'gzip',
['content-length'] = tostring(#body),
source = ltn12.source.string(body),
sink = ltn12.sink.table(response)
response = table.concat(response)
if code ~= 200 then
if response[1] ~= nil then
return tostring(response)
However, when I call this, this is what those 4 prints shows:
tlsv1 alert internal error
I tried to connect using HTTP instead, but this is what happens:
table: 0xe5f7d60
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
response is always empty. Please, what am I doing wrong?
My strong suspicion is, that the target host (cleverbot.io) insists to get a hostname through SNI (server name indication), which the ssl-library you use does not send. Usually, servers use a default site then, but of course they are free to let the handshake fail then. Seems like this is, what cloudflare (where cleverbot.io is hosted or proxied through) does.
Unfortunately there is no easy way to fix this, unless the underlying ssl-libraries are changed to use sni with hostname cleverbot.io for the ssl handshake.
See also
openssl s_client -connect cleverbot.io:443 -tls1_1
openssl s_client -servername cleverbot.io -connect cleverbot.io:443 -tls1_1
This means, not only the underlying ssl libraries have to support sni, but also have to be told, which servername to use by the lua-binding-layer in between. Luasec for example does not make use of sni currently, afaik
I have the next configuration:
Net::HTTP.ssl_context_accessor 'ssl_version'
#http = Net::HTTP.new(#url.host, 443)
#http.ssl_version = :SSLv2
#http.use_ssl = true
#http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
#http.set_debug_output $stderr
#http.open_timeout = 10
#http.read_timeout = 10
And then I use the #http object to make a request_get this way:
path = "/login.cgi?username=#{#url.user}&password=#{#url.password}"
debug("Making request #{#http.address}")
response = #http.request_get(path)
#cookie = response.get_fields('set-cookie').split('; ')[0]
Puppet.debug('Cookie got!')
The server is supposed to return me a cookie, but the only output I get from the debug is
Debug: Making request server.com
opening connection to server.com...
And it hangs there forever (not even raising timeout).
I'm very new to ruby, and this code has been retrieved from other stackoverflow questions, and was suppose to work.
I've been searching for google, but haven't found anything similar, any idea?
Changing the SSL version to SSLv3 and the request_get method by post solved the problem.
I try to connect to mail Yahoo! account from Ruby using both net/imap and net/pop. But I randomly get error EOFile (from IMAP) or Connection Refused/Reset by peer (from POP). Has anybody tried to connect to Yahoo! Mail and had some experiences about it?
There's a bug in ruby's net/imap library that is exposed when connecting to Yahoo.
The fix is straightforward and described here:
Basically, edit imap.rb and change the inner loop of search_response method from:
token = lookahead
case token.symbol
when T_CRLF
when T_SPACE
token = lookahead
case token.symbol
when T_CRLF
when T_SPACE
then test with the following code:
require 'net/imap'
Net::IMAP.debug = true
conn = Net::IMAP.new('imap.mail.yahoo.com', 143, false)
conn.instance_eval { send_command('ID ("GUID" "1")') }
conn.authenticate('LOGIN', ARGV[0], ARGV[1] )
uids = conn.uid_search(['ALL'])
puts uids.join(',')