Mock bean is autowired into #Spy bean mockito - spring

My unit test try #Spy beanA. But BeanA #autowire bean B as bellow:
public class MyServiceImplTest {
private BeanA beanA;
private MyService myService = new MyServiceImpl();
public void testDoSomeThing(){
MyServiceImpl as bellow :
public class MyServiceImpl {
private BeanA beanA;
public doSomeThing(){
beanA as bellow
public class BeanA {
private BeanB beanB;
public beanADoSomeThing(){
//Null pointer exception in here because beanB=null
when run unit test i get null pointer exception at line beanB.beanBDoSomeThing(), I can understand the reason but how to resolve this issue?
I have tried
private BeanB beanB;
But this not work, how to resolve this issue ?

If you want to spy your bean in context, you need #SpyBean annotation instead of #Spy and also you should autowire your service to be tested, smth like this:
public class ExTest {
private BeanA beanA;
private MyService myService;
public void testDoSomeThing() {
If you don't want to load application context and test only MyServiceImpl behavior in isolation, you can use pure Mockito and mock or spy dependencies of MyServiceImpl:
public class MockitTest {
private MyServiceImpl myService;
private BeanA beanA;
#Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void test() {
doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(beanA).beanADoSomeThing();


I can't autowire Service class in Spring Boot Test

I created Dao Repository that uses jdbc for working with DB.
I autowired this repository in my Service class.
Then I try to autowire my service class in my test class.
public class ServiceTest {
private Dao dao;
private Service service;
void whenSomething_thanSomething() {
assertEquals(0, service.getStatus(""));
//other tests...
public class Service {
private DaoImpl daoImpl;
public Service(DaoImpl daoImpl) {
this.daoImpl = daoImpl;
public class DaoImpl omplements Dao {
private NamedParameterJdbcOperations jdbc;
public DaoImpl(NamedParametedJdbcOperations jdbc) {
this.jdbc = jdbc;
When I start test I get the next error:
Parameter 0 of constructor in Service required a bean of type DaoImpl that could not be found.
How can I resolve my problem?
Since you inject DaoImpl in your service-class you were probably intending to mock DaoImpl instead of Dao:
public class ServiceTest {
private DaoImpl daoImpl;

NPE when not injecting mock data for mapper class (spring boot)

I am using spring boot. I have the below mapper class to map the entity object to model object.
#Mapper(componentModel = "spring")
public interface PersonMapper {
PersonEntity personModelToPersonEntity(PersonModel pm)
PersonModel personEntityToPersonModel(PersonEntity pe)
Service class:
public class MyService{
PersonMapper personMapper;
PersonRepository personRepo;
public List<Person> getDetails() {
List<Person> personList = personRepo.findAll();
List<PersonModel> pm = personMapper.personEntityToPersonModel(personList);
I have the below Junit test case, where I'm mocking the data.
public class PersonTest{
PersonService personService;
// #Mock
// PersonMapper personMapper;
PersonRepository personRepo;
void getPersonDetailsTest() {
Eveything works if I mock the personMapper, but i don't want to mock the mapper class, when test case is executing, as i'm sending the mock entity data using "given(personRepo.findAll()).willReturn(mymockData);" so when it hits the service it should automatically convert the mock data sent to model object. In my case when i have commented the code for mocking mapper class, it is throwing NullPointerException in service class at the mapper object.
As #M. Denium said, nothing is there, because application context isn't raising with MockitoExtension. So, you can either mock your PersonMapper and stub its behavior or inject it manually with ReflectionTestUtils:
public class PersonTest{
PersonService personService;
PersonMapper personMapper = Mappers.getMapper(PersonMapper.class);
PersonRepository personRepo;
void getPersonDetailsTest() {
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(personService, "personMapper", personMapper);

#Scheduled junit with mockito

I have service with #Scheduled annotation and i try to test it.
public class CreatorService {
private final MyService myService;
public CreatorService(MyService myService) {
this.myService= myService;
#Scheduled(cron = "${test.cron.expression}")
public void initAndCheckTimers() {
and I writed unit-test for this service
public class AlertsSchedulerCreatorServiceTest {
CreatorService service;
MyService myService;
public void test() throws InterruptedException {
Mock injected ok, but method initAndCheckTimers() doesn't start. How can I test my #Scheduled method?
The problem is that #EnableScheduling only works for #Configuration classes
You can create a Config class like the following
public class ScheduledConfig {
And after add it to your test like this:

How to mock a class that been annotated with Primary

I have :
an interface : EntityService
a first implementation : EntityServiceImpl - This class is annotated with #Primary
an other one : EntityServiceClientImpl
and a controller that has this field #Autowired EntityService
I would like to do a test on this controller and for this test to be unitary I mock EntityService.
So of course this code does not work because Spring detects two beans annotated with Primary :
class EntityControllerTestConfig {
EntityService entityService() {
return mock(EntityService.class);
#SpringBootTest(classes = TestApplication.class)
#ContextConfiguration(classes = EntityControllerTestConfig.class)
public class EntityControllerTest {
private EntityService entityService;
#SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages= "")
#EntityScan (basePackages = {"" }, basePackageClasses = {Jsr310JpaConverters.class })
public class TestApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
I tried to find an other way to mock and to exclude EntityServiceClient on test configuration but i was not able to mock. (cf : exclude #Component from #ComponentScan )
I finaly found that solution : a spring context (with controller, controllerAdvice and mock of service) and not a spring boot context
public class EntityControllerTest {
public static class EntityControllerTestConfig {
public EntityService entityService() {
return mock(EntityService.class);
public EntityController entityController() {
return new EntityController(entityService());
private EntityService entityService;
private EntityController entityController;
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void setup() throws DomaineException {
this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders
.setControllerAdvice(new myControllerAdvice())
NB : Since Spring 4.2 you can set your ControllerAdvice like that.
You can approach it slightly differently and combine #WebMvcTest with #MockBean annotation to test just the controller with it's own minimal context.
#WebMvcTest(controllers = EntityController.class)
public class EntityControllerTest {
private EntityService entityService;
private MockMvc mvc;
In this example EntityService will be mocked while MockMvc can be used to assert the request mappings in controller.

Configuration to use #Mock and #InjectMocks

I want to use a mock DAO to unit test the service layer in my spring application. In the DAO, it's seesinoFactory is injected using #Inject.
When the test class is configured with #RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class)
public class ServiceTest {
private MyDao myDaoMock;
private MyServiceImpl myService;
The output is just as expected.
When I changed the configuration to using #RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)
#ContextConfiguration(locations = "/ServiceTest-context.xml")
public class ServiceTest {
private MyDao myDaoMock;
private MyServiceImpl myService;
public void setup(){
The exception,"No qualifying bean of type [org.hibernate.SessionFactory] found for dependency", will be thrown if sessionFactory bean is not available in ServiceTest-context.xml.
What I don't understand is MyDao is annotated with #Mock already, why is sessionFactory still needed?
you must use #RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) to initialize these mocks and inject them.
#Mock creates a mock.
#InjectMocks creates an instance of the class and injects the mocks that are created with the #Mock or #Spy annotations into this instance.
Or Using Mockito.initMocks(this) as follows:
public class FooTest {
TestTarget sut;
Foo mockFoo;
/* Initialized mocks */
public void setup() {
public void someTest() {
// ....
