How to show missing index pattern data in EFK - elasticsearch

I have 15 log files which are connecting to some services and saving data. I am uploading the data for these log files in elastic search using td-agent. I have created index pattern for each log files in td-agent-config file. I have log files with name as:
and so on. So I have also created the name as index pattern. In elasticsearch, instead of adding all the 15 index pattern, I have created index pattern as health_* so under this index pattern, all the 15 logs data is saved. I can then easily query and create dashboard for the list of services currently running.
But I also want to check the service which is offline. Which means I need to check which are the index pattern data not coming in elasticsearch. I have tried looking for this online but didn't get any results on how to show list of offline index pattern data. Can anyone please give some good suggestions. Please help. Thanks


How I can remove only data from elastic search index not the complete index

I have one ELK index available using that I am showing visual dashboard.
My requirement is that I need to empty or remove the data only , not the index it self. How i can achieve this. I googled a lot . I am getting solution to remove the index, but i need only to remove the data so index will remain there.
I want to achieve this dynamically using command prompt.
You can simply delete all the data in the index if there's not too much of it:
POST my-index/_delete_by_query?q=*&wait_for_completion=false

What does elastic search Store, and how?

Elastic search is a search engine, according to Wikipedia. This implies it is not a database, and does not store the data it is indexing (but presumably does store its indexes)
There are presumably 2 ways to get data into Es. Log shipping or directly via api.
Let’s say my app wants to write an old fashioned log file entry:
Logger.error(now() + “ something bad happened in module “ + module + “;” + message”
This could either write to a file or put the data directly in es using a rest api.
If it was done via rest api, does es store the entire log message, in which case you dont need to waste disk writing the logs to files for compliance etc. Or does it only index the data, so you need to keep a separate copy? If you delete or move the original log file, how does es know, and is what it Deos store still usefull?
If you write to a log file, then use log stash or similar to “put the log data in es” does es store the entire log file as well as any indexes?
How does es parse or index arbitrary log files? Does it treat a log line as a single string, or does it require logs to have a specific format such as cvs or Jason?
Does anyone know of a resource with this key info?
Elasticsearch does store the data you are indexing.
When you ingest data into elasticsearch, this data is stored in one or more index and then it can be searched. To be able to search something with elasticsearch you need to store the data in elasticsearch, it can not for example search on external files.
In your example, if you have an app sending logs do elasticsearch, it will store the entire message you send and after it is in elasticsearch you don't need the original log anymore.
If you need to parse your documents in different fields you can do it before sending the log to elasticsearch as a json document, use logstash to do this or use an ingest pipeline in elasticsearch.
A good starting point to know more about how it works is the official documentation

How data is getting mapped in Elastic search in ELK?

I am new to the ELK and i am in the progress of learning it. In my project, they are importing the data from Amazon S3 -> File Beat -> logstash -> Elastic search -> Kibanna.
In the logstash file, they have directly importing the data and sending to the Elastic search something like below and there was no indexes mentioned in the config file,
output elasticsearch
hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]
In Amazon s3, we have logs from Salesforce and in future we are going to implement from multiple sources.
In Elastic search, i could see 41 indexes(Used Get Curl script) is present. Assume if we keep the same setup in logstash, then all logs(Multiple sources) will be sent to elastic search in same manner. I would like to know how the data is getting mapped to the particular index in elastic search ??
In many tutorials, they have given indexes in the logstash config file so in kibanna we could see the index name along with timestamp. I have tried to check by placing a sample Mulesoft log file in Amazon S3 but i cant able to find those data in Kibanna. So shall i need to create one more new index with a name Mule along with mappings??
There is no ELK expert in my project so please guide me on how to approach this one or any references will be more helpful.
This page ( documents Logstash's Elasticsearch output plugin.
As you can see in the Configuration Options section, the option index is not mandatory. If this option is not specified, its default-value is logstash-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}.
With that being said, the documents will get indexed into indices with the prefix 'logstash-' followed by the date of ingestion. For example:
Since someone in your organization has chosen to go with the default value, this option can be left out. This explains why you can't find a particular index name in the Logstash configuration. If you need to index documents into different indices, then you'd have to set a particular value for the index option.
Elasticsearch will automatically create these indices with a dynamic mapping ( if you haven't setup an explicit mapping via index templates in advance. In order to see the data in kibana, you first need to create an index pattern matching the index name.
I hope I could help you.

KIbana isn’t showing newly created indicies

I created 3 indicies on my elastisearch opened up kibana and all those showed up on it. After a few days I created 2 more indicies and opened up my kibana but I only see those 3 indicies I created for the first time and not the new ones.
I tried searching for those indicies in Discover but nothing shows up.
Everything is running locally on my laptop
Has anyone faced this problem before?
In the Kibana Discover view, you don't see indexes, but index patterns, which are a way of grouping indexes together under a single logical name, similar to an alias.
For instance, if your index pattern is called my-index-* then you'll see all indexes called my-index-1, my-index-2, etc
If you create new indexes, the key is to use a name that will match the index pattern that you've created. If you create my-index-999 then it will be visible in the Discover view immediately without further action. If you create an index called another-index-1 then it will not be visible until you create an appropriate index pattern that matches this name.

Elastic search document storing

Basic usecase that we are trying to solve is for users to be able to search from the contents of the log file .
Lets say a simple situation where user searches for a keyword and this is present in a log file which i want to render it back to the user.
We plan to use ElasticSearch for handling this. The idea that i have in mind is to use elastic search as a mechanism to store the indexed log files.
Having this concept in mind, i went through
Couple of questions i have,
1) I understand the input provided to elastic search is a JSON doc. It is going to scan this JSON provided and create/update indexes. So i need a mechanism to convert my input log files to JSON??
2) Elastic search would scan this input document and create/update inverted indexes. These inverted indexes actually point to the exact document. So does that mean, ES would store these documents somewhere?? Would it store them as JSON docs? Is it purely in memory or on file sytem/database?
3) No when user searches for a keyword , ES returns back the document which contains the searched keyword. Now do i need to have the ability to convert back this JSON doc to the original log document that user expects??
Clearly im missing something.. Sorry for asking questions this silly , but im trying to improve my skills and its WIP.
Also , i understand that there is ELK stack out there. For some reasons we just want to use ES and not the LogStash and Kibana part of the stack..
Logs needs to be parsed to JSON before they can be inserted into Elasticsearch
All documents are stored on the filesystem and some data is kept in memory but all data is persistent.
When you search Elasticsearch you get back matching JSON documents. If you want to display the original error message, you can store that original message in one of the JSON fields and display just that.
So if you just want to store log messages and not break them into fields or anything, you can simply take each row and send it to Elasticsearch like so:
{ "message": "This is my log message" }
To parse logs, break them into fields and add some logic, you will need to use some sort of app, like Logstash for example.
