i justi study and test emeditor's marco now
here i have a question about how can i use emediotr's marco to select multiline
for example
i want to select line-10 to line-20 simulatensly
how i can do it in marco language
i have know i can use this
but it can only select line-10 then line-20, there are two line
how can it select line-10 to line-20 simulatensly , like line-10 to line-20 , ther are 10 lines
my english is poor
thanks for you time to read my poor english
i don't have a skill for javascript , if possible, code as simple as stupid ,
If you want to select lines 10-20, You can write a macro like this:
I got like 30mlion words in Emeditor format looks like:
I would like to know which word has the most repetitions. its possible to check it?
I dont want do it manualy like bookmarking or find next.
I would like it in this form or in any other:
3200 Money
3190 Love
In EmEditor, select Extract Frequent Strings on the Search menu, accept the default options, and click OK.
The result output of your sample will be like this:
If you prefer a macro, use this line:
document.selection.ExtractFrequent(eeFreqTypeLines, eeFindReplaceCase, 1, 100, "");
To run this, save this code as, for instance, Macro.jsee, and then select this file from Select... in the Macros menu. Finally, select Run Macro.jsee in the Macros menu while a document with a list of words is active.
I have the same button in two different application , so i want to write the same code for them , but the pb is that there's a difference between the xpaths in the text , one starts with an uppercase letter and the second all in lower case :
xpath1: //span[contains(#class,'text')][contains(text(),'Test')]
xpath2: //span[contains(#class,'text')][contains(text(),'test')]
so i want to use the same function: Click Element ${element}
for both apps , how to do that ?
I'm using below format, it works perfect. So you can have multiple xpath using this union operator "|". There are also multiple options, but this works and easy to use.
//span[contains(#class,'text')][contains(text(),'Test')] | //span[contains(#class,'text')][contains(text(),'test')]
you can also use below format, but this looks little dirty.
//span[contains(#class,'text')][contains(text(),'Test') or contains(text(),"test")]
I'm needing help again
Is there an equivalent to the Contains function in SAS Hadoop (explicit SQL Pass through) ?
E.g. an alternative version to:
I attempted using:
When (array_contains(a.DESCRIPTION ,'XXX') = FALSE)
But that does not work.
Any help most welcome!
Thanks Kiran for suggesting the instr function.... looks like it does what I needed
So I used to get what I wanted:
When instr(a.DESCRIPTION, 'XXX') = 0 Then 1
Mayank.... Thanks for your suggestion, I'll investigate this function later on
You can probably use rlike(regular_expression).
WHERE some_col RLIKE '*abc*|*pqr*|*xyz*'
For negative results, put a NOT before RLIKE.
Let me know if this works.
I don't see anything on the oracle docs saying how to change the formatting of the output of a numtodsinterval function so I was hoping you could help
I would like this to come out in a two digit format :'MM', now it works in converting 1.25 into 1:15 but if the time is 8.1333 it displays 8:8
Hey sorry yes you're right, I had not given enough information, I did want to display it in typical time fashion HH:MM, and also you are right it does return a number, I did not have a to_char , adding it made this a simple problem to solve so thank you!
I am new to J meter, i have a question like prepared a CSV as shown below, Now i want to use loop controller to access the rows from CSV sequencially. Please help on this. I need to execute loop for 5 times and each loop has to pick next row.
Fname Lname
west1 east1
west2 east2
west3 east3
Please help me the settings to use loop counter for the same.
Take a look the examples provided with JMeter. See the example of CSV reading in %JMETER_HOME%\bin\examples\CSVSample.jmx. It is pretty simple and obvious case.